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Аџџааггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггааџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџ` И hРpШ xа (#џџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџАџџааааtoc 7toc 7чŠЭ€Ю ааггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггггааћџ2TашДщЛъ,Ты@Щtoc 8toc 8ш^ЯTа ааааџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџА(#џџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџ 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BACKGROUNDЦа ЦСp>"(#ЅС 5ƒ д ‘XMЉ4дТXŠТТX` ` ЙТС€ŠСA. С` ` ЙСNorth American Numbering PlanЦа ` ЦСp>"(#ЅС 7ƒ д ‘X6Љ4дТXŠТТX` ` ЙТС€ŠСB. С` ` ЙСUniversal Service Support MechanismsЦа ` ЦСp>"(#ЅС 9ƒ д ‘X Љ4дТXŠТТX` ` ЙТС€ŠСC. Т` ` ЙТTelecommunications Relay ServiceЦа ` ЦСpк!(#žС 11ƒ д ‘X!Љ4дТXŠТТX` ` ЙТС€ŠСD. Т` ` ЙТLocal Number PortabilityЦа ` ЦСpк!(#žС 12ƒ д ‘Xё!Љ4дТXŠТТX` ` ЙТС€ŠСE. Т` ` ЙТSection 413 Agent for Service of ProcessЦа ` ЦСpк!(#žС 14ƒ д ‘Xк"Љ4дТXŠТТX` ` ЙТС€ŠСF. Т` ` ЙТSection 43.21(c) Revenue and Plant DataЦа ` ЦСpк!(#žС 15ƒ ТXŠТС€АА\СIII. CONSOLIDATING CONTRIBUTOR REPORTING REQUIREMENTSЦа ЦСpк!(#žС 16ƒ д ‘X•%Љ4дТXŠТТX` ` ЙТС€ŠСA. Т` ` ЙТOverviewЦа ` ЦСpк!(#žС 16ƒ д ‘X~&Љ4дТXŠТТX` ` ЙТС€ŠСB. Т` ` ЙТTelecommunications Reporting WorksheetЦа ` ЦСp"(#ЂС 19ƒ д ‘Xg'Љ4дТXŠТТX` ` ЙТС€ŠСC. Т` ` ЙТUniform Schedule and Location for Filing Contribution DataЦа ` ЦСp"(#ЂС 30ƒ д ‘XP(Љ4дТXŠТТX` ` ЙТС€ŠСD. Т` ` ЙТBasis for Assessing ContributionsЦа ` ЦСp"(#ЂС 32ƒд"P(ˆ,о)о)ZZq&н"дŒд ‘XЉ4 e iздТXŠТТX` ` ЙТС€ŠСE. Т` ` ЙТMinimum and Fixed Annual Contributions to NANPA and TRS MechanismsЦа ` ЦСp"(#ЂС 48ƒ д ‘XвЉ4 e iЋдТXŠТТX` ` ЙТС€ŠСF. Т` ` ЙТProcedures for Future Changes to the Telecommunications Reporting WorksheetЦа ` ЦСp"(#ЂС 55ƒ д ‘XЄЉ4дТXŠТТX` ` ЙТС€ŠСG. Т` ` ЙТAuthorize Sharing of Information Between AdministratorsЦа ` ЦСp"(#ЂС 56ƒ д ‘XЉ4дТXŠТТX` ` ЙТС€ŠСH. Т` ` ЙТElectronic FilingЦа ` ЦСp"(#ЂС 60ƒ ТXŠТС€АА\СIV. NOTICE OF INQUIRYЦа ЦСp"(#ЂС 63ƒ ТXŠТС€АА\СV. CONCLUSIONЦа ЦСp"(#ЂС 65ƒ ТXŠТС€АА\СVI. PROCEDURAL MATTERSЦа ЦСp"(#ЂС 66ƒ д ‘Xь Љ4дТXŠТТX` ` ЙТС€ŠСA.С` ` ЙСInitial Paperwork Reduction Act AnalysisЦа ` ЦСp"(#ЂС 66ƒ д ‘Xе Љ4дТXŠТТX` ` ЙТС€ŠСB. С` ` ЙСInitial Regulatory Flexibility Act AnalysisЦа ` ЦСp"(#ЂС 67ƒ д “XО Љ4дТXŠТТX` ` ЙТС€ŠСC. С` ` ЙСУУEx Parte ФФPresentationsЦа ` ЦСp"(#ЂС 68ƒ д ‘XЉ Љ4дТXŠТТX` ` ЙТС€ŠСD. С` ` ЙСComment Filing ProceduresЦа ` ЦСp"(#ЂС 69ƒ ТXŠТС€АА\СVII. ORDERING CLAUSESЦа ЦСp"(#ЂС 73ƒ › Appendix A: Proposed Rules Appendix B: Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet Appendix C: Initial Regulatory Flexibility Act Analysis д ‘XёЖ4дХХСрJь:СУ УззI. INTRODUCTIONФ Фззƒ д ‘XкЉ4дб#єXє\  PŽ6G;)*єP#бв ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФ УУФФАА вб#Xjє\  PŽ6G;ъšXP#б д ‘XУЉ4дааааXА` И hРpШ xа (#€%и'0*ˆ,р.813ш5@8˜:№%Ж'дСŠС47 C.F.R. РР 43.21(c). The Commission's rules are codified at Title 47 of the Code of Federal д {O&œ'дRegulations. 47 C.F.R. РРРР 0.1 УУet seq.ФФиж д"|T ˆ,N(N(ZZн"дŒд ‘XЉ4дСŠСи4.и С` ` ЙСWith the limited exceptions noted above, we do not seek to revisit the substantive requirements of the four support and cost recovery mechanisms, the class of contributors to each mechanism, or the services whose revenues are included in contribution bases. Rather, the rulemaking focuses on steps to reduce burdens on contributors by improving the data collection process. In the Notice of Inquiry (NOI) portion of this proceeding, we request broader public comment on the feasibility and desirability of adopting other means to reduce contributor burdens, including possible use of a single billing and collection administrator for the TRS, universal service, NANP, and LNP support and cost recovery mechanisms. СŠС д ‘X Ж'дУ УХХСрgь<СззII. BACKGROUNDззФ Фƒ д ‘Xь Љ4дСŠСи5.и С` ` ЙС Congress has directed the Commission to fund interstate telecommunications relay services, the universal service support mechanisms, the administration of the North ХХAmerican Numbering Plan, and the administration of local number portability by collecting contributions from telecommunications carriers and certain other providers of telecommunications services. As currently structured, our contributor reporting requirements may place unnecessary administrative, compliance, and recordkeeping burdens on reporting carriers. Telecommunications carriers having interstate revenues currently must file, at different times throughout the year, a number of contributor reporting worksheets that reflect д ‘X4а4дoften duplicative reporting requirements.ж  4Ppд yO­Ж'д СŠСIt is our belief that most carriers required to contribute to one of the aboveЉmentioned mechanisms are also required under the Commission's rules to report and contribute to most, if not all, of the four mechanisms. ж At a minimum, such carriers must file three forms (Form 496 NANPA Funding Worksheet, Form 457 Universal Service Worksheet and Form 431 TRS Fund Worksheet) containing revenue and other data on which contributions to д ‘Xяа4дsupport or cost recovery mechanisms are based.жу я Ppд yOРЖ'д СŠСThese current NANP administration, TRS Fund, and universal service support mechanism worksheets include 5 pages of forms and more than 30 pages of instructions in the aggregate.уж In addition to these filings, the Commission will soon require these carriers to file data to determine contributions for the administration of longЉterm local number portability. Given that there are seven distinct regional databases for longЉterm number portability (though a single organization may serve as administrator for multiple regions), certain carriers may be required to file up to seven additional worksheets in connection with local number portability administration. Beyond these contributor reporting requirements, all carriers must also file with the Commission contact information for an agent for service of process located in the District of Columbia. д ‘X Љ4дХвХСŠСи6.иС` ` ЙСWe begin by describing, in summary form, key aspects of each mechanism affected by this proceeding.ХвХ д"ђx ˆ,N(N(ZZЈн"дŒд ‘XЖ'дУ УззХЄХA. СŠСNorth American Numbering PlanФ Фзз д ‘XвЉ4дСŠСи7.и С` ` ЙСThe North American Numbering Plan (NANP) is the basic numbering system ХЄХpermitting interoperable telecommunications service for the United States, Canada, Bermuda, д ‘XЄа4дand most of the Caribbean.ж‡ ђЄPpд {OЖ'дСŠСУУAdministration of the North American Numbering PlanФФ, Report and Order, FCC 97Љ283, CC Docket 92Њд {Oчœ'д237, 11 FCC Rcd 2588 (rel. Jul. 13, 1995) (УУNANP OrderФФ). УУSee alsoФФ УУAdministration of the North American д {OБœ'дNumbering Plan, Toll Free Service Access CodesФФ, Third Report and Order and Third Report and Order, FCC 97Њд {O{œ'д372, CC Docket No. 92Љ237, 95Љ155, 12 FCC Rcd 23040, РРРР 2Љ13 (rel. Oct. 9, 1997) (УУNANP Third Report and д {OE œ'дOrderФФ) (including a thorough history of the NANP and its administration).‡ж In the Telecommunications Act of 1996,жЪ”Є‚Ppд {Oз Ж'д СŠСTelecommunications Act of 1996, Pub. L. No. 104Љ104, 110 Stat. 56 (1996 Act), УУcodified atФФ 47 U.S.C. д {OЁ œ'дРРРР 151 УУet seq.ФФЪж Congress mandated that "[t]he cost of establishing telecommunications numbering administration arrangements and number portability shall be borne by all telecommunications carriers on a competitively д ‘X_а4дneutral basis as determined by the Commission."жJШ_оPpд yOюЖ'дСŠС47 U.S.C. РР 251(e)(2).Jж Congress, in section 251(e), conferred upon the Commission exclusive jurisdiction over those portions of the NANP that pertain to the United States and required the Commission to designate an impartial administrator for д ‘X а4дtelecommunications numbering.жJШ n Ppд yO9Ж'дСŠС47 U.S.C. РР 251(e)(1).Jж д “Xь Љ4дСŠСи8.и С` ` ЙСThe Commission, in the УУLocal Competition Second Report and OrderФФ, implemented section 251(e) by requiring all telecommunications carriers to contribute to the д ‘XР а4дcost recovery for numbering administration.жG\Р ў Ppд {OoЖ'дСŠСУУImplementation of the Local Competition Provisions of the Telecommunications Act of 1996ФФ, Second Report and Order, FCC 96Љ333, CC Docket No. 96Љ98, 11 FCC Rcd 19392, 19541, РР 342 (rel. Aug. 8, 1996) д {Oœ'д(УУLocal Competition Second Report and OrderФФ).Gж The Commission required each telecommunications carrier to base its contribution to the NANPA cost recovery mechanism д ‘X’а4дon its net telecommunications revenues.жvЪ’"Ppд {OeЖ'дСŠСУУLocal Competition Second Report and OrderФФ, 11 FCC Rcd at 19541.vж Consistent with section 251(e), the Commission established the North American Numbering Council (NANC) and instructed the NANC to recommend to the Commission neutral entities to serve as the administrator of the NANP and д ‘XMа4дas billing and collection agent for the NANP.жРИMДPpд {OВ"Ж'дСŠСУУNANP OrderФФ, 11 FCC Rcd at 2632. УУSee also Local Competition Second Report and OrderФФ, РР 264 ("We д {O|#œ'дconclude that the action taken in the УУNANP OrderФФ satisfies the section 251(e)(1) requirement that the Commission create or designate an impartial numbering administrator."). We note that the billing and collection agent's primary functions are to calculate, assess, bill, and collect payments for numbering administration д {Oж%œ'дfunctions and to distribute funds to the NANPA on a monthly basis. УУNANP Third Report and OrderФФ, 12 FCC д {O &œ'дRcd at 23057; УУseeФФ 47 C.F.R. РР 52.16.Рж On the recommendation of the NANC, theд"M4ˆ,N(N(ZZ*"д Commission affirmed the selections of Lockheed Martin IMS (Lockheed) as the NANP administrator (NANPA) and the National Exchange Carriers Association (NECA) as the д ‘Xва4дNANP Billing and Collection Agent.жhЪвPpд {OKЖ'дСŠСУУNANP Third Report and OrderФФ, 12 FCC Rcd at 23042.hж Carriers contributing to the cost recovery for the NANP administration must file annually the NANPA Funding Worksheet (FCC Form 496), developed by the NANP Billing and Collection Agent and approved by the Common Carrier д ‘Xа4дBureau.жsЪZPpд {O˜Ж'дСŠСУУSee NANPA Third Report and OrderФФ, 12 FCC Rcd at 23057 n.101.sж д ‘X_Ж'дУ УззB. СŠСUniversal Service Support MechanismsФ Фзз д ‘X1Љ4дСŠСи9.и С` ` ЙСIn the 1996 Act, Congress directed the Commission to take the steps necessary to establish universal service support mechanisms to ensure the delivery of affordable д ‘X а4дtelecommunications service to all Americans.ж” ьPpд {O Ж'дСŠС47 U.S.C. РР 254. УУSee also FederalЉState Joint Board on Universal ServiceФФ, Report and Order, FCC 97Њд {Ojœ'д157, CC Docket No. 96Љ45, 12 FCC Rcd 8776 (rel. May 8, 1997) (УУUniversal Service OrderФФ).ж Congress, in section 254(d), further mandated that "[e]very telecommunications carrier that provides interstate telecommunications services shall contribute, on an equitable and nondiscriminatory basis, to the specific, predictable, and sufficient mechanisms established by the Commission to preserve and advance universal д ‘XЇ а4дservice."ж@ZЇ HPpд yO Ж'дСŠС47 U.S.C. РР 254(d). We note that section 254 states that "[a]ny other provider of interstate telecommunications may be required to contribute to the preservation and advancement of universal service if„ д {O0œ'дthe public interest so requires." УУIdФФ.@ж д “XyЉ4дСŠСи 10.и С` ` ЙСIn the УУUniversal Service OrderФФ, released May 8, 1997, the Commission adopted the recommendations of a FederalЉState Joint Board that the universal service support д ‘XMа4дmechanisms should be administered through a neutral and impartial third party.жƒЪMj Ppд {OhЖ'дСŠСУУUniversal Service OrderФФ, 12 FCC Rcd at 9214Љ9218, РРРР 861 УУet seq.ФФƒж The Commission selected the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC), a whollyЊд ‘Xа4дowned subsidiary of NECA, as the interim administrator.жFрШќ Ppд {OЬЖ'дСŠСУУChanges to the Board of Directors of the National Exchange Carriers Association, Inc. and FederalЊд {O– œ'дState Joint Board on Universal ServiceФФ, Report and Order and Second Order on Reconsideration, CC Docket д {O`!œ'дNos. 97Љ21 and 96Љ45, FCC 97Љ253, 12 FCC Rcd 18400 (rel. July 18, 1997) (УУUniversal Service Second Order„ д {O*"œ'дon ReconsiderationФФ). While the Commission initially determined in the УУUniversal Service OrderФФ that it would establish a Federal Advisory Committee whose function would be to recommend to the Commission an entity to д {OМ#œ'дserve as the permanent Administrator, in a May 8, 1998 УУReport to CongressФФ, the Commission proposed that USAC be named the permanent Administrator, and, pending Commission review of USAC's performance after д {ON%œ'дone year, USAC be divested from NECA. УУSeeФФ Report in Response to Senate Bill 1768 and Conference Report д {O&œ'дon H.R. 3579, УУReport to CongressФФ, FCC 98-85 (rel. May 8, 1998); УУCommon Carrier Bureau Seeks Comment on д {Oт&œ'дAdministration of Federal Universal Service Support MechanismsФФ, Public Notice, CC Docket Nos. 97Љ21 andд"т&ˆ,N(N(ААС&У"д 96Љ45, DA 98Љ1336 (rel. July 15, 1998).Fж The Commission also concludedд"Xˆ,N(N(ZZф"д that contributions to the universal service support mechanisms will be based on endЉuser д ‘Xща4дtelecommunications revenues.жfЪщXPpд {OђЖ'дСŠСУУUniversal Service OrderФФ, 12 FCC Rcd at 9206Љ07.fж Pursuant to the Commission's rules, contributors to the universal service support mechanisms must report semiЉannually their endЉuser д ‘XЛа4дtelecommunications revenues on the Universal Service Worksheet.жQЪЛъPpд {OVЖ'дСŠСУУSeeФФ 47 C.F.R. РР 54.711.Qж д ‘XЖ'дУ УззC. ТXŠТTelecommunications Relay ServiceФ ФззЦ(#Ц д ‘X_Љ4дСŠСи 11.и С` ` ЙСTitle IV of the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), codified as section 225 of the Communications Act, as amended, requires the Commission to ensure that telecommunications relay services are available, to the extent possible, to individuals with д ‘X а4дhearing and speech disabilities.жН |Ppд yOGЖ'дСŠСPub. L. No. 101Љ336, РР 401, 104 Stat. 327, 366Љ69 (adding section 225 to the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. РР 225).Нж Section 225 of the Act states that "costs caused by interstate telecommunications relay services shall be recovered from all subscribers for every interstate д ‘Xь а4дservice . . . ."жMШь дPpд yOqЖ'дСŠС47 U.S.C. РР 225(d)(3)(B).Mж To fulfill that mandate, the Commission has adopted rules that require the provision of telecommunications relay services (TRS) and that require all carriers providing interstate telecommunications services to contribute to the interstate TRS Fund on the basis of д ‘XЇ а4дtheir gross interstate revenues.ж&Ї d Ppд {OМЖ'дСŠС47 C.F.R. РР 64.601 УУet seq.ФФ УУSee Telecommunications Relay Services and the Americans With Disabilities д {O†œ'дAct of 1990ФФ, Third Report and Order, FCC 93Љ357, CC Docket No. 90Љ571, 8 FCC Rcd 5300, РР12 (rel. July 20, д {OPœ'д1993) (УУTRS Third Report and OrderФФ) ("recovering interstate relay costs from all common carriers who provide interstate service on the basis of their interstate revenues will accomplish this goal").ж Contributions to the TRS Fund are calculated in accordance with a TRS Worksheet which is prepared each year by the Commission and published in the д ‘Xyа4дFederal Register.жUШyR Ppд yO|Ж'дСŠС47 C.F.R. РР 64.604(c)(4)(iii)(B).Uж д ‘XKЖ'дУ УззD. ТXŠТLocal Number PortabilityФ ФззЦ(#Ц д ‘XЉ4дСŠСи 12.и С` ` ЙСIn the 1996 Act, Congress stated that all local exchange carriers have the duty to provide number portability in accordance with requirements prescribed by the д ‘Xяа4дCommission.жJ ШятPpд yO‚%Ж'дСŠС47 U.S.C. РР 251(b)(2).Jж Local number portability (LNP) allows customers to retain their telephoneд"яr ˆ,N(N(ZZХ"д д ‘Xа4дnumbers when changing their local telephone companies.ж !$Ppд {OyЖ'дСŠСУУSeeФФ 47 U.S.C. РР 153(30). Section 3 of the Act states that number portability "means the ability of users of telecommunications services to retain, at the same location, existing telecommunications numbers without impairment of quality, reliability, or convenience when switching from one telecommunications carrier to д {Oгœ'дanother." УУIdФФ. ж Section 251(e)(2) of the Communications Act, as added by the 1996 Act, mandates that "[t]he cost of establishing . . . number portability shall be borne by all telecommunications carriers on a competitively д ‘XЛа4дneutral basis as determined by the Commission."жJ"ШЛДPpд yO Ж'дСŠС47 U.S.C. РР 251(e)(2).Jж д “XЉ4дСŠСи 13.и С` ` ЙСIn the УУLNP Order and Further NoticeФФ, the Commission required local exchange carriers to implement longЉterm number portability through a system of regional databases д ‘Xaа4дmanaged by neutral third party administrators (LNPAs or regional database administrators).жX#№aDPpд {OVЖ'дСŠСУУTelephone Number PortabilityФФ, First Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, д {O œ'дFCC 96Љ286, CC Docket No. 95Љ116, 11 FCC Rcd 8352, 8355Љ56 (rel. July 2, 1996) (УУLNP Order and Further д {Oъœ'дNoticeФФ). We note that the Commission has distinguished between longЉterm number portability and currently д {OДœ'дavailable, or "interim," number portability. УУSee id.ФФ, 11 FCC Rcd at 8405 УУet seq.ФФ (discussing implementation of and cost recovery for interim number portability).Xж On the recommendation of the NANC, a federal advisory committee made up of industry, state regulatory commission, and consumer representatives, the Commission approved the selection of Lockheed as LNPA for four of the seven regions and Perot Systems, Inc. (Perot д “X а4дSystems) as LNPA for the remaining three regions.ж…$ђ ќ Ppд {OВЖ'дСŠСУУTelephone Number PortabilitФФy, Second Report and Order, FCC 97Љ289, CC Docket No. 95Љ116, 12 FCC д {O|œ'дRcd. 12281, 12303 (УУLNP Second Report and OrderФФ). УУФФУУNФФУУФФorth American Numbering CouncilУУ, ФФУУLocal Number д {OFœ'дPortability Administration Selection Working Group ReportФФ, App. D (Architecture & Administrative Plan for д {Oœ'дLocal Number Portability), РР 6.2 at 18Љ19 (April 25, 1997) (УУФФУУNANC LNP RecommendationФФ), УУadoptedФФ, УУLNP„ д {Oкœ'дSecond Report and OrderФФ, 12 FCC Rcd. at 12283Љ84…ж Subsequent to the УУLNP Second Report д “X№ Љ4дand OrderФФ, Perot Systems was dismissed as LNPA for each of its three regions and Lockheed д “Xл а4дwas hired to perform those LNPA functions.жс%”л ЖPpд {OBЖ'дСŠСУУSee Telephone Number PortabilityФФ, Third Report and Order, FCC 98Љ82, CC Docket 95Љ116, РР 13,17 д {O œ'д(rel. May 12, 1998) (УУLNP Cost Recovery OrderФФ).сж In the УУLNP Cost Recovery OrderФФ, the Commission adopted competitively neutral rules to allocate among all telecommunications carriers the shared costs of the regional databases based on carriers' regional intrastate, д ‘X˜а4дinterstate, and international endЉuser telecommunications revenues.жѓ&’˜Ppд {O["Ж'дСŠСУУФФУУLNP Cost Recovery OrderФФ, РР 9; 47 C.F.R. РР 52.32. УУCompare LNP Order and Further NoticeФФ, 11 FCC Rcd at 8415Љ8424 (discussing cost recovery for interim number portability).ѓж The Commission further delegated to the LNPAs the authority to collect data from all telecommunications carriers for the purpose of determining their contribution to the recovery of shared costs of longЉterm д ‘XSа4дnumber portability.жo'ЪSlPpд {Op'Ж'дСŠСУУLNP Cost Recovery OrderФФ, РР 116; 47 C.F.R. РР 52.32.oжд"Sў'ˆ,N(N(ZZQ"дŒд ‘XЖ'д™У УззE. ТXŠТSection 413 Agent for Service of ProcessФ ФззЦ(#Ц д ‘XвЉ4дСŠСи 14.и С` ` ЙСSection 413 of the Communications Act, as amended, requires all carriers subject to the Act to designate in writing an agent in the District of Columbia for service of д ‘XЄа4дall process.жD(ШЄPpд yOЖ'дСŠС47 U.S.C. РР 413.Dж Pursuant to section 1.47(h) of the Commission's rules, carriers are required to д ‘Xа4дfile this information by letter with the Chief of the Formal Complaints Branch.