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PŽ6QєP#бггУ УФ Фггб#XPє\  PŽ6QXP#бааА` И hРpШ xа (#џџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџXА` И hРpШ xа (#џџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџААааTechnical 1aTechnical 1aХ ггггTechnical 7aTechnical 7aЦааааXА` И hРpШ xа (#џџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџА` И hРpШ xа (#џџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџААааб#єCє\  PŽ6QєP#бггУ УФ Фггб#XPє\  PŽ6QXP#бааА` И hРpШ xа (#џџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџXА` И hРpШ xа (#џџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџААааћџ2йЧr еШР{зЩl;иЪlЇиTechnical 8aTechnical 8aЧааааXА` И hРpШ xа (#џџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџА` И hРpШ xа (#џџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџААааб#єCє\  PŽ6QєP#бггУ УФ Фггб#XPє\  PŽ6QXP#бааА` И hРpШ xа (#џџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџXА` И hРpШ xа (#џџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџААааhead1head1Ш44б# kє\  PŽ6Q P#бггУ УФ Фггб#XPє\  PŽ6QXP#бParagraph[1]Paragraph[1]Щ ггггParagraph[2]Paragraph[2]Ъ ггггћџ2ѕкЫlEйЬlБйЭlкЮl‰кParagraph[3]Paragraph[3]Ы ггггParagraph[4]Paragraph[4]Ь ггггParagraph[5]Paragraph[5]Э ггггParagraph[6]Paragraph[6]Ю ггггћџ21пЯl'лаl“лбlџлвЦkоParagraph[7]Paragraph[7]Я ггггParagraph[8]Paragraph[8]а ггггtoatoaбааааXА` И hРpШ xа (#џџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџА` И hРpШ xа (#џџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџААааб#єCє\  PŽ6QєP#бггггб#XPє\  PŽ6QXP#бааА` И hРpШ xа (#џџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџXА` И hРpШ xа (#џџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџААаа2121в77б#єCє\  PŽ6QєP#бггУУУ УФФФ Фггб#XPє\  PŽ6QXP#бћџ2сгlcпдlЯпеl;ржlЇр44г гггг55д гггг66е гггг77ж ггггћџ2ѕтзlEсиlБсйlткl‰т88з гггг99и гггг1010й гггг1111к ггггћџ2зфлl'умl“унlџуоlkф1212л гггг1313м гггг1414н гггг15a15aо ггггћџ2Йюпl хрluчсlсщтlMьtoc 1toc 1пааааXА` И hРpШ xа (#џџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџА(#џџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџ`ААааб#єCє\  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PŽ6QєP#бггггб#XPє\  PŽ6QXP#бtoc 8toc 8цааааXА` И hРpШ xа (#џџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџА(#џџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџ ААааб#єCє\  PŽ6QєP#бггггб#XPє\  PŽ6QXP#бааА(#џџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџ XА` И hРpШ xа (#џџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџААааћџ2ечl%їшl‘љщl§ћъliўtoc 9toc 9чааааXА` И hРpШ xа (#џџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџА(#џџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџ`ААааб#єCє\  PŽ6QєP#бггггб#XPє\  PŽ6QXP#бааА(#џџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџ`XА` И hРpШ xа (#џџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџААааindex 1index 1шааааXА` И hРpШ xа (#џџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџindex 2index 2щааааXА` И hРpШ xа (#џџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџА` (#џџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџААааб#єCє\  PŽ6QєP#бггггб#XPє\  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УУ SeeФФ 1997 Annual Access Tariff Filings,УУ Order Designating Issues д {O`–( АxVдfor Investigation, Memorandum Opinion and Order on ReconsiderationФФ, 12 FCC Rcd 11417, 11429Љ30 and„ Appendix B (1997). ож or (5) the cost support a carrier would have to provide if it д ‘Xvв2дproposed an Actual Price Index ("API") higher than its Price Cap Index ("PCI").жЪv|ќд {OЃД(дСДСУУSeeФФ Section 61.49 (e) of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. РР 61.49 (e).ж In addition to these price cap effects, changes in depreciation expense may also affect prices or federal support payments through new mechanisms created to implement the Telecommunications Act д ‘X1в2дof 1996.жО1ќд yO№Д(  ”дСДСTelecommunications Act of 1996, Pub. L. No. 104Љ104, 110 Stat. 56 (1996) ("1996 Act") amending the д yOИ–(дActУУФФ.Ож For example, the Commission required incumbent LECs to use depreciation factors within the FCC authorized ranges when calculating forwardЉlooking economic costs for„ д ‘X в2дuniversal service high cost loop support purposes.