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That is, if expenditures between January 1, 1998 and June 30, 1998 reach the level where only $250 million remains before the $1 billion cap is reached, the remaining funds will be distributed in accordance with the rules of  Y -priority." Ѿ {O -#X\  P6G;ɒP#э Although the text of the Order discusses the trigger mechanism only with respect to the full $2.25 billion cap per funding year, we note that section 54.507(g) of the Commission's rules states that the trigger mechanism applies when only $250 million remains in any funding year, which includes the period from January 1, 1998 through June 30, 1998. (#4 x3) We also seek comment on whether a mechanism to prioritize requests from rural Xx,44health care providers should be adopted in the event that requests exceed available funds. For example, should a mechanism be established to ensure that funds are distributed to rural health care providers located in all regions of the country? We seek comment on whether such a mechanism should be permanent or should apply only in the first quarter of 1998, when collection for rural health care is limited to $100 million.(#4  Y6-x4)44We also seek comment on whether other methods might ensure a broad and fair x44distribution of funds, particularly at the earliest stages of these support programs.  Y-Allocation of Aggregated Requests for Funds  Y-xIn the Order, the Commission held that schools and libraries may apply for funds on an individual basis, by school district, by state, or by consortium. In the event that a school district or a state applies for support on behalf of its schools, the school district or state may compute the discounts on an individual school basis or may compute an average discount. The state or school district shall strive to ensure that each school receives the full benefit of the discount to which it is entitled. On July 31, 1997, the "ERate Implementation Working Group," comprised of the U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Museum and Library Services, National Telecommunications and Information Administration, Rural Utilities Service, and Education and Library Network Coalition, filed a report with the Commission in CC Docket 9645 in response to the Commission's request for recommendations on certain  Y-issues regarding universal service support for schools and libraries.n\Ѿ yOB&-ԍ U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Museum and Library Services, National Telecommunications  {O '-and Information Administration, Rural Utilities Service, Education and Library Networks, Report by the ERate  {O'-Implementation Working Group (July 31, 1997) (Working Group Report).n The Working Group Report proposes a method for allocating support to individual institutions that apply for funds  Y!-on an aggregated (e.g., statewide or districtwide) basis. We seek comment on that proposal."!,**XX"" Copies of the report are available for review and copying at the FCC Reference Center, Room 239, 1919 M Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20554 or on the Internet at www.ed.gov/Technology.  Y-Procedure for Filing x xComments should be filed in CC Docket No. 9645 on or before September 2 *#S 5 *#S , 1997, and should include the DA number shown on this Public Notice. Pursuant to Section 1.3 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  1.3, we find good cause to waive Section 1.415 (c) of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  1.415, providing for replies to original comments. Dispensing with reply comments is crucial due to the urgent need to provide definitive guidance to the schools, libraries, and rural health care providers that are applying for services supported by the universal service support mechanisms currently scheduled to begin by January 1, 1998. Interested parties must file an original and four copies of their comments with the Office of Secretary, Federal Communications Commission, Room 222, 1919 M Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20554. Parties should send eight copies of their comments to Sheryl Todd, Universal Service Branch, Accounts and Audits Division, Federal Communications Commission, 2100 M. St, N.W., 8th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20554. Parties should send one copy of their comments to the Commission's copy contractor, International Transcription Service, 1231 20th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. xPursuant to section 1.1206 of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R.  1.1206, this  Y-proceeding will be conducted as a permitbutdisclose proceeding in which ex parte communications are permitted subject to disclosure. x For further information, please contact: Richard D. Smith or Lori Wright, Common Carrier Bureau, (202) 4187400. x44` `  hhT CFCC T T