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In addition, the Commission has separately stated that a  P"! carrier's CEI plan should contain a description of the geographic areas in which it will offer the  P"@ enhanced service, as well as the network locations within those areas through which it will" >0*(("  Y0provide such service.? R& xPy0  ԍSee Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, Comparably Efficient Interconnection Plan for the Provision  xPA0 P"of Voice Messaging Services, 3 FCC Rcd 6912, 6914, 19 (1988); Ameritech's Offer of Comparably Efficient  xP 0 P"P Interconnection to Providers of Message Delivery Service, Order, DA 969, 2224 (Com. Car. Bur. rel. Jan.16, 1996).  Y0   32. Bell Atlantic states that all underlying basic services will be available to both  Y0 P"` affiliated and unaffiliated ESPs at the same time in any given geographical service area.M@R& xP 0ԍBell Atlantic CEI Plan at 8.M  P"`" Presently, however, Bell Atlantic has not filed both state and federal tariffs for all the underlying  P"` basic services. In its original CEI Plan, Bell Atlantic indicates that IPRS, SMDS, and Frame  Yv0 P"P! Relay service are available through federal tariffs and multiple state tariffs._Av@R& xPg 0ԍBell Atlantic CEI Plan at AttachmentsA and B._ Bell Atlantic has  P"! committed to filing by August31, 1996 an intrastate SMDS tariff for New Jersey and intrastate  YH0 P" Frame Relay tariffs for New Jersey and Delaware.BHR& xP0  ԍLetter from Joseph Mulieri, Director FCC Relations, Bell Atlantic, to William Caton, Acting Secretary,  xP0FCC, dated June3, 1996 (June3 Ex Parte Letter). In addition, Bell Atlantic has committed  P"p! to filing by September30, 1996 intrastate tariffs for IPRS in all states within its region, except  Y 0 P"@! the District of Columbia.C ( R& xP0  0ԍJune3 Ex Parte Letter; Letter from Joseph Mulieri, Director FCC Relations, Bell Atlantic, to William  xP0Caton, Acting Secretary, FCC, dated June4, 1996 (June4 Ex Parte Letter). Bell Atlantic seeks a waiver of the requirement to file an intrastate  P" tariff for IPRS in the District of Columbia because no intrastate access tariff exists in that  Y 0 P" jurisdiction.ND R& xP0ԍJune3 Ex Parte Letter.N Bell Atlantic claims that it is unlikely that an Internet access provider in the  P"! District of Columbia would want an IPRStype arrangement, in lieu of SMDS and Frame Relay  Y 0 P"! service.NE R& xP0ԍJune4 Ex Parte Letter.N Bell Atlantic has committed, however, to offer IPRS in the appropriate local services  P" tariff if an Internet access provider requests use of IPRS on an "intrastate" basis within the  Y0 P"0 District of Columbia.:FR& xP0ԍId.: Finally, Bell Atlantic contends that filing an interstate tariff for the  P"0! ISDN services used to provide IAS is technically infeasible because those services are end user  P" services provided using only "usernetwork" interfaces between the end user's point of  YK0 P" termination and the end office.NGK0R& xP,$0ԍJune3 Ex Parte Letter.N Bell Atlantic adds that its interstate access tariff does not"K G0*(( "  Y0contain "usernetwork" interfaces, but instead provides only "networknetwork" interfaces.HXR& xPy0  ԍJune3 Ex Parte Letter. Bell Atlantic asserts that it offers through its interstate access tariff a standards  P"based "networknetwork" interface in conjunction with its Clear Channel Capability which allows transport of  xP 0information rate signals over a 1.544 Mbps high capacity channel. Id.ē  Y0    33.  TARIFF1 The Commission's ONA obligations require Bell Atlantic to file both federal and  Y0 P"p state tariffs for basic ONA services and services underlying its CEI plan for enhanced IAS.IR& xPT0  ԍFiling and Review of Open Network Architecture Plans, 5 FCC Rcd 3103, 3105, 13 (1990); BOC  xP 0 P"Safeguards Order, 6 FCC Rcd at 7624, n.212; BOC ONA Order, 4 FCC Rcd at 11671,224325. See also  xP 0 P" NYNEX Telephone Companies Offer of Comparably Efficient Interconnection to Providers of Enhanced Services,  xP 0 P"11 FCC Rcd 2419 (Com. Car. Bur. 1996); Pacific Bell and Nevada Bell Petition for Removal of the Structural  xPt 0 P"Separation Requirement and Waiver of Certain Federal and State Tariffing Requirements, 8 FCC Rcd 3982, 398384, 1011.  