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INTRODUCTION   ă  Y21.` ` On October 1, 1997, WorldCom, Inc. (WorldCom) filed with the Commission a Consolidated Application for Transfer of Control from MCI Communications Corporation (MCI) and Request for Special Temporary Authority, pursuant to the Cable Landing License Act and sections 214, 309(f), and 310(d) of the Communications Act, as amended  Yh2(Application).h/ zP(  ԍSee WorldCom Applies For Special Authority to Transfer Control to Trustee of MCI Licenses and  zP(Authorizations, Public Notice, DA 972137 (rel. Oct. 3, 1997). On November 21, 1997, WorldCom filed an amendment to this Application  YQ2(Amended Application).Q$/ zP& (   ԍSee WorldCom, Inc. and MCI Communications Corporation Seeks FCC Consent for Proposed Merger, Public Notice, DA 972494 (rel. Nov. 25, 1997). In a public notice establishing a pleading cycle on the Amended Application, interested parties were invited to file comments or petitions to deny by January 5, 1998 and responses to those comments and petitions by January 26, 1998. On January 5, 1998, GTE Service Corporation (GTE) filed a Motion to Dismiss WorldCom's Amended" ~x-**kk"  Y2Application." xPy(  ԍIn its motion to dismiss, GTE claims that the WorldCom/MCI merger application fails to meet the  xCommission's clearly established information requirements for transfers of control in the merger context. This  zP ( xxdeficiency, according to GTE, warrants summary dismissal of the merger application. See GTE Motion to Dismiss at 12. A public notice requested interested parties to file comments on GTE's motion  Y2by January 27, 1998, and responses to those comments by February 5, 1998.J\ zPL(  ԍSee Commission Seeks Comment on GTE Service Corporation Motion to Dismiss Applications of WorldCom,  zP( xInc. and MCI Communications Corporations for Transfers of Control of MCI to WorldCom, Public Notice, DA 9849 (rel. Jan 12, 1998). J  Y22.` ` Several commenters, in the course of the two established pleading cycles, have requested that the Commission establish an additional pleading cycle to allow interested parties to comment on the Joint Reply of WorldCom and MCI to Petitions to Deny and  Xv-Comments (Joint Reply) filed on January 26, 1998.@vs yO-ԍxSee Response of Simply Internet, Inc. and Request for Additional Pleading Cycle (filed Jan. 26, 1998) (Simply Internet Request); BellSouth Corporation's Reply to Joint Opposition to GTE Service Corporation's Motion to Dismiss and Request for Pleading Cycle in the Event That Motion is Denied (filed Feb. 5, 1998) (BellSouth Request); Telstra Corporation Limited's Motion to Extend Date for Reply Comments Regarding GTE Motion to Dismiss and to Establish an Additional Public Comment Cycle (filed Feb. 4, 1998) (Telstra Motion).@ Specifically, these parties assert that an additional pleading cycle is necessary so that the facts and arguments newly raised in the  XH-Joint Reply can be addressed by the public.xH s {O-ԍxSee, e.g., BellSouth's Request at 2; Telstra Motion at 23.x  X - II. DISCUSSION   ŐTP  X -x3.` ` WorldCom/MCI's Joint Reply contains over two hundred pages of factual information, legal arguments, and expert affidavits. We find that an additional pleading cycle is warranted to ensure that interested parties have a meaningful opportunity to comment on this significant amount of information presented for the first time in the Joint Reply. The Common Carrier Bureau, therefore, grants the requests for an additional pleading cycle.  Xb-x4.` ` We encourage parties to address in their comments on the Joint Reply the  XK-application of the merger framework the Commission articulated in the Bell Atlantic/NYNEX  X6-and BT/MCI merger proceedings to the proposed merger at issue in this proceeding.M6s {O!-ԍxApplication of NYNEX Corporation, Transferor, and Bell Atlantic Corporation, Transferee, for Consent  {O"-to Transfer Control of NYNEX Corporation and Its Subsidiaries, File No. NSDL9610, Memorandum Opinion  {O#-and Order, 12 FCC Rcd 19985 (1997) (Bell Atlantic/NYNEX); The Merger of MCI Communications Corporation  {O]$-and British Telecommunications PLC, GN Docket No. 96245, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 12 FCC Rcd  {O'%-15351 (1997) (BT/MCI Merger).M This includes an identification of the relevant product and geographic markets, the actual, potential, and precluded competitors in these markets, a description of any barriers to entry or expansion into these markets, and a discussion of the potential competitive effects and"x-))jj" efficiencies resulting from the merger and other possible effects that may be relevant to the Commission's public interest assessment.  X-x5.` ` Because, by establishing an additional pleading cycle, we essentially grant the relief Telstra seeks by requesting an extension in the date for reply comments on GTE's  X-Motion to Dismiss, we dismiss Telstra's motion as moot.  X_-x6.` ` Interested parties should file an original and 12 copies of their comments on  XH-WorldCom/MCI's Joint Reply no later than March 13 , 1998 with the Secretary, FCC, 1919  X1-M Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20554. An original and 12 copies of all reply comments  X -are to be filed with the Secretary, FCC no later than March 20, 1998 . All pleadings should reference CC Docket No. 97-211. An additional copy of all pleadings must also be sent to Janice M. Myles, Common Carrier Bureau, FCC, Room 544, 1919 M Street, N.W., Washington, D. C. 20554, and to the Commission's contractor for public service records duplication, International Transcription Services, Inc. (ITS, Inc.), 1231 20th Street, N.W., Washington, D. C. 20036. The motion and requests for additional pleading cycles referenced above are available for inspection and copying during normal business hours in the FCC's Reference Center, Room 239, 1919 M Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20554. Copies also can be obtained from ITS at 1231 20th Street, N.W., Washington, D. C. 20036, or by calling ITS at 202-857-3800 or faxing ITS at 202-857-3805.  X-x7.` ` Parties are also encouraged to file a copy of all pleadings on a 3.5 inch diskette in an IBMcompatible format using WordPerfect 5.1 for Windows software in a "read only" mode. Diskette submissions should be in addition to, and not a substitute for, the hard copy filing requirements reviewed above. All diskettes should be clearly labelled with: (1) the party's name; (2) the name of the proceeding and docket number; (3) the type of filing  X-submitted (e.g., comments); and (4) the date of submission. The diskettes should be accompanied by a cover letter and filed with Janice Myles, Policy and Program Planning Division, Room 544, 1919 M Street, NW, Washington, DC 20554.  Xg- x  XP- x` `  III. ORDERING CLAUSES  X9-  X"-x8.` ` Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED that, pursuant to sections 4(i), 4(j), 214, 309, and 310 of the Communications Act, as amended, 47 U.S.C.  154(i), 154(j), 214, 309, and 310 , Simply Internet's Request for Additional Pleading Cycle filed January 26, 1998, IS GRANTED.  X!-x9.` ` IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Telstra's Motion to Establish an Additional Public Comment Cycle filed on February 4, 1998, IS GRANTED.  Xj$-x 10.` ` IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Telstra's Motion to Extend Date for Reply Comments Regarding GTE Motion to Dismiss filed February 4, 1998, IS DISMISSED as moot. x"%'x-))jj%"Ԍ X-x 11.` ` IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that BellSouth's Request for Pleading Cycle filed February 5, 1998, IS GRANTED. x` `  hh@FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION  X_- 88 p@ @   HH8 A. Richard Metzger, Jr.X X (""P"""""""""""""" p@ @  HH8 Chief, Common Carrier Bureau