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A. 1. a.(1)(a) i) a) I. 1. 1. a.(1)(a) i) a)  PK Before the Federal Communications Commission  S-""Washington, D.C. 20554 ă  S`-` `  hh,V  X8-#Xj\  P6G; XP#In the Matter of hh,V)  pp  X!- ` `  hh,V)   X -Implementation of thehh,V)  X-Pay Telephone Reclassificationhh, V)CC Docket No. 96128  X-and Compensation Provisions of the V)pp  xx- X  X-Telecommunications Act of 1996hh,V)  X -` `  hh,V)  X -Southern New England Telephone V)  X -SNET Request to Extend Limited WaiverV)  Xi -of Coding Digit Requirement hh,V) ` `  hh,Vl  X$-  MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER lU  X- Adopted: October 1, 1998hh, V Released: October 1, 1998 By the Deputy Chief, Common Carrier Bureau:  X--M I. INTRODUCTION ĐlU  Xl-   I. 1. 1. a.(1)(a) i) a) 1. a. i.(1)(a)(i) 1) a) 1. a. i.(1)(a)(i) 1) a) 1. a. i.(1)(a)(i) 1) a)1. ` ` In this order we grant to Southern New England Telephone ("SNET") a further  XU-  temporary waiver of certain requirements established in the Payphone OrdersEUH S- ԍ#X\  P6G;IP#Implementation of the Pay Telephone Reclassification and Compensation Provisions of the  {O-  Telecommunications Act of 1996, CC Docket No. 96128, Report and Order, 11 FCC Rcd 20,541 (1996) ("Report  {Op-  Kand Order"); Order on Reconsideration, 11 FCC Rcd at 21,233 (1996) (together the "Payphone Orders").  The  {O:-  Payphone Orders were affirmed in part and vacated in part. See Illinois Public Telecomm. Ass'n v. FCC, 117 F.3d  {O-  h555 (D.C. Cir. 1997) ("Illinois Public Telecomm.").  See also Implementation of the Pay Telephone Reclassification  {O-  and Compensation Provisions of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, CC Docket No. 96128, Second Report and  {O-  Order, 13 FCC Rcd 1778 (1997) ("Second Report and Order"), remanded, MCI Telecomm. Corp. v. FCC, No. 97  1675 (D.C. Cir. May 15, 1998). Payphonespecific coding digits provide a method for local exchange carriers   (LECs) to transmit, with the automatic number identification ("ANI"), information (coding number or digits)  {O -  iidentifying a call as having been placed specifically from a payphone. Order on Reconsideration, 11 FCC Rcd at  yO!-21,26566.#&a\  P6G;&P#E relating to the   provision of payphonespecific coding digits. This waiver extends the limited waiver originally  X)-  jgranted SNET in the Bureau Coding Digit Waiver Order.^)F H {O %- #X\  P6G;IP#э#X\  P6G;IP#Implementation of the Pay Telephone Reclassification and Compensation Provisions of the  {O%-  Telecommunications Act of 1996, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 13 FCC Rcd 4998, at 5041, para. 82 (1998)  {O&-("Bureau Coding Waiver Order").  An extension is requested because")l 0*''JJ" of a work stoppage involving SNET's personnel.  X-  2. ` ` We grant SNET's request in part and extend until October 31, 1998, the former   ySeptember 30, 1998, deadline for SNET to have installed the required coding digits for seventy  five percent of the smart payphones in its service area. We grant this waiver because we find   that special circumstances exist, in the form of delays caused by the SNET work stoppage, over   kwhich SNET did not have sole control, and that granting this waiver will promote the public interest.  X1-/g II. BACKGROUND Đ X -lU   X -  R3. ` ` In the Payphone Orders, the Commission imposed a requirement that LECs   Lprovide payphonespecific coding digits to payphone service providers (PSPs), and that PSPs  X -  provide those digits from their payphones to interexchange carriers (IXCs).L ^ {OP- #X\  P6G;IP##X\  P6G;IP#эSee Report and Order, 11 FCC Rcd at 20,591, paras. 9899; Order on Reconsideration, 11 FCC Rcd at  yO-21,26566, para. 64, and 21,27880, paras. 9399. L The provision of   payphonespecific coding digits is a prerequisite to payphone compensation payments by IXCs  X -to PSPs for subscriber 800 and access code calls. "^ {O|- #X\  P6G;IP##X\  P6G;IP#эFor a definition of "access code" and "subscriber 800 calls," see Bureau Coding Digit Waiver Order, 13 FCC Rcd. at 4999 n.2.  X{-  P4. ` ` On March 9, 1998, in the Bureau Coding Digit Waiver Order, the Bureau clarified  Xf-  the requirements established in the Payphone Orders for the provision of payphonespecific   coding digits by LECs and PSPs to IXCs. Specifically, the Bureau clarified that flexible  X:-  automatic numbering identification ("FLEX ANI")4:|^ Sg- ԍ#X\  P6G;IP#FLEX ANI is a switch software feature that enables the transmission of a number of additional coding digits  yO?-with a call that can uniquely identify a call as coming from a payphone. 