P"P! Bell Atlantic offers Frame Relay service, SMDS, and IPRS through interstate tariffs, and it has  P" committed to filing applicable intrastate tariffs by specific dates. Because Bell Atlantic has  P" committed to tariff on an intrastate basis several basic services not currently available in all  P" ! states, we grant Bell Atlantic certain waivers to file those intrastate tariffs. Bell Atlantic must  P" file by August31, 1996 an intrastate SMDS tariff for New Jersey and intrastate Frame Relay  P"" tariffs for New Jersey and Delaware. In addition, Bell Atlantic must file by September30, 1996  P"! intrastate tariffs for IPRS in all states within its region, except the District of Columbia. If Bell  P"`! Atlantic receives a request for intrastate IPRS service in the District of Columbia, Bell Atlantic  P"@! must either file an intrastate tariff to provide IPRS or request a further waiver of the intrastate  P"` tariffing requirement. Bell Atlantic must use these underlying basic services under the same  Y 0 P"" rates, terms, and conditions that are available to other ESPs, i.e., under the interstate tariffs until  P"@! such time as an applicable intrastate tariff is in effect. Finally, we waive presently the federal  P" tariffing requirement regarding the underlying basic ISDN services, provided that, if in the  P"0 future, a customer requests these services on an interstate basis, Bell Atlantic must federally tariff these services or seek a further waiver of the federal tariffing requirement.  Y40   !34.  TARIFF2  On March8, 1996, Bell Atlantic informed unaffiliated ESPs that the IPRS offering  Y0 P"p was available for noncommercial testing.KJ` R& xP.0ԍId. at AttachmentC.K To ensure that unaffiliated ESPs have at least 90  P" days advance notice of the availability of IPRS, we require that Bell Atlantic's use of IPRS in  P" the provision of its IAS pursuant to this order not begin until June7, 1996. If, in the future,  P"P! Bell Atlantic chooses to offer its enhanced service in areas where the basic underlying services  P"! were not previously available, Bell Atlantic must make these basic services available for testing  P"! by affiliates and nonaffiliates in these other jurisdictions for at least 90 days before using these  P" services in its own offerings. Moreover, if Bell Atlantic uses any additional basic services to  P" provide its enhanced service, it must file an amendment to its CEI plan. We find that Bell  P" Atlantic's CEI plan, subject to the requirements outlined above, comports with the CEI availability requirement established by the Commission. "7 J0*((`"Ԍ X0 8.` ` Minimization of Transport Costs  Y0   "35. This requirement obligates carriers to provide competitors with interconnection  Y0facilities that minimize transport costs.cKR& xP40ԍPhase I Order, 104 FCC 2d at 1042, 164.c   Y0   #36. Bell Atlantic contends that the Commission has found this requirement satisfied  P" where affiliated and unaffiliated ESPs are charged the same rate for all underlying basic  Y_0 P" ! services.L_XR& xPh 0ԍBell Atlantic CEI Plan at 8 (citing Phase II Recon. Order, 3 FCC Rcd at 1155, 3234). Bell Atlantic argues that this is the case with its enhanced IAS offering.:M_R& xP 0ԍId.: We find  P" that Bell Atlantic's CEI plan comports with the minimization of transport costs requirement established by the Commission.  X 0 9.` ` Recipients of CEI  Y 0   $37. This requirement prohibits carriers from restricting the availability of the CEI  Y 0offering to any particular class of customer or enhanced service competitor.cN xR& xP0ԍPhase I Order, 104 FCC 2d at 1042, 165.c   Y0  p %38. Bell Atlantic avers that all of the underlying basic services that it will use to provide  Yy0 P"! IAS are available to all users for any lawful purpose.MOyR& xP20ԍBell Atlantic CEI Plan at 9.M We find that Bell Atlantic has proposed to provide service to CEI recipients in compliance with the Commission's requirements.  X40 B.Other Nonstructural Safeguards  Y0  Y0  @ &39. In addition to the CEI requirements established in Computer III, a BOC proposing  P" ! to provide enhanced services on a structurally integrated basis must comply with requirements  P"! regarding the use of customer proprietary network information (CPNI), disclosure of network  Y0information, and nondiscrimination reporting.iPR& xP !0ԍPhase II Order, 2 FCC Rcd at 3082, 7375.i  X0 1.