ж& fќд {O Д(  €дСДСFederalЉState Joint Board on Universal Service,УУ Report and OrderФФ, CC Docket No. 96Љ45, 12 FCC Rcd д {Oф –( Аxод8776, at РР 250 (rel. May 8, 1997) ("УУUniversal Service OrderФФ"), as corrected by FederalЉState Joint Board on д {OЎ!–( АxдUniversal Service, УУErrataФФ, 12 FCC Rcd 8776 (rel. June 4, 1997), appeal pending in Texas Office of Public Utility Counsel v. FCC and USA, No. 97Љ60421 (5th Cir. 1997).ж Also, state commissions have required„ incumbent LECs to use interstate depreciation rates or life and salvage factors developedд"ь T0*,&,&$$@ м"д during the Commission's depreciation prescription process when calculating rates for„ д ‘Xщв2дinterconnectionжЪYщќд {OyД(  &дСДСУУSeeФФ Application of Bell AtlanticЉDelaware, Inc. for Approval of its Statement of Terms and Conditions д АxVдUnder Section 252(f) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, Findings and Recommendations of the Hearing д АxœдExaminers, PSC Docket No. 96Љ324 at p. 40 (Apr. 7, 1997) ("The FCC prescribed lives are forwardЉlooking and д Аx дappropriate to use in a TELRIC model."), adopted in Interlocutory Order No. 4488 (Apr. 29, 1997); Public Utility д АxОдCommission of Texas, FTA96 РР 252 Arbitration Panel, PUC Docket Nos. 16189, 16196, 16226, 16285 and 16290, д АxPдArbitration Award at p. 33 (November 7, 1996) (requires Southwestern to use the average service lives and salvage д Аx дfactors prescribed by the FCC); Order Approving Interconnection Agreement (Dec. 19, 1996); Texas State Statutes, Article 1446(c)(o). Ъж or unbundled network elements.жЖвщщќд {Oƒ Д(  lдСДСУУSeeФФ Consolidated Petitions of New England Telephone and Telegraph Company d/b/a NYNEX, Teleport д АxдCommunications Group, Inc., Brooks Fiber Communications, AT&T Communications of New England, Inc., MCI д Аx дCommunications Company, and Sprint Communications Company, L.P., pursuant to Section 252(b) of the д Аx дTelecommunications Act of 1996, for arbitration of interconnection agreements between NYNEX and the д Аxтдaforementioned companies, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Public Utilities, D.P.U. 96Љ73/74, д Аxˆд96/75, 96Љ80/81, 96Љ83, 96Љ94 Љ Phase 4, at p. 56 (December 4, 1996) ("We find, based on this record, that the д Аx8дprojection lives prescribed by the FCC in its last represcription of NYNEX's depreciation rates are the kind of д Аx(дforwardЉlooking projection lives required in a TELRIC study." The Massachusetts Commission directed that these д Аxдlives be incorporated into NYNEX's compliance filing when calculating the rates for unbundled network elements using the NYNEX TELRIC model).Жж Finally, depreciation may play a role in a„ д ‘Xвв2дtakings claim under the Fifth Amendment.жF Швƒќд yOД(дСДСU.S. Const. amend. V.Fж СДСС` ` №С д ‘XЄД2даадЈЙдУ УIII. DISCUSSIONФ ФдўьдаадxАд д ‘XvЊ2дСДСи7.иС` ` №СAs soon as robust competition exists in the local exchange markets, we believe our depreciation process should be eliminated because it will be unnecessary. In a robustly competitive market, both the incumbent LECs and their competitors should charge prices that are at or near their costs, including depreciation, in order to attract customers and maximize their profits. In such a market, a carrier's ability to raise its depreciation rates would be constrained by its need to compete against other carriers, rather than by government д ‘Xь в2дregulatory constraints. Unfortunately, the local exchange market today is not such a market.жИ! ь ќд yOАД(  ЈдСДСTrends in Telephone Service, Table 8.1 (Industry Analysis Div. July 1998) In 1996, the incumbent LECs д Аxдhad 99 percent of the local exchange market, as measured by revenues. Even assuming that the competitive LECs д Аxідhave grown signigificantly, we expect that 1997 data will show the incumbent LECs' market share of not less than 97 percent. Иж In this Notice, we seek comment on conditions under which carriers could set their own depreciation rates without compromising the Commission's oversight, even in the absence of full competition. In addition, we offer a number of proposals to streamline these depreciation rules by eliminating all unnecessary regulatory requirements. We therefore initiate this д ‘XyЊ2дproceeding to modify those rules. У УФ Ф In addition to our more specific requests for commentд"yћ!0*,&,&$$м"д below, we invite commenters to submit information on the costs and benefits of the rules at issue in this proceeding and of our proposed modifications. д ‘XЛЊ2дСДСи8.