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E NECA states,  x{however, that an approximate $9.3 million surplus in funds from last year's TRS Fund will  XD-decrease the actual April 1999 - March 2000 Fund requirement to $34 million.?Dp {O"-ԍ Id.? "80*4&4&E"Ԍ X- ` x6.` ` Comments. Mr. Gregory and Ms. Viera assert that the TRS reimbursement  X- xformula should be tied to the quality and efficiency of TRS.op {OV-ԍ See Mr. Gregory Comments at 2; Ms. Viera Comments at 12.o Ms. Viera contends that the  xCommission should require: (1) that states remit to the TRS Interstate Fund a portion of any  x\liquidated damages recovered from TRS providers in an amount that is proportionate to the  xvolume of interstate calls made on the provider's facilities throughout any period of time that the  xTRS provider is not in compliance with the terms of its contract; (2) that members of NECA's  xInterstate TRS Advisory Council be placed in a better position to monitor the quality of service  X - xfurnished by TRS providers through increased access to, inter alia, all confidential TRS reports  xyrelated to the certification process and responses to the TRS Center Data Request; and (3) that  xa reimbursable category for research and development expenses be created to encourage the  X-development of new technologies.XZp {O -ԍ See Ms. Viera Comments at 2.X  X^ - ` x7.` ` Mr. Gregory argues that approval of the payment rate that NECA proposes will  xyviolate Section 225(d)(2) of the Communications Act, which requires the Commission to ensure  X - xithat TRS "regulations ... do not discourage or impair the development of improved technology."a p {O-ԍ See Mr. Gregory Comments at 3. a  xHe asserts that the current rules discourage providers from attempting to improve current  x/technologies, claiming that the TRS reimbursement formula does not include incentives for  X- xiresearch and development or depreciation allowances for hardware and software purchases.3~p {O-ԍ Id.3 He  xencourages the Commission to require NECA to use a modified reimbursement formula to  x<account for these items, so as to encourage the improvement of TRS, particularly its transmission  XF- xspeed.3Fp {O-ԍ Id.3 Mr. Gregory also urges the Commission to direct NECA to "populate the Interstate  X#-Relay Advisory Council with at least one member of the speech disabled community."N#p {Ov-ԍ See Mr. Gregory Comments at 4.N  X- ` x8.` ` We recognize, along with the commenters, the importance of ensuring quality  xservice for TRS. Indeed, many of the proposals and tentative conclusions reached by the  X- xLCommission in its recent Improved Services NPRM are related to improving the quality of TRS  Xv- xzservice.X \v4 p yO["- xԍ Telecommunications Relay Services and SpeechtoSpeech Services for Individuals with Hearing and Speech  {O##- x<Disabilities, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, CC Docket No. 9867, FCC 9890 (rel. May 20, 1998)("Improved  {O#-Services NPRM").X Mr. Gregory's and Ms. Viera's comments regarding improvement of the quality of  xjTRS service are best addressed in the context of that rule making proceeding, where the record"SX 0*4&4&"  xwill be more fully and appropriately developed. We will therefore include their comments as part of that record and defer further consideration of these issues to that proceeding.  X- ` x9.` ` We will, however, address in this Order Mr. Gregory's request that the  xCommission direct NECA to appoint to the Council "a member of the speech disabled  XQ- xcommunity."!Qp {O- x;ԍ The Commission recently proposed to include speechtospeech services within the definition of "TRS." See  {O-Improved Services NPRM at para. 23. The Commission's rules require the Council to be an "advisory committee of  x<persons from the hearing and speech disability community, TRS users (voice and text telephone),  X - xKinterstate service providers, state representatives, and TRS providers. . . ."N" $p yO -ԍ 47 C.F.R.  64.604(c)(4)(iii)(H).N To ensure that each  xof these groups is well represented, the Commission specifically directed that "each group shall  X- xselect its own representative to the committee."3#p {O*-ԍ  Id.3 To the extent that individuals nominate persons  xfor Council vacancies, we encourage them to consider nominating individuals within these groups  xthat would provide the Council with a diverse range of experiences and perspectives. To the  xyextent that NECA is involved in seeking nominations for Council vacancies, we encourage it to  xutilize a wide range of resources within these groups to ensure that the Council's membership reflects a broad range of experience and perspectives.  