` ` Customer Proprietary Network Information  Ye0   '40. Bell Atlantic is required to describe the procedures it intends to establish to comply  YN0 P"! with the CPNI safeguards of ComputerIII.cQN( R& xP''0ԍPhase II Order, 2 FCC Rcd at 3095, 156.c Bell Atlantic states that it will continue to comply"N Q0*(( "  P" ! fully with existing, and any revised, CPNI requirements. We note that the 1996 Act added to  P"@! the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, (Communications Act) new Section 222, which  Y0 P" concerns privacy of customer information.NRR& xPK0ԍSee 47 U.S.C.  222.N The 1996 Act sets forth, among other things,  P" restrictions on the use of CPNI obtained by telecommunications carriers in providing  Y0 P" telecommunications service to customers.SXR& xP0ԍTelecommunications Act of 1996, Pub. L. No. 104104, 110 Stat. 56, 702, codified at 47 U.S.C. 222. Although the requirements of Section702 of the  P"! 1996 Act were immediately effective, after receiving requests by local exchange carriers (LECs)  P"p! for clarification of their obligations, the Commission has tentatively concluded that regulations  P" interpreting and specifying in more detail a telecommunications carrier's obligations under  YH0 P" subsections222(c)(f) of the Communications Act are in the public interest.TXHR& xP 0  ԍImplementation of the Telecommunications Act of 1996: Telecommunications Carriers' Use of Customer  xP 0 P"pProprietary Network Information and Other Customer Information, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, CC Docket  xPq0No.96115, FCC96221, 2 (rel. May17, 1996) (CPNI NPRM). In the CPNI  Y10 P" NPRM, the Commission concluded that the 1996 Act does not prohibit the Commission from  Y 0 P" enforcing CPNI requirements that are not inconsistent with the 1996 Act.U  R& xP0  ԍCPNI NPRM at38. See also BellSouth Petition for Waiver of Computer III Rules for Reversesearch  xP0 P"0Capability, CC Docket No.90623, Order, DA 96674 (Com. Car. Bur. rel. April29, 1996) (granting waiver of  xPc0 P"CEI requirements subject to, among other things, compliance with ComputerIII CPNI requirements as modified by the 1996 Act). Therefore, we  P"`! require Bell Atlantic to comply with the Commission's existing CPNI requirements that are not  P"@! inconsistent with Section222 of the Communications Act, Section 222 of the Communications Act, and any subsequent regulations adopted by the Commission pursuant to Section 222.  X 0 2.` ` Network Information Disclosure (#`  Yy0   (41. DISCLOSUREBell Atlantic is also required to disclose to the enhanced services industry  P"! information about network changes and new network services that affect the interconnection of  P"! enhanced services with the network. Bell Atlantic must make that disclosure at the "make/buy"  P" point, that is, when it decides whether to make or to procure from an unaffiliated entity any  Y0 P"`" product whose design affects or relies on the network interface.cV R& xP0ԍPhase II Order, 2 FCC Rcd at 3086, 107.c Bell Atlantic must provide that  P"P! information to members of the enhanced services industry that sign a nondisclosure agreement,  Y0 P" within 30 days after execution of such nondisclosure agreement.XW R& xP #0ԍId. at 309193, 134140.X Bell Atlantic also must  P"P publicly disclose technical information about a new or modified network service 12 months  Y0 P" ! before that service is introduced.MXR& xP&0ԍId. at 3092, 136.M If Bell Atlantic is able to introduce such a network service  P" between six and 12 months after the make/buy point, however, it must publicly disclose"X0*(("  P" information about the service at the make/buy point, and it may not introduce the service less  Y0 P"p than six months after the public disclosure.:YR& xPb0ԍId.: BOCs need not describe network disclosure  Y0 P" procedures in their CEI plans, because they are obligated to obey those rules.aZXR& xP0ԍBOC ONA Order, 4 FCC Rcd at 252, 490.a Bell Atlantic  P"`" states that it has complied and will continue to comply with the Commission's network disclosure  Y0 P" requirements, including any revised requirements.N[R& xP= 0ԍBell Atlantic CEI Plan at 10.N We find that Bell Atlantic's CEI plan comports with the Commission's network information disclosure requirements.  X_0 3.` ` Nondiscrimination Reporting  Y10   )42. BOCs are required to file quarterly nondiscrimination reports with respect to their  Y 0 P"! basic services, thereby ensuring that they provide the access promised in their CEI plans.