иС` ` №СBellSouth suggests that the Commission allow carriers to set their own д ‘XЄв2дdepreciation rates on the condition that they not seek an automatic lowЉend adjustment.ж‡"ШЄќд yOД(дСДСPresentation from Kathleen B. Levitz, BellSouth, to Ruth Milkman, FCC (Apr. 8, 1998). ‡ж This condition appears to address the lowЉend adjustment situation. We seek comment on д ‘Xvв2дBellSouth's proposal.ж;#ЪvXќд {O Д(дСДСУУId. ФФ;ж We also seek comment on what additional conditions could be imposed to eliminate our need for depreciation prescription in the other contexts upon which д ‘XHв2дwe rely on it.ж№$’Hъќд {Oу Д(  rдСДСУУSeeФФ РР 6, УУsupraФФ (identifying a number of situations where depreciation remains significant, including д yO­ –(дcalculation of a lowЉend adjustment.)УУФФ№ж If we can identify conditions that would eliminate the need for us to prescribe depreciation in the remaining situations we have identified, we propose to allow carriers to set their own depreciation rates. д ‘Xь Њ2дСДСи9.иС` ` №СIn the event that we continue to set some depreciation rates for some carriers, we tentatively conclude that the depreciation prescription requirements for incumbent LECs subject to the depreciation prescription process should be further streamlined by doing the following: (1) reducing the supporting documentation required for carriers selecting depreciation factors from within the prescribed ranges; (2) eliminating depreciation prescription for carriers that select depreciation factors within the ranges; (3) expanding the range of lives for digital electronic switching equipment; and (4) eliminating net salvage from the depreciation prescription process. СДС д ‘XД2дСДСи 10.и С` ` №СУУУ УFiling and Prescription Procedures:Ф ФФФ Under current procedures, carriers are required to file an average of five pages of information per account to support the selection of new depreciation factors for represcription of depreciation rates when those factors fall within the ranges prescribed by the Commission. Because there are 34 plant accounts, a typical filing would contain approximately 170 pages. The approval of the rates proposed in such filings has typically been pro forma as long as carriers selected depreciation factors from д ‘X“в2дwithin the ranges. In this Notice, we propose to reduce filings to four summary exhibitsж3%X“Dќд yOˆ Д(  дСДСThe four summary exhibits are a comparison of existing and proposed depreciation rates; a comparison of д Аx2дexisting and proposed annual depreciation expenses; a book and theoretical reserve summary; and the depreciation factors. 3ж and the electronic data files used to generate them, provided carriers select depreciation factors from within the ranges and certify that their selections are consistent with their operations. We further propose that, if a carrier selects depreciation factors from within the ranges for allд"Nd %0*,&,&$$rм"д of its accounts, the Commission would permit the rates to go into effect without a prescription order. We believe that our proposal to eliminate Commission prescription of depreciation„ rates under these conditions will save time and resources for both the Commission and„ incumbent LECs. We seek comment on this proposal and on SBC's proposal that the„ Commission remove itself completely from the prescription of depreciation rates for price cap д ‘Xв2дcarriers.жF&Шќд yOД(дСДСSBC Petition at 9Љ10.Fж СДС д ‘X_Д2дСДСи 11.иС` ` №СУ УУУEquipment Life RangesФФ:Ф Ф When it adopted the life and salvage factor ranges, д ‘XHв2дthe Commission stated that it would review them periodically and revise them as necessary.жl'ЪHXќд {OQ Д(дСДСУУDepreciation Simplification OrderФФ, 8 FCC Rcd at 8058.lж Accounting and other evidence strongly suggests the prescribed digital switching equipment lives should be lowered. Since the early 1990s, retirement rates for digital switching have д ‘X в2дnearly doubled and are now at approximately three percent.