4 and automatic number information indicators   k("ANI ii")  X are the methods to provide payphonespecific coding digits that comply with the  X -  requirements of the Payphone Orders. The Bureau also granted limited waivers to LECs, PSPs,  X-  <and IXCs to facilitate the transition to percall compensation. In particular, in the Bureau Coding  X-  Digit Waiver Order the Bureau granted a waiver to SNET, until September 30, 1998, to resolve   certain technical problems in order to provide FLEX ANI to seventyfive percent of the smart  X-payphones in its service area.t^ SK!-ԍ#X\  P6G;IP#Id. at 5041, para. 71.t  X-  5. ` ` On September 8, 1998, SNET filed a petition stating that a work stoppage that   began on August 23, 1998, had rendered SNET unable to meet the September 30, 1998 deadline.   [SNET petitioned the Commission to extend the September 30, 1998 deadline until twelve weeks"Z 0*%%JJ"  X-  after the work stoppage terminates. {S {Oy- #X\  P6G;IP#э #X\  P6G;IP#See Petition for Expedited Waiver to Implement FLEX ANI by Southern New England Telephone Company, filed September 8, 1998 ("SNET Petition").  Subsequently, SNET informed the Commission that the  X-work stoppage ended on September 18, 1998."{S S-ԍ#X\  P6G;IP#See SNET letter to Commission concerning Petition for Expedited Waiver (September 23, 1998).  X- 5III. DISCUSSION ă  X-  6. ` ` Waiver of the Commission's rules is appropriate only if special circumstances  Xv- %warrant a deviation from the general rule, and such a deviation will serve the public interest. v{S {O -#X\  P6G;IP#эWAIT Radio v. FCC, 418 F.2d 1153, 1159 (D.C. Cir. 1969).(#(# The limited waiver we grant in this order meets both criteria.  X1-  7. ` ` The work stoppage SNET describes in its petition is a unique and special   circumstance, and an event not solely within SNET's control. The work stoppage rendered key   jSNET staff unavailable to complete the FLEX ANI work on schedule. In a March 2, 1998, letter   /to the Commission, SNET cited the complexities it was encountering in implementing FLEX  X -  ANI.  T{S S- Mԍ#X\  P6G;IP#See SNET Ex Parte Letter to Rose Crellin, Enforcement Division, dated March 2, 1998, CC Docket No. 96128, p. 3. In the March 9, 1998 Bureau Coding Digit Waiver Order, the Bureau took note of these  X -  Land other complexities. {S S--ԍ#X\  P6G;IP#Bureau Coding Digit Waiver Order, 13 FCC Rcd at 5029, para. 59. Other LECs also have raised implementation problems,/  \ {S S- ԍ#X\  P6G;IP#Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, Pacific Bell and Nevada Bell Petition to Extend Limited Waiver to  {O-implement FLEX ANI, dated May 22, 1998, CC Docket No. 96128, p. 12./ to which the  X -  KBureau has responded.P j {S S - ԍ#X\  P6G;IP#Implementation of the Pay Telephone Reclassification and Compensation Provisions of the  {O-  Telecommunications Act of 1996, CC Docket No. 96128, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 13 FCC Rcd 11,210 (1998). P SNET states that, despite these complexities, before the work stoppage, SNET was on schedule to complete the work by September 30, 1998.  Xd-  P8. ` ` The waiver granted herein is also in the public interest.d{S S "-ԍ#X\  P6G;IP#Bureau Coding Digit Waiver Order, 13 FCC Rcd at 5029, paras. 5964. The waiver will promote  XM-  the policies of the Payphone Orders by giving SNET sufficient time to fulfill the requirements   mof this stage of installing FLEX ANI. The waiver also will help ensure that payphone compensation payments to PSPs are not disrupted due to a work stoppage.  XX   X-  9. ` ` SNET requested that the waiver be extended until twelve weeks after the end of",N(N(JJ "  X-  the work stoppage, to permit SNET sufficient time to recover from the work stoppage.D{S Sy-ԍSNET Petition at 2.D That   date would be December 18, 1998. Taking into account the length of the work stoppage, as well  X-  Zas the urgency expressed by Congress in Section 276 to implement payphone compensation,h{S S- ԍ#X\  P6G;IP# "...[W]ithin 9 months after the date of enactment of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, the Commission  yO-shall take all actions necessary (including any reconsideration) to prescribe regulations...." 47 U.S.C.  276(b)(1). #&a\  P6G;&P#т we   conclude that a twelveweek extension would be excessive. We note that the outside date granted  X-  =in the Bureau Coding Digit Waiver Order for all large LECs to have installed coding digits for  X-  jall of the smart payphones in their service areas is December 31, 1998.1 S -ԍ#X\  P6G;IP#Bureau Coding Digit Waiver Order, 13 FCC Rcd at 503435, para. 71. #&a\  P6G;&P#  If SNET is to meet that   ydeadline, it will need to provide coverage of seventyfive percent of the smart payphones in its service areas considerably earlier than December 18.  