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Sd'WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554`(#(# ă  1 yx dddhy  aE@ x #6\  P6Q?P#News media information 202/4180500 FaxOnDemand 202/4182830 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov ftp.fcc.gov TTYsNetwork Services  aE202/4180484 and Informal Complaints 202/4180485#:s2PkCjXP#  R44`(#] DA 981059 ă  R 4> é CORRECTION ă  R 4y COMMISSION SEEKS COMMENT ON MCI EX PARTE DESCRIBING  P 4q INTERNET ASPECTS OF PROPOSED WORLDCOM AND MCI MERGER ă  RE4g( CC DOCKET NO. 97211 ă ` `  hhCqppReleased: June 4, 1998  "NOn June 3, 1998, MCI Communications Corporation (MCI) submitted an ex parte  xccontaining information on the proposed divestiture of MCI's Internet backbone business  xlto Cable & Wireless. MCI describes the proposed transaction and explains how the  xdivestiture resolves any issues concerning the impact of the proposed WorldCom and MCI merger on the Internet. We request public comment on MCI's ex parte.  "Interested parties are to file an original and 12 copies of their comments on MCI's  R4 x<June 3, 1998 ex parte no later than June 11, 1998, with the Secretary, FCC, 1919 M  R_' xStreet, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20554. An original and 12 copies of all reply comments  R<4 xare to be filed with the Secretary, FCC no later than June 16, 1998. All pleadings are  R4 x^to reference CC Docket No. 97211. An additional copy of all pleadings must also be  R' xlsent to Janice M. Myles, Common Carrier, Bureau, FCC, Room 544, 1919 M Street,  xcN.W., Washington, D.C. 20554, and to the Commission's contractor for public service  R4 xrecords duplication, International Transcription Services, Inc. (ITS, Inc.) , 1231 20th  R4 x3Street, N.W., Washington, DC 2003 6 . MCI's June 3, 1998 ex parte is available for  x"inspection and copying during normal business hours in the FCC's Reference Center,  xRoom 239, 1919 M Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20554. Copies also can be obtained  R,"' xfrom ITS at 1231 20th Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20036 , or by calling ITS at  R #' 202-857-3800 or faxing ITS at 202-857-3805.  R$4 "Parties are also strongly encouraged to submit comments and reply comments on  R%4 xdiskette. These diskettes may be used to post parties' comments on the Internet. Such  xRdiskette submissions would be in addition to and not a substitute for the formal filing  xyrequirements addressed above. Parties submitting diskettes should submit them to  xJanice Myles of the Common Carrier Bureau, 1919 M Street, N.W., Room 544,  x3Washington, D.C., 20554. Such a submission should be on a 3.5 inch diskette formatted)0*0*0*)e@k[!\L '#  h  R- d(#in an IBM compatible form using WordPerfect 5.1 for Windows software. The diskette  d(#should be submitted in "read only" mode. The diskette should be clearly labeled with the  d(#=party's name, proceeding, Docket No., type of pleading (comment or reply comments),  R- d(#/date of submission , and filename with the "*.wp" extension. The diskette should be accompanied by a cover letter.  RQ-   s FCC