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Technical[8]Eg%Technical Document Style O g% W4I O g&/0  . 2  S  Format DownloadFormat Downloaded Documentiޛ r5- XX    \ #d6X@`7Ͽ@#Style 14Swiss 8 Pt Without Margins$$D Co> PfQ  )a [ PfQO Style 12Dutch Italics 11.5$$F )^ `> XifQ  )a [ PfQO Style 11Initial Codes for Advanced IIJ )a [ PfQK  dddn  #  [ X` hp x (#%'b, oT9 ! )^ `> XifQ ` Advanced Legal WordPerfect II Learning Guide   x )^ `> XifQ Advanced Legal WordPerfect II Learning Guide   j-n )^ `> XifQ    Copyright  Portola Systems, Inc. 1987, 1988`6 >Page  jBX )^ `> XifQ    Page ` Copyright  Portola Systems, Inc. 1987, 1988 20\"5^(1<d  yO -ԍx GTE Petition at 9.I The October 2, 1998, date is based upon GTE's proposed revised schedule for LNP implementation in which all overlapping implementation of the Commission's phased  X6-deployment schedule is removed.:?6  {Ok -ԍxId.: GTE states that complying with an LNP schedule in which deployment in Phases I, II, and III overlap will strain its resources, pose potential problems to order processing and provisioning systems, and possibly threaten network  X-reliability.@@ {O$-ԍxId. at 6.@ MCI argues that as a national carrier, GTE has already tested LNP in the" @0*%%GG" Southwest region with several other national carriers and, if anything, benefits from  X-experience deploying LNP in other phases.~A {Ob-ԍxSee MCI Comments in Opposition to US West, Pacific Bell, and GTE at 15.~  X-x'40.` ` We note that a Commission order established the schedule for LNP  X-implementation.B&Z {O-ԍxTelephone Number Portability, First Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, CC  {Oy-Docket No. 95116, 11 FCC Rcd 8352 (1996) (First Report and Order). This schedule was modified in  {OC -Telephone Number Portability, First Memorandum Opinion and Order on Reconsideration, CC Docket No. 95116, 12 FCC Rcd 7236 (1997). The Commission determined that the schedule, which included some overlap in implementing Phases I, II, and III, was reasonable, and that further delay of the  Xv-implementation schedule was unnecessary.yCvH {Oo -ԍxSee First Memorandum Opinion and Order on Reconsideration at 7286.y We note that GTE has not attempted to describe in any detail how network reliability may be compromised or the magnitude of the cost it will bear as a result of complying with the Commission's LNP schedule. We understand that the delay associated with the change in LNP administrators has and will necessitate rescheduling and probably the expenditure of resources not within parties' contemplation when Perot Systems began work, but we will not alter the basic premises Commission's LNP schedule simply to make LNP implementation more convenient for a particular carrier.  X -x(41.` ` Having determined that the Phase II implementation date requested by the dominant carriers in GTE's territories"US West, Pacific Bell, and BellSouth"are reasonable, we require GTE to implement LNP concurrently with those ILECs. Thus, in the Seattle MSA, GTE must implement LNP by August 14, 1998. In the Riverside MSA, GTE must implement LNP by August 18, 1998. In the Tampa MSA, GTE must implement LNP by September 30, 1998.  X-ELI SixtyDay Advance Filing Waiver Request  X-x)42.` ` In addition to requesting that it be granted until August 1, 1998, to implement LNP in the Phoenix and Seattle MSAs, ELI also seeks a waiver of the requirement contained in section 52.23(e) of the Commission's rules that petitions for delay of LNP implementation  X-deadlines be filed at least 60 days prior to the deadline.ID yO5!-ԍx47 C.F.R.  52.23(e).I ELI states that it was under the mistaken impression from discussions among member companies of the West Coast and Western Region Limited Liability Companies that a joint waiver request would be filed with"| j D0*%%GG"  X-the Commission on behalf of all affected companies.CE yOy-ԍxELI Petition at 3.C MCI commented that confusion and an inability to coordinate with other industry members does not constitute an adequate basis  X-on which to grant a waiver.mFX yO-ԍxMCI Partial Opposition to ELI's and Sprint's Petitions at 3.m  X-x*43.` ` We find that the circumstances presented here satisfy the good cause requirement of our rules and that waiver of the 60-day requirement is warranted. ELI, which has no switches in a Phase I MSA, did not know when the NPAC would be ready for testing, and while attempting to accommodate the original schedule, ELI realized that it could not  XH-meet the Phase II implementation schedule after the 60day deadline.@GH yO -ԍxELI Reply at 3.@ We believe ELI acted reasonably in filing its petition shortly after it learned that a joint petition on behalf of  X -affected carriers in the Western and West Coast regions would not be filed.H x yOC-ԍxELI's Petition was filed on April 7, 1998. The 60day advance filing requirement necessitated filing a petition on or before March 16, 1998.  X -X V. ORDERING CLAUSES ĐTP  X -x+44.` ` IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, pursuant to section 1.3 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. 1.3, and by the authority delegated in sections 0.91 and 0.291 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  0.91 and 0.291, that ELI's petition to waive the 60day advance filing requirement is GRANTED.  XK-x,45.` ` IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, pursuant to sections 1.3 and 52.23(e) of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  1.3 and 52.23(e), and by the authority delegated in sections 0.91 and 0.291 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  0.91 and 0.291, that the petitions for extensions of the deadline for implementing local number portability in Phase II MSAs, discussed in this Order, are GRANTED to the extent described herein.  X-x-46.` ` IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, pursuant to sections 1.3 and 52.23(e) of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  1.3 and 52.23(e), and by the authority delegated in sections 0.91 and 0.291 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  0.91 and 0.291, that the petitions for extensions of the deadlines for implementing local number portability in Phase III and Phase "eH0*%%GG" IV MSAs in the West Coast and Western regions, discussed in this Order, are GRANTED to the extent described herein. x` `  hh@FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION x` `  hh@Geraldine A. Matise x` ` hh@Chief, Network Services Division x` ` hh@Common Carrier Bureau