жH)ШXPpд yO–Ж'дСŠС47 C.F.R. РР 1.47(h).Hж д ‘X_Ж'дУ УззF. ТXŠТSection 43.21(c) Revenue and Plant DataФ ФззЦ(#Ц д ‘X1Љ4дСŠСи15.и С` ` ЙСPursuant to section 43.21(c) of our rules, the Commission has required all toll carriers with operating revenues for a calendar year in excess of an indexed revenue threshold to file data on "operating revenues for that year and the value of its total communications д ‘Xь а4дplant" with the Chief of the Common Carrier Bureau.жК*ь шPpд yO…Ж'дСŠС47 C.F.R. РР 43.21(c). The indexed revenue threshold is defined in section 32.9000 of the Commission's rules. 47 C.F.R. РР 32.9000.Кж Pursuant to our rules, this information д ‘Xе а4дis filed by letter.жJ+Ше @Ppд yOЦЖ'д СŠС47 C.F.R. РР 43.21(c).Jж СŠС д ‘XЇ Ж4дХХСрдьqСУ УззIII. CONSOLIDATING CONTRIBUTOR REPORTING REQUIREMENTSФ Фззƒ д ‘XyЖ'дУ УззA. ТXŠТOverviewФ ФззЦ(#Ц д ‘XKЉ4дХХСŠСи16.и С` ` ЙСMuch of the information on the different worksheets described above is similar, but not identical, which increases the burden on reporting carriers and the chance for errors and inconsistencies in the reporting process. For example, carriers must use different revenue д “XЉ4дbases (УУe.g.ФФ, gross telecommunications revenue, net telecommunications revenue, or endЉuser telecommunications revenue) when calculating their contributions to the different support and cost recovery mechanisms. Further, not all of the worksheets use the same year's revenues as the basis for contributions. Thus, the most recent NANPA Worksheet requires revenue and expense data for calendar year 1996, while the TRS and Universal Service Worksheets require only revenue data for the calendar year 1997. In addition, different worksheets are due at different times throughout the year: the NANPA Worksheet on March 12, the Universal д ‘Xgа4дService Worksheet on March 31, and the TRS Worksheet on April 26.ж+,№gаPpд {Oш#Ж'д СŠСУУFCC Announces Release of Universal Service Worksheet, FCC Form 457ФФ, Public Notice, DA 97Љ1671, д {OВ$œ'дCC Docket Nos. 97Љ21 and 96Љ45 (rel. Aug. 4, 1997); УУTelecommunications Relay Services and the Americans д {O|%œ'дwith Disabilities Act of 1990ФФ, Order, DA 97Љ2676, 12 FCC Rcd 22046 (rel. Dec. 22, 1997); УУCommon Carrier Bureau Grants 90ЉDay Waiver of Separate Subsidiary Requirements to National Exchange Carrier Association, д {O'œ'дand Announces Release of 1998 NANPA Funding Worksheet, FCC Form 496ФФ, Public Notice, NSD File No. 98д"'+ˆ,N(N(АА'У"дЋ10, DA 98Љ266 (rel. Feb. 11, 1998). Lockheed, as LNPA, has not yet announced a due date for the local„ number portability worksheet.+ж Such a schemeд"g ,ˆ,N(N(ZZВ"д increases the chance of inconsistencies between filings by the same carrier, because different filings may be based on financial records that are taken from different points of time. We expect that these processes require contributors to maintain multiple sets of records that might be otherwise unnecessary. д ‘XЉ4дСŠСи17.и С` ` ЙСThe combination of our requirement that carriers comply with separate data collections for each mechanism and the rules that prevent the administrators from sharing д ‘X_а4дinformation,жx-В_ Ppд yO0 Ж'д СŠСWe note that the Commission temporarily waived the requirement that the TRS Administrator use data obtained from TRS contributors only for purposes of administering the TRS Fund. Pursuant to this temporary waiver, the TRS administrator may make available, and the universal service administrator may use, TRS contributor revenue information to compare revenue information provided by contributors on the Universal д {OPœ'дService Worksheet. УУFederalЉState Joint Board on Universal ServiceФФ, Order, DA 98Љ523, CC Docket No. 96Љ45, РРРР 4Љ7 (rel. Mar. 20, 1998).xж predictably means that each administrator must "data enter" and validate similar contributor information. Not only does this cause unnecessary administrative cost, but it also makes it difficult for the Commission to reconcile information that has been filed with the various administrators. The use of a single form may permit administrative savings by the administrators and, by improving the accuracy of contributor data, may help ensure that all carriers contribute appropriate amounts. д ‘XО Љ4дСŠСи18.и С` ` ЙС In this proceeding, we seek ways to ease the burdens associated with the assessment of contributions to these four support and cost recovery mechanisms outlined in the preceding paragraphs. In Section III, we set forth a number of specific proposals designed to streamline and consolidate our reporting procedures. Primary among these proposals is the creation of one unified data collection worksheet to be used to provide data necessary to determine carrier contribution amounts to the TRS, NANP, universal service, and LNP administrators. We present below, a table outlining the key aspects of the filings for the four support and cost recovery mechanisms, comparing current practice with our proposed modifications. The details of the unified filing requirement are discussed in Section III. B. In subsequent portions of Section III, we propose several limited changes to the rules governing contributions to TRS, NANP, universal service, and LNP to facilitate use of the unified data collection worksheet. We tentatively conclude that these proposals, in д ‘XЊа4дcombination, will enhance the ability of the Commission and the four administrators,жю.ЊšPpд yOѕ!Ж'дСŠСWe note that Lockheed is currently serving as the administrator for all of the seven LNP regions. In„ the future there may be as many as seven different administrators for purposes of LNP.юж to collect reliable and accurate information from telecommunications service providers, and therefore to assess fair and complete contributions to the four support and cost recovery mechanisms, in furtherance of the Commission's statutory mandate to promote "a rapid,д"e ђ .ˆ,N(N(ZZWн"д д ‘Xа4дХъ$Хefficient, NationЉwide" telecommunications service.жE/ШPpд yOyЖ'д СŠС47 U.S.C. РР 151.Eж We seek comment on this tentative conclusion, and on the specific proposals set forth below. в T ddx !АddxЄ Ьќ А T вм„€ ‘† мд y дм мMechanismм5y мCurrentм5y мProposed쑆 † Ємд yЪ дм мUniversal ServiceмЦy мЉ Form 457 Љ Filed March 31 and Sept. 1 Љ Filed with USAC Љ Reports endЉuser revenue & revenue from other contributors СHHСмS Ъ мЉ Form 499 Љ Filed April 1* Љ Filed at location to be determined Љ Reports endЉuser revenue & revenue from other contributorsСрРРJСƒм† ў† 5мд ЪАТ† дм мTRSмФ _ мЉ Form 431 Љ Filed April 26 Љ Filed with TRS Administrator Љ Reports gross telecommunications revenues мQА ммў† ў† S мд ААТ† дм мNANPAмТ_ мЉ Form 496 Љ Filed March 12 Љ Filed with NANP B&C Agent Љ Reports gross telecommunications revenues & selected expense data мOА ммў† ч† Qмд АТ† дм мLNPмР_ мЉ Form(s) to be determined Љ Dates(s) to be determined Љ Filed with LNPA Љ Reports endЉuser telecommunications revenue and revenue from other contributors м6 ммч† Š†Oмд cТ† дм мд ‘XОЉ4д* Universal service contributors would also file on September 1.С\\С Сœœ–СмŠ†6cм Хъ$Хд"Љ! X/ˆ,N(N(ZZ нЫ"дŒд ‘XЖ'дУ УззХХB. ТXŠТTelecommunications Reporting WorksheetФ ФззЦ(#Ц д ‘XвЉ4дСŠСи19.и С` ` ЙСTo consolidate collection of contribution data for the universal service support mechanism, the TRS Fund, and the cost recovery mechanisms for NANP and LNP д ‘XЄа4дХХadministrations, we propose the attached "Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet."жo0ЪЄ|rд {OЖ'д СŠСУУSeeФФ Appendix B, Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet.oж The proposed Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet would replace the existing worksheets, forms, or other methods of collecting data for contributions to these support and cost recovery mechanisms, and could be used by carriers to identify agents for service of process as required by section 413 of the Act and to provide the revenue and plant data required under section 43.21(c) of the Commission's rules. We present below a description of the components of the proposed Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet. We ask commenters to address the desirability of this proposal and to indicate whether such a unified worksheet would reduce the regulatory and administrative burden on reporting carriers and providers of telecommunications services. Alternatively, commenters should state whether any of these cost recovery mechanisms would be better served were we to continue collecting information д ‘XЇ Љ4дthrough separate formsУУФФ. We seek detailed comment on whether the items, described below and set out in our proposed worksheet, are necessary and adequate to satisfy the underlying regulatory requirements on which contributions are based. а АА’А а д ‘XKЉ4дСъъˆСи20.и СB B ЖСWe ask commenters to quantify any savings that would be realized by these efforts to consolidate the data reporting process. We encourage commenters to indicate whether there might be any class of contributors whose burden would be increased by the combined worksheet. In addition, we ask commenters to specify any information in our proposed worksheet that is either unnecessary or duplicative, as well as any information that is omitted from our proposal but that must be obtained for one of the above purposes. We direct commenters to consider whether any of the changes proposed below would alter existing contracts with any respective administrators, such that the Commission might need to revisit those contracts. In assessing the desirability of this proposal, we ask commenters to state whether any potential risks or problems might outweigh the benefits of this proposal. д ‘XNЖ'дааXА` И hРpШ xа (#€%и'0*ˆ,р.813ш5@8˜:№вшѓтд yOkЖ'д СŠСThus, contributors to the universal service support mechanisms would continue to make a second data filing on September 1 of each year.Йж Thus, carriers that are required to contribute to the universal service support mechanisms will continue to be required to file the new Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet on a semi-annual basis, in accordance with 47 C.F.R. РР 54.711(a). Carriers exempt from contribution to the universal service support mechanism, but required to file for other purposes, would only file once a year. We propose that all carriers file the unified worksheet on April 1 of each year. We observe that most firms have closed their books for the prior calendar year in February or March. Thus, the April 1 date should allow most reporting carriers to prepare their submissions using audited data from closed books of account. While this would advance the date of filing for TRS purposes, we do not believe that this change would create a significant burden on contributors, particularly in light of the expected benefits of a uniform worksheet. We seek comment on this proposal. We also propose to revise the payment schedules for certain mechanisms so that payments to the TRS Fund and the NANPA and LNPA cost recovery mechanisms must be received by the first day of each month. If we adopt the proposed form, the Commission will incorporate this revised payment schedule when determining funding requirements and developing contribution factors. We seek comment on this proposal. д ‘X4Љ4дСъъˆСи31.и СB B ЖСWe also propose that carriers file the Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet at only one location. Contributors would not need to file separate copies of the form for each д “XЉ4дpurpose (УУi.e.ФФ, TRS, NANP, LNP, universal service support mechanism, section 413 requirements, and section 43.21(c) requirements). In accordance with existing rules and practices, we propose that carriers continue to include all necessary data and any required д ‘XУа4дcontribution to the TRS and NANPA with their filing.жq?\У@ѓтд {OДЖ'дСŠС47 C.F.R. РР 64.604(c)(4)(iii)(B); УУCommon Carrier Bureau Grants 90ЉDay Waiver of Separate„ Subsidiary Requirements to National Exchange Carrier Association, and Announces Release of 1998 NANPA„ д {OF œ'дFunding Worksheet, FCC Form 496ФФ, Public Notice, NSD File No. 98Љ10, DA 98Љ266 (rel. Feb. 11, 1998)qж We believe that these steps should reduce form preparation and filing burden for contributors. By definition, this proposal would require administrators to coordinate and share contributor data filed in the Telecommunications д ‘X~Љ4дReporting WorksheetУУФФ. We seek comment below on our proposal to allow the administrators to д ‘Xgа4дshare contributor data, for the specific and limited purposes described.жY@Ъgd ѓтд {O|%Ж'дСŠСУУSeeФФ УУinfraФФ at РРРР 56Љ59.Yж We also seek comment as to whether the Commission needs to take further steps to ensure that administrators have adequate ability to coordinate and have access to the necessaryд"9і @ˆ,N(N(ZZ8нЫ"д information. We encourage commenters to consider whether any particular provisions should be incorporated into our rules to ensure such coordination between administrators. д ‘XЛЖ'дУ УззХХD. ТXъъˆТBasis for Assessing ContributionsФ ФззЦ(#ъЦ д ‘XЉ4дСъъˆСи32.и СB B ЖСContributions to each of the four support or cost recovery mechanisms are based on some measure of revenue. In each case, carriers or other contributors calculate the ХХamount of their contribution to a particular mechanism by determining their proportion of a specified funding basis (or revenue basis). Under our current rules, contributions to these mechanisms are not calculated using the same funding basis. Thus, for example, contributions to the universal service support mechanisms and the LNPA cost recovery are based on the д ‘X а4дcontributor's endЉuser telecommunications revenues.ж AЪ ѓтд {O| Ж'дСŠСУУUniversal Service OrderФФ, 12 FCC Rcd 9206Љ07; УУLNP Cost Recovery OrderФФ, РР 9; 47 C.F.R. РР 52.32. ж In contrast, contributions to the TRS д ‘Xь а4дFund are based on gross telecommunications revenueжRBШь Zѓтд yOїЖ'дСŠС47 C.F.R. РР 64.604(c)(4)(iii).Rж and contributions to the NANPA cost д ‘Xе а4дrecovery are based on net telecommunications revenue.жvCЪе ъѓтд {OpЖ'дСŠСУУLocal Competition Second Report and OrderФФ, 11 FCC Rcd at 19541.vж д ‘XЇ Љ4дСъъˆСи 33.и СB B ЖСTo satisfy our rules, telecommunications carriers and other providers of telecommunications services are required to keep detailed records and report very similar but not identical data, on telecommunications revenues. These disparate requirements may tend to create unnecessary burdens for reporting entities. We propose to make changes to the rules for the TRS and NANPA cost recovery mechanisms that will reduce this administrative burden. Specifically, we propose to alter the bases for assessing contributions to the TRS and NANPA cost recovery mechanisms so that contributions to these mechanisms will be based on д “XЉ4дthe contributor's endЉuser telecommunications revenue, УУi.e.ФФ, revenues derived from endЉusers for telecommunications and telecommunications services, including subscriber line charges д ‘Xка4д(SLCs).жсD”к|ѓтд {OЖ'дСŠСУУSee Universal Service OrderФФ, 12 FCC Rcd at 9206Љ07. The SLC is a flat monthly perЉline rate that the д {Oбœ'дendЉuser pays. УУSeeФФ 47 C.F.R. РР 69.104.сж д ‘XЌЉ4дСъъˆСи!34.и СB B ЖСAs a matter of primary importance, and in considering our proposed changes to the funding bases of the TRS and NANPA mechanisms, we observe that assessing contributions on the basis of endЉuser telecommunications revenue may serve the underlying purposes of those mechanisms, as set out in the statutory requirements of the Communications Act, at least as well as the current funding bases. In each instance, the Commission originally decided on a revenue basis for these mechanisms after considering the underlying statutory language and the broader purposes that those statutes were intended to serve. As explained below, we consider those interpretations and tentatively conclude that both the funding of telecommunications relay services and the cost recovery for NANPA could also be collectedд"єиDˆ,N(N(ZZінЫ"д on the basis of endЉuser telecommunications revenues. д ‘XвЉ4дСъъˆСи"35.и СB B ЖСWhile we recognize that not all carriers and providers of telecommunications services will have to contribute to each of the funds addressed on this worksheet, we believe that most contributors will be required to contribute or at least report to more than one of the mechanisms. Thus, we expect that the majority of contributors should achieve particularly marked benefits in reduced administrative burden from these proposals. д ‘XHЉ4дСъъˆСи#36.и СB B ЖСWe do not propose to alter the class of entities that contribute to the TRS Fund д “X1Љ4дand NANPA cost recovery mechanisms. Nor do we propose to alter the set of services (УУi.e.ФФ, interstate, intrastate, or international) from which revenue is included in that funding basis. Finally, we do not propose to change the funding bases for the universal service support mechanisms or the cost recovery for LNP administration. д “XР Љ4дСъъˆСи$37.и СB B ЖСУУTelecommunications Relay ServicesФФ. Congress, in section 225 of the Act, mandated that costs for interstate TRS be "recovered from all subscribers for every interstate д “X”а4дservice."жMEШ”ѓтд yO Ж'дСŠС47 U.S.C. РР 225(d)(3)(b).Mж The Commission, in the УУTRS Third Report and OrderФФ, concluded that recovering interstate relay costs from all common carriers that provide interstate service on the basis of д ‘Xhа4дtheir gross interstate revenues would satisfy the statutory directive in section 225.жpFЪhXѓтд {OqЖ'дСŠСУУФФУУTRS Third Report and OrderФФ, 8 FCC Rcd 5300, РР12.pж As discussed below, the Commission considered basing TRS contribution on endЉuser telecommunications revenues, but, for reasons that we now reconsider, declined to adopt that revenue basis. Thus, contributions to the TRS Fund currently are made on the basis of the д ‘X а4дcontributor's relative share of gross interstate telecommunications revenues.жUGШ ъѓтд yOЇЖ'дСŠС47 C.F.R. РР 64.604(c)(4)(iii)(B).Uж д “XоЉ4дСъъˆСи%38.и СB B ЖСIn light of the Commission's experience since the УУTRS Third Report and OrderФФ, we propose to change the revenue basis for the TRS Fund, so that contributors will base their contribution on endЉuser telecommunications revenue, instead of gross telecommunications revenue. We believe that basing contributions on an endЉuser telecommunications revenue basis is consistent with the statutory language of section 225 and its requirement that "costs caused by interstate telecommunications relay services shall be recovered from all subscribers д ‘XVа4дfor every interstate service."жMHШVzѓтд yO"Ж'дСŠС47 U.S.C. РР 225(d)(3)(b).Mж The Commission has previously defined the term "endЉuser telecommunications revenues" to include not only all revenues from endЉusers, but also revenues derived from other sources, such as subscriber lines charges and revenues collected д ‘Xа4дfrom carriers that purchase telecommunications services for their own internal use.жfIЪ ѓтд {OЬ&Ж'дСŠСУУUniversal Service OrderФФ, 12 FCC Rcd at 9206Љ07.fж Weд"œIˆ,N(N(ZZЫ"д tentatively conclude that basing contributions to the TRS Fund on endЉuser telecommunications revenue will effectively carry out the mandate in section 225 that "all subscribers" of interstate services bear the cost of funding the interstate telecommunications relay services. We recognize that the TRS Fund administrator must collect and validate more data to administer contributions based on endЉuser telecommunications revenue, compared with contributions based on gross telecommunications revenue; however, this additional data will already be on the combined worksheet and therefore should represent little, if any, added burden to either contributors or the administrator. We seek comment on this tentative conclusion. д ‘X Љ4дСъъˆСи&39.