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Y-1W#Xw PE37[hXP#y!\& B z@Uddfcclogo.wpg\&y$(#(#00(#(#!E0$   #XP\  P6Q[hXP#    88K@@%#&J\  P6Q#{&P# !E0  88K@@%  Y-!E0#XP\  P6Q[hXP#  X$(#(#00(#(#!E0$  $(#(#00(#(#!E0$#` 2PG;U` P# ddZd  Figure 1  Figure 1 PUBLIC NOTICE  X-!E0 #v2PG;*sP#FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION @@%\HHDA 982229  X-00(#(#(#(#1919 M STREET N.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554 pp!X  xx  dB Zdd #I2PG;¨P# News media information 202/4180500 Recorded listing of releases and texts 202/4182222.  r5-  #d6X@7 z@# ______________________________________________________________________  s4, - ` `  Ghh}pp!X    Y -# XP\  P6Q[hXP# ` `  Ghh}pp!X October 30, 1998   X -=  COMMISSION ANNOUNCES Y2K FORUM  " ON PRIVATE NETWORKS AND CUSTOMER EQUIPMENT   Y`- m The Federal Communications Commission will hold a forum consisting of a series of panel discussions among industry representatives, FCC and other Federal officials to examine the Year 2000 (Y2K) impact on private networks, call centers, and other customerpremises equipment.  Y- Date: ` ` Tuesday, November 10, 1998  Y- Location: ` ` Commission Meeting Room (Room 856) ` ` Federal Communications Commission ` ` 1919 M Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20554  YN- Time: ` ` 2:00 4:00 p.m. The Commission has invited representatives of equipment manufacturers, wireline carriers, telecommunications endusers, and trade associations to attend the forum, which is entitled: "Year 2000: Maintaining CustomerPremises Equipment and Private Networks." During that forum, participants will examine potential problems as a result of the Y2K date change "roll over" with respect to customer-premises telephone equipment and those private networks that are connected to the public switched telephone network. In testimony before the Senate Special Committee on the Year 2000 Technology Problem, FCC Commissioner Michael K. Powell identified customerpremises equipment as an area of particular concern for the Commission in its analysis of Year 2000 issues. This concern is directed to the need to maintain interconnectivity among the public telephone network; separately-owned, privately-maintained telephone and data networks; and the equipment that customers use to facilitate their use of those networks. Such customerpremises equipment includes telephone sets, voicemail systems, facsimile machines, and private branch exchanges.X&0*(((3 Ez0/ ! B@2%a /1XԌOne forum objective is to increase knowledge among customers about potential Y2K problems with telecommunications equipment within their control and to identify available resources to help address those problems. Other objectives are to heighten awareness and encourage information sharing among manufacturers, suppliers, carriers, and users. This forum is open to the public. Seating will be available on a first come, first served basis. A transcript of the forum will be available approximately 10 days later on the FCC's Internet site. The FCC's Y2K Internet Home Page is found at http//www.fcc.gov/year2000/.  The forum will also be carried live on the Internet. Internet users may listen to the real-time audio feed by accessing the FCC Internet Audio Broadcast Home Page. Step-by-step instructions on how to listen to the broadcast as well as information regarding the necessary equipment and software are available on the FCC Internet Audio Broadcast Home Page. The URL address for this home page is http://www.fcc.gov/realaudio/. Audio and video tapes of the forum may be purchased from Infocus, 341 Victory Drive, Herndon, VA 20170, by calling their office at (703) 834-0100 or by sending a fax to Infocus at (703) 834-0111. News Media Contact: Audrey J. Spivack (202) 4180500; aspivack@fcc.gov. Common Carrier Bureau Contact: Doug Cooper (202) 418-1686; dcooper@fcc.gov.