ж(’ ъќд yOžД(  МдСДСThe retirement rates for the largest incumbent LECs have increased from 1.5 percent for 1990Љ92 to 2.9 д {Of–(дpercent for 1995Љ97. УУ SeeФФ ARMIS Report 43Љ02, Table BЉ1, Row 2212. ж This reflects an accelerating rate of replacement of major components of digital switches with newer, more powerful components. For example, incumbent LECs are replacing switch processors, line modules, and switch memory devices in order to enhance the call handling capability of switches and to provide improved and enhanced telecommunications services such as enhanced caller ID and„ enhanced CENTREX and to provide substantial improvements to network maintenance and„ administration. Incumbent LECs contend that "this increase in the retirement rate is not a д ‘Xbв2дtemporary aberration, but the beginning of much higher rates."ж”)ШbDќд yOWД(дСДСL. Vanston, R. Hodges and A. Poitras, Transforming the Local Exchange Network at 144 (2d ed. 1997).”ж We expect that the retirement rates for digital switching will continue to increase and therefore we propose to expand the range for digital switching equipment from a range of 16 to 18 years to a wider range of 13 to 18 years. Our proposal will permit a carrier that can support life estimates between 13 and 16 years to select a new life estimate without an outЉofЉrange filing. We request comment on this proposal. We have reviewed recent industry data and have concluded that, except for the digital switching equipment account, we have no evidence д ‘XСв2дindicating that the current ranges are either too long or too short.жџ*Сдќд yOF Д(  дСДСFor example, ARMIS data shows that retirement rates (i.e., annual retirements divided by average plant balances) for telephone plant are approximately the same level as they were ten years ago. џж We ask whether the ranges for any of the accounts other than digital switching require revision. Commenters proposing range changes should propose specific new ranges and should provide justifications for their proposals. д"e, *0*,&,&$$Ом"дŒд ‘XЊ2дСДСи 12.иС` ` №С Pursuant to Sections 0.457 and 0.459 of the Commission's rules, carriers sometimes request confidential treatment for information provided about various types of д ‘Xвв2дequipment, including digital switching.жT+Швќд yOKД(дСДС47 C.F.R. РРРР 0.457 and 0.459.Tж In these requests, carriers have expressed concern that public disclosure of their detailed cost support would reveal proprietary information that could adversely affect their dealings with competitors and equipment vendors. We therefore request comment about whether the Commission's existing confidentiality procedures are adequate or whether additional safeguards need to be adopted to protect information that д ‘X_в2дcarriers regard as confidential.ж3,@_Xќд yOh Д(  ђдСДСSection 0.457 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. РР 0.457, establishes categories of information, including д АxШд"trade secrets and commercial or financial information" which the Commission may, under specified circumstances, д Аxмдwithhold from public disclosure. Section 0.459 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. РР 0.459, specifies that carriers д Аxдmay identify, as proprietary, information for which they request confidentiality and file it under separate cover. If„ д Аxpдthe Bureau Chief grants the request, it is not subject to public disclosure. If proprietary treatment is denied, д Аx(дinformation that was voluntarily submitted will normally be returned to the carrier and information that the carrier д Аxдwas required to submit will normally be subject to public disclosure. If the carrier's request for confidentiality is denied, it may appeal the denial to the Commission and subsequently to the court.3ж СДС д ‘X1Д2дСДСи 13.иС` ` №СУ УУУProposed Treatment for Salvage and Cost of RemovalФФ: Ф ФSalvage and cost of removal are two components that are currently considered in calculating depreciation rates. Salvage is the estimated scrap value or other proceeds a carrier will receive when it sells equipment retired from service, and cost of removal is the estimated cost a carrier will incur to dismantle and remove equipment retired from service. Because both salvage and cost of removal are estimates of future amounts related to the retirement of equipment, the two estimates are netted to a single amount (net salvage) in the calculation of depreciation rates. Although it is referred to as net salvage in our depreciation formula, cost