и СB B ЖСGiven our proposal to create a unified contributor collection worksheet, we believe that changing the funding basis to endЉuser telecommunications revenue would д “Xь Љ4дsignificantly reduce burdens overall for carriers. The Commission has, subsequent to the УУTRS д “Xз Љ4дThird Report and OrderФФ, determined that contributions to the universal service support mechanisms and the cost recovery for LNP administration should be based on endЉuser д “XЋ а4дtelecommunications revenue.жЃJЪЋ ѓтд {O$Ж'дСŠСУУUniversal Service OrderФФ, 12 FCC Rcd at 9206Љ07; УУLNP Cost Recovery OrderФФ, РР 9; 47 C.F.R. РР 52.32.Ѓж We note that the Commission found, in УУUniversal Service д “X–Љ4дOrderФФ, that an endЉuser telecommunications revenue basis will be easy for carriers to д ‘Xа4дadminister because carriers already track their sales to endЉusers for billing purposes.жcKЪZѓтд {OŒЖ'дСŠСУУUniversal Service OrderФФ, 12 FCC Rcd at 9208.cж We expect that using the same funding basis for all of these purposes would reduce confusion and minimize the amount of information we need to collect from contributors. We therefore tentatively conclude that calculating TRS Fund contributions should be administratively easy to implement and should significantly reduce carrier confusion by harmonizing our requirements. д ‘XрЉ4дСъъˆСи'40.и СB B ЖСWe note that at the time the Commission adopted the gross telecommunications revenue funding basis, the Commission considered arguments that this basis would create a д ‘XВа4дdouble contribution problem.жbL\Вьѓтд {OOЖ'дСŠСУУTФФУУRS Third Report and OrderФФ, 8 FCC Rcd 5300, РР 13; УУTelecommunications Relay Services and the д {Oœ'дAmericans With Disabilities Act of 1990ФФ, Second Order on Reconsideration and Fourth Report and Order, FCC 93Љ463, CC Docket No. 90Љ571, РРРР 15Љ16 (rel. Sep. 29, 1993).bж Some parties contended that resellers would be unfairly disadvantaged if both resold and underlying services are subject to contribution. That is, a gross telecommunications revenue basis would disadvantage resellers by assigning contributions to the same service twice: once when the wholesale carrier collects revenue from the reseller, and again when the retail carrier collects revenue from its customer. Under this arrangement, resellers would be disadvantaged visЉaЉvis nonЉresellers of the same retail service, because the resellers' prices would necessarily reflect the double payment ofд"(Lˆ,N(N(ZZнЫ"д д ‘Xа4дcontributions for the same services.ж­Mѓтд yOyЖ'д СŠСWe note that there is no explicit statutory requirement in section 225 that cost recovery for TRS be competitively neutral.­ж The Commission agreed that a gross telecommunications revenue basis would produce double counting but observed that the д ‘Xва4дamount of double counting for TRS purposes would not be material.жђN’в ѓтд {OЃЖ'д СŠСУУTRS Third Report and OrderФФ, 8 FCC Rcd 5300, РР 13 ("[T]he potential unfairness of double counting is not sufficient to justify excluding access or resale service from contribution.").ђж The Commission д “XЛЉ4дconcluded that, for TRS purposes, basing contributions on other revenue bases (УУe.g.ФФ, net telecommunications revenue or endЉuser telecommunications revenue) would require more information and administrator review and that "the cost of identifying double counting would д ‘Xxа4дprobably exceed the contribution associated with any double counting."жkOЪxzѓтд {OЃ Ж'дСŠСУУTRS Third Report and OrderФФ, 8 FCC Rcd 5300, РР 13.kж As explained above, we believe that adopting a single reporting worksheet eliminates these concerns about added costs. д “X Љ4дСъъˆСи(41.и СB B ЖС In the УУUniversal Service OrderФФ, the Commission declined to use a gross telecommunications revenue basis as a means of determining contributions to the universal service support mechanisms in part because of this double counting problem and its finding д ‘Xй а4дthat such a basis would not promote competitive neutrality.ж.PZй ѓтд {O–Ж'дСŠСУУUniversal Service OrderФФ, 12 FCC Rcd at 9207 ("we agree with the Joint Board's finding that basing contributions on gross telecommunications revenue creates a double payment problem for resold services and thus is not competitively neutral . . .")..ж The Commission further found д ‘XТ а4дthat using an endЉuser telecommunications revenue basis would be competitively neutral.жQ’Т . ѓтд {OЁЖ'дСŠСУУUniversal Service OrderФФ, 12 FCC Rcd at 9205Љ06 (also noting that a net telecommunication revenue basis ЉЉ as used to calculate contributions to the NANPA cost recovery ЉЉ would be competitively neutral).ж As in the universal service context, we seek to adopt rules that are competitively neutral, even where there is no explicit statutory requirement to do so. We tentatively conclude that the principle of competitive neutrality is consistent with section 225 and that basing contributions to the TRS Fund on a competitively neutral mechanism would advance the intent embodied in д ‘XOа4дthe Congressional goal of "a proЉcompetitive, deЉregulatory national policy framework."жsR Oˆ ѓтд yOˆЖ'дСŠСJoint Explanatory Statement of the Committee of Conference, S. Conf. Rep. No. 230, 104th Cong., 2d Sess. 113 (1996) (Joint Explanatory Statement) (The 1996 Act was enacted "to promote competition and reduce regulation to secure lower prices and higher quality services for American telecommunications consumers . . .„ .").sж We accordingly tentatively conclude that we should change our TRS rules so that contributions to the TRS Fund will be based on endЉuser telecommunications revenue. We seek comment on this proposal and our accompanying analysis. д “XмЉ4дСъъˆСи)42.и СB B ЖС УУNorth American Numbering Plan AdministrationФФ. In the case of NANPA cost recovery, section 251(e) of the Act directs that "[t]he cost of establishing telecommunicationsд"ЧpRˆ,N(N(ZZнЫ"д numbering administration arrangements and number portability shall be borne by all telecommunications carriers on a competitively neutral basis as determined by the д “Xва4дCommission."жJSШвѓтд yOKЖ'дСŠС47 U.S.C. РР 251(e)(2).Jж The Commission, in the УУLocal Competition Second Report and OrderФФ, required all telecommunications carriers to base their contributions to the NANPA cost д ‘XІа4дrecovery mechanism on net telecommunications revenues.жЄTиІXѓтд {OЏЖ'дСŠСУУLocal Competition Second Report and OrderФФ, 11 FCC Rcd at 19541. The Commission had initially proposed that each telecommunications carrier base its contributions to the NANPA on the gross revenues from its provision of telecommunications services because this approach would more equitably apportion the burden„ of cost recovery for numbering administration than would imposing a flat fee contribution upon all д {Oб œ'дtelecommunications carriers. УУNANP OrderФФ, 11 FCC Rcd at 2628Љ99. In the УУLocal Competition Second Report д {O› œ'дand OrderФФ, the Commission found that contributions based on gross revenues would not be competitively neutral for those carriers that purchase telecommunications facilities and services from other telecommunications carriers because the carriers from whom they purchase services or facilities will have included in their gross revenues, and thus in their contributions to numbering administration, those revenues earned from services and facilities д {OНœ'дsold to other carriers. УУLocal Competition Second Report and OrderФФ, 11 FCC Rcd at 19541. Єж That is, contributors must subtract from their gross telecommunications services revenues expenditures for all telecommunications д ‘Xxа4дservices and facilities that had been paid to other telecommunications carriers.жцU’xј ѓтд {O!Ж'дСŠСУУLocal Competition Second Report and OrderФФ, 11 FCC Rcd at 19541. УУSee alsoФФ 47 C.F.R. РР 52.17. This method is also commonly referred to as the "net revenue allocator."цж As described д “XaЉ4дabove, the Commission subsequently determined in the УУUniversal Service OrderФФ that both a net telecommunications revenue basis, as currently used in numbering administration cost recovery, and an endЉuser telecommunications revenue basis, as used to calculate contributions д ‘X а4дfor the universal service support mechanisms, are competitively neutral.жЇVЪ R ѓтд {O!Ж'дСŠСУУUniversal Service OrderФФ, 12 FCC Rcd at 9205Љ06. УУSee alsoФФ УУLNP Cost Recovery OrderФФ, РРРР 105Љ110.Їж The Commission opted to base contributions to the universal service support mechanisms on an endЉuser telecommunications revenues basis at least in part on the finding that calculating endЉuser telecommunications revenue would be more administratively efficient for reporting carriers д ‘XТ а4дand telecommunications providers.жcWЪТ фѓтд {OWЖ'дСŠСУУUniversal Service OrderФФ, 12 FCC Rcd at 9206.cж д “X”Љ4дСъъˆСи*43.и СB B ЖСOn the basis of the analysis contained in the УУUniversal Service OrderФФ, we reconsider our earlier decision and tentatively conclude that we should adopt an endЉuser д ‘Xhа4дtelecommunications revenue basis for the purposes of NANPA cost recovery mechanism.жjXЪhvѓтд {O"Ж'дСŠСУУSee Universal Service OrderФФ, 12 FCC Rcd at 9208Љ09.jж We believe that an endЉuser telecommunications revenue basis would satisfy the requirement in section 251(e) that telecommunications carriers contribute to the NANPA cost recoveryд":Xˆ,N(N(ZZ.нЫ"д д ‘Xа4дmechanism on a competitively neutral basis.ж}Y\ѓтд {OyЖ'дСŠСУУSee Universal Service OrderФФ, 12 FCC Rcd at 9206Љ09 (finding that "the net telecommunications revenues approach is likely to cause distortions that could be avoided by the endЉuser telecommunications д {O œ'дrevenues approach"); УУLNP Cost Recovery OrderФФ, РРРР 105Љ110 (also interpreting section 251(e)(2)).}ж Because section 251(e)(2) requires that we select a competitively neutral basis for contributions, but specifies no other criteria that must be used in the selection, we tentatively conclude that we have discretion under the statute to choose among competitively neutral mechanisms based upon other valid regulatory goals, such д ‘XЄа4дas administrative efficiency.жнZЄьѓтд {OA Ж'д СŠСУУSee alsoФФ УУLNP Cost Recovery OrderФФ, РР 108. We note that several Bell Operating Companies argued to the United States Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit that the net telecommunications revenue methodology would not be competitively neutral if states do not permit carriers to flow through their numbering„ administration costs in the prices that they charge their competitors for telecommunications services and„ д {Oc œ'дfacilities. УУCalifornia v. FCCФФ, 124 F.3d 934 (8th Cir., 1997). The Court of Appeals ruled that petitioners'„ contentions were speculative and not ripe for review because no state had concluded that carriers could not„ include numbering administration charges in the prices for services or facilities sold to other telecommunications д {OНœ'дservice providers. УУId.ФФ at 944. Adoption of an end-user telecommunications revenue basis would apparently„ moot this issue.нж We seek comment on this tentative conclusion. д “XvЉ4дСъъˆСи+44.и СB B ЖСThe Commission found in the УУUniversal Service OrderФФ that basing contributions on endЉuser telecommunications revenues would be more administratively efficient than the д ‘XJа4дnet telecommunications revenue method.жc[ЪJТ ѓтд {OНЖ'дСŠСУУUniversal Service OrderФФ, 12 FCC Rcd at 9206.cж We believe that same analysis applies here. In addition, and as described above, we believe that basing NANPA cost recovery (and TRS contributions) on endЉuser telecommunications revenues will reduce regulatory burdens on telecommunications service providers because they will be using the same methodology for each of the four support or cost recovery mechanisms addressed in this NPRM. That is, under our proposal contributors would no longer need to calculate three different revenue estimates. We seek comment on this proposal. д ‘X’Љ4дСъъˆСи,45.и СB B ЖСWe note that section 251(e)(2) requires that the "cost of establishing telecommunications numbering administration arrangements . . . shall be borne by all д ‘Xdа4дtelecommunications carriers on a competitively neutral basis . . . ."ж‡\ЪdT ѓтд {OiЖ'д СŠС47 U.S.C. РР 251(e)(2). УУSeeФФ УУLNP Cost Recovery OrderФФ, РРРР 113Љ114.‡ж When using an endЉuser telecommunications revenue basis, certain carriers ЉЉ particularly carriers providing wholesale services ЉЉ will have no endЉuser telecommunications revenue and thus would not be required to contribute to the NANPA cost recovery. For this reason, we propose to require that carriers that provided telecommunications service during the base year with no endЉuser telecommunications revenue make a fixed contribution of one hundred dollars ($100) to the cost recovery mechanism. We tentatively conclude that assessing this sum will satisfy the statutory language of section 251(e)(2) and at the same time will not be economicallyд"Уц\ˆ,N(N(ZZ1нЫ"д д ‘Xа4дburdensome for these primarilyЉlarge wholesale carriers.жо]’ѓтд {OyЖ'д СŠСУУSeeФФ УУLNP Cost Recovery OrderФФ, РРРР 113Љ114 (reaching same conclusion with respect to cost recovery for administration of longЉterm local number portability).ож We seek comment on this proposal and analysis. д ‘XЛЉ4дСъъˆСи-46.и СB B ЖСContributions to the NANPA cost recovery mechanism for the year 1998 were д ‘XЄЉ4дbased on carriers' revenues in the year 1996УУФФ. We propose to alter this practice so that the base year for contributions to the NANPA cost recovery will be the immediately preceding year. This change is consistent with the practice followed for contributions to the TRS Fund and the universal service support mechanisms. We tentatively conclude that adopting a more current base year will permit contributions to track more closely revenues achieved by carriers. In addition, by requiring contributors to use the same base year for each of the support and cost recovery mechanisms, we expect to reduce significantly carrier confusion and to reduce the volume of data required by the Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet. We seek comment on this proposal. д ‘XО Љ4дСъъˆСи.47.и СB B ЖСFor all these reasons, we tentatively conclude that we should alter the funding bases for NANPA cost recovery and for TRS contributions so that contributors base their payment on endЉuser telecommunications revenue. We seek comment on these tentative conclusions and the accompanying analysis. д ‘XKЖ'дУ УззE. ТXъъˆТMinimum and Fixed Annual Contributions to NANPA and TRS MechanismsФ ФззЦ(#ъЦ д “XЉ4дСъъˆСи/48.и СB B ЖСУУNANPAФФ. In the УУNANP Third Report and OrderФФ, we delegated to the NANPA Billing and Collection Agent the authority to perform collection activities, including the д ‘Xёа4дauthority to design a reporting worksheet to collect information for assessments calculations.ж^’ё"ѓтд yOФЖ'дСŠС47 C.F.R. РР 52.16. The "worksheet must be submitted to the Commission for its review and approved д {OŒœ'дby [the Office of Management and Budget] prior to its use by the [Billing and Collection Agent]." УУId.ФФж In designing the worksheet, the Billing and Collection Agent imposed a one hundred dollar д ‘XУа4д($100) minimum payment as a means of covering administrative expenses.ж_юУ|ѓтд {O№Ж'дСŠСУУCommon Carrier Bureau Grants 90ЉDay Waiver of Separate Subsidiary Requirements to National д {OКœ'дExchange Carrier Association, and Announces Release of 1998 NANPA Funding Worksheet, FCC Form 496ФФ, Public Notice, NSD File No. 98Љ10, DA 98Љ266 (rel. Feb. 11, 1998). This policy regarding minimum payments д {OL œ'дis consistent with our rules governing minimum contributions to the TRS Fund. УУSeeФФ 47 C.F.R. РР 64.604(c)(4)(iii)(B).ж д ‘X•Љ4дСъъˆСи049.и СB B ЖСWe propose to revise our current requirements for minimum annual contributions by telecommunications carriers to the NANPA cost recovery. We propose a д ‘Xgа4дtwoЉpart structure for determining minimum contributions. As outlined above,жS`Ъg2 ѓтд {OJ&Ж'д СŠСУУSeeФФ УУsupraФФ at РР 45.Sж we propose that telecommunications carriers with no endЉuser telecommunications revenues make a fixedд"PФ `ˆ,N(N(ZZ‚нЫ"д contribution of one hundred dollars ($100) per year to the NANPA cost recovery mechanism. We tentatively concluded above that this proposal satisfies the statutory language in section 251(e)(2) that the "cost of establishing telecommunications numbering administration arrangements . . . shall be borne by all telecommunications carriers on a competitively neutral д ‘XЄа4дbasis . . . ."жa’Єѓтд {OЖ'д СŠСУУSeeФФ УУsupraФФ at РР 45. 47 U.S.C. РР 251(e)(2). УУSee alsoФФ УУLNP Cost Recovery OrderФФ, РРРР 113Љ114 (discussing the treatment of carriers with no endЉuser telecommunications revenues).ж д ‘XvЉ4дСъъˆСи150.и СB B ЖСFor those telecommunications carriers with any endЉuser telecommunications revenues, we propose to eliminate the minimum contribution rule because we are not certain that this amount is necessary to support the administrative costs of processing the worksheet and because of our desire to minimize burdens on the smallest carriers. Thus, we propose that these carriers simply calculate what they owe under our contribution formula and remit that д ‘X а4дamount, УУФФeven if that amount is less than one hundred dollars ($100).жkbЪ "ѓтд {OжЖ'дСŠСУУSeeФФ Appendix A (proposed rule 47 C.F.R. РР 52.17).kж We revisit, in this NPRM, the NANP Billing and Collection Agent's earlier decision regarding minimum contributions based on our experience with the NANPA and TRS mechanisms. We expect the administrative cost to process the NANPA worksheet to be less than one hundred dollars д ‘XЇ а4д($100) per worksheet.жc&Ї Дѓтд yO Ж'дСŠСWe note that, in comments to the FederalЉState Joint Board on Universal Service, NECA estimated д {Oдœ'дadministrative costs to be approximately $20.00 per contributor. УУSeeФФ УУFederalЉState Joint Board on Universal д {Ožœ'дServiceФФ, Recommended Decision, FCC 96JЉ3, CC Docket No. 96Љ45, 12 FCC Rcd 87, 489 (rel. Nov. 8, 1996) д {Ohœ'д(discussing the accuracy of this figure); УУUniversal Service OrderФФ, 12 FCC Rcd at 9188 n. 2060.УУФФж We further anticipate that the actions proposed here to streamline the contributor reporting process, particularly our proposals regarding electronic filing and sharing of information between administrators, will reduce administrative costs to process these worksheets. We seek comment about whether the costs to process this worksheet justify a mandatory minimum contribution for the purposes of NANPA, other than that fixed contribution described above for carriers with no endЉuser telecommunications revenue. д ‘XЉ4дСъъˆСи251.и СB B ЖСIn addition, we believe that there may be small telecommunications carriers with relatively small amounts of endЉuser telecommunications revenue that are unduly burdened by the current rule regarding minimum contributions. By requiring these smaller carriers to pay only what they would owe under our contribution formula, we will free these carriers from an unnecessary and unfair burden. We accordingly tentatively conclude that carriers with endЉuser telecommunications revenue should not be required to make a minimum contribution of one hundred dollars to the NANPA cost recovery, as currently required. We seek comment on these tentative conclusions. д “X7Љ4дСъъˆСи352.и СB B ЖСУУTelecommunications Relay ServicesФФ. Pursuant to section 64.604(c)(4)(iii) of the Commission's rules, every carrier providing interstate telecommunications services "must contribute at least $100 per year." The Commission adopted this minimum contribution toд" Ђcˆ,N(N(ZZђнЫ"д д ‘Xа4дmaintain an "efficiency of administration."