\ xR& xPC0  ԍSee BOC ONA Reconsideration Order, 5 FCC Rcd 3084, 3096, Appendix B (1990), BOC ONA  xP 0 P"Amendment Order, 5 FCC Rcd 3103 (1990), Erratum, 5 FCC Rcd 4045, pets. for review denied, California II,  xP0 P"4 F.3d 1505 (9th Cir. 1993), recon., 8 FCC Rcd 7646 (1991), BOC ONA Second Further Amendment Order, 8  xP0 P"FCC Rcd 2606 (1993), pet. for review denied, California II, 4 F.3d 1505 (9th Cir. 1993); and Phase II Order, 2 FCC Rcd at 3082, 73. Bell  P" Atlantic states that it has complied and will continue to comply with the Commission's  P"P nondiscrimination reporting requirements, including any subsequent revisions to those  Y 0 P" requirements.N] ( R& xP0ԍBell Atlantic CEI Plan at 10.N We find that Bell Atlantic's CEI plan comports with the Commission's nondiscrimination reporting requirements.  X0 C.Accounting Safeguards  Yb0   *43. In addition, the BOCs must adhere to certain accounting procedures to protect  P"! ratepayers from bearing misallocated costs. This system consists of five principal parts: (1)the  P"` establishment of effective accounting rules, in accordance with the Commission's Part 32  P" Uniform System of Accounts requirements, and cost allocation standards; (2)the requirement  P"! that telecommunications carriers file cost allocation manuals reflecting accounting rules and cost  P" allocation standards they have adopted; (3)mandatory audits of carrier cost allocations by  P"@ independent auditors, who must state affirmatively whether the audited carriers' allocations  P" comply with their cost allocation manuals; (4)the establishment of detailed reporting  P"p requirements and the development of an automated system to store and analyze the data; and  Y0 P"p (5)the performance of onsite audits by Commission staff.h^ R& xP%0ԍBOC Safeguards Order, 6 FCC Rcd at 7591, 46.h Bell Atlantic must comply with these accounting safeguards. "eH ^0*(("Ԍ X0 vD.Other Issues  X0 1.` ` Compliance with Sections 251 and 252  Y0  0 +44. MFS contends that Bell Atlantic's CEI plan should be rejected because the plan does  Y0 P"! vnot comply with Sections 251 and 252 of the Communications Act._R& xP0  @ԍMFS Comments at 2 (relying on 47 U.S.C.  251 (1996)). MFS asserts that, at a minimum, Bell Atlantic's  xP0plan should be rejected until the Commission adopts regulations pursuant to Section 251. Id. Specifically, MFS argues  P"! that Bell Atlantic's CEI plan for IAS should comply with the Section251(c) provisions requiring  Y_0 P"p! incumbent LECs to provide interconnection and access to unbundled network elements.@`_ R& xP0 0ԍId. at 4.@ MFS  P" also asserts that Bell Atlantic's plan does not comply with the pricing standards set forth in  P" Section 252(d) because Bell Atlantic fails to indicate that it will offer the underlying basic  Y 0services at costbased rates.@a R& xP{0ԍId. at 6.@  Y 0  0 ,45. Bell Atlantic responds that the issue of further unbundling of underlying basic  P" services is beyond the scope of this proceeding, which Bell Atlantic contends is limited to  Y 0 P" whether its CEI plan complies with the Commission's rules and regulations.Jb @R& xP0ԍBell Atlantic Reply at 2.J Bell Atlantic  P" contends that Section 251(c)(3) applies only to the competitive provision of a  Y0 P" "telecommunications service" and not to an "information service".@cR& xP0ԍId. at 3.@ Bell Atlantic asserts that  P" its proposed IAS is an information service because it will provide users with the ability to  Yb0 P"`! retrieve and utilize a variety of stored information.:db` R& xPs0ԍId.: Bell Atlantic adds that the Commission's  P"! joint cost rules will ensure that the enhanced service will bear fully its own costs, including the  P" " costs of the underlying basic services it uses, and will ensure that no costs are improperly shifted  Y0 P" to customers of basic services.Je R& xP0ԍBell Atlantic Reply at 4.J Furthermore, Bell Atlantic states that information and  Y0enhanced services are not regulated under Title II of the Communications Act.]f R& xP7"0ԍId. (citing 47 C.F.R.  64.702(a)).]  