of removal has traditionally exceeded salvage, which results in a negative net salvage amount. To illustrate net salvage, assume an asset costs $1,350, has an estimated life of 5 years, is expected to sell for $50 scrap value upon retirement, and is expected to cost $200 to remove from service. In this illustration the asset has a net salvage value of Љ $150, i.e., $50 salvage minus $200 cost of removal. Under these circumstances, a carrier would record depreciation expense of $1,500 over 5 years at $300 per year. The $1,500 charged to depreciation expense over the life of the equipment represents the original cost of $1,350 plus the $150 net cost to retire the equipment. СДСС` ` №С д ‘XЊЊ2дСДСи 14.иС` ` №СEstimating future gross salvage and cost of removal can be inordinately complex, time consuming, and speculative. To estimate what they will receive for equipment when it is retired and sold, carriers must project whether the equipment will be salable as useful equipment or as scrap many years in the future and what the price for commodities,д"e ` ,0*,&,&$$Fм"д д ‘Xв2дsuch as copper,жИ-ќд yOyД(  дСДСThe primary salvage value for the cable accounts, for example, is attributable to the copper conductors within the cables. Иж may be. Also, estimating cost of removal requires carriers to project what portion of equipment will actually have to be removed, how many labor hours removal will typically take, and what the cost of that labor will be many years in the future. Consequently, the estimation of net salvage is a complex and inexact process that imposes substantial„ burdens on both the carriers and the state and federal commissions. The current process also„ requires the Commission to establish and review ranges for salvage and requires carriers to„ provide more extensive cost support if they propose salvage factors that are outside of the„ ranges prescribed by the Commission. Given the speculative nature of the estimates and the„ burdens associated with their calculation, we tentatively conclude that the prescription of net„ salvage no longer serves a regulatory purpose and that eliminating that factor from the depreciation prescription formula would significantly reduce the regulatory burden of the depreciation prescription process. Accordingly, we propose to eliminate the future net salvage factor from the depreciation formula and to record salvage and cost of removal as a current д ‘Xе в2дexpense in the period incurred.жх.Ае ќд yOІД(  bдСДСIn the example discussed in paragraph 12, the carrier would incur annual depreciation expenses of $270 д Аxдper year for each year of the asset's fiveЉyear life. In addition, in the fifth year, the carrier would record the actual д Аxтдnet salvage cost as a current expense. Assuming that the forecast was correct, the carrier would incur net salvage д Аxдof $150 in the fifth year, in addition to the $270 in depreciation expense scheduled for that year. If, as frequently д Аxдoccurs, the forecast was erroneous and the carrier incurred net salvage expense of only $75, it would take that amount as a current expense.хж Alternatively, we could make the elimination of salvage from the depreciation formula optional, allowing each incumbent LEC the option to treat net salvage as either a current expense or a component of depreciation. We seek comment on these proposals. СДС д ‘XbЊ2дСДСи15.иС` ` №СIn commenting on the proposed removal of net salvage from the depreciation process, commenters should address the effect this change could have on the current depreciation rates, whether new rates should be prescribed, whether the elimination of salvage would require adjustment of depreciation reserves, and what accounting changes would be necessary to effectuate the change. СДС д ‘XиЊ2дСДСи16.иС` ` №СWe tentatively conclude that, if we remove net salvage from the depreciation process, we should create a new account, Account 6566, Net cost of removal, to record both salvage receipts and removal costs incurred. We also tentatively conclude that we should revise Sections 32.3100, Accumulated depreciation, and 32.2000, Instructions for telecommunications plant accounts, to eliminate the provisions that salvage and cost of removal be recorded in the depreciation reserve account. We request comment on the tentative conclusions. We also request comment on whether we should require carriers to keep subsidiary record categories in Account 6566 for salvage and cost of removal. д"7 ˜.0*,&,&$$єм"дŒСДС д ‘XщД2дСДСи17.