жjdЪѓтд {OyЖ'дСŠСУУTRS Third Report and OrderФФ, 8 FCC Rcd 5300, РР16.jж д ‘XвЉ4дСъъˆСи453.и СB B ЖСWe propose to eliminate the one hundred dollar ($100) minimum contribution д ‘XЛа4дrule as applied to the TRS Fund.ж^eШЛZѓтд yOЦЖ'д СŠС47 C.F.R. РР 64.604(c)(4)(iii)(A) and (B).^ж Under our proposal, subject carriers (i.e., those providing interstate telecommunications services) would simply calculate what they owe under our contribution formula and remit that amount. As described above, our experience with the TRS Fund and the NANPA cost recovery mechanism has indicated that, under our current rules, many small carriers are required to make a minimum contribution that is disproportionately д ‘XHа4дlarge based on their total telecommunications revenues.жfZHъѓтд {Oу Ж'дСŠСУУSeeФФ Letter from Geraldine A. Matise, Chief, Network Services Division, Federal Communications Commission, to Ms. Cynthia Wood, Wood Two Payphones (May 7, 1998) (denying request for waiver of TRS Fund $100 minimum contribution).ж We believe that this proposed change will provide a significant benefit to small telecommunications carriers. We realize that in the rarest instances the amount of a carrier's contribution may actually be smaller than the cost to process the application. We believe, however, that this inefficiency is outweighed by the benefits received by small carriers. We seek comment on this proposal. д ‘XО Љ4дСъъˆСи554.и СB B ЖСWe note that if we were to adopt both our proposal to eliminate the minimum contribution rule for the purposes of TRS contributions and our proposal to change the funding basis for TRS to endЉuser telecommunications revenues, we would effectively exempt from contributions a number of carriers that have significant gross telecommunications д “XbЉ4дrevenue but no endЉuser telecommunications revenue, УУe.g.ФФ, carriers that provide wholesale service. We tentatively conclude that this result is consistent with section 225 of the Act which states that the costs of telecommunications relay services be borne by "all subscribers," as opposed to all carriers. In so doing, we affirm this Commission's earlier conclusion that "recovering interstate relay costs from all common carriers who provide interstate service on д ‘Xёа4дthe basis of their interstate revenues will accomplish [the purposes of section 225],"жkgЪё ѓтд {OЎЖ'дСŠСУУTRS Third Report and OrderФФ, 8 FCC Rcd 5300, РР 12.kж but also tentatively conclude that our proposal to base TRS funding on an endЉuser telecommunications revenue basis would satisfy the language of the statute. That is, we believe that section 225 allows for but does not require contributions from all carriers. Accordingly, we tentatively conclude that our proposal to base contributions on endЉuser telecommunications revenue will effectively carry out Congressional intent as reflected in the language of the section 225. We seek comment on these tentative conclusions and analysis. д ‘X9Ж'дУ УззF. ТXъъˆТProcedures for Future Changes to the Telecommunications Reporting WorksheetФ ФззЦ(#ъЦ д ‘X Љ4дСъъˆСи655.и СB B ЖСWe propose to delegate authority to make future changes to theд" žgˆ,N(N(ZZнЫ"д Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet to the Chief of the Common Carrier Bureau. Should we adopt our proposal to combine the TRS Fund, NANP administration, LNP administration, and universal service support mechanism worksheets into one unified worksheet, it would be important to have a single, predetermined procedure for altering that worksheet. We believe that such changes will be necessary as an ordinary matter. For example, for the purposes of both the TRS Fund and the NANPA cost recovery, the Commission will need to revise the payment formulas on which contributions are based for д ‘X_а4дeach year.жfhЪ_ѓтд {OиЖ'дСŠСУУSee, e.g.,ФФ 47 C.F.R. РР 64.604(c)(4)(iii)(B).fж We believe it unnecessary for the Commission to review changes to the Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet that relate to these payment formulas or other ministerial tasks. Thus, we propose to amend our rules for the TRS Fund, NANP administration, LNP administration, and universal service support mechanisms, to include a specific delegation of authority to the Chief of the Common Carrier Bureau to make certain future changes to the combined worksheet. We seek comment on this proposal. д ‘XО Ж'дУ УззХЄХG. ТXъъˆТAuthorize Sharing of Information Between AdministratorsФ ФззЦ(#ъЦ д ‘XЉ4дСъъˆСи756.и СB B ЖСWe propose to permit the sharing of billing and collection information between ХЄХthe TRS, universal service, NANP, and LNP administrators. This proposal would permit administrators to crossЉcheck filed data and collection information where contributors are required to file for more than one purpose. д ‘XЉ4дСъъˆСи857.и СB B ЖСCurrently, the administrators for the TRS Fund, universal service support mechanisms, and NANP generally cannot allow data obtained from contributors to be used for д ‘Xяа4дany purpose unrelated to their fund.жi"яZѓтд {OњЖ'дСŠСУУSee, e.g.,ФФ 47 C.F.R. РР 64.604(c)(4)(iii)(I) ("[t]he administrator shall not use such data except for purposes of administering the TRS Fund, calculating the regulatory fees of interstate common carriers, and aggregating such fee payments for submission to the Commission."); 47 C.F.R. РР 54.711(b); 47 C.F.R. РР 52.16(c).ж Thus, under the current rules, two administrators can not agree to use a single monthly bill since that bill would incorporate proprietary information д ‘XСа4дfrom more than one fund. We note the Commission, in a pending УУФФNotice,жђjf СDѓтд {OЖЖ'д УУChanges to the Board of Directors of the National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc., FederalЉState д {O€œ'дJoint Board on Universal ServiceФФ, Order on Reconsideration, Second Report and Order, and Further Notice of д {OJ œ'дProposed Rulemaking, CC Docket Nos. 97Љ21, 96Љ45, 12 FCC Rcd 12437 (1997) (УУNECA II Further Notice)ФФ (proposing to amend 47 C.F.R. РР 64.604(c)(4)(iii)(I)). Section 64.604(c)(4)(iii)(I) provides that: ТXŠТ[t]he administrator [of the TRS Fund] shall keep all data obtained from contributors and TRS providers confidential, and shall not disclose such data in companyЉspecific form unless directed to do so by the Commission. The administrator shall not use such data except for purposes of administering the TRS Fund, calculating the regulatory fees of interstate common carriers, and aggregating such fee payments for submission to the Commission . . . .Ц(#Ц 47 C.F.R. РР 64.604(c)(4)(iii)(I).ђж proposed toд"Сrjˆ,N(N(ZZуЫ"д amend its rules to permit the universal service administrator to review TRS data to verify д ‘Xща4дrevenue information provided by contributors to the universal service fund.жнk"щѓтд yObЖ'д УУФФThe Commission attached proposed rule amendments in Appendix A. Every carrier providing interstate telecommunications services must contribute to the TRS Fund on the basis of its gross interstate subject revenues. Carriers are required to complete the TRS Fund Worksheet, which requests information relating to д {OКœ'дtheir gross interstate telecommunications revenues. УУSeeФФ 47 C.F.R. РР 64.604(c)(4)(iii).нж In that same Notice, the Commission also proposed to amend section 54.711(b) of the Commission's universal service rules to clarify that the Administrator's confidentiality obligations extend to д ‘XЄа4дdata obtained from the TRS Fund.жШlМ ЄВѓтд yO Ж'д Section 54.711(b) of the Commission's rules provides that: СŠСТА` ` ЙТ[t]he Commission shall have access to all data reported to the Administrator, Rural Health Care Corporation, and Schools and Libraries Corporation. Contributors may make requests for Commission nondisclosure of companyЉspecific information under РР 0.459 at the time that the subject data are submitted to the Administrator. The Commission shall make all decisions regarding nondisclosure of companyЉspecific information. The Administrator, Rural Health Care Corporation, and Schools and Libraries Corporation shall keep confidential all data obtained from contributors, shall not use such data except for purposes of administering the universal service support programs, and shall not disclose such data in companyЉspecific form unless directed to do so by the Commission.Ц(#` Ц д yOgœ'д47 C.F.R. РР 54.711(b). The Commission tentatively concluded УУФФthat these proposed amendments would be д {O/œ'дsufficient to maintain the confidentiality of the TRS Fund revenue data disclosed to the Administrator. УУNECA II д {Oљœ'дFurther NoticeФФ at para. 25.Шж In a subsequent order, the Commission temporarily waived on its own motion the requirement that the TRS Administrator use data obtained from TRS contributors only for purposes of administering the TRS Fund. Pursuant to this temporary waiver, the TRS administrator may make available, and the universal service administrator may use, TRS contributor revenue information to compare revenue information д ‘X1а4дprovided by contributors on the Universal Service Worksheet.жАm’16ѓтд {OЖ'дСŠСУУFederalЉState Joint Board on Universal ServiceФФ, Order, DA 98Љ523, CC Docket No. 96Љ45, РРРР 4Љ7 (rel. Mar. 20, 1998).Аж д ‘X Љ4дСъъˆСи958.и СB B ЖСWe propose to authorize each of the four administrators to engage in similar д ‘Xь а4дsharing arrangements.ж[nXь ѓтд yO- Ж'дСŠСWe note, again, that Lockheed is currently serving as the administrator for all of the seven LNP„ regions. In the future there may be as many as seven different administrators for purposes of LNP. Thus the„ ability to share contributor data between administrators would be increasingly important.[ж We tentatively conclude that the administrators will benefit significantly from this flexibility. This proposal should reduce audit costs dramatically and should increase greatly the reliability of data on which contributions to these mechanisms are based. As an additional benefit, we also contemplate that this proposal might allow д “XЉ4дadministrators to delegate certain functions, such that, УУe.g.ФФ, one administrator might fulfill data entry and verification functions for more than one mechanism. At the same time, we propose to limit such sharing arrangements so as to ensure that proprietary information is not used forд"dАnˆ,N(N(ZZ&нЫ"д any improper purpose. Our proposed rule language would require that such agreements be approved by the Chief of the Common Carrier Bureau. We seek comment on this proposal. д ‘XЛЉ4дСъъˆСи:59.и СB B ЖСWe further propose, as currently allowed under the Universal Service Worksheet, to permit carriers filing the Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet to certify that the revenue data contained in their submissions are privileged or confidential commercial or financial information and that disclosure of such information would likely cause substantial д ‘X_а4дharm to the competitive position of the entity filing the worksheet.ж/oZ_ѓтд yOиЖ'д СŠСWe note, however, that carriers electing to satisfy their obligations under section 43.21(c) by means of д {O  œ'дthe Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet would not receive confidential treatment for that data. УУSee supraФФ at РР 29./ж Carriers would be able to make this certification on their Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet and request Commission nondisclosure of information contained in the worksheet by checking a box on the Worksheet, in lieu of submitting a separate request pursuant to section 0.459 of the Commission's rules. If the Commission receives a request for or proposes to disclose the information, the carrier would be required, of course, to make the full showing that our rules require in a request for withholding from public inspection information submitted to the д ‘XО а4дCommission.жЪp$О ъѓтд {OYЖ'д СŠС47 C.F.R. РР 0.459, as amended in УУExamination of Current Policy Concerning the Treatment of д {O#œ'дConfidential Information Submitted to the CommissionФФ, FCC 98Љ184, GC Docket No. 96Љ55 (rel. Aug. 1998) (listing the showings required in a request that information be withheld and stating that the Commission may defer action on such requests until a request for inspection has been made).Ъж All sharing arrangements entered into among administrators would have to provide that the administrators will comply with requests for confidential treatment of their data. We seek comment on this proposal. д ‘XbЖ'дУ УззХЛХH. ТXъъˆТElectronic FilingФ ФззЦ(#ъЦ д ‘X4Љ4дСъъˆСи;60.и СB B ЖСWХЛХe propose to require the administrators to provide for and encourage electronic filing of the consolidated form. Electronic filing reduces data entry expenses for the administrator, reduces confusion, and might allow some mistakes to be detected before carriers file data. We anticipate that the administrators would be able to develop an electronic filing package that assists carriers with the compilation of data, calculation of totals and contribution amounts, and that provides contextual help. Such a package would greatly reduce the filing burden on small carriers and would greatly reduce data entry and validation costs for the administrators. We expect that electronic filing would reduce burdens on reporting carriers because they would be able to work from the electronic copy of their prior year's filing and modify only the information that has changed, rather than reentering all of the information for every filing. Also, we envision that electronic filing software could eventually calculate TRS, NANPA, and LNPA contributions for the filers. We note that this proposal isд"7жpˆ,N(N(ZZнЫ"д д ‘Xа4дconsistent with the directives of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).жzq"ѓтд {OyЖ'дСŠСУУSeeФФ Notice of Office of Management and Budget Action, OMB No. 3060Љ0536 (Feb. 24, 1998) (approving the TRS Worksheet and stating "OMB again encourages the FCC to adopt electronic filing for this collection and expects to see postitive [sic] action on this in time for the next extension of this collection in August 1998").zж д ‘XвЉ4дСъъˆСи<61.и СB B ЖСWe expect that any transition to an electronic filing system would require considerable coordination between the administrators, the telecommunications industry, and the Commission. We note that the technical details of how electronic filing is accomplished can be complex and expensive for both the administrators and reporting carriers. We seek comment on the nature and extent of these administrative costs. We seek specific recommendations on the appropriate time frame for development of electronic filing mechanisms and we ask commenters to consider any increased burden on the administrators and whether the Commission might need to adjust existing contracts with administrators to provide for this function. д ‘Xь Љ4дСъъˆСи=62.и СB B ЖСIn addition, we are committed to making electronic filing and other electronic applications accessible to persons with disabilities to the fullest extent possible. We note that electronic filing is subject to program accessibility requirements of section 1.850 of our д ‘XЇ а4дrules.жGrШЇ Вѓтд yO Ж'д СŠС47 C.F.R. РР 1.850.Gж In addition Congress has revised the requirements for access by persons with disabilities to federal information technology programs in the Workforce Investment Act of д ‘Xyа4д1998.жlsАyBѓтд yOlЖ'дСŠСWorkforce Investment Act of 1998, P.L. No. 105-220, 112 Stat. 936 (Aug. 7, 1998). Section 508 of„ the Act provides that persons with disabilities and non-disabled persons must have comparable access and ability to use technology and electronic information, and federal agencies must take steps to ensure such comparable„ access for persons with disabilities unless an undue burden would be imposed. If an undue burden would be„ imposed, the agency must provide an alternative means of access that allows for persons with disabilities to„ access and use the information.lж We recognize that, in some instances, it may be difficult for persons with disabilities to access components of the proposed electronic filing. In particular, the accessibility of forms and certain types of electronic files raises complex technical issues. We will continue to work on these issues and fully expect that with advances in technology, we will be able to enhance the accessibility to persons with disabilities. д ‘XяЖ4дХХСр н"СУ УззIV. NOTICE OF INQUIRYФ Фззƒ д ‘XСЉ4дСъъˆСи>63.и СB B ЖСWe issue this Notice of Inquiry to investigate additional steps we could take that might allow us to further rationalize the contribution mechanisms currently in place and ХХreduce filing burdens on parties. We invite commenters to bring to our attention any such suggestions that would reduce burdens and maximize the efficiency of the contributor reporting requirements process, while maintaining accuracy and accountability in the administration of the mechanisms. In particular, we ask commenters to consider whether theд"NК sˆ,N(N(ZZhнЫ"д Commission should consolidate all billing and collection functions for the four support and д ‘Xща4дcost recovery mechanisms with a single agent.жtXщѓтд yObЖ'д These mechanisms are: the TRS Fund; the cost recovery for shared costs of administering longЉterm, local number portability; the cost recovery for administering the North American Numbering Plan; and the universal service support mechanisms.ж Under such a plan, a single billing and collection agent would have no responsibilities over the administration of the TRS Fund, the maintenance of universal service, the administration of numbering resources, or the maintenance of local number portability databases. A billing and collection agent would be charged with efficiently collecting contributions from all subject contributors. д ‘X_Љ4дСъъˆСи?64.и СB B ЖСWe note that the Commission has taken other actions to promote efficiency and accountability in administration of the support and cost recovery mechanisms. For example, in the universal service proceeding, the Commission recently proposed that a single entity, USAC, administer universal service support for rural health care providers and schools and д ‘X а4дlibraries, as well as the high cost and low income support mechanisms.ж(u‚ шѓтд {OœЖ'д СŠСУУReport in Response to Senate Bill 1768 and Conference Report on H.R. 3579ФФ, Report to Congress, FCC д {Ofœ'д98Љ85 (rel. May 8, 1998) (УУMay 8, 1998 Report to CongressФФ). УУSee alsoФФ УУFederalЉState Joint Board on Universal д {O0œ'дServiceФФ, Fifth Order on Reconsideration and Fourth Report and Order, FCC 98Љ120 (adopted June 12, 1998) (directing the Schools and Libraries Corporation, the Rural Health Care Corporation, and USAC to file with the д {OТœ'дCommission a joint plan of reorganization); УУCommon Carrier Bureau Seeks Comment on Administration of д {OŒœ'дFederal Universal Service Support MechanismsФФ, Public Notice, CC Docket Nos. 97Љ21 and 96Љ45, DA 98Љ1336 (rel. July 15, 1998).(ж We ask commenters to consider whether adoption of a single agent to perform billing and collection functions on a consolidated basis for the four support and cost recovery mechanisms would reduce administrative costs, lead to greater accountability, and promote the efficient and д ‘XЇ а4дeffective administration of the support and cost recovery mechanisms.ж*vZЇ 2 ѓтд {OŠЖ'д СŠСWe state our understanding and expectation that other administrative functions, УУi.e.ФФ, those unrelated to billing and collection, could not be consolidated given the varying and unique requirements of each support and cost recovery mechanism.*ж In addition, we ask parties to address the following specific questions and related issues: д ‘XbЉ4дСъъˆССB B ЖСи@1.