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"7>NGI "=OaOb#Xv P7XP##Xv P7XP#annotation tK&7>annotation textGw/ "7>NGI ">2c(d"i~'^"(22TN"""28"2222222222888,\HBBH>8HH"&H>XHH8HB8>HH^HH>"".2",2,2,"222N2222"&22H22,006"6."""""""""2"2H,H,H,H,H,XAB,>,>,>,>,""""H2H2H2H2H2H2H2H2H2H2H,H2H1H2H2H282H,H,H,B,B,B6B,H?>,>,>,>,H2H2H2H6H2H6H2""2"""2F866H2>>(>">">H2;H2H2H2H2XHB"B"B"8&8&8&86>*>>.H2H2H2H2H2H2^HH6>,>,>,H2>"H28&>"H2?22!!WFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxN$<<$.2",2222`2 LL2 LL2L"",,2d"" /t _I b` yxdddy[Federal Communications Commission`(#KDA 98737$// Suspension Order, 47  $]o U.S.C. Sec. 204; DA 98737 //$ $]o  $/Sec. 0.291, Del. Auth. /$ $]o   S- $]o  ` ` I1Before the  FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION l  Washington, D.C. 20554lU  S- In the Matter of hh,V)   ` `  hh,V)  S-NYNEX Telephone Companies hh,V)  Sp-Revisions to Tariff F.C.C. No. 1 hh,V)ppTransmittal Nos. 494, 497  SH - ` ` hh,V)  S -T    ORDER S -lU , Adopted: April 16, 1998; Released: April 16, 1998 lU  SX-By the Chief, Competitive Pricing Division, Common Carrier Bureau:   S-1. On April 2, 1998, the NYNEX Telephone Companies (NYNEX)y+ yOp-ԍNYNEX was permitted to merge with the Bell Atlantic Telephone Companies (Bell Atlantic) in 1997.  {O8-See Applications of NYNEX Corporation, Transferor, and Bell Atlantic Corporation, Transferee, For Consent to Transfer Control of NYNEX Corporation and its Subsidiaries, 12 FCC Rcd 19985 (1997). NYNEX states that it will continue to offer service under NYNEX tariffs until it and Bell Atlantic merge their tariffs. NYNEX Transmittal No. 494, Description and Justification (D&J) at 2 n.1. For purposes of this Order, we will refer to this carrier as "NYNEX." y filed Transmittal No. 494 to establish special access and switched transport expanded interconnection through virtual collocation  S-in its New York study area.B+ yO-ԍOn April 15, 1998, NYNEX filed Transmittal No. 497 to make certain revisions to Transmittal 494. Expanded interconnection enables parties to compete with local exchange carriers (LECs) by offering access services through the interconnection of their circuits with the LEC's network at a central office. Virtual collocation is a service that allows the interconnector to designate, monitor and control transmission equipment located in the LEC's central office. With virtual collocation service, the LEC owns, installs, and maintains the transmission equipment and the  S-interconnector pays for the installation, use, and maintenance of the equipment.z+ yOb-ԍExpanded Interconnection with Local Telephone Companies, CC Docket No. 91141, Memorandum  {O* -Opinion and Order, 9 FCC Rcd 5154, 5158 (para. 7) (1994) (Virtual Collocation Order). Expanded interconnection can also be offered through physical collocation, which is a service that allows the interconnector to locate its own transmission equipment in a portion of the LEC central office. LECs otherwise required to offer virtual collocation under the Commission's rules can be exempted from that requirement if they choose to offer physical collocation. Section 64.1401(c) of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R.  64.1401(c). Currently, NYNEX provides expanded interconnection through physical collocation in New York. "0*((PP"Ԍ S-2. Transmittal 494 is scheduled to take effect on April 17, 1998. On April 9, 1998, four  S-parties filed petitions to reject or suspend and investigate Transmittal 494.X_ yO@-ԍThese parties are the Association for Local Telecommunications Services (ALTS), MCI Telecommunications Corporation (MCI), Teleport Communications Group, Inc. (TCG), and WorldCom, Inc. (WorldCom). NYNEX filed an opposition to those petitions on April 15, 1998. In pertinent part, the petitioners note that an investigation of other LECs' virtual collocation tariffs is pending, and argue that NYNEX's  S`-Transmittal 494 raises the same issues as the virtual collocation tariffs currently under investigation.$`_ {O-ԍxALTS Petition at 1; MCI Petition at 1; TCG Petition at 12; WorldCom Petition at 24, citing Local Exchange Carriers' Rates, Terms, and Conditions for Expanded Interconnection Through Virtual Collocation for Switched and Special Access Services, Order Designation Issues for Investigation, CC Docket No. 9497, Phase  {OB -II, 10 FCC Rcd 11116 (Com. Car. Bur., 1995) (Virtual Collocation Phase II Designation Order). NYNEX responds that it has supported its rates in sufficient detail to comply with the Commission's  S-rules, and that suspension is therefore unnecessary.I_ yO-ԍxNYNEX Opposition at 24.I x3. We have reviewed Transmittal 494 and the associated petitions. We conclude that Transmittal 494 raises substantial questions of lawfulness for the same reasons that the Bureau has  Sp-suspended and initiated investigations into other LECs' virtual collocation tariffs.pd _ {Ot-ԍxSee, e.g., Ameritech Operating Companies, et al., Order, CC Docket No. 9497, 10 FCC Rcd 1960 (Com. Car. Bur., 1994). Accordingly, Transmittal 494 will become effective following a oneday suspension. These rates will also be subject to an accounting order to facilitate any refunds that may later prove necessary. In a later Order, the Bureau will address the particular arguments raised by petitioners here, and designate specific issues for investigation. x4. Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED that the petitions to suspend and investigate NYNEX Telephone Companies' Revisions to its Tariff F.C.C. No. 1, Transmittal No. 494, filed by the Association for Local Telecommunications Services, MCI Telecommunications, Inc., Teleport Communications Group, Inc., and WorldCom, Inc., ARE GRANTED, to the extent indicated above, and otherwise ARE DENIED. x5. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, pursuant to Section 204(a) of the Communications Act of 1934, 47 U.S.C.  204(a), and Section 0.291 of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R.  0.291, the NYNEX Telephone Companies' Revisions to its Tariff F.C.C. No. 1, Transmittal Nos. 494 and 497, ARE SUSPENDED for one day, and an investigation of the referenced tariff transmittals IS INSTITUTED. x6. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the NYNEX Telephone Companies SHALL FILE tariff revisions reflecting the suspension no later than five business days from the release date of this Order. "P 0*&&PP"Ԍx7. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, for these purposes, we waive Sections 61.58 and 61.59 of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R.  61.58, 61.59. The NYNEX Telephone Companies should cite the "DA" number of the instant Order as the authority for this filing. x8. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, pursuant to Section 204(a) of the Communications Act of 1934, 47 U.S.C.  204(a), the NYNEX Telephone Companies shall keep accurate account of all amounts received by reason of the rates that are the subject of this investigation. x` `  hh@FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION x` `  hh@Jane E. Jackson  S -x` `  hh @Chief, Competitive Pricing Division  SX- x` `  hh@Common Carrier Bureau