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LECs then add a reasonable amount of overhead to derive the overall price of the new service.y7  {O-ԍxSee Section 61.49 of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R.  61.49.y  xThe Commission stated that it would rely initially on state commissions to ensure that the rates, terms,  x and conditions applicable to the provision of basic payphone lines comply with the requirements of  S - x[Section 276.m  {O-ԍxPayphone Reconsideration Order,11 FCC Rcd at 2130709.m The Commission determined that state commissions that are unable to review these tariffs  Sk - xkmay require incumbent LECs operating in their states to file these tariffs with the Commission.: k & {O1-ԍxId.: The  xCommon Carrier Bureau (Bureau) has emphasized that the Commission retains jurisdiction under Section  S - x276 to ensure that all requirements of Section 276 and the Payphone Reclassification Proceeding are  S -met.p  {O+-ԍxPayphone Limited Waiver Order, 12 FCC Rcd at 21379, n.60.p  Sm- ` nx3.` ` In its May 15, 1997 decision in Docket P100, the North Carolina Commission concluded,  xLbased on its staff recommendation, that incumbent LEC payphone filings that proposed rates for certain  xnew payphone services met the new services test and that no further review of those filings was  S- xnecessary. J yO#-  ?ԍxNorth Carolina Utilities Commission Order Dismissing and Directing Filings, Docket P100, Sub 84b, adopted May 15, 1997. The North Carolina Commission further concluded, however, that it was unable to review  xincumbent LECs' rates for existing payphone service offerings because it lacked the time and resources  xto determine whether these service offerings were lawful. The North Carolina Commission directed LECs  xto file revised rates and supporting data with the FCC, if they determined, based on their own analysis,"; ,l(l(,," that any existing payphone service rates failed to meet the new services test.  S- ` ~x4.` ` On September 12, 1997, the Bureau informed the North Carolina Commission by letter  xythat it would require incumbent LECs in North Carolina to file with the Commission tariffs that set forth  xthe rates, terms, and conditions associated with all payphone services that the North Carolina Commission  xdid not review and did not find to be in compliance with Section 276 of the Act and the Commission's  S-implementing regulations.  {O6-  ԍxSee Letter to the Honorable Jo Anne Sanford, Chair, North Carolina Utilities Commission, from Regina M. Keeney, Chief, Common Carrier Bureau, FCC, dated September 12, 1997.  Sh- ` Px5.` ` On March 20, 1998, the Bureau ordered all incumbent LECs in North Carolina to file with  x<the Commission by May 1, 1998 tariffs for intrastate payphone service offerings, together with supporting  xdocumentation, for all payphone services that had not been determined by the North Carolina Commission  x=to comply with the requirements of Section 276 and the Commission's implementing rules, including the  S - xnew services test.  " {O^-  ԍxNorth Carolina Utilities Commission Order Dismissing and Directing Filings, Order, DA 98548, (Com. Car. Bur., rel. March 20, 1998). To date, only one carrier has filed intrastate payphone tariffs with the Commission,  Si -and that carrier has withdrawn its filing.@i | yO- >ԍOn April 8, 1998, GTE Service Corporation (GTE) filed Transmittal Nos. 1142 and 239 on behalf of its   affiliated GTE Telephone Operating Companies (GTOC) and GTE System Telephone Companies (GSTC),   respectively, to provide intrastate payphone services in North Carolina in compliance with Section 276 of the Act   ,and the Commission's rules. These proposed tariff revisions were scheduled to become effective on April 23, 1998.   On April 15, 1998, the North Carolina Payphone Association filed a petition to reject, or in the alternative, suspend   and investigate the rates, terms, and conditions of Transmittal Nos. 1142 and 239. On April 21, 1998, GTE filed   requests for Special Permission to withdraw Transmittal Nos. 1142 and 239 (GTOC Special Permission No. 9885; GSTC Special Permission No. 9884). GTE's requests were granted on April 22, 1998.   S - ` bx6.` ` BellSouth and the North Carolina Telcos filed a motion with the North Carolina  xCommission, on April 29, 1998, requesting that the North Carolina Commission reconsider its May 15,  x1997 decision and review all incumbent LEC tariff filings for intrastate payphone services to ascertain  Sj- xwhether they comply with Section 276 of the Act and the Commission's implementing rules.Xj  {O-ԍxBellSouth Motion for Recon.X In a  xzrequest to the Commission, BellSouth asked for an extension to the Commission's filing deadline until  xJuly 1, 1998 in order to give the North Carolina Commission adequate time to act on BellSouth's  S- xkmotion.s yO -ԍxBellSouth Motion for Extension of Time filed April 29, 1998.s It argued that permitting the North Carolina Commission to review all intrastate payphone  xservices would be the most efficacious approach available because the North Carolina Commission was  xin the best position to determine whether these tariffs comply with Section 276 and the Commission's  S8- xrules, including the new services test.B8 {O~$-ԍxId. at 23.B The Commission released an Order granting BellSouth's request"88,l(l(,,c"  S-for an extension on April 30, 1998. {Oh-  ԍxNorth Carolina Utilities Commission Order Dismissing and Directing Filings, Order, DA 98830, (Com. Car. Bur., rel. April 30, 1998).  