и Тš š фТWould consolidating the billing and collection functions reduce the burden on contributors or otherwise produce real cost savings?Ц(#š Ц д ‘XЉ4дСъъˆССB B ЖСи@2.и Тš š фТWould creation of a single billing and collection agent create significant benefits by reducing the number of personnel with access to proprietary information? What alternative measures should be considered? Ц(#š Ц д ‘XСЉ4дСъъˆССB B ЖСХЛХи@3.и Тš š фТWould consolidating billing and collection functions in a single agent with narrow responsibilities better assure that all contributors pay appropriate amounts?ХЛХЦ(#š Ц СъъˆССB B ЖСд"|T vˆ,N(N(ZZЁнЫ"дŒд ‘XЉ4дСъъˆССB B ЖСи@4.и Тš š фТUnder the current system, there could be as many as 10 separate organizations with various responsibilities to bill contributors and collect contributions for the support and cost recovery mechanisms. Would consolidating all billing and collection functions reduce indirect competition among potential administrators and potentially increase administrative costs rather than reduce them?Ц(#š Ц СъъˆССB B ЖС д ‘X_Љ4дСъъˆССB B ЖСи@5.иТš š фТCurrent Commission rules give NANC certain responsibilities with respect to the selection of a billing and collection agent to collect д ‘X1а4дfunding for administration of the North American Number Plan.жXwЪ1ѓтд {OЊ Ж'д СŠСУУSee NANP OrderФФ, 11 FCC Rcd 2588.Xж NANC also has certain responsibilities over collections to cover the д ‘X а4дexpenses of administering number portability.жkxЪ Zѓтд {OЖ'д СŠСУУSee LNP Order and Further NoticeФФ, 11 FCC Rcd 8352.kж Creation of a single billing and collection agent would reduce or alter NANC responsibilities. What problems, if any, might this proposal cause?Ц(#š Ц СъъˆССB B ЖС д ‘XЇ Љ4дСъъˆССB B ЖСи@6.и Тš š фТCurrent universal service rules allow carriers to offset universal service contribution requirements by the provision of certain universal service related services. Would removing the billing and collection function from the universal service administrator require burdensome coordination between the universal service administrator and the new billing and collection agent or increase the potential for fraud by contributors?Ц(#š Ц СъъˆССB B ЖС д ‘XЉ4дСъъˆССB B ЖСи@7.иТš š фТThe current NANPA billing and collection agent and the current administrators for the universal service support mechanism, the TRS Fund, and LNP cost recovery have been selected for set periods with responsibilities that include billing and collection functions. How might a single billing and collection agent be selected and what steps would be necessary to transition to such a system?Ц(#š Ц д ‘XeЉ4дСъъˆССB B ЖСи@8.и Тš š фТThe proposed Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet instructions contemplate that contributors mail separate checks for each funding purpose. Would creation of a single billing and collection agent permit д “X Љ4дcontributors to file a single check for multiple funding purposes, УУe.g.ФФ, the д ‘X а4дLNP administration, the NANPA administration, and the TRS Fund?жTyX ьѓтд yOЈ#Ж'д СŠСWe note that payments to the universal service support mechanisms are not filed with the Universal Service Worksheet. Instead, the universal service rules state that "[t]he administrator shall bill contributors and collect contributions on a quarterly basis." 47 C.F.R. РР 54.709(a)(4).Tж Could the Commission take other steps to provide for a single check for multiple funding purposes without consolidating the billing andд"н yˆ,N(N(ZZЌнЫ"д collection functions? Would the ability to file a single check for multiple funding purposes benefit contributors? Would such a proposal create any risks or cause significant increases in administrative costs? We ask commenters to address any rule changes that would be necessary, so that the Commission might permit contributors to send only one check, while also ensuring that appropriate amounts are transferred to each program. Ц(#š Ц д ‘XHЖ4дСр•нAСУ УззV. CONCLUSIONФ Фззƒ д ‘X Љ4дСъъˆСи@65.и СB B ЖСThe Commission has instituted this proceeding in order to explore ways by which it may reduce burdens on regulated carriers and other providers of telecommunications services. In the NPRM portion of the proceeding, we propose to combine currently required worksheets into one unified Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet. As a result, we can substantially reduce burdens imposed on contributors, as well as reduce the associated public costs of regulation. In the companion NOI, we ask more general questions about additional steps we might take to further reduce regulatory burdens. Because the proceeding focuses on eliminating duplicative regulatory burdens, we have identified it as part of the Commission's 1998 biennial regulatory review wherein we are charged to eliminate unnecessary regulatory requirements that no longer serve the public interest. We encourage commenters to fully address all issues raised in the NPRM and utilize the NOI as an opportunity to suggest ways in which the Commission can act to further reduce regulatory burden in this area. д ‘XяЖ4дХХСрAнСУ УззVI. PROCEDURAL MATTERSФ Фззƒ д ‘XСЖ'дУ УззA.СъъˆСInitial Paperwork Reduction Act AnalysisФ Фзз д “X“Љ4дХХСъъˆСиA66.и СB B ЖСThis УУNotice of Proposed RulemakingФФ contains a proposal to reduce existing information collections. As part of our continuing effort to reduce paperwork burdens, we invite the general public and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to take this д “XPЉ4дopportunity to comment on the proposals contained in this УУNotice of Proposed RulemakingФФ, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Pub. L. No. 104Љ13. Public and agency д “X$Љ4дcomments are due at the same time as other comments on this УУNotice of Proposed д “XЉ4дRulemakingФФ; OMB comments are due 60 days from the date of the publication of this УУNotice д “XњЉ4дof Proposed RulemakingФФ in the Federal Register. Comments should address: (a) whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the Commission, including whether the information shall have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the Commission's burden estimates; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden of collection of information on respondents, including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. д"[% yˆ,N(N(ZZ#нЫ"дŒд ‘XЖ'дУ УззХЛХB. СъъˆСInitial Regulatory Flexibility Act AnalysisФ Фзз д ‘Xва4дСъъˆСиB67.и СB B ЖСХЛХAs required by the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA),жщzZвѓтд {OKЖ'д СŠСУУSeeФФ 5 U.S.C. РР 603. The RFA, УУseeФФ 5 U.S.C. РР 601 УУet. seq.б#лxў6X@ЩќK ЯmX@#бб# О]є\  PŽТC)*єP#бФФ, has been amended by the Contract With America Advancement Act of 1996, Pub. L. No. 104Љ121, 110 Stat. 847 (1996) (CWAAA). Title II of the д yOнœ'дCWAAA is the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996 (SBREFA).б#лxў6X@ЩќK ЯmX@#бщж the Commission has prepared an Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (IRFA) of the possible significant economic impact on small entities of the policies and rules proposed in this NPRM. The IRFA is set forth as Appendix C. Written public comments are requested with respect to the IRFA. These comments must be filed in accordance with the same filing deadlines for comments on the rest of the NPRM and they must have a separate and distinct heading, designating the comments as responses to the IRFA. The Office of Public Affairs, Reference Operations Division, will send a copy of this NPRM and Notice of Inquiry, including the IRFA, to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business Administration. СъъˆС д ’Xь Ж4дУ УззХŽХC. СъъˆСУУEx Parte ФФPresentationsФ Фзз д ‘XП Љ4дСъъˆСиC68.и СB B ЖСThis proceeding will be treated as a "permitЉbutЉdisclose" proceedings subject to the "permitЉbutЉdisclose" requirements under section 1.1206 of the Commission's rules, as д ‘X‘а4дХŽХrevised.жG{Ш‘ъѓтд yO,Ж'дСŠС47 C.F.R. РР 1.1206.Gж Additional rules pertaining to oral and written presentations are set forth in section д ‘Xzа4д1.1206.ж:|Ъzzѓтд {OЅЖ'дСŠСУУId.ФФ:ж д ‘XLЖ'дУ УззХЛХD. СъъˆСComment Filing ProceduresФ Фзз д “XЉ4дСъъˆСиD69.и СB B ЖСУУGeneral.ФФ PХЛХursuant to sections 1.415 and 1.419 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. РРРР 1.415, 1.419, interested parties may file comments on before д <%9K дOctober 30, 1998д <%9K д, and reply comments on or before November 16, 1998д <%9K д. Comments may be filed using the д ‘Xла4дCommission's Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS) or by filing paper copies.ж‘}Ъл ѓтд {O˜Ж'д СŠСУУSee Electronic Filing of Documents in Rulemaking ProceedingsФФ, 63 Fed. Reg. 24,121 (1998).‘ж д ‘X­Љ4дСъъˆСиE70.и СB B ЖСComments filed through the ECFS can be sent as an electronic file via the д ‘X–Љ4дInternet to . УУФФGenerally, only one copy of an electronic submission must be filed. If multiple docket or rulemaking numbers appear in the caption of this proceeding, however, commenters must transmit one electronic copy of the comments to each docket or rulemaking number referenced in the caption. In completing the transmittal screen, commenters should include their full name, Postal Service mailing address, and the applicable docket or rulemaking number. Parties may also submit an electronic comment by Internet eЉmail. To get filing instructions for eЉmail comments, commenters should send an eд" !ž}ˆ,N(N(ZZ&нЫ"дЋmail to ecfs@fcc.gov, and should include the following words in the body of the message, "get form ." A sample form and directions will be sent in reply. д ‘XЛЉ4дСъъˆСиF71.и СB B ЖСParties who choose to file by paper must file an original and four copies of д ‘XЄа4дeach filing.жo~ЪЄ(gд {OЖ'д СŠСУУSee alsoФФ 47 C.F.R. РР 1.49 (concerning paper copies).oж If more than one docket or rulemaking number appear in the caption of this proceeding, commenters must submit two additional copies for each additional docket or rulemaking number. All filings must be sent to the Commission's Secretary, Magalie Roman Salas, Office of the Secretary, Federal Communications Commission, 1919 M St. N.W., Room 222, Washington, D.C. 20554, with a copy to: Scott K. Bergmann, Common Carrier Bureau, Industry Analysis Division, 2033 M Street, N.W., Room 500, Washington, D.C. 20554. д ‘X Љ4дСъъˆСиG72.и СB B ЖСParties who choose to file by paper should also submit their comments on diskette. These diskettes should be submitted to: Ms. Terry Conway, Common Carrier Bureau, Industry Analysis Division, 2033 M Street, N.W., Room 500, Washington, D.C. 20554. Such a submission should be on a 3.5 inch diskette formatted in an IBM compatible format using WordPerfect 5.1 for Windows or compatible software. The diskette should be accompanied by a cover letter and should be submitted in "read only" mode. The diskette should be clearly labelled with the commenter's name, proceeding (including the lead docket number in this case [CC Docket No.98Љ171]), type of pleading (comment or reply comment), date of submission, and the name of the electronic file on the diskette. The label should also include the following phrase "Disk Copy Љ Not an Original." Each diskette should contain only one party's pleadings, preferably in a single electronic file. In addition, commenters must send diskette copies to the Commission's copy contractor, International Transcription Service, Inc., 1231 20th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037. д ‘XСЖ4дХХСрйнСУ УззVII. ORDERING CLAUSESФ Фззƒ д ‘X“Љ4дСъъˆСиH73.и СB B ЖСACCORDINGLY, IT IS ORDERED, pursuant to sections 1, 4(i), 4(j), 11, 201Њ205, 210, 214, 218, 225, 251, 254, 303(r), 332, and 403 of the Communications Act of 1934, ХХas amended, 47 U.S.C. РРРР 151, 154(i), 154(j), 161, 201Љ205, 210, 214, 218, 225, 251, 254, 303(r), 332 and 403 that this NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULEMAKING is hereby ADOPTED and that COMMENT IS SOUGHT on these issues. д" "Z~ˆ,N(N(ZZднЫ"дŒд ‘XЉ4дХbХСъъˆСиI74.и СB B ЖСACCORDINGLY, IT IS ORDERED, pursuant to sections 1, 4(i), 4(j), 11, 201Њ205, 210, 214, 218, 225, 251, 254, 303(r), 332, and 403 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. РРРР 151, 154(i), 154(j), 161, 201Љ205, 210, 214, 218, 225, 251, 254, 303(r), 332 and 403 that this NOTICE OF INQUIRY is hereby ADOPTED and that COMMENT IS SOUGHT on these issues. д ‘XvЉ4дСъъˆСиJ75.и СB B ЖСIT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Commission's Office of Public Affairs, Reference Operations Division, SHALL SEND a copy of this NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULEMAKING and NOTICE OF INQUIRY, including the Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis, to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business Administration. СъъˆССB B ЖССš š фССђ ђ ССJJAСFEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION СъъˆССB B ЖССš š фССђ ђ ССJJAСMagalie Roman Salas СъъˆССB B ЖССš š фССђ ђ ССJJAСSecretaryХbХд"y#~ˆ,N(N(ZZ­нЫ"д д ‘XЖ'дУ УСрlнСAPPENDIX A Љ Proposed RulesФ ФУ Уƒ д ‘XвЖ'дСрnн•СAMENDMENTS TO THE CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONSФ Фƒ д ‘XЄЖ4дСр ньСУ УPART 1--PRACTICE AND PROCEDUREФ Фƒ д ‘XvЉ4д1. СъъˆСThe authority citation for Part 1 continues to read as follows: д “XHЉ4дСъъˆСAUTHORITY: 15 U.S.C. 79 УУet seq.ФФ; 47 U.S.C. 151, 154(i), 154(j), 155, 225, and 303(r). д ‘X Љ4д2. СъъˆСSection 1.47(h) of the Commission's rules is amended to read as follows: д ‘Xз Ж'дУ УРР 1.47 СB B ЖСService of documents and proof of service.Ф Ф (h) Every common carrier subject to the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, shall designate an agent in the District of Columbia, and may designate additional agents if it so chooses, upon whom service of all notices, process, orders, decisions, and requirements of the Commission may be made for and on behalf of said carrier in any proceeding before the Commission. Such designation shall include, for both the carrier and its designated agents, a name, business address, telephone or voicemail number, facsimile number, and, if available, Internet e-mail address. The carrier shall additionally list any other names by which it is known or under which it does business, and, if the carrier is an affiliated company, the parent, holding, or management company. Such designation information shall be filed in accordance with the "Telecommunications Worksheet" specified in section 52.17(b). Within one week of offering service to the public, new carriers must use the "Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet" to file designation information with the Formal Complaints and Investigations Branch of the Common Carrier Bureau. Carriers must notify the Commission within one week of any changes in their designation information by filing revised portions of the Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet with the Formal Complaints and Investigations Branch of the Common Carrier Bureau. A paper copy of this designation list shall be maintained in the Office of the Secretary of the Commission. Service of any notice, process, orders, decisions or requirements of the Commission may be made upon such carrier by leaving a copy thereof with such designated agent at his office or usual place of residence. If a carrier fails to designate such an agent, service of any notice or other process in any proceeding before the Commission, or of any order, decision, or requirement of the Commission, may be made by posting such notice, process, order, requirement, or decision in the Office of the Secretary of the Commission. Ср]нmС* * * * *ƒ д"j$$~ˆ,N(N(ZZ•"нЫ"дŒд ‘XЖ4дХvХСрlн(СУ УPART 52 Љ NUMBERINGФ Фƒ Part 52 of Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.) is amended as follows: д ‘XЄЉ4д1. СъъˆСThe authority citation for Part 52 continues to read as follows: ХvХ СъъˆСAUTHORITY: Sec. 1, 2 , 4, 5, 48 Stat. 1066, as amended; 47 U.S.C. РР 151, 152, 154, 155 unless otherwise noted. Interpret or apply secs. 3, 4, 201Љ205, 207Љ209, 218, 225Љ7, 251Њ2, 271 and 332, 48 Stat. 1070, as amended, 1077; 47 U.S.C. 153, 154, 201Љ205, 207Љ09, 218, 225Љ7, 251Љ2, 271 and 332 unless otherwise noted. д ‘X Љ4д2.СъъˆСSection 52.16 of the Commission's rules is amended to read as follows: д ‘Xе Ж'дУ УРР 52.16СB B ЖСBilling and Collection Agent.Ф Ф The B & C Agent shall: д ‘XyЉ4д(a) СъъˆС* * * д ‘XKЉ4д(b) СъъˆСCollect from U.S. carriers contributions to be calculated and filed in accordance with the "Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet" specified in РР 52.17(b). д ‘XЉ4д (c) СъъˆСKeep confidential all data obtained from carriers and not disclose such data in company-specific form unless authorized by the Commission. The B & C Agent shall use such data only for calculating, collecting and verifying payments, except as described below in this paragraph. The Chief of the Common Carrier Bureau may approve arrangements between the B & C Agent and administrators of the universal service support mechanism (See 47 C.F.R. Sec. 54.701), the TRS Fund (See 47 C.F.R. Sec. 64.604(c)(4)(iii)(H)), and the local number portability cost recovery (See 47 C.F.R. Sec. 52.32) to permit sharing of information on contributors in order to gain administrative efficiencies or validate contributor data; СрнxС* * *ƒ д ‘X Љ4д3.СъъˆСSection 52.17 of the Commission's rules is amended to read as follows: д ‘XлЖ4дУ УРР 52.17 СB B ЖСCosts of number administrationФ Ф. д ‘X­!Љ4д СъъˆСAll telecommunications carriers in the United States shall contribute on a competitively neutral basis to meet the costs of establishing numbering administration. д ‘Xh$Љ4д (a) СъъˆСContributions to support number administration shall be the product of the contributors' endЉuser telecommunications revenues for the prior calendar year and a contribution factor determined annually by the Chief of the Common Carrier Bureau. The contribution factor shall be based on the ratio between expected number administration expenses to expected endд"#'%~ˆ,N(N(ZZ9%нЫ"дЋuser telecommunications revenues. In the event that contributions exceed administrative costs, the contribution factor for the following year will be adjusted by an appropriate amount. Each subject carrier with no endЉuser telecommunications revenues must contribute $100. Payments for other carriers will be based on endЉuser telecommunications revenues times the contribution factor. Telecommunications carriers whose annual contributions total less than $1,200 must pay the entire contribution at the beginning of the contribution period. Telecommunications carriers whose contributions total $1,200 or more may divide their contributions into equal monthly payments. д ‘X1Љ4д(b) СъъˆСContributions shall be calculated and filed in accordance with a "Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet," which shall be published in the Federal Register. The Chief of the Common Carrier Bureau shall have the authority to adopt future changes to the Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet. The worksheet sets forth information that must be provided by the contributor, the formula for computing the contribution, the manner of payment, and due dates for payments. The worksheet shall be certified to by an officer of the contributor, and subject to verification by the Commission or the B & C Agent at the discretion of the Commission. Contributors' statements in the worksheet shall be subject to the provisions of Title 18 of the United States Code. The B & C Agent may bill contributors a separate assessment for reasonable administrative expenses and interest resulting from improper filing or overdue contributions. СрнxС* * *ƒ д ‘XяЉ4дУ УФ Ф4.