X5-   10. ` ` We therefore extend SNET's September 30, 1998, deadline by one month, the   approximate length of the work stoppage, or until October 31, 1998. In light of SNET's   Nrepresentations that it was on schedule to meet its September 30, 1998 deadline until the   occurrence of the work stoppage, we expect that SNET should be able to meet this deadline and that no additional extensions will be necessary.  X -  ~ 11. ` ` The limited waiver we grant herein applies to the requirement that, with respect   to the technical problems for which the limited waivers are granted: (1) SNET provide payphone  jspecific coding digits to PSPs; and that (2) PSPs provide payphonespecific coding digits from   ?their payphones in order to receive compensation. We also condition this waiver as we  XO-  iconditioned the waivers for these technical problems in the Bureau Coding Digit Waiver Order.yROp{S Sp- ԍ#X\  P6G;IP#In the Bureau Coding Digit Waiver Order, the Bureau required that LECs must provide payphonespecific   <coding digits earlier than the end of the waiver period for each technical problem, if these problems are resolved   earlier than the end of the waiver period granted herein. In addition, LEC must notify IXCs regarding the call and   .switch problems the LECs are having on a monthly basis. We also stated that it is our expectation that Bell   Operating Companies and other LECs will share information regarding the types of problems that they are having   Zand solutions developed to resolve those problems to minimize the delay for the provision of payphonespecific   coding digits. Further, we required that with regard to these technical problems, Bell Operating Companies (BOCs)  {O-and other LECs must notify IXCs regarding these problems in implementing FLEX ANI.  Id. at 5041, para. 82. y  X:-  X#-  o 12. ` ` As in the Bureau Coding Digit Order, we distinguish in this case between the   requirement to provide payphonespecific coding digits and the requirement to pay payphone per X-  - 3'3'StandardPT2HPLA4MPC.PRS&a\ 3'3'Standard (1) (a) (i) 1) a)Cc -հX call compensation.  S2$-ԍ#X\  P6G;IP##X\  P6G;IP#Bureau Coding Digit Waiver Order, 13 FCC Rcd at 5029, para. 64.#&a\  P6G;&P# IXCs must pay payphone compensation for payphone calls affected by this  X-  waiver as required in the Bureau Coding Digit Waiver Order and the Perphone Compensation"*,N(N(JJ"  X-  =Order.l Sy- >ԍ#X\  P6G;IP#See Bureau Waiver Order, 12 FCC Rcd at 16,390, para. 12; Bureau Coding Digits Waiver Order, 13 FCC  {OQ-  Rcd at 5001, para. 4; Implementation of the Pay Telephone Reclassification and Compensation Provisions of the  {O-Telecommunications Act of 1996, Memorandum Opinion and Order, DA 98642 (rel. Apr. 3, 1998), at para. 16. #&a\  P6G;&P# Compensation for the calls in question can be paid by IXCs to PSPs through the use  X-  of LECprovided ANI lists on a percall basis or on a perphone basis as set forth in the Per X-phone Compensation Waiver Order.g S-ԍ#X\  P6G;IP#Id.g  X-ll U  X- /} IV. CONCLUSION ĐlU  X|-  q 13. ` ` In this order, we grant a temporary waiver, until October 31, 1998, for the  Xe-  implementation of payphonespecific coding digits requirements deadline set by the Bureau  XP-  KCoding Digit Waiver Order for SNET to provide payphonespecific coding digits to seventyfive   percent of the smart payphones in SNET's service area. We conclude that this temporary waiver  X$ -  {granted herein to SNET will serve the public interest to facilitate the transition to percall   compensation. We find that the special circumstances with regard to the work stoppage problems identified by SNET are consistent with Section 276 and are in the public interest.  X -6 V. ORDERING CLAUSES ă  X-   14. ` ` Accordingly, pursuant to authority contained in Sections 1, 4, 201205, 218, 226,   and 276 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C.  151, 154, 201205, 218,   0226, and 276, and the authority delegated pursuant to Sections 0.91, 0.291 and 1.3 of the   Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  0.91, 0.291 and 1.3, IT IS ORDERED that the waiver extension IS GRANTED to the extent described herein, and otherwise DENIED.  X-  15. ` ` IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this order is effective immediately upon release  X-thereof, and that the waiver included in this order is effective October 1, 1998.  X-  r X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8: