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in Oklahomawyw 3* S -ԍx#c PE37 P#Specifically, SBC Communications Inc. and its subsidiaries Southwestern Bell Telephone Company and Southwestern Bell Long Distance (SBLD) collectively seek authority for SBLD to provide inregion, interLATA  xP-services in Oklahoma.#X~xP7۝XP#w` `  hh@h)  X` - x` `  hh@  X2-  PROTECTIVE ORDER  X-T P  X-X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8:documents may be disclosed subject to the provisions of subparagraphs (a) and (b), to the  xfollowing persons if disclosure is reasonably necessary for such persons to render professional  x{services in this proceeding: counsel of record for parties that may file in this proceeding,  xZincluding inhouse counsel who are actively engaged in the conduct of this proceeding; partners,  xKassociates, secretaries, paralegal assistants, and employees of such counsel; outside consultants  xor experts retained to render professional services in this proceeding, provided that they are under  xzthe supervision of the counsel of record; and inhouse economists and regulatory analysts,  x<provided that they are under the supervision of the counsel of record. Such documents may also  xybe disclosed to relevant employees of regulatory agencies, Commission employees involved in  x-this proceeding, and to any person designated by the Commission in the interest of justice, upon such terms as the Commission may deem proper.  ` }x` ` (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this order, before any disclosure shall  xLoccur, any individual (other than a Commission employee) to whom confidential information is  xdisclosed must certify in writing that he/she has read and understands this PROTECTIVE  x\ORDER, agrees to abide by its terms, and understands that unauthorized disclosures of the  x stamped confidential documents are prohibited. A copy of each such certification shall be  X#- xprovided to the party that designated the information confidential. (See Attachment A for a model certification.)"h$0*%%__(#"Ԍ ` ԙx` ` (b) Before disclosing a stamped confidential document to any person who is listed  xin paragraph 3 (other than an attorney) and who is employed by a competitor or potential  xcompetitor of the party that so designated the document, the party seeking such disclosure shall  xgive at least five days' advance notice in writing to Michael Kellogg, Kellogg, Huber, Hansen,  x=Todd & Evans, P.L.L.C., 1301 K Street, N.W., Suite 1000 West, Washington, DC 20005, Phone:  x(202) 3267900, stating the names and addresses of the person(s) to whom the disclosure will be  xmade, identifying with particularity the documents to be disclosed, and stating the purposes of  xsuch disclosure. To the extent the stamped confidential document contains information pertaining  xto Brooks Fiber Communications, at least five days' advance notice in writing also shall be given  x{to J. Fred Gist, Hall Estill Hardwick Gable Golden & Nelson, P.C., 2900 Liberty Tower, 100  xNorth Broadway, Oklahoma City, OK 73102, Phone: (405) 5532828, stating the names and  xaddresses of the person(s) to whom the disclosure will be made, identifying with particularity the  xdocuments to be disclosed, and stating the purposes of such disclosure. No such disclosure shall  xbe made within the fiveday period. If, within the fiveday period, a motion is filed objecting  xto the proposed disclosure, disclosure is not permissible until the Commission has denied such  xmotion and disclosure is permitted under 47 C.F.R.  0.459. Any such motion shall be handserved on the party seeking such disclosure.  Xb- `   x4.` ` Access to Confidential Information. Any party producing confidential information  xypursuant to this order shall designate a Washington, D.C. location and such other locations as  x\may be convenient at which all parties shall be permitted access to and review of requested  x\confidential information pursuant to the other terms of this order, or pursuant to alternative  xarrangements agreed upon by the parties. Any such access or review may be limited to regular business hours after reasonable notice by the requesting party.  X- `   x5.` ` Confidential Information Filed in the Record. Stamped confidential documents and  xKother confidential information may be offered in the record of this proceeding, provided that such  xLconfidential information is furnished under seal. The party submitting confidential documents  xshall ensure that each page bears the legend "CONFIDENTIAL SUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER."  X7- ` _x6.` ` Commission Treatment of Confidential Information. If confidential documents are  xLsubmitted to the Commission in accordance with paragraph 5, the materials shall remain sealed  x[while in the Secretary's office or such other place as the Commission may designate so long as  X- xthey retain their status as stamped confidential documents. The Commission may, sua sponte or  xby petition, determine that all or part of the information claimed by the producing party to be  X -confidential is not entitled to such treatment. See generally 47 C.F.R.  0.459.  