X - ` _x 10.` ` Payment Rate. We have reviewed NECA's filing regarding the proposed payment  xlrate, and we find that the rate will compensate TRS providers for the reasonable costs of  xproviding interstate TRS. Accordingly, pursuant to section 64.604(c)(4)(iii)(E) of the rules, we  xapprove the proposed payment rate of $1.179 per minute of interstate TRS use for the 1999 calendar year.  X- ` x 11.` ` Contribution Factor. Based upon NECA's estimates, and pursuant to the  x>requirements of section 64.604(c)(4)(iii)(B) of the rules, we calculate a contribution factor of  X- x .00038 for the April 26, 1999 through March 26, 2000 period. The contribution factor is based  x.on a projected funding base for 1997 gross carrier interstate revenues of $9.8 billion, projected  x[1998 TRS Fund outlays of $43.3 million, a surplus carryover of $9.3 million, and a safety margin  XO- xof 10 percent, for a net 1999 funding requirement of $38.3 million.E$OFp {OF-ԍ See Appendix B.E The new contribution factor  xishould ensure adequate funding of this service pursuant to the requirements of section 225 of the  X -Act, 47 U.S.C.  225.% p yO"- xԍ Pursuant to 47 U.S.C.  225(d)(3)(B), "costs caused by interstate telecommunications relay services shall be recovered from all subscribers for every interstate service." "0 %0*4&4&"Ԍ X- ` nԙx 12.` ` 1999 TRS Fund Worksheet. Finally, we also adopt the 1999 TRS Fund Worksheet  X- x(FCC Form 431), which incorporates the new contribution factor.`&p {OV-ԍ See 47 C.F.R.  64.604(c)(4)(iii)(B). ` The worksheet is attached  xas Appendix A. The 1999 TRS Fund Worksheet is subject to the requirements of the Paperwork  X- xReduction Act of 1995,G'Zp yO-ԍ 44 U.S.C.  3501-3520.G and will be submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for approval.  X.- ` x 13.` ` On September 25, 1998, the Commission released a Notice of Proposed  X - xRulemaking and Notice of Inquiry that proposes, inter alia, to replace the existing TRS Fund  X- x|Worksheet with a Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet.($p {O - xԍ See 1998 Biennial Regulatory ReviewStreamlined Contributor Reporting Requirements Associated with  xAdministration of Telecommunications Relay Services, North American Numbering Plan, Local Number Portability,  {O- xand Universal Service Support Mechanisms, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Notice of Inquiry, CC Docket No. 98171, FCC 98233 (rel. September 25, 1998). In the event that the  xTelecommunications Reporting Worksheet replaces the TRS Fund Worksheet prior to the required  xApril submission of the TRS Fund Worksheet, the TRS contribution rate may change. However, that proceeding would not affect the reimbursement rate adopted herein.  X; - IV. ORDERING CLAUSES ă T  X - ` `x 14.` ` Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED, pursuant to section 225 of the Communications  xAct of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C.  225, and sections 0.91, 0.291, and 65.604(c)(4) of the  xCommission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  0.91, 0.291, 64.604(c)(4), that: (a) the payment rate of $1.179  xto TRS providers per interstate minute of use is approved, and shall be in effect from January 1,  Xi- x1999 through December 31, 1999; and (b) the TRS Fund contribution factor shall be  .00038 for  xMthe period April 26, 1999 through March 26, 2000; and (c) the 1999 TRS Fund Worksheet is hereby adopted, subject to approval by the Office of Management and Budget.  X- ` x15.` ` IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that the Secretary shall provide a copy of this Order  xto each state utility commission and to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business Administration. x` `  hh@FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION x` `  hh@Yog R. Varma x` `  hh@Deputy Chief, Common Carrier Bureau