иС` ` №СУ УУУReporting Requirements for MidЉSized LECsФФ: Ф ФIn separate proceedings on ARMIS and Accounting Biennial Review, we propose to create a category of midЉsized incumbent LECs that would be subject to a lighter regulatory burden than would be imposed д ‘XЄв2дon large incumbent LECs.жˆ/№Єќд {OД(  дСДСУУSeeФФ 1998 Biennial Regulatory Review ЉЉ Review of ARMIS Reporting Requirements, УУNotice of Proposed д {Oч–( АxЮдRulemakingФФ, CC Docket No. 98Љ117, FCC 98Љ152 (July 17, 1998) ("УУARMIS NPRMФФ"); 1998 Biennial Regulatory д АxZдReview ЉЉ Review of Accounting and Cost Allocation Requirements, United States Telephone Association Petition д {Oy–( АxZдfor Rulemaking, УУNotice of Proposed RulemakingФФ, CC Docket No. 98Љ81, ASD File No. 98Љ64, FCC 98Љ108 (June„ д {OC –(д17, 1998) (УУ"Accounting Reform NPRMФФ").ˆж Similarly, we propose in this proceeding, in addition to the streamlined processes proposed for all carriers, that midЉsized incumbent LECs not be д ‘Xvв2дrequired to file annual theoretical reserve studies.ж80дv€ќд yOЇ Д(  „дСДСOne means of determining the effectiveness of the Commission's depreciation prescription process and the д АxЌдlevel of any depreciation reserve deficiency is a comparison of a carrier's book depreciation reserve with its д АxЮд"theoretical" depreciation reserve. The carrier's book reserve is provided explicitly in its Part 32 accounts and is д Аx`дa matter of record. The theoretical reserve is computed and submitted to the Commission by July 1, each year. д АxидThe Commission has relied on this type of analysis numerous times over the past twenty years as it has reformed д Аxдthe depreciation process by revising depreciation methodology and ordering carriers to amortize reserve imbalances. д {OW–( АxдУУSeeФФ Amortization of Depreciation Reserve Imbalances of Local Exchange Carriers, УУNotice of Proposed RulemakingФФ, д {O!–( Аxњд2 FCC Rcd 6473 (1987) ("УУAmortization NPRMФФ"). The latest analysis completed indicates that as of January 1, 1997, д Аx@дthe carriers' book depreciation reserve and the theoretical depreciation reserve is approximately the same. Therefore, there is no apparent depreciation reserve imbalance. 8ж Because we would continue to receive theoretical reserve studies from the largest incumbent LECs, which represent over 90 percent of the industry, this proposal would relieve these midЉsized companies of this regulatory burden without seriously encumbering our ability to monitor our depreciation prescription д ‘X в2дprocess.ж1  ќд yOчД(  RдСДСSection 43.43 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. РР 43.43, requires dominant "communications common д Аxдcarriers" with annual operating revenues exceed the indexed revenue threshold, currently $112 million, to file reports д АxОдof proposed changes in depreciation. Companies with annual operating revenues below this amount are not currently subject to the depreciation process and continue to be exempt from any revised requirements.ж To avoid unnecessary complexity, we tentatively conclude that we should apply the д ‘X в2дdefinition of midЉsized LEC that is adopted in the ARMIS proceedingж!2В ќд {OИД(  >дСДСУУФФУУARMIS NPRMФФ at 7. In that proceeding, we propose to streamline the depreciation prescription process for д Аxќдcertain midЉsized incumbent LECs based on the aggregate revenues of the incumbent LEC and any LEC that it д Аxдcontrols, is controlled by, or is under common control with another LEC. If the aggregate revenues of these affiliated д АxЪдincumbent LECs are less than $7 billion, then each LEC within that group would be eligible to not file annual д Аxдtheoretical reserve studies. Incumbent LECs with individual annual operating revenues below the indexed revenue threshold would continue to be exempt from the Commission's depreciation prescription process. !ж to our depreciation„ prescription requirements. We request comments on this proposal. СДС д ‘XО Д2дСДСи18.