X"- ` x7.` ` Use. Persons obtaining access to stamped confidential documents under this order  xshall use the information only in the conduct of this proceeding and any judicial proceeding  xarising therefrom, and shall not use such information for any other purpose, including business,"h$0*%%__(#"  xgovernmental, commercial, or other administrative or judicial proceedings. Persons obtaining  xZaccess to confidential information under the terms of this order may disclose, describe, or discuss  xthe confidential information in any pleading filed in this proceeding, provided that such pleading  xis stamped confidential and filed under seal, and provided that a separate public version is filed  x.in which all confidential information is redacted. Persons filing pleadings under seal based on  xconfidential information provided by others shall serve such pleadings by hand or overnight delivery on the party originally requesting confidential treatment of the underlying information.  XH- ` x8.` ` Subpoena by Courts or Other Agencies. If a court or another administrative  x[agency subpoenas or orders production of stamped confidential documents which a party has  xzobtained under terms of this order, such party shall promptly notify the party and any other person who designated the document as confidential of the pendency of such subpoena or order.  X - ` x9.` ` Client Consultation. Nothing in this order shall prevent or otherwise restrict  xcounsel from rendering advice to their clients regarding the section 271 proceeding in which a  xconfidential document is submitted and, in the course thereof, relying generally on examination  xof stamped confidential documents submitted in that proceeding; provided, however, that in  xrendering such advice and otherwise communicating with such client, counsel shall not make  xspecific disclosure of any item so designated except pursuant to the procedures of paragraph 3 above.  X- ` x 10.` ` Prohibited Copying. If a document contains information so sensitive that it should  xnot be copied by anyone, it shall bear the additional legend "Copying Prohibited." Application  xfor relief from this restriction against copying may be made to the Commission, with notice to counsel so designating the document.  X- ` qx 11.` ` NonTermination. The provisions of this order shall not terminate at the conclusion of this proceeding.  Xe- ` 3x 12.` ` Modification Permitted. Nothing in this order shall prevent any party or other person from seeking modification of this order.  X - ` x 13.` ` Responsibility of Attorneys. The attorneys of record are responsible for employing  xreasonable measures to control, consistent with this order, duplication of, access to, and  xdistribution of copies of stamped confidential documents. Parties shall not duplicate any stamped confidential document except working copies and for filing at the Commission under seal.  X!- ` nx 14.` ` Return of Confidential Documents. Within two weeks after final resolution of this  xproceeding (which includes administrative or judicial review), parties that have received stamped  xKconfidential documents shall either return all copies of such documents in their possession to the  Xh$-party that submitted the documents, or destroy all such confidential documents. "h$0*%%__(#"Ԍ X- `  ęx15.` ` Penalties. In addition to any other penalties or remedies authorized under the  xCommunications Act, the Commission's rules, the common law or other source of law, any  xfailure to abide by the terms of this order may result in dismissal of a party's pleadings, or  X- xLcensure, suspension, or disbarment of the attorneys involved, see 47 C.F.R.  1.24, or possible referral to the relevant local bar.  Xv- ` ~x 16.` ` Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED that pursuant to Sections 4(i), 4(j) and 271 of the  x\Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C.  154(i), 154(j) and 271, the Protective Order IS ADOPTED, effective upon its release. x` `  hh@FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION x` `  hh@Regina M. Keeney x` `  hh@Chief, Common Carrier Bureau T T"b0*%%__"  X-T 88 TT T  X-ATTACHMENT A T CC DOCKET NO. 97121 T T  ~9_-TH8#n6X@`7 &@#I have received a copy of the Protective Order in CC Docket No. 97121. I have read the order and agree to comply with and be bound by the terms and conditions of this Protective Order. The signatory understands, in particular, that unauthorized disclosure, or the use of the information for competitive commercial or business purposes, will constitute a  ~9 -violation of this Protective Order.# x6X@`7 X@#  ? <SIGNATURE:@ @    ?<NAME PRINTED:@ @    ?<TITLE:@ @    ?<ADDRESS:@ @    ?I<p@ @    ?i<REPRESENTING:@ @    ? <EMPLOYER:@ @    ?#<DATE:@ @