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changes to FCC Report 4301 (Annual Summary Report)  S'A.sTable I Cost and Revenue Table  Q`'/SForm Descriptionsă  S's1.SSAll columns are filled with N/A for:(#S  S'sSSa.44Row 1925, FCC Ordered Refund;(#4  S'sSSb.44Row 1926, Refund Adjusted for Taxes;(#4  Sp'sSSc.44Row 1930, Net Return Including FCC Refund;(#4  SH 'sSSd.44Row 1935, Rate of Return Including FCC Refund;(#4  S 's2.SSColumn (c), Nonregulated, is no longer filled with N/A for Row 1170, Access.(#S  S 's3.SSColumns (k), Base Factor Portion (BFP), and (m), Total Common Line, are no longer filled with N/A for Row 1640, Central Office EquipmentSwitching.(#S  S0's4.SSColumn (n), Switching, is no longer filled with N/A for Row 1650, Central Office EquipmentTransmission, and Row 1660, Cable and Wire Facilities.(#S  S's5.SSColumn (u), Billing and Collection, is no longer filled with N/A for Row 1910, Average Net Investment.(#S  Q@':@Row/Column Instructionsă  S's6.SSRow 1030. Toll Network Services: The definition of this row is revised to read The total of Accounts 5100, 5111, 5112, 5121 through 5128, and 5160.(#S  Sx's7.SSRow 1040. Miscellaneous: The definition of this row is revised to read The total of Accounts 5230 through 5250 (excluding nonregulated directory revenue), 5261 through 5264 and 5270.(#S  S's8.SSRow 1045. Nonregulated: The definition of this row is revised to read The balance of Account 5280 and nonregulated directory revenue of Account 5230.(#S  S`'s9.SSRows 1610 1690: The last sentence of the row instructions for PlantInService in this table is revised to read The averaging method used must be consistent with ARMIS Reports 4303 and 4304.(#S  S!'s10.SSRow 1720. Telecommunications Plant Under Construction: The definition of this row is revised to read The balance of Account 2003. (#S  SH$'s11.SSRows 1925, 1926, 1930, and 1935: The definitions of these rows are changed to indicate that data is not required and all columns will have N/A entered in them.(#S" %-l'l'#"  S'ix1xgS4` hp x (# (# Summary of ChangesqJ 5APPENDIX A FCC Report 4302YBDecember, 1998J >Page 5 of 13  xP' (# ` hp x (##x P7MP#is4.SSColumn (e), Tariff: The definition of this column is revised to read Enter the amount of assets purchased from affiliates under tariffed rates in Rows 0101 through 0139 and assets sold to affiliates under tariffed rates in Rows 0201 through 0239, pursuant to Section 32.27(b).(#S  S8's5.SSColumn (ee): The description and definition of this column are added to read Publicly Filed  S'Agreements Enter the amount of assets purchased from affiliates at rates appearing in agreements filed with a State commission in Rows 0101 through 0139 and sold to affiliates at rates appearing in agreements filed with a state commission in Rows 0201 through 0239, pursuant to Sections 32.27(b) and (d).(#S  SH 's6.SSColumn (f), Prevailing Market Price: The definition of this column is revised to read Enter the amount of assets purchased from affiliates at the prevailing market price in Rows 0101 though 0139 and sold to affiliates at the prevailing market price in Rows 0201 through 0239, pursuant to Sections 32.27(b) and (d).(#S  S 's7.SSColumn (g), Total Purchases/Sales: The definition of this column is revised to read Enter the total of Columns (c), (d), (e), (ee), and (f).(#S  S'C.,sTable I2 Analysis of Services Purchased From or Sold to Affiliates(#  Q'/SForm Descriptionsă  Sh's1.SSColumn (cc), Fair Market Value, is added between Columns (c) and (d). (#S  S's2.SSColumn (dd), Publicly Filed Agreements, is added between Columns (d) and (e). (#S  Q':@Row/Column Instructionsă  Sx's3.SSColumn (c), Fully Distributed Cost: The definition of this column is revised to read Enter the amount of services purchased from affiliates at fully distributed cost in Rows 0101 through 0139 and the amount of services sold to affiliates at fully distributed cost in Rows 0201 through 0239, pursuant to Section 32.27(c).(#S  S's4.SSColumn (cc): The description and definition of this column are added to read Fair Market  S'Value Enter the amount of services purchased from affiliates at fair market value in Rows 0101 through 0139 and the amount of services sold to affiliates at fair market value in Rows 0201 through 0239, pursuant to Section 32.27(c).(#S  S 's5.SSColumn (d): The description and definition of this column are revised to read Tariff Rate Enter the amount of services purchased from affiliates under tariffed rates in Rows 0101 through 0139 and the amount of services sold to affiliates at tariffed rates in Rows 0201 through 0239, pursuant to Section 32.27(c).(#S"p#-l'l' ""  S'ixxXgS4` hp x (# (# Summary of ChangesqJ 5APPENDIX A FCC Report 4304YBDecember, 1998J >Page 8 of 13  xP' (# ` hp x (##x P7MP#i  S'PART IV Summary of changes to FCC Report 4304 (Access Report)  S'A.sTable I Separations and Access Table  Q8'NGeneral Instructionsă  S's1.SSItem 4: The first two sentences are revised to read When reporting investment amounts for Plant, Other Investment, and Reserves, use the same averaging methodology as instructed for the ARMIS Report 4303.(#S  QH '/SForm Descriptionsă  S 's2.SSThe following typographical errors are corrected on the form:(#S  S 'sSSa.44Row 1216, # DIAL EQPT. MINUTES(#4  S 'sSSb.44Row 1283, K$ TOT. SPEC COE CAT. 4.13(#4  SX'sSSc.44Row 1290, K$ TOT. COE. CAT 4.13 EXC. LINE CKT. EQPT. INV.(#4  S0'sSSd.44Row 1420, K$ IOT CAT.1 INFO. ORIG./TERM.(#4  S'sSSe.44Row 5030, K$ OTH. IOT. EXP.(#4  S'sSSf.44Row 6010, K$ NTWK. OPS. EXP.(#4  S'sSSg.44Row 7234, # TOLL MSGS. USED FOR ALLOC.(#4  Sh's3.SSRows 7240, 7241, 7242, 7243, 7244, 7247, 7251, 7252, 7253, 7254, 7255, 7256, 7257, and 7258: All columns are filled with N/A.(#S  S's4.SSRows 8043, 8044 and 8045: All columns are filled with N/A.(#S  S's5.SSColumn (j), Switching, is no longer filled with N/A for Rows 1204, 1260, 1300, 1370, 1380, 1400, 1485, 1510, 1530, 2011, 3060, 3061, 3140, 3141, 3210, 3211, 3330, 3331, 3400, 3401, 5074, 5075, 5076, 6070, 6071, 6150, 6151, 6220, and 6221.(#S  S's6.SSColumn (q), Billing and Collection, is no longer filled with N/A for Rows 2190, 2191, 2193, 2194, 3070, 3071, and 8040.(#S