Y0   -46. BellSouth concurs with Bell Atlantic and argues that MFS "fail[s] to recognize that  P" the Telecommunications Act and the Commission's CEI requirements are intended to, and do,  Y0 P"" address different relationships."OgR& xPk'0ԍBellSouth Reply Comments at 2.O BellSouth asserts that Sections 251 and 252 address the rights"g0*(( "  P" ! and duties of an incumbent LEC and a carrier that requests interconnection with the LEC. On  P" the other hand, BellSouth contends that the Commission's CEI regime concerns the rights and  P"! obligations of a BOC that chooses to offer an enhanced service on a structurally integrated basis  P" and other providers of enhanced services. BellSouth claims that MFS has not cited any  P"! provision of the 1996 Act that imposes additional obligations on carriertoESP relationships for  Y0 P"` CEI purposes.:hR& xP0ԍId.: BellSouth also argues that MFS's interconnection argument is misplaced  P"@ because Section251(c)(2) applies only to "telecommunications carriers" and ESPs are not  Y_0considered "telecommunications carriers" under the Communications Act.vi_XR& xPh 0ԍId. at 3 (citing 47 U.S.C.  153(48), 153(49), 153(51)).v  Y10   .47.  1996ACT We conclude that MFS's arguments regarding Sections251 and 252 of the  P"` Communications Act are beyond the scope of this proceeding. This proceeding is limited to  Y 0 P" determining whether Bell Atlantic's CEI plan complies with the Commission's ComputerIII  P"! requirements. MFS's arguments are best addressed in a rulemaking proceeding. We note that  P"! MFS has raised these arguments, with specific reference to Bell Atlantic's CEI Plan, in response  Y 0 P" to the Interconnection NPRM,tj R& xPW0ԍComments of MFS, CC Docket No.9698, pp2526, filed May16, 1996.t which addresses, among other things, the scope of the  P"@ Section251 interconnection and unbundling requirements and the Section252 pricing  Y0standards.#kxR& xP0  `ԍImplementation of the Local Competition Provisions in the Telecommunications Act of 1996, CC Docket  xP0No. 9698, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, FCC 96182 (rel. April 19, 1996) (Interconnection NPRM).#  Xb0 42.` ` IAS as an InterLATA LongDistance Service Offering  Y40   /48. MFS contends that Bell Atlantic will be engaged in the unlawful resale of interLATA  Y0 P" " service through its proposed IAS offering.ClR& xP0ԍMFS Comments at 8.C Because end users will4 use Bell Atlantic's proposed  P"@ service to access computer servers that may be located in the same state, a different state, or  P"! another country, MFS argues that the retail Internet services that Bell Atlantic proposes to offer  P" are interLATA services. MFS asserts that, until Bell Atlantic satisfies the "competitive  Y0 P"` checklist" set forth in Section 271 of the Communications Act,Dm` R& xP!0ԍ47 U.S.C.  271.D it cannot lawfully offer  Y0interLATA telecommunications services that originate within its service region.Cn R& xPK$0ԍMFS Comments at 8.C " n0*(("Ԍ Y0   049. Bell Atlantic states that it will not carry longdistance traffic that originates within  Y0 P" its region across LATA boundaries until it receives authorization to provide such services.MoR& xPb0ԍBell Atlantic CEI Plan at 4.M  P"0 Bell Atlantic asserts that, in using IAS, end user customers will have to select, and establish  P" separate arrangements with, interexchange carriers to carry traffic to and from servers on the  Y0 P"@! Internet that are located across LATA boundaries.JpXR& xP0ԍBell Atlantic Reply at 5.J Bell Atlantic maintains that IAS is simply  Y0 P"! an access service for connection to the Internet.JqR& xP& 0ԍBell Atlantic Reply at 5.J Bell Atlantic argues that the proposed service  P"p is enhanced because it includes browser capabilities and database storage capabilities, but  P"`" otherwise, is no different from other information access capabilities it has offered consistent with  YH0the Modification of Final Judgment.:rHxR& xPq0ԍId.:  Y 0   150. According to its assertions, Bell Atlantic will not be engaged in the provision of  P" interLATA telecommunications services and that its proposed IAS does not involve the resale  P"0" of interLATA services. Based upon the information Bell Atlantic has provided, IAS will provide  P"p end user access to the Internet through a structurally integrated enhanced services operation.  P" To connect or transmit to Internet servers or facilities located in other LATAs, the end user  P"! customer must have a preexisting arrangement with an interLATA Internet provider. IAS, like  P"! exchange access service, will provide access to interLATA Internet providers that will complete  Yy0connections to servers located in other LATAs.1sXyR& xP20  ԍThe Communications Act defines "exchange access" as "the offering of access to telephone exchange  P"services or facilities for the purpose of the origination or termination of telephone toll services." 