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X $(#(#(#(#!$WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554  S-(#(#(#(# X     dB (# X#TxP7uP#News media information 202/4180500 FaxOnDemand 202/4182830 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov ftp.fcc.gov TTYsNetwork Services 202/4180484 and Informal Complaints 202/4180485ƀ%   [} < X #ps7 -#pp# X~xP7۝XP#  )xxX (#(#  S -` `  hhCqpp  ) DA 982075  Sp -  SY -  PUBLIC NOTICE REVISES EX PARTE PROCEDURES ă   S- CC DOCKET NOS. 96115, 96128, 96149, 97163, 97164, 97165, e 97172, 985, 9811, 9825, 9826, 9832, 9839,  9878, 9891, 98141, CCBPOL NOS. 9616, 976, 9710,  S- 9712, 981, 982, 983, 984 ă  S-` `  hhCqpp Released: October 15, 1998 This public notice revises the text of public notices listed below by deleting  SE-the following sentence from the paragraph regarding ex parte contacts:   S-   X"We also require all written ex parte presentations or summaries  S-of oral ex parte presentations in this proceeding to be served on  S-all parties to the proceeding." x    Accordingly, all of these proceedings will be treated as permitbutdisclose  S-proceedings under the Commission's ex parte rules. See 47 C.F.R.  1.1206.   Sv- CC Docket No. 96115 hhCTelecommunications Carriers' Use of Customer Proprietary Network Information.(#h  S1"-XCC Docket No. 96128` hhCComparably Efficient Interconnection Plans for Payphone Service Providers. (#h  S$-XCC Docket No. 96149` hhCBell Operating Companies' Petition for Forbearance from Application of Section 272 to Previously Authorized Services. (#h X'0*0*0*@)3' !X X  S-XCC Docket Nos. 97163,` hhCLow Tech Designs, Inc. Petition for (#h  S-97164, 97165  hhCAssumption of Jurisdiction Pursuant to Section  S-252(e)(5). (#h  S- ` `  (#  S-XCC Docket No. 97172 ` hhCUS WEST Petition for Forbearance from Requirements of Sections 271 and 272 for National Directory Assistance Service. h  SH-CC Docket No. 985 hhC LCI Petition for Declaratory Ruling Concerning Bell Operating Company Entry Into InRegion Long Distance Markets.(#h  S -CC Docket No. 9811 hhCBell Atlantic Petition for Relief from Barriers to Deployment of Advanced Telecommunications Services. (#h  S-CC Docket No. 9825 hhCSBC and SNET Application for Proposed Transfer of Control.(#h  SK-CC Docket No. 9826 hhCUS WEST Petition for Relief for Barriers to Deployment of Advanced Telecommunications Services.(#h  S-CC Docket No. 9832 hhCAmeritech Petition for Relief for Barriers to Deployment of Advanced Telecommunications Services.(#h  S-CC Docket No. 9839 hhCCompTel, FCCA, and SECCA Petition Regarding Regulatory Treatment of Affiliates of ILECS. (#h  SN- CC Docket No. 9878 hhCALTS Petition for Declaratory Ruling Regarding Section 706.(#h  S -CC Docket No. 9891 hhCSBC Petition for Relief from Regulation Pursuant to Section 706 for ADSL Infrastructure and Service.(#h  S -CC Docket No. 98141 hhCSBC and Ameritech Joint Application for Transfer of Control of Ameritech to SBC.(#h  S#-CCBPol No. 9616 hhCTeleport Petition for Expedited Declaratory Ruling Regarding Authorization of Texas Subsidiaries of Teleport to Compete as FacilitiesBased Local Exchange Carriers.(#h "#'0*((P("Ԍ S-CCBPol No. 976 hhCArmstrong Communications Petition for Reconsideration.(#h  S-CCBPol No. 9710 hhCBellSouth Amendment to CEI Plans for Gateway Services and for Synchronous Protocol Processing Services and Request for Interim Waiver.(#h  S_-CCBPol No. 9712 hhCUS West Petition for Temporary Emergency Waiver of Commission's Rules Governing Offering of Customer Premises Equipment by LECS.(#h  S -CCBPol No. 981 hhCBell Atlantic CEI Plan for Intranet Management Services.(#h  S -CCBPol No. 982 hhCUS West CEI Plan to Act as Sales Agent for Unaffiliated Alarm Monitoring Service Providers.(#h  Sy-CCBPol No. 983 hhCBellSouth CEI Plan to Act as Sales Agent for Unaffiliated Alarm Monitoring Service Providers.(#h  S4-CCBPol No. 984 hhCCompetition Policy Institute Petition for Declaratory Rulings on Realistic Choice Standard for Implementing the Public Interest Test in Section 271. (#h For further information, contact Janice M. Myles, Policy and Program Planning Division, Common Carrier Bureau, at (202) 4181580.  Se- s FCC