СъъˆСSection 52.32 of the Commission's rules is amended to read as follows: д ‘XСЖ'дУ УРР 52.32 СB B ЖСAllocation of the shared costs of longЉterm number portability.Ф Ф д ‘X“Љ4д(a) СъъˆС* * * д ‘XeЉ4д(b) СъъˆСContributions specified in РР 52.32(a)(2) shall be the product of a telecommunications carrier's endЉuser telecommunications revenues for each region for the prior calendar year and a contribution factor for each region determined annually by the Chief of the Common Carrier Bureau. The contribution factors shall be based on the ratio between expected local number portability administration expenses to expected endЉuser telecommunications revenues for each region. In the event that contributions exceed local number portability administrative costs for a region, the contribution factor for the following year will be adjusted by an appropriate amount. Telecommunications carriers whose annual contributions total less than $1,200 must pay the entire contribution at the beginning of the contribution period. Telecommunications carriers whose contributions total $1,200 or more may divide their contributions into equal monthly payments. Contributions shall be calculated and filed in accordance with a "Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet," which shall be published in the Federal Register. The Chief of the Common Carrier Bureau shall have the authority to adopt future changes to the Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet. The worksheet sets forth information that must be provided by the contributor, the formula for computing the contribution, the mannerд"#'&~ˆ,N(N(ZZ%нЫ"д of payment, and due dates for payments. The worksheet shall be certified to by an officer of the contributor, and subject to verification by the Commission or the administrator at the discretion of the Commission. Contributors' statements in the worksheet shall be subject to the provisions of Title 18 of United States Code. Local number portability administrators may bill contributors a separate assessment for reasonable administrative expenses and interest resulting from improper filing or overdue contributions. д ‘X_Љ4д (c) СъъˆСLocal number portability administrators shall keep all data obtained from contributors confidential and shall not disclose such data in company-specific form unless directed to do so by the Commission. The administrators shall use such data only for purposes of administering local number portability, except as described below in this paragraph. The Chief of the Common Carrier Bureau may approve arrangements between local number portability administrators and administrators of the universal service support mechanism (See 47 C.F.R. Sec. 54.701), the North American Numbering Plan administration cost recovery (See 47 C.F.R. Sec. 52.16), and the TRS Fund (See 47 C.F.R. Sec. 64.604(c)(4)(iii)(H)) to permit sharing of information on contributors in order to gain administrative efficiencies or validate contributor data. The Commission shall have access to all data reported to the local number portability administrators. д ‘XKЉ4д(d) СъъˆСOnce a telecommunications carrier has been allocated, pursuant to subparagraph (a)(1) or (a)(2) of this section, its portion of the shared costs of longЉterm number portability attributable to a regional database, the carrier shall treat that portion as a carrierЉspecific cost directly related to providing number portability. Ср]нmС* * * * *ƒ д ‘X“Ж'дХ_ХСъъˆСУ УСрМ нСPART 54 Љ UNIVERSAL SERVICEФ Фƒ Part 54 of Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations is amended as follows: д ‘X7Љ4д1.СъъˆСThe authority citation for Part 54 continues to read as follows: д ‘X Љ4д Х_Х СъъˆСAUTHORITY: 47 U.S.C. 1, 4(i), 201, 205, 214, and 254 unless otherwise noted. д ‘XлЉ4дХХ2. СъъˆСSection 54.705 is amended to read as follows: д ‘X­!Ж'дУ УРР 54.705 СB B ЖСDe minimis exemption.Ф Ф СъъˆС If a contributor's contribution to universal service in any given year is less thanХХ $10,000 that contributor will not be required to submit a contribution or Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet for that year unless it is required to do so to by our rules governing Telecommunications Relay Service (47 C.F.R. РРРР 64.601 et seq.), numbering administration (47 C.F.R. РРРР 52.1 et seq.), or local number portability administration (47 C.F.R. РРРР 52.21 etд"#''~ˆ,N(N(ZZ%нЫ"д seq.). If a contributor improperly claims exemption from the contribution requirement, it will subject to the criminal provisions of sections 220(d) and (e) of the Act regarding willful false submissions and will be required to pay the amounts withheld plus interest. д ‘XЄЉ4д3. СъъˆСSection 54.709 is amended to read as follows: д ‘XvЖ'дУ УРР 54.709 СB B ЖСComputations of required contributions to universal service support д ‘X_Ж'дmechanisms.Ф Ф (a) Contributions to the universal service support mechanisms shall be based on contributors' end-user telecommunications revenues and contribution factors determined quarterly by the Commission. д ‘Xе Љ4дСъъˆС(1) СB B ЖС* * * д ‘XЇ Љ4дСъъˆС(2) СB B ЖСThe quarterly universal service contribution factors shall be based on the ratio of total projected quarterly expenses of the universal service support programs to total end-user telecommunications revenues. The Commission shall determine two contribution factors, one of which shall be applied to interstate and international end-user telecommunications revenues and the other of which shall be applied to interstate, intrastate, and international end-user telecommunications revenues. The Commission shall approve the Administrator's, the Schools and Libraries Corporation's, and the Rural Health Care Corporation's quarterly projected costs of universal service support programs, taking into account demand for support and administrative expenses. The total subject revenues shall be compiled by the Administrator based on information contained in the Telecommunications Reporting Worksheets described in РР 54.711(a). д ‘X“Љ4д(b) СъъˆС* * * д ‘XeЉ4д(c) СъъˆС* * * д ‘X7Љ4д(d) СъъˆСIf a contributor fails to file a Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet by the date on which it is due, the Administrator shall bill that contributor based on whatever relevant data the Administrator has available, including, but not limited to, the number of lines presubscribed to the contributor and data from previous years, taking into consideration any estimated changes in such data. д ‘X­!Љ4дХ_Х4. СъъˆСSection 54.711 is amended to read as follows: д ‘X#Ж'дУ УРР 54.711 СB B ЖСContributor reporting requirements.Ф Ф д ‘XQ%Љ4д(a) СъъˆСContributions shall be calculated and filed in accordance with the Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet which shall be published in the Federal Register. The Chief of the Х_ХCommon Carrier Bureau shall have the authority to adopt future changes to theд"#'(~ˆ,N(N(ZZ%нЫ"д Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet. The Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet sets forth information that the contributor must submit to the Administrator on a semi- annual basis. The Commission shall announce by Public Notice published in the Federal Register and on its website the manner of payment and dates by which payments must be made. An officer of the contributor must certify to the truth and accuracy of the Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet, and the Commission or the Administrator may verify any information contained in the Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet at the discretion of the Commission. Inaccurate or untruthful information contained in the Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet may lead to prosecution under the criminal provisions of Title 18 of the United States Code. The Administrator shall advise the Commission of any enforcement issues that arise and provide any suggested response. д ‘Xь Љ4д(b) СъъˆСThe Commission shall have access to all data reported to the Administrator, Rural Health Care Corporation, and Schools and Libraries Corporation. Contributors may make requests for Commission nondisclosure of company-specific information under РР 0.459 of this chapter at the time that the subject data are submitted to the Administrator. The Commission shall make all decisions regarding nondisclosure of company-specific information. The Administrator, Rural Health Care Corporation, and Schools and Libraries Corporation shall keep confidential all data obtained from contributors, shall not use such data except for purposes of administering the universal service support programs, and shall not disclose such data in company-specific form unless directed to do so by the Commission. The Chief of the Common Carrier Bureau may approve arrangements between the Administrator and administrators of other programs established pursuant to FCC rules to permit sharing of information on contributors in order to gain administrative efficiencies or validate contributor information. д ‘XЊЉ4д5. СъъˆСSection 54.713 is amended to read as follows: д ‘X|Ж'дУ УРР 54.713 СB B ЖСContributors' failure to report or to contribute.Ф Ф A contributor that fails to file a Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet and subsequently is billed by the Administrator shall pay the amount for which it is billed. The Administrator may bill a contributor a separate assessment for reasonable costs incurred because of that contributor's filing of an untruthful or inaccurate Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet, failure to file the Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet, or late payment of contributions. Failure to file the Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet or to submit required quarterly contributions may subject the contributor to the enforcement provisions of the Act and any other applicable law. The Administrator shall advise the Commission of any enforcement issues that arise and provide any suggested response. Once a contributor complies with the Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet filing requirements, the Administrator may refund any overpayments made by the contributor, less any fees, interest, or costs. Ср]нmС* * * * *ƒд"#')~ˆ,N(N(ZZ%нЫ"дŒд ‘XЖ4д™Х_ХСрян_СУ УPART 64 Љ MISCELLANEOUS RULES RELATING TO COMMON CARRIERSФ Фƒ Part 64 of Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R) is amended as follows: д ‘XЄЉ4д1.СъъˆСThe authority citation for Part 64 continues to read as follows: д ‘XvЉ4дХ_Х СъъˆСAUTHORITY: 47 U.S.C. 154, 254(k); secs. 403(b)(2), (c), Public Law 104Љ104, 110 Stat. 56, Interpret or apply 47 U.S.C. secs. 201, 218, 226, 228, and 254(k) unless otherwise noted. д ‘X Љ4д2.СъъˆСSection 64.604(c)(4)(iii) of the Commission's rules is amended to read as follows: д ‘Xь Ж'дУ УРР 64.604СB B ЖСMandatory Minimum StandardsФ Ф д ‘XО Љ4д(a) СъъˆС* * * д ‘XЉ4д(b) СъъˆС* * * (c) Functional standards-- д ‘X4Љ4дСъъˆС(i) СB B ЖС* * * д ‘XЉ4дСъъˆС(iii) СB B ЖС* * * СъъˆС(iii) Telecommunications Relay Services Fund. д ‘XЊЉ4дСъъˆССB B ЖС(1) Сš š фС*** д ‘X|Љ4дСъъˆССB B ЖС(2) Сš š фС*** д ‘XNЉ4дСъъˆССB B ЖС(3) Сš š фС*** д ‘X Љ4дСъъˆССB B ЖС(4) Сš š фСJurisdictional Separation of Costs д ‘XђЉ4дСъъˆССB B ЖССš š фС (A) Сђ ђ СContributions. Every carrier providing interstate telecommunications services shall contribute to the TRS Fund on the basis of its relative share of interstate endЉuser telecommunications revenues as described herein. Contributions shall be made by all carriers who provide interstate services, including, but not limited to, cellular telephone and paging, mobile radio, operator services, personal communications service (PCS), access (including subscriber line charges), alternative access and special access, packet-switched, WATS, 800, 900, message telephone service (MTS), private line, telex, telegraph, video, satellite, intraLATA, international and resale services. д":&*~ˆ,N(N(ZZO$нЫ"дŒд ‘XЉ4дХЛХСъъˆССB B ЖССš š фС (B) Сђ ђ СContribution computations. Contributors' contribution to the TRS fund shall be the product of their subject revenues for the prior calendar year and a ХЛХcontribution factor determined annually by the Commission. The contribution factor shall be based on the ratio between expected TRS Fund expenses to expected interstate endЉuser telecommunications revenues. In the event that contributions exceed TRS payments and administrative costs, the contribution factor for the following year will be adjusted by an appropriate amount, taking into consideration projected cost and usage changes. In the event that contributions are inadequate, the fund administrator may request authority from the Commission to borrow funds commercially, with such debt secured by future years contributions. Contributions for subject carriers are based on endЉuser telecommunications revenues times the contribution factor. Service providers whose annual contributions total less than $1,200 must pay the entire contribution at the beginning of the contribution period. Service providers whose contributions total $1,200 or more may divide their contributions into equal monthly payments. Contributions shall be calculated and filed in accordance with a "Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet," which shall be published in the Federal Register. The Chief of the Common Carrier Bureau shall have the authority to adopt future changes to the Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet. The worksheet sets forth information that must be provided by the contributor, the formula for computing the contribution, the manner of payment, and due dates for payments. The worksheet shall be certified to by an officer of the contributor, and subject to verification by the Commission or the administrator at the discretion of the Commission. Contributors' statements in the worksheet shall be subject to the provisions of section 220 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. The fund administrator may bill contributors a separate assessment for reasonable administrative expenses and interest resulting from improper filing or overdue contributions. д ‘XСЉ4дСъъˆССB B ЖССš š фС(C) Сђ ђ С* * * д ‘X“Љ4дСъъˆССB B ЖССš š фС(D) Сђ ђ С* * * д ‘XeЉ4дСъъˆССB B ЖССš š фС(E) Сђ ђ С* * * д ‘X7Љ4дСъъˆССB B ЖССš š фС(F) Сђ ђ С* * * д ‘X Љ4дСъъˆССB B ЖССš š фС(G) Сђ ђ С* * * д ‘XлЉ4дСъъˆССB B ЖССš š фС(H) Сђ ђ С* * * СъъˆССB B ЖССš š фС (I) Information filed with the administrator. The administrator shall keep all data obtained from contributors and TRS providers confidential and shall not disclose such data in company-specific form unless directed to do so by the Commission. The administrator shall not use such data except for purposes of administering the TRS Fund, calculating the regulatory fees of interstate common carriers, and aggregating such fee payments for submission to the Commission, and as describe below in this paragraph. The Chief of the Common Carrier Bureau may approve arrangements between the TRS Fundд"#'+~ˆ,N(N(ZZ%нЫ"д administrator and administrators of the universal service support mechanism (See 47 C.F.R. Sec. 54.701), the North American Numbering Plan administration cost recovery (See 47 C.F.R. Sec. 52.16), and the longЉterm local number portability cost recovery (See 47 C.F.R. Sec. 52.32) to permit sharing of information on contributors in order to gain administrative efficiencies or validate contributor data. The Commission shall have access to all data reported to the administrator, and authority to audit TRS providers. Ср]нmС* * * * *ƒд"_,~ˆ,N(N(ZZ нЫ"д д ‘XЖ'дУ УСрvнTСAPPENDIX BФ ФУ Уƒ д ‘XвЖ'дСрн‚СPROPOSED TELECOMMUNICATIONS REPORTING WORKSHEETФ Фƒ д ‘XЄЖ4дСрьн3СУ УAND INSTRUCTIONSФ Ф дgО9%V‡Вд"v-~ˆ,N(N(ZZ;нЫ"д д ‘XЖ4дг . гСрpнTСУ УAPPENDIX CФ Фƒ д ‘XвЖ4дСрЉ нЏСУ УINITIAL REGULATORY FLEXIBILITY ACT ANALYSISФ Фƒ д ‘XЄа4двŒ A. 1. 1. a.(1)(a) i) a)K A. 1. 1. a.(1)(a) i) a)џџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџŒвййСъъˆСи1.и СB B ЖСAs required by the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA),г~гжщZЄ(gд {OЖ'д СŠСУУSeeФФ 5 U.S.C. РР 603. The RFA, УУseeФФ 5 U.S.C. РР 601 УУet. seq.б#лxў6X@ЩќK жbX@#бб# О]є\  PŽТC/ѓєP#бФФ, has been amended by the Contract With America Advancement Act of 1996, Pub. L. No. 104Љ121, 110 Stat. 847 (1996) (CWAAA). Title II of the д yOЏœ'дCWAAA is the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996 (SBREFA).б#лxў6X@ЩќK жbX@#бщж the Commission has prepared this present Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (IRFA) of the possible significant economic impact on small entities by the policies and rules proposed in this NPRM. Written public comments are requested on this IRFA. Comments must be identified as responses to the IRFA and must be filed by the deadlines for comments on this NPRM provided above on the first page. The Commission will send a copy of this NPRM, including this IRFA, to the д ‘X а4дChief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business Administration.жQЪ ъ(gд {OЕЖ'д СŠСУУSeeФФ 5 U.S.C. РР 603(a).Qж In addition, this NPRM д ‘X а4дand IRFA (or summaries thereof) will be published in the Federal Register.ж?Ъ |(gд {O0Ж'д СŠСУУSee id.ФФ?ж д ‘Xе Ж'дУ УI. СъъˆСNeed for, and Objectives of, the Proposed Action:Ф Ф д ‘XЇ Љ4дСъъˆСи2.и СB B ЖСThe Commission undertakes this examination of its contributor reporting д ‘Xа4дrequirementsжь”(gд {OOЖ'дСŠСУУSeeФФ 47 C.F.R. РРРР 64.601 УУet seq.ФФ; 47 C.F.R. РРРР 54.1 УУet seqФФ.; 47 C.F.R. РРРР 52.1 УУet seq.ФФ; 47 C.F.R. РРРР д {Oœ'д52.21 УУet seq.ФФьж as a part of its 1998 biennial review of regulations as required by section 11 of д ‘Xyа4дthe Communications Act, as amended.жEШyj (gд yO”Ж'д СŠС47 U.S.C. РР 161.Eж This NPRM proposes to simplify the Commission's filing requirements so that a single worksheet will replace several different forms currently filed under our existing rules associated with the Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS) д ‘X4а4дFund,жXЪ4њ (gд {OпЖ'дСŠС47 C.F.R. РРРР 64.601 УУet seq.ФФXж federal universal service support mechanisms,жjЪ4Œ (gд {Oq Ж'дСŠС47 C.F.R. РРРР 54.1 УУet seqФФ., 69.1 УУet seqФФ.jж the cost recovery mechanism for the д ‘Xа4дNorth American Numbering Plan (NANP) administration,жVЪ(gд {Oь"Ж'дСŠС47 C.F.R. РРРР 52.1 УУet seq.ФФVж and the cost recovery mechanism д ‘Xа4дfor longЉterm local number portability (LNP) administration.жW ЪА(gд {Og%Ж'дСŠС47 C.F.R. РРРР 52.21 УУet seq.ФФWж Our objective is to reduce or eliminate unnecessary or duplicative regulatory requirements as competition supplants the needд"я.B ˆ,N(N(ZZ-нЫ"д д ‘Xа4дfor such requirements, consistent with section 11 of the Communications Act, as amended,жE Ш(gд yOyЖ'д СŠС47 U.S.C. РР 161.Eж д ‘Xща4дand the Telecommunications Act of 1996.жh \щX(gд {OђЖ'д СŠСTelecommunications Act of 1996, Pub. L. No. 104Љ104, 110 Stat. 56 (1996 Act), УУcodified atФФ 47 U.S.C. д {OМœ'дРРРР 151 УУet seq.ФФ УУSeeФФ Joint Explanatory Statement of the Committee of Conference, S. Conf. Rep. No. 230, 104th Cong., 2d Sess. 113 (1996) (Joint Explanatory Statement).hж The Commission tentatively concludes that it can reduce regulatory burdens imposed by the existing multiple filing requirements by combining current contributor reporting worksheets into one unified Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet. д ‘XvЖ'дУ УII. СъъˆСLegal Basis:Ф Ф д ‘XHЉ4дСъъˆСи3.