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Petition for Expedited Waiver of Section 36.621(a)(4) of the Commission's Rules, dated March 20, 1998 ("TelAlaska Petition"). the monthly corporate operations expense per Universal Service Fund (USF)"&0*&&qq"  S-subscriber loop was approximately $54 for ASTAC compared to $32 for all Alaskan local exchange  S-carriers identified.'7y yO@-  #C\  P6Q/P#э xLetter from Michael Burke, Chief Financial Officer of TelAlaska, to Kenneth P. Moran, Chief, Accounting Safeguards Division, dated July 31, 1998 ("July 31 Letter"), at Attachment II. More specifically, several similarly sized Alaskan local exchange carriers reported  S-much lower monthly corporate operations expenses per USF subscriber loop than ASTAC.c($ 7y {Op- #X\  P6G;/P#эId. The following are the monthly corporate operations expense per loop and the number of subscriber loops   for similarly sized Alaskan carriers: Bristol Bay Telephone Cooperative, $33.42 and 1,832 loops; Cordova Telephone   Cooperative, $18.20 and 1,881 loops; Nushagak Telephone Cooperative, $19.00 and 2,167 loops; and Otz Telephone  {O-Cooperative, $24.29 2,878 loops. Id. These companies also serve remote, sparsely populated areas.c Our review of this data, thus, reveals that there is a notable disparity between the level of ASTAC's corporate operations expenses and that of other Alaskan local exchange carriers.  S-x` `  14. We are also concerned that ASTAC's high corporate operations expenses may be due to the misclassification of costs that should be recorded as customer services or plant operations. We note that many of the conditions that ASTAC attributes its high costs to relate to operations other than corporate. These include the costs associated with meetings with technical staff and time and travel to negotiate contracts for networkrelated issues. We believe some of the costs recorded as corporate may be mixed costs allocable between corporate and other cost categories. Therefore, ASTAC should review its costs recorded as corporate operations expenses to determine whether any of those costs should be reclassified.  S -x` ` 15. Noting these concerns, we nevertheless find that ASTAC faces special circumstances that support the grant of a limited waiver. We realize that the costs incurred to provide local telephone service are generally higher in Alaska than the lower 48 states. We also recognize that comparisons with other Alaskan local exchange carriers are difficult because of a variety of factors, such as the geographic nature of the area served and weather patterns in different parts of the state, that can cause differences in the costs the carriers incur. In addition, we note that the expenses at issue were incurred in 1996, before the current corporate operations expense limitation formula went into effect. For these reasons, we believe that a grant of a limited waiver is justified and will serve the public interest of maintaining affordable rates in ASTAC's service area. Thus, we will grant ASTAC a limited oneyear waiver of section 36.621(a)(4) of the Commission's rules.  S-x` ` 16. Due to the concerns we express herein, we believe ASTAC should make all reasonable efforts to reduce its corporate operations expenses and will require that in future waiver requests, ASTAC show what measures it has taken to reduce its corporate operations expenses. Further, we request that in any future waiver request, ASTAC obtain and submit to us a nonbinding statement from the Alaska Public Utility Commission that, based on its knowledge of the operations of ASTAC and the Alaskan market, the corporate operations expenses of ASTAC are reasonable and that it supports approval of a request for waiver by ASTAC.  S-T " (0*&&qq" T  S-Tn IV. ORDERING CLAUSE ĐTP  S-x` ` 17. Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED, pursuant to sections 1, 4(i), 5(c), 201205, and 254 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C.  151, 154(i), 155(c), 201205, and 254, and sections 1.3, 0.91 and 0.291 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  1.3, 0.91 and 0.291, that the Petition of Arctic Slope Telephone Association Cooperative, Inc. for Expedited Waiver of  S-Section 36.21(a)(4) of the Commission's Rules IS GRANTED to the extent noted in this Order . x` `  FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION x` `  Yog R. Varma x` `  Deputy ( Chief, Common Carrier Bureau