иС` ` №СУ УУУLowЉEnd AdjustmentФФ:Ф Ф One of the reasons the Commission has retained some control over depreciation rates is because of carriers' ability to seek a lowЉend adjustment. д"Ї ~20*,&,&$$˜ м"д Without such controls, carriers could manipulate depreciation expense to reduce their return д ‘Xщв2дand obtain a price increase through the lowЉend adjustment.ж[3шщќд yObД(  0дСДСIf a carrier's earnings were low enough so that it almost qualified for a lowЉend adjustment, it could, by д АxFдshortening its lives and salvage factors, increase its annual depreciation expense. Because depreciation expense is д АxŒдone of the costs that is deducted from revenues to determine earnings, increased depreciation expense would result„ д АxVдin reduced profits and could qualify the carrier for a lowЉend adjustment that it would not qualify for absent the change in depreciation. [ж We seek comment on whether we should permit carriers to set their own depreciation rates, as proposed by several incumbent LECs, or alternatively, whether such carriers should be permitted to do so only on the condition that they become ineligible for a lowЉend adjustment. СДС д ‘XvД2дСДСи19.иС` ` №СУ УУУConclusionФФ:Ф Ф Prior to the 1996 Act, Section 220(b) of the Act required that the д ‘X_в2дCommission prescribe depreciation rates for subject carriers.жI4Ш_xќд yOˆ Д(дСДС47 U.S.C. РР 220 (b). Iж The 1996 Act amended Section 220(b) such that prescription of depreciation rates is now within the Commission's discretion. Although we recognize that, for price cap carriers, depreciation generally no longer serves its original purpose of setting prices, it affects many other aspects of our д ‘X в2дregulation of the incumbent LECs.жO5Ъ ќд {OМД(дСДСУУSeeФФ РР 6, УУsupra.ФФOж We tentatively conclude that the elimination of depreciation regulation at this time would have an adverse impact in several critical areas, including the calculation of universal service high cost loop support, takings claims, and the lowЉend adjustment. We tentatively conclude that, if adopted, our proposal would eliminate all unnecessary depreciation prescription requirements and retain only those essential to the sound administration of the universal service high cost loop support and the achievement of the Commission's other regulatory goals. We seek comment on this tentative conclusion and solicit comment on SBC's alternative proposal that depreciation rates for price cap carriers should be based on "economic analysis consistent with the procedures called for by Generally д ‘X4в2дAccepted Accounting Principles ("GAAP")."жC6Ш4šќд yOД(дСДСSBC Petition at 9.Cж We also seek comment on how we should determine when sufficient competition exists to allow us to eliminate the depreciation prescription process. д ‘XиД2даадxчдУ УIV. PROCEDURAL ISSUESФ Ф дўьд д ’XЊД<ддўьдаадxАдУ УA. УУEx ParteФФ PresentationsФ Ф СДСС` ` №С д “X}Њ2дСДСи20.иС` ` №СThis is a permit but disclose rulemaking proceeding. УУEx parteФФ presentations are permitted, except during the Sunshine Agenda period, provided that they are disclosed asд"h * 60*,&,&$$Дм"д provided in the Commission's rules. See generally 47 C.F.R. РРРР 1.1202, 1.1203, and 1.1206. д ‘XЛД2дУ УB. Regulatory Flexibility AnalysisФ Ф СДСС` ` №ССИ И ,С д ‘Xв2дСДСи21.иС` ` №СThe Regulatory Flexibility Act ("RFA")ж=7Zќд {OД(  ВдСДСб#О]є\  PŽТCпŒєP#бThe RFA, УУseeФФ 5 U.S.C. РР 601 УУet. seqФФ.б#лxў6X@ЩќK ЎWX@#бб# О]є\  PŽТCпŒєP#б, has been amended by the Contract With America Advancement Act д Аx’дof 1996, Pub. L. No. 104Љ121, 110 Stat. 847 (1996) ("CWAAA"). Title II of the CWAAA is the Small Business д yO˜–(дRegulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996 ("SBREFA").б#лxў6X@ЩќK ЎWX@#бб# лxў6X@ЩќK ЎWX@#б=ж requires that an initial regulatory flexibility analysis be prepared for noticeЉandЉcomment rulemaking proceedings, unless the agency certifies that "the rule will not, if promulgated, have a significant economic impact on д ‘XHв2дa substantial number of small entities."жF8ШHъќд yOу Д(дСДС5 U.S.C. РР 605(b).Fж The RFA generally defines "small entity" as having the same meaning as the terms "small business," "small organization," and "small д ‘X в2дgovernmental jurisdiction."жG9Ъ zќд {OEД(дСДСУУIdФФ. РР 601(6).Gж In addition, the term "small business" has the same meaning as д ‘X в2дthe term "small business concern" under the Small Business Act.