и СB B ЖСThe legal basis for the action as proposed for this rulemaking is contained in sections 1, 4(i), 4(j), 11, 201Љ205, 210, 214, 218, 225, 251, 254, 303(r), 332, and 403 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. РРРР 151, 154(i), 154(j), 161, 201Љ205, 210, 214, 218, 225, 251, 254, 303(r), 332 and 403. д ‘Xе Ж'дУ УIII. СъъˆСDescription and Estimate of the Number of Small Entities to Which the Proposed д ‘XО Ж'дAction May Apply:Ф Ф д ‘XЉ4дСъъˆСи4.и СB B ЖСThe Commission's contributor reporting requirements apply to a wide rage of entities, including all telecommunications carriers and other providers of interstate д ‘Xbа4дtelecommunications that offer telecommunications for a fee.жф zb|(gд yOЖ'д СŠС47 C.F.R. РРРР 52.17 (applying to all telecommunications carriers), 52.32 (applying to all telecommunications carriers), 54.703 (applying to every telecommunications carrier that provides interstate telecommunications services, every provider of interstate telecommunications that offers telecommunications for a fee on a nonЉcommon carrier basis, and certain payphone providers), 64.604(c)(4)(iii)(A) (applying to every carrier providing interstate telecommunications services). We note that the Commission's rules for universal д {Owœ'дservice exempt certain small contributors, УУi.e.ФФ, contributors that have revenue below a stated threshold. 47 C.F.R. РР 54.705.фж Thus, we expect that the proposals set forth in this proceeding may have an economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. The economic impact of these proposals would, of course, be a positive and beneficial impact, in the form of reduced regulatory burdens and recordkeeping requirements, for these entities. д ‘XиЉ4дСъъˆСи5.и СB B ЖСTo estimate the number of small entities that would benefit from this positive economic impact, we first consider the statutory definition of "small entity" under the RFA. The RFA generally defines "small entity" as having the same meaning as the term "small д ‘X“а4дbusiness," "small organization," and "small governmental jurisdiction."жG Ш“О (gд yO&Ж'д СŠС5 U.S.C. РР 601(6).Gж In addition, the term "small business" has the same meaning as the term "small business concern" under the Smallд"|/N ˆ,N(N(ZZШнЫ"д Business Act, unless the Commission has developed one or more definitions that are д ‘Xща4дappropriate to its activities.ж,шщ(gд yObЖ'д СŠС5 U.S.C. РР 601(3) (incorporating by reference the definition of "small business concern" in 5 U.S.C. РР 632). Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. РР 601(3), the statutory definition of a small business applies "unless an agency after consultation with the Office of Advocacy of the Small Business Administration and after opportunity for public comment, establishes one or more definitions of such term which are appropriate to the activities of the agency and publishes such definition in the Federal Register." ,ж Under the Small Business Act, a "small business concern" is one that: (1) is independently owned and operated; (2) is not dominant in its field of operation; and (3) meets any additional criteria established by the Small Business д ‘XЄа4дAdministration (SBA).жР’Єx(gд {OЭ Ж'д СŠС15 U.S.C. РР 632. УУФФУУSeeФФ, УУe.g.ФФ, УУBrown Transport Truckload, Inc. v. Southern Wipers, Inc.ФФ, 176 B.R. 82 (N.D. Ga. 1994).Рж The SBA has defined a small business for Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) categories 4812 (Radiotelephone Communications) and 4813 (Telephone Communications, Except Radiotelephone) to be small entities when they have no more than д ‘X_а4д1,500 employees.жIШ_в(gд yOтЖ'д СŠС13 C.F.R. РР 121.201.Iж We first discuss the number of small telephone companies falling within these SIC categories, then attempt to refine further those estimates to correspond with the categories of telephone companies that are commonly used under our rules. We expect that not all of the entities within a given category necessarily offer carrier services or interstate telecommunications services for a fee. Nevertheless, out of an abundance of caution, we analyze a wide range of categories in an effort to identify the greatest number of small entities possible that could be effected by the proposals in this NPRM. д ‘XЇ Љ4дСъъˆСи6.и СB B ЖСThe most reliable source of information regarding the total numbers of certain common carrier and related providers nationwide, as well as the numbers of commercial wireless entities, appears to be data the Commission publishes annually in its д “XbЉ4дУУTelecommunications Industry RevenueФФ report, regarding the Telecommunications Relay Service д ‘XMа4д(TRS).ж”Mb (gд {O`Ж'д СŠСFCC, УУTelecommunications Industry Revenue: TRS Fund Worksheet DataФФ, Figure 2 (Number of Carriers д {O*œ'дPaying Into the TRS Fund by Type of Carrier) (Nov. 1997) (УУTelecommunications Industry RevenueФФ). ж According to data in the most recent report, there are 3,459 interstate carriers.ж=ЪMО (gд {OМЖ'д СŠСУУId.ФФ =ж д “X6Љ4дThese carriers include, УУinter aliaФФ, local exchange carriers, wireline carriers and service д ‘X!Љ4дproviders, interexchange carriers, competitive access providers, У УФ Фoperator service providers, pay д ‘X Љ4дtelephone operatorsУ УФ Ф, providers of telephone toll service, providers of telephone exchange д ‘XѓЉ4дservice, and resellers. У УФ Ф д ‘XХЉ4дСъъˆСи7.иСB B ЖСУУФФAlthough some affected incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs) may have 1,500 or fewer employees, we do not believe that such entities should be considered small entities within the meaning of the RFA because they are either dominant in their field of operations or are not independently owned and operated, and therefore by definition not "smallд"€0P ˆ,N(N(ZZШнЫ"д entities" or "small business concerns" under the RFA. Accordingly, our use of the terms "small entities" and "small businesses" does not encompass small ILECs. Out of an abundance of caution, however, for regulatory flexibility analysis purposes, we will separately consider small ILECs within this analysis and use the term "small ILECs" to refer to any д ‘XЄа4дILECs that arguably might be defined by the SBA as "small business concerns."жя$Є(gд {OЖ'д СŠСУУSeeФФ 13 C.F.R. РР 121.201, SIC code 4813. Since the time of the Commission's 1996 decision, д {Mчœ'дУУImplementation of the Local Competition Provisions in the Telecommunications Act of 1996, First Report and д {OЏœ'дOrderФФ, 11 FCC Rcd 15499, 16144Љ45 (1996), 61 FR 45476 (August 29, 1996), the Commission has consistently addressed in its regulatory flexibility analyses the impact of its rules on such ILECs.яж йй д “XvЉ4дСъъˆСи8.иСB B ЖСУУTotal Number of Telephone Companies Affected. ФФ The United States Bureau of the Census ("the Census Bureau") reports that, at the end of 1992, there were 3,497 firms д ‘XJа4дengaged in providing telephone services, as defined therein, for at least one year.ж’JД(gд {OЏ Ж'д СŠСUnited States Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, УУ1992 Census of TransportationФФ, д yOyœ'дCommunications, and Utilities: Establishment and Firm Size, at Firm Size 1-123 (1995) (УУФФ"1992 Census").ж This number contains a variety of different categories of carriers, including local exchange carriers, interexchange carriers, competitive access providers, cellular carriers, mobile service carriers, operator service providers, pay telephone operators, PCS providers, covered SMR providers, and resellers. It seems certain that some of those 3,497 telephone service firms may not qualify as small entities or small incumbent LECs because they are not "independently owned д ‘XР а4дand operated."жKШР (gд yOЖ'д СŠС15 U.S.C. РР 632(a)(1).Kж For example, a PCS provider that is affiliated with an interexchange carrier having more than 1,500 employees would not meet the definition of a small business. It seems reasonable to conclude, therefore, that fewer than 3,497 telephone service firms are small entity telephone service firms or small incumbent LECs that may be affected by this NPRM. д “X6Љ4дСъъˆСи9.иСB B ЖСУУ Wireline Carriers and Service Providers.ФФ SBA has developed a definition of small entities for telephone communications companies other than radiotelephone companies. The Census Bureau reports that, there were 2,321 such telephone companies in operation for д ‘Xѓа4дat least one year at the end of 1992.ж_Ъѓž(gд {OBЖ'д СŠС1992 Census, УУsupraФФ, at Firm Size 1-123._ж According to SBA's definition, a small business telephone company other than a radiotelephone company is one employing no more than д ‘XХа4д1,500 persons.жШХ0 (gд yOІ"Ж'д СŠС13 C.F.R. РР 121.201, Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code 4813. ж All but 26 of the 2,321 nonЉradiotelephone companies listed by the Census Bureau were reported to have fewer than 1,000 employees. Thus, even if all 26 of those companies had more than 1,500 employees, there would still be 2,295 nonЉradiotelephone companies that might qualify as small entities or small incumbent LECs. Although it seems certain that some of these carriers are not independently owned and operated, we are unable at this time to estimate with greater precision the number of wireline carriers and serviceд"R1Р ˆ,N(N(ZZЉнЫ"д providers that would qualify as small business concerns under SBA's definition. Consequently, we estimate that there are fewer than 2,295 small entity telephone communications companies other than radiotelephone companies that may be affected by the proposals recommended for adoption in this NPRM. д “XЉ4дСъъˆСи 10.и СB B ЖСУУ Local Exchange CarriersФФ. Neither the Commission nor SBA has developed a definition of small providers of local exchange services (LECs). The closest applicable definition under SBA rules is for telephone communications companies other than radiotelephone (wireless) companies. The most reliable source of information regarding the number of LECs nationwide of which we are aware appears to be the data that we collect д ‘X а4дannually in connection with the Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS).ж_Ъ (gд {O• Ж'д СŠСУУSeeФФ 47 C.F.R. РР 64.601 УУet seq.ФФ_ж According to our most recent data, 1,371 companies reported that they were engaged in the provision of local д ‘Xю а4дexchange services.жgЪю Z(gд {OљЖ'д СŠСУУTelecommunications Industry RevenueФФ at Fig. 2. gж Although it seems certain that some of these carriers are not independently owned and operated, or have more than 1,500 employees, we are unable at this time to estimate with greater precision the number of LECs that would qualify as small business concerns under SBA's definition. Consequently, we estimate that there are fewer than 1,371 small entity LECs or small incumbent LECs that may be affected by the proposals recommended for adoption in this NPRM. д “XMЉ4дСъъˆСи 11.и СB B ЖСУУ Interexchange Carriers.ФФ Neither the Commission nor SBA has developed a definition of small entities specifically applicable to providers of interexchange services (IXCs). The closest applicable definition under SBA rules is for telephone communications д ‘X а4дcompanies other than radiotelephone companies.жXШ ь(gд yOЇЖ'д СŠС13 C.F.R. РР 121.210, SIC Code 4813.Xж The most reliable source of information regarding the number of IXCs nationwide of which we are aware appears to be the data that we collect annually in connection with TRS. According to our most recent data, 143 д ‘XХа4дcompanies reported that they were engaged in the provision of interexchange services.жfЪХ|(gд {OђЖ'д СŠСУУTelecommunications Industry RevenueФФ at Fig. 2.fж Although it seems certain that some of these carriers are not independently owned and operated, or have more than 1,500 employees, we are unable at this time to estimate with greater precision the number of IXCs that would qualify as small business concerns under SBA's definition. Consequently, we estimate that there are fewer than 143 small entity IXCs that may be affected by the proposals recommended for adoption in this NPRM. йй д “X$Љ4дСъъˆСи 12.иСB B ЖСУУ Competitive Access Providers.ФФ Neither the Commission nor SBA has developed a definition of small entities specifically applicable to providers of competitive access services (CAPs). The closest applicable definition under SBA rules is for telephone communications companies other than radiotelephone companies. The most reliable source ofд"с2ˆ,N(N(ZZгнЫ"д information regarding the number of CAPs nationwide of which we are aware appears to be the data that we collect annually in connection with the TRS. According to our most recent data, 109 companies reported that they were engaged in the provision of competitive access д ‘XЛа4дservices.жfЪЛ(gд {O4Ж'д СŠСУУTelecommunications Industry RevenueФФ at Fig. 2.fж Although it seems certain that some of these carriers are not independently owned and operated, or have more than 1,500 employees, we are unable at this time to estimate with greater precision the number of CAPs that would qualify as small business concerns under SBA's definition. Consequently, we estimate that there are fewer than 109 small entity CAPs that may be affected by the proposals recommended for adoption in this NPRM. д “X1Љ4дСъъˆСи 13.иСB B ЖСУУOperator Service Providers.ФФ Neither the Commission nor SBA has developed a definition of small entities specifically applicable to providers of operator services. The closest applicable definition under SBA rules is for telephone communications companies other than radiotelephone companies. The most reliable source of information regarding the number of operator service providers nationwide of which we are aware appears to be the data that we collect annually in connection with the TRS. According to our most recent data, 27 д ‘XЉ а4дcompanies reported that they were engaged in the provision of operator services.жfЪЉ Z(gд {OДЖ'д СŠСУУTelecommunications Industry RevenueФФ at Fig. 2.fж Although it seems certain that some of these companies are not independently owned and operated, or have more than 1,500 employees, we are unable at this time to estimate with greater precision the number of operator service providers that would qualify as small business concerns under SBA's definition. Consequently, we estimate that there are fewer than 27 small entity operator service providers that may be affected by the proposals recommended for adoption in this NPRM. д “XёЉ4дСъъˆСи 14.иСB B ЖСУУ Resellers.ФФ Neither the Commission nor SBA has developed a definition of small entities specifically applicable to resellers. The closest applicable definition under SBA д ‘XХа4дrules is for all telephone communications companies.жXШХь(gд yObЖ'д СŠС13 C.F.R. РР 121.210, SIC Code 4813.Xж The most reliable source of information regarding the number of resellers nationwide of which we are aware appears to be the data that we collect annually in connection with the TRS. According to our most recent д ‘X€а4дdata, 339 companies reported that they were engaged in the resale of telephone services.жfЪ€|(gд {O­ Ж'д СŠСУУTelecommunications Industry RevenueФФ at Fig. 2.fж Although it seems certain that some of these carriers are not independently owned and operated, or have more than 1,500 employees, we are unable at this time to estimate with greater precision the number of resellers that would qualify as small business concerns under SBA's definition. Consequently, we estimate that there are fewer than 339 small entity resellers that may be affected by the proposals recommended for adoption in this NPRM. д “XпЉ4дСъъˆСи15.иСB B ЖСУУWireless (Radiotelephone) Carriers.ФФ SBA has developed a definition of smallд"п3ˆ,N(N(ZZгнЫ"д entities for radiotelephone (wireless) companies. The Census Bureau reports that there were д ‘Xща4д1,176 such companies in operation for at least one year at the end of 1992.ж ’щ(gд {ObЖ'д СŠСUnited States Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, УУ1992 Census of TransportationФФ, д yO,œ'дCommunications, and Utilities: Establishment and Firm Size, at Firm Size 1-123 (1995) (УУФФ"1992 Census").ж According to SBA's definition, a small business radiotelephone company is one employing no more than д ‘XЛа4д1,500 persons.жZ!ШЛ"(gд yOŽЖ'д СŠС13 C.F.R. РР 121.201, SIC Code 4812. Zж The Census Bureau also reported that 1,164 of those radiotelephone companies had fewer than 1,000 employees. Thus, even if all of the remaining 12 companies had more than 1,500 employees, there would still be 1,164 radiotelephone companies that might qualify as small entities if they are independently owned are operated. Although it seems certain that some of these carriers are not independently owned and operated, we are unable at this time to estimate with greater precision the number of radiotelephone carriers and service providers that would qualify as small business concerns under SBA's definition. Consequently, we estimate that there are fewer than 1,164 small entity radiotelephone companies that may be affected by the proposals recommended for adoption in this NPRM. йй д “Xе Љ4дСъъˆСи16.иСB B ЖСУУCellular and Mobile Service Carriers.ФФ In an effort to further refine our calculation of the number of radiotelephone companies affected by the rules adopted herein, we consider the categories of radiotelephone carriers, Cellular Service Carriers and Mobile Service Carriers. Neither the Commission nor the SBA has developed a definition of small entities specifically applicable to Cellular Service Carriers and to Mobile Service Carriers. The closest applicable definition under SBA rules for both services is for telephone companies д ‘XMа4дother than radiotelephone (wireless) companies.ж;"ЪMВ(gд {OАЖ'д СŠСУУId.ФФ;ж The most reliable source of information regarding the number of Cellular Service Carriers and Mobile Service Carriers nationwide of which we are aware appears to be the data that we collect annually in connection with the TRS. According to our most recent data, 804 companies reported that they are engaged in the provision of cellular services and 117 companies reported that they are engaged in the д ‘Xка4дprovision of mobile services.жf#ЪкD(gд {OЯЖ'д СŠСУУTelecommunications Industry RevenueФФ at Fig. 2.fж Although it seems certain that some of these carriers are not independently owned and operated, or have more than 1,500 employees, we are unable at this time to estimate with greater precision the number of Cellular Service Carriers and Mobile Service Carriers that would qualify as small business concerns under SBA's definition. Consequently, we estimate that there are fewer than 804 small entity Cellular Service Carriers and fewer than 138 small entity Mobile Service Carriers that might be affected by the proposals recommended for adoption in this NPRM. д “X"Љ4дСъъˆСи17.иСB B ЖСУУ Broadband PCS Licensees.ФФ The broadband PCS spectrum is divided into six frequency blocks designated A through F, and the Commission has held auctions for each block. The Commission defined "small entity" for Blocks C and F as an entity that hasд"і4ж#ˆ,N(N(ZZінЫ"д д ‘Xа4дaverage gross revenues of less than $40 million in the three previous calendar years.ж“$^(gд {OyЖ'д СŠСУУSeeФФ УУAmendment of Parts 20 and 24 of the Commission's Rules ЉЉ Broadband PCS Competitive Bidding д {OCœ'дand the Commercial Mobile Radio Service Spectrum CapФФ, Report and Order, FCC 96Љ278, WT Docket No. 96Њд {O œ'д59, РРРР 57Љ60 (June 24, 1996), 61 FR 33859 (July 1, 1996); УУsee alsoФФ 47 C.F.R. РР 24.720(b).“ж For Block F, an additional classification for "very small business" was added, and is defined as an entity that, together with its affiliates, has average gross revenues of not more than $15 д ‘XЛа4дmillion for the preceding three calendar years.жH%ЪЛю(gд {OZЖ'д СŠСУУId.ФФ, at РР 60.Hж These regulations defining "small entity" in д ‘XЄа4дthe context of broadband PCS auctions have been approved by SBA.