47 U.S.C. 153(16).1  YK0   251. Pursuant to Sections271 and 272 of the Communications Act, BOCs must provide  Y40 P" interLATA information services through separate affiliates.Tt4( R& xP 0ԍ47 U.S.C. 271, 272 (1996).T The interLATA provision of  P" information services by the BOCs pursuant to Sections271 and 272 will be considered in a  P" ! separate proceeding. Bell Atlantic's provision of Internet services on an interLATA basis will be subject to the requirements established in that proceeding.  X0 3.` ` Database Design and Hosting Services  Y0   352. MFS contends that Bell Atlantic does not provide sufficient information or detail in  Y|0 P"0! its CEI plan concerning proposed database design and hosting services.Cu| R& xP&0ԍMFS Comments at 9.C MFS states that Bell  P"! Atlantic does not include these proposed services among the unbundled basic services described"eH u0*(("  Y0 P" in its CEI plan.:vR& xPy0ԍId.: MFS argues that, if Bell Atlantic's hosting services are collocated in Bell  P"! Atlantic's central offices, collocation also must be offered to other Internet service providers as  Y0 P"` part of the CEI plan.:wXR& xP0ԍId.: MFS claims that Bell Atlantic fails to provide any information concerning the locations of these services.  Y0   453. Bell Atlantic asserts that the features to which MFS refers are enhanced service  P" features and, consequently, are noncommunications functions that will be offered by Bell  Y_0 P" Atlantic as enhanced services.Lx_R& xP 0ԍBell Atlantic Reply at 56.L Bell Atlantic argues that the Commission's Title II authority  P"! does not extend to enhanced services and noncommunication services, and that the Commission  Y10does not mandate access to enhanced services features.@y1xR& xPZ0ԍId. at 6.@  Y 0   554. We find that the computer database design and Internet hosting services Bell Atlantic  Y 0 P"p! proposes in its plan are features of its enhanced services. The Commission's ComputerIII rules  Y 0 P"  do not require offering collocation arrangements to unaffiliated parties.z R& xP0  ԍBOC ONA Order, 4 FCC Rcd at9495, 18183; BOC ONA Recon. Order, 5 FCC Rcd at3092, 6972. Bell Atlantic,  Y 0 P"`! however, must comply with the Commission's Expanded Interconnection requirements and any  Y 0applicable collocation requirements established by the Interconnection NPRM proceeding.m{ ` R& xP0  ԍExpanded Interconnection with Local Telephone Company Facilities, First Report and Order and Notice  xP0 P"of Proposed Rulemaking, PhaseI, 7FCCRcd 7369 (1992), recon., 8FCCRcd 127 (1992), further recon.,  xPH0 P"8FCCRcd 7341 (1993), vacated in part and remanded sub nom. Bell Atlanticv. FCC, 24 F.3d 1441 (D.C. Cir.  xP0 P"1994), Second Report & Order and Third Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Phase1, 8 FCCRcd 7374 (1993), order  xP0 P"Pafter remand, 9 FCCRcd 5154 (1994), remanded sub nom., Pacific Bell v. FCC, 81 F.3d 1147, 1996 WL 175198  xP0(D.C. Cir. 1996), Third Report and Order, PhaseII, 9 FCC Rcd 2718 (1994), recon. pending.m  Yy0. V. CONCLUSION ă  YL0   655. Subject to the conditions set forth in this Order and the waivers granted herein, we  Y50 P"` conclude that Bell Atlantic's CEI plan for IAS complies with the Commission's Computer III  P"! requirements. If Bell Atlantic offers new enhanced services not described in this CEI plan, or if Bell Atlantic uses additional, underlying basic services, it must file a CEI plan amendment. "{0*(("Ԍ Y0= VI. ORDERING CLAUSE ă  Y0    756. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that, pursuant to Sections 1, 4(i) and (j), 201, 202, 203,  P"! 205, 218, and 222 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C.  151, 154(i)  P" and (j), 201, 202, 203, 205, 218, and 222, and authority delegated thereunder pursuant to  P"P Sections 0.91 and 0.291 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  0.91 and 0.291, Bell  P" Atlantic's Comparably Efficient Interconnection Plan for Enhanced Internet Access Service IS APPROVED, subject to the requirements and conditions provided herein. ` `  hh,FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION ` `  hh,Regina M. Keeney ` `  hh,Chief, Common Carrier Bureau