S- ` x7.` ` In a letter dated June 17, 1998, the North Carolina Commission requested the  xCommission's concurrence in the North Carolina Commission's decision to resume review of incumbent  S4- xLEC rates for existing payphone service offerings in North Carolina.4" yO-  >ԍxLetter to Kathryn C. Brown, Chief, Common Carrier Bureau, FCC from the Honorable Jo Anne Sanford, Chair, North Carolina Utilities Commission, dated June 17, 1998. In a letter dated June 22, 1998,  xthe North Carolina Payphone Association (NCPA) opposed the North Carolina Commission's June 17,  S-1998 letter, and requested that the Commission proceed to review the North Carolina LEC tariffs.z yO -  ԍxLetter to Kathryn C. Brown, Chief, Common Carrier Bureau, FCC from Mr. Marcus W. Trathen, Counsel for the NCPA, dated June 22, 1998.  S5- III. DISCUSSION ă  S- ` x8.` ` As noted above, the Commission stated in the Payphone Reclassification Proceeding that  xit would rely on state commissions in the first instance to review LEC payphone tariffs and ensure that  x>the rates, terms, and conditions applicable to the provision of basic payphone lines comply with the  S7 - x.requirements of Section 276.n7  {O-ԍxPayphone Reconsideration Order, 11 FCC Rcd at 2130809.n In its May 15, 1997 order, the North Carolina Commission stated that it  xlacked the resources to determine whether incumbent LEC rates for existing payphone service offerings  S - xkmet the requirements of Section 276 and the Payphone Reclassification Proceeding, including the new  xservices test. BellSouth and the North Carolina Telcos' motion for reconsideration of this North Carolina Commission order is still pending.  S- ` &x9.` ` The North Carolina Commission has indicated in its June 17, 1998 letter to the  xCommission that it is willing to resume review of existing payphone service tariffs. It would be consistent  S- xwith the Commission's Payphone Reclassification Proceeding to allow the North Carolina Commission  xto again assume review of incumbent LEC rates for existing payphone service offerings in North Carolina,  S;- xprovided that all requirements of Section 276 and the Payphone Reclassification Proceeding, including  xjthe new services test, are met during the process of this review. The North Carolina Commission's letter  xstated that it planned to render a decision after Public Staff has reviewed cost studies to be filed by the  x/four largest incumbent LECs for compliance with the new services test and for applicability to other  xyincumbent LECs, and after opportunity for comment from interested parties. We therefore concur in the  xNorth Carolina Commission's decision to resume review of incumbent LEC rates for existing payphone  x\service offerings in North Carolina, and extend to August 1, 1998, the existing deadline for incumbent  xyLECs in North Carolina to file with the Commission tariffs for intrastate payphone service offerings that  x{have not been determined by the North Carolina Commission to comply with Section 276 and the Commission's implementing rules.  S - ` 3x 10.` ` Should the North Carolina Commission resolve BellSouth's motion for reconsideration  xand officially reverse the decision reached in its May 15, 1997 order, we plan to rescind our March 20,  x1998 order, which required specific incumbent LECs in North Carolina to file with the Commission by"d ,l(l(,, "  S- xMay 1, 1998, tariffs for intrastate payphone service offerings, together with supporting documentation. {Oh-  .ԍxSee North Carolina Utilities Commission Order Dismissing and Directing Filings, Order, DA 98548, (Com. Car. Bur., rel. March 20, 1998).  S- x=We also plan to rescind our April 30, 1998 order," {O-  .ԍxSee North Carolina Utilities Commission Order Dismissing and Directing Filings, Order, DA 98830, (Com. Car. Bur., rel. April 30, 1998). and our presentorder, which respectively extend the deadline for filing with the Commission to July 1, 1998, and August 1, 1998.  S-w IV. ORDERING CLAUSES ă  S- ` x 11.` ` Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED, pursuant to Section 276 of the Communications Act of  x[1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C.  276, and through authority delegated pursuant to Sections 0.91 and 0.291  xkof the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R.  0.91, 0.291, that all incumbent LECs in North Carolina shall  xfile with the Commission by August 1, 1998 tariffs and supporting documentation for intrastate payphone  xservice offerings that have not been determined by the North Carolina Commission to comply with Section 276 and the Commission's implementing rules, including the new services test. x x` `  hh@FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION x` `  hh@Jane E. Jackson x` `  hh@Chief, Competitive Pricing Division  S8-x` `  hh@Common Carrier Bureau