жи&’Є€(gд {Oе Ж'д СŠСУУImplementation of Section 309(j) of the Communications Act ЉЉ Competitive BiddingФФ, PP Docket No. 93Њ253, Fifth Report and Order, 9 FCC Rcd 5532, 5581Љ84 (1994).иж No small businesses within the SBAЉapproved definition bid successfully for licenses in Blocks A and B. There were 90 winning bidders that qualified as small entities in the Block C auctions. A total of 93 small and very small business bidders won approximately 40% of the 1,479 licenses for Blocks D, E, and F. However, licenses for Blocks C through F have not been awarded fully, therefore there are few, if any, small businesses currently providing PCS services. Based on this information, we conclude that the number of small broadband PCS licenses will include the 90 winning C Block bidders and the 93 qualifying bidders in the D, E, and F blocks, for a total of 183 small PCS providers as defined by the SBA and the Commissioner's auction rules. д “XО Љ4дСъъˆСи18.иСB B ЖС УУSMR Licensees. ФФ Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. РР 90.814(b)(1), the Commission has defined "small entity" in auctions for geographic area 800 MHz and 900 MHz SMR licenses as a firm that had average annual gross revenues of less than $15 million in the three previous calendar years. The definition of a "small entity" in the context of 800 MHz SMR has been д ‘Xdа4дapproved by the SBA,жп'Иdк(gд {OяЖ'д СŠСУУSee Amendment of Parts 2 and 90 of the Commission's Rules to Provide for the Use of 200 Channels Outside the Designated Filing Areas in the 896Љ901 MHz and the 935Љ940 MHz Bands Allotted to the Specialized д {Oœ'дMobile Radio PoolФФ, PR Docket No. 89Љ583, Second Order on Reconsideration and Seventh Report and Order, 11 д {OKœ'дFCC Rcd 2639, 2693Љ702 (1995); УУAmendment of Part 90 of the Commission's Rules to Facilitate Future д {Oœ'дDevelopment of SMR Systems in the 800 MHz Frequency BandФФ, PR Docket No. 93Љ144, First Report and Order, Eighth Report and Order, and Second Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 11 FCC Rcd 1463 (1995).пж and approval for the 900 MHz SMR definition has been sought. The rules proposed in this NPRM may apply to SMR providers in the 800 MHz and 900 MHz bands that either hold geographic area licenses or have obtained extended implementation authorizations. We do not know how many firms provide 800 MHz or 900 MHz geographic area SMR service pursuant to extended implementation authorizations, nor how many of these providers have annual revenues of less than $15 million. We assume, for purposes of this IRFA, that all of the extended implementation authorizations may be held by small entities, that may be affected by the proposals recommended for adoption in this NPRM. йй д ‘X•Љ4дСъъˆСи19.иСB B ЖС The Commission recently held auctions for geographic area licenses in the 900 MHz SMR band. There were 60 winning bidders who qualified as small entities in the 900д"~5Z 'ˆ,N(N(ZZШнЫ"д MHz auction. Based on this information, we conclude that the number of geographic area SMR licensees that may be affected by the proposals in this NPRM includes these 60 small entities. No auctions have been held for 800 MHz geographic area SMR licenses. Therefore, no small entities currently hold these licenses. A total of 525 licenses will be awarded for the upper 200 channels in the 800 MHz geographic area SMR auction. The Commission, however, has not yet determined how many licenses will be awarded for the lower 230 channels in the 800 MHz geographic area SMR auction. There is no basis, moreover, on which to estimate how many small entities will win these licenses. Given that nearly all radiotelephone companies have fewer than 1,000 employees and that no reliable estimate of the number of prospective 800 MHz licensees can be made, we assume, for purposes of this IRFA, that all of the licenses may be awarded to small entities who may be affected by the proposals recommended for adoption in this NPRM. д “Xе Љ4дСъъˆСи20.и СB B ЖСУУ220 MHz Radio ServicesФФ. Because the Commission has not yet defined a small business with respect to 220 MHz services, we will utilize the SBA definition applicable to д “XЉ а4дradiotelephone companies, УУi.e.ФФ, an entity employing no more than 1,500 persons.жX(ШЉ (gд yO"Ж'д СŠС13 C.F.R. РР 121.201, SIC Code 4812.Xж With respect to 220 MHz services, the Commission has proposed a twoЉtiered definition of small business for purposes of auctions: (1) for Economic Area (EA) licensees, a firm with average annual gross revenues of not more than $6 million for the preceding three years and (2) for regional and nationwide licensees, a firm with average annual gross revenues of not more than $15 million for the preceding three years. Given that nearly all radiotelephone companies д “X!Љ4дunder the SBA definition employ no more than 1,500 employees (as noted УУsupraФФ), we will consider the approximately 1,500 incumbent licensees in this service as small businesses under the SBA definition. д “XЧЉ4дСъъˆСи21.и СB B ЖСУУPrivate and Common Carrier PagingФФ. The Commission has proposed a twoЊtier definition of small businesses in the context of auctioning licenses in the Common Carrier д ‘X›а4дPaging and exclusive Private Carrier Paging services.жЇ)’›X(gд {OЄЖ'д СŠСУУSeeФФ 47 C.F.R. РР 20.9(a)(1) (noting that private paging services may be treated as common carriage services).Їж Under the proposal, a small business will be defined as either (1) an entity that, together with its affiliates and controlling principals, has average gross revenues for the three preceding years of not more than $3 million, or (2) an entity that, together with affiliates and controlling principals, has average gross revenues for the three preceding calendar years of not more than $15 million. Because the SBA has not yet approved this definition for paging services, we will utilize the SBA's д “XЉ4дdefinition applicable to radiotelephone companies, УУi.e.ФФ, an entity employing no more than д ‘Xќа4д1,500 persons.жX*ШќВ(gд yO_%Ж'д СŠС13 C.F.R. РР 121.201, SIC Code 4812.Xж At present, there are approximately 24,000 Private Paging licenses and 74,000 Common Carrier Paging licenses. According to the most recent TRS data, 172 carriers reported that they were engaged in the provision of either paging or "other mobile" services,д"Ю 6B*ˆ,N(N(ZZ‰нЫ"д д ‘Xа4дwhich are placed together in the data.жf+Ъ(gд {OyЖ'д СŠСУУTelecommunications Industry RevenueФФ at Fig. 2.fж We do not have data specifying the number of these carriers that are not independently owned and operated or have more than 1,500 employees, and thus are unable at this time to estimate with greater precision the number of paging carriers that would qualify as small business concerns under the SBA's definition. Consequently, we estimate that there are fewer than 172 small paging carriers that may be affected by the proposed rules, if adopted. We estimate that the majority of private and common carrier paging providers would qualify as small entities under the SBA definition. д “XHЉ4дСъъˆСи22.и СB B ЖСУУNarrowband PCSФФ. The Commission has auctioned nationwide and regional licenses for narrowband PCS. There are 11 nationwide and 30 regional licensees for narrowband PCS. The Commission does not have sufficient information to determine whether any of these licensees are small businesses within the SBAЉapproved definition for radiotelephone companies. At present, there have been no auctions held for the major trading area (MTA) and basic trading area (BTA) narrowband PCS licenses. The Commission anticipates a total of 561 MTA licenses and 2,958 BTA licenses will be awarded by auction. Such auctions have not yet been scheduled, however. Given that nearly all radiotelephone companies have no more than 1,500 employees and that no reliable estimate of the number of prospective MTA and BTA narrowband licensees can be made, we assume, for purposes of this IRFA, that all of the licenses will be awarded to small entities, as that term is defined by the SBA. д “XЉ4дСъъˆСи23.и СB B ЖСУУRural Radiotelephone ServiceФФ. The Commission has not adopted a definition of д ‘X а4дsmall entity specific to the Rural Radiotelephone Service.жŠ,Ш Z(gд yOЖ'д СŠСThe service is defined in section 22.99 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. РР 22.99.Šж A significant subset of the Rural д ‘Xѓа4дRadiotelephone Service is the Basic Exchange Telephone Radio Systems (BETRS).жž-ѓъ(gд yOŽЖ'д СŠСBETRS is defined in sections 22.757 and 22.759 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. РРРР 22.757, 22.759.žж We will д “XмЉ4дuse the SBA's definition applicable to radiotelephone companies, УУi.e.ФФ, an entity employing no д ‘XЧа4дmore than 1,500 persons.жZ.ШЧB(gд yOКЖ'д СŠС13 C.F.R. РР 121.201, SIC Code 4812. Zж There are approximately 1,000 licensees in the Rural Radiotelephone Service, and we estimate that almost all of them qualify as small entities under the SBA's definition. д “XkЉ4дСъъˆСи24.и СB B ЖСУУAirЉGround Radiotelephone ServiceФФ. The Commission has not adopted a д ‘XVа4дdefinition of small entity specific to the AirЉGround Radiotelephone Service.жŠ/ШVв(gд yOй$Ж'д СŠСThe service is defined in section 22.99 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. РР 22.99.Šж Accordingly, д “X?Љ4дwe will use the SBA's definition applicable to radiotelephone companies, УУi.e.ФФ, an entityд"?7b /ˆ,N(N(ZZ†нЫ"д д ‘Xа4дemploying no more than 1,500 persons.жX0Ш(gд yOyЖ'д СŠС13 C.F.R. РР 121.201, SIC Code 4812.Xж There are approximately 100 licensees in the AirЊGround Radiotelephone Service, and we estimate that almost all of them qualify as small entities under the SBA definition. д “XЄЉ4дХХСъъˆСи25.и СB B ЖСУУPrivate Land Mobile Radio (PLMR)ФФ. PLMR systems serve an essential role in д ‘Xа4дa range of industrial, business, land transportation, and public safety activities.жЗ1’X(gд {O˜Ж'д СŠСУУSeeФФ 47 C.F.R. РР 20.9(a)(2) (noting that certain Industrial/Business Pool service may be treated as common carriage service).Зж These radios ХХare used by companies of all sizes operating in all U.S. business categories. The Commission has not developed a definition of small entity specifically applicable to PLMR licensees due to the vast array of PLMR users. For the purpose of determining whether a licensee is a small business as defined by the SBA, each licensee would need to be evaluated within its own business area. д ‘Xю Љ4дСъъˆСи26.и СB B ЖСThe Commission is unable at this time to estimate the number of, if any, small businesses which could be impacted by the rules. However, the Commission's 1994 Annual д ‘XР а4дReport on PLMRsж‰2ЪР В(gд {O#Ж'д СŠСFederal Communications Commission, УУ60th Annual Report, Fiscal Year 1994ФФ, at 116. ‰ж indicates that at the end of fiscal year 1994 there were 1,087,267 licensees operating 12,481,989 transmitters in the PLMR bands below 512 MHz. Because any entity engaged in a commercial activity is eligible to hold a PLMR license, the proposed rules in this context could potentially impact every small business in the United States. д “XMа4дСъъˆСи27.и СB B ЖСУУFixed Microwave ServicesФФ. Microwave services include common carrier,ж‚3ЪMD(gд {OBЖ'д СŠС47 C.F.R. РР 101 УУet seq.ФФ (formerly, Part 21 of the Commission's Rules). ‚ж д ‘X8а4дprivate-operational fixed,жњ4"8ж(gд yOПЖ'д СŠСPersons eligible under Parts 80 and 90 of the Commission's rules can use Private OperationalЉFixed д {O‡œ'дMicrowave services. УУSeeФФ 47 C.F.R. Parts 80 and 90. Stations in this service are called operationalЉfixed to distinguish them from common carrier and public fixed stations. Only the licensee may use the operationalЉfixed station, and only for communications related to the licensee's commercial, industrial, or safety operations.њж and broadcast auxiliary radio services.жY5ь8Р (gд {OЉЖ'д СŠСAuxiliary Microwave Service is governed by Part 74 of Title 47 of the Commission's Rules. УУSeeФФ 47 д {Os œ'дC.F.R. РР 74 УУet seq.ФФ Available to licensees of broadcast stations and to broadcast and cable network entities, broadcast auxiliary microwave stations are used for relaying broadcast television signals from the studio to the transmitter, or between two points such as a main studio and an auxiliary studio. The service also includes mobile TV pickups, which relay signals from a remote location back to the studio. Yж At present, there are approximately 22,015 common carrier fixed licensees in the microwave services. The Commission has not yet defined a small business with respect to microwave services. For purposes of this IRFA, we will utilize the SBA's definition applicable to radiotelephoneд"ѓ8t5ˆ,N(N(ZZžнЫ"д д “Xа4дcompanies ЉЉ УУi.e.ФФ, an entity with no more than 1,500 persons.жX6Ш(gд yOyЖ'д СŠС13 C.F.R. РР 121.201, SIC Code 4812.Xж We estimate, for this purpose, that all of the Fixed Microwave licensees (excluding broadcast auxiliary licensees) would qualify as small entities under the SBA definition for radiotelephone companies. д “XІЉ4дХдХСъъˆСи28.и СB B ЖСУУOffshore Radiotelephone ServiceФФ. This service operates on several UHF TV ХдХbroadcast channels that are not used for TV broadcasting in the coastal area of the states д ‘Xzа4дbordering the Gulf of Mexico.жЎ7’zX(gд {Oƒ Ж'д СŠСThis service is governed by Subpart I of Part 22 of the Commission's Rules. УУSeeФФ 47 C.F.R. РРРР 22.1001 - 22.1037.Ўж At present, there areУ У Ф Фapproximately 55 licensees in this д ‘XcЉ4дservice. У УФ ФWe are unable at this time to estimate the number of licensees that would qualify as small entities under the SBA's definition for radiotelephone communications. д “X Љ4дСъъˆСи29.и СB B ЖСУУWireless Communications ServicesФФ. This service can be used for fixed, mobile, radiolocation and digital audio broadcasting satellite uses. The Commission defined "small business" for the wireless communications services (WCS) auction as an entity with average gross revenues of $40 million for each of the three preceding years, and a "very small business" as an entity with average gross revenues of $15 million for each of the three preceding years. The Commission auctioned geographic area licenses in the WCS service. In the auction, there were seven winning bidders that qualified as very small business entities, and one that qualified as a small business entity. We conclude that the number of geographic area WCS licensees affected includes these eight entities. д ‘X:Ж'дУ УIV. СъъˆСDescription of Proposed Reporting, Recordkeeping, and Other Compliance д ‘X#Ж'дRequirements:Ф Ф д ‘XѕЉ4дСъъˆСи30.и СB B ЖСThe proposals under consideration in this NPRM would reduce the reporting and recordkeeping requirements on telecommunications service providers regulated under the Communications Act. The Commission proposes to reduce regulatory burdens imposed by the existing multiple filing requirements by combining current contributor reporting worksheets into one unified Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet. In addition, the Commission seeks to further reduce carrier filing burdens by allowing carriers to use the proposed Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet to designate agents for service of process pursuant д ‘XTа4дto section 413 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended,жD8ШTВ(gд yOЗ!Ж'дСŠС47 U.S.C. РР 413.Dж as well as to satisfy the д ‘X=а4дreporting requirements of section 43.21 of our rules.жи9’=B(gд yO0$Ж'дСŠС47 C.F.R. РР 43.21(c). The Commission's rules are codified at Title 47 of the Code of Federal д {Oј$œ'дRegulations. 47 C.F.R. РРРР 0.1 УУet seq.ФФиж Should the Commission adopt these proposals, we expect that telecommunications service providers would experience a significant reduction in reporting, recordkeeping, and other compliance burdens.д"9œ9ˆ,N(N(ZZнЫ"дŒд ‘XЖ'д™У УV. СъъˆСSteps Taken to Minimize Significant Economic Impact on Small Entities, and д ‘XщЖ'дSignificant Alternatives Considered:Ф Ф д ‘XЛЉ4дСъъˆСи31.и СB B ЖСThe impact of this proceeding should be beneficial to small businesses because the proposals set out in this NPRM would reduce the reporting or recordkeeping requirements д ‘Xа4дon all communications common carriers. As noted above in the NPRM,жY:Ъ(gд {OЖ'д СŠСУУSeeФФ NPRM at РР 19, УУsupraФФ.Yж we seek comment on the desirability of this proposal and ask commenters to indicate whether a unified worksheet would reduce regulatory and administrative burden on reporting carriers. Alternatively, we ask commenters to indicate whether there might be any class of contributors д ‘X1а4дwhose burden would be increased by the unified worksheet.жY;Ъ1Z(gд {O< Ж'д СŠСУУSee ФФNPRM at РР 20, УУsupraФФ.Yж д ‘X Ж'дУ УVI. СъъˆСFederal Rules that May Duplicate, Overlap, or Conflict With the Proposed Rule:Ф Ф СъъˆС д ‘Xе Љ4дХщХСъъˆСи32.и СB B ЖСNone.ХщХд"е :ь;ˆ,N(N(ZZ‡ нЫ"д аа д ‘XщЖ'да ’ААА ааад–адг@-  -@га Шщ аУ Уб#XRЯОІ PьE3QXP#бSeparate Statement of Commissioner Harold W. FurchtgottЉRothФ Ф дˆьд д ‘XЛЖ'ддЃZ дУ УIn re: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Notice of InquiryУУФФ Ф Ф дˆьд д ‘XЖ'ддFBдУ УУ УФ ФУУФФ1998 Biennial Regulatory Review ЉЉ УУФФStreamlined Contributor Reporting Requirements д@ідAssociated with Administration of Telecommunications Relay Services, North American дBмдNumbering Plan, Local Number Portability, and Universal Service Support Mechanisms дˆьд д ‘X1Љ4ддˆьдаад\АдаадˆьдФ Фаад\АдаадˆьдУ УФ Фаад\АдСŠСб#М_ЯОІ PьE3Q #МP#бб# XRЯОІ PьE3QXP#бI support adoption of this Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Notice of InquiryУ УУУФФФ Ф. In my view, any reduction of unnecessary regulatory burdens is beneficial. To that extent, this item is good and I am all for it. This item should not, however, be mistaken for complete compliance with Section 11 of the Communications Act. СŠС д “XО Љ4дСŠСAs I have explained previously, the FCC is not planning to "review УУУУallФФФФ regulations issued under this Act . . . that apply to the operations or activities of any provider of telecommunications service," as required under Subsection 11(a) in 1998 (emphasis added). д “X{Ж4дУУSee generally 1998 Biennial Regulatory Review ЉЉ Review of Computer IIIФФУ У УУФ Фand ONA д “XfЉ4дSafeguards and RequirementsУ УФФФ Ф, 13 FCC Rcd 6040 (released Jan. 30, 1998). УУУУУУФФФФФФУУУУФФФФ Nor has the Commission issued general principles to guide our Р Рpublic interestРР analysis and decisionЊmaking process across the wide range of FCC regulations. СŠСIn one important respect, however, the FCC's current efforts are more ambitious and difficult than I believe are required by the Communications Act. Subsection 11(a) ЉЉ д “XоЉ4д"Biennial Review" ЉЉ requires only that the Commission "УУУУdetermineФФФФ whether any such regulation is no longer necessary in the public interest" (emphasis added). It is pursuant to Subsection 11(b) ЉЉ "Effect of Determination" ЉЉ that regulations determined to be no longer in the public interest must be repealed or modified. Thus, the repeal or modification of our rules, which requires notice and comment rule making proceedings, need not be accomplished during the year of the biennial review. Yet the Commission plans to complete roughly thirty such proceedings this year. СŠСI encourage parties to participate in these thirty rule making proceedings. I also suggest that parties submit to the Commission ЉЉ either informally or as a formal filing ЉЉ specific suggestions of rules we might determine this year to be no longer necessary in the public interest as well as ideas for a thorough review of all our rules pursuant to Subsection 11(a). д ‘Xž"Љ4даадcХд* * * * * * *б#Xjє\  PŽ6G;XP#бgОд