жГ:ъ ќд {OРД(   дб#О]є\  PŽТCпŒєP#бСДСУУIdФФ. РР 601(3) (incorporating by reference the definition of "small business concern" in Small Business Act, д АxBд15 U.S.C. РР 632). Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. РР 601(3), the statutory definition of a small business applies "unless an д АxFдagency, after consultation with the Office of Advocacy of the Small Business Administration and after opportunity д АxZдfor public comment, establishes one or more definitions of such term which are appropriate to the activities of the agency and publishes such definition(s) in the Federal Register."Гж A small business concern is one which: (1) is independently owned and operated; (2) is not dominant in its field of operation; and (3) satisfies any additional criteria established by the Small Business д ‘XО в2дAdministration ("SBA").жX;ШО О ќд yO-Д(дСДСSmall Business Act, 15 U.S.C. РР 632.Xж СДСС` ` №С д ‘XЊ2дСДСи22.иС` ` №СThis Notice proposes to eliminate the prescription of depreciation rates for incumbent LECs in most cases, expand the prescribed range for the digital switching plant account, and eliminate salvage from the depreciation process. This Notice also asks whether we should permit carriers to set their own depreciation rates if they are willing to waive their right to a lowЉend adjustment. The Notice proposes to further reduce the reporting requirements for certain midЉsized incumbent LECs by eliminating their obligation to file an annual theoretical reserve study. Neither the Commission nor SBA has developed a definition of "small entity" specifically applicable to LECs. The closest definition under SBA rules is that for establishments providing "Telephone Communications, Except Radiotelephone,"д"и N ;0*,&,&$$rм"д which is Standard Industrial Classification ("SIC") code 4813. Under this definition, a small д ‘Xщв2дentity is one that, including affiliates of the entity, employs no more than 1,500 persons.жW<Шщќд yObД(дСДС13 C.F.R. РР 121.201, SIC code 4813.Wж СДС д ‘XЛЊ2дСДСи23.иС` ` №С We certify that the proposals in this Notice, if adopted, will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. Pursuant to longЊstanding rules, incumbent LECs with annual operating revenues exceeding the indexed revenue threshold must comply with the Commission's depreciation prescription process. This Notice proposes to reduce certain of these depreciation requirements. These changes should be easy and inexpensive for incumbent LECs to implement and will not require costly or burdensome procedures. We therefore expect that the potential impact of the proposal rules, if such are adopted, is beneficial and does not amount to a possible significant economic impact on affected entities. If commenters believe that the proposals discussed in the Notice require additional RFA analysis, they should include a discussion of these issues in their comments. СДС д ‘XЇ Њ2дСДСи24.иС` ` №СThe Commission's Office of Public Affairs, Reference Operations Division, will send a copy of this Notice, including this initial certification, to the Chief Counsel for д ‘Xyв2дAdvocacy of the Small Business Administration.жm=ШyXќд yO‚Д(дСДСб#О]є\  PŽТCпŒєP#б5 U.S.C. РР 605(b).mж A copy will also be published in the Federal Register. д ‘X4Д2дУ УC.СДСPaperwork Reduction ActФ Ф СДС д ‘XЊ2дСДСи25.иС` ` №СAs part of our continuing effort to reduce paperwork burdens, we invite the general public to take this opportunity to comment on information collections contained in this Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Pub. L. No. 104Љ13. Public and agency comments are due at the same time as other comments on this Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. Comments should address: (a) whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the Commission, including whether the information shall have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the Commission's burden estimates; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on the respondents, including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. д" ш=0*,&,&$$Жм"д СДС д ‘XщД2дУ УD.СДСComment Filing ProceduresСРРрСФ Ф д ‘XЛЊ2дСДСи26.иС` ` №СPursuant to Sections 1.415 and 1.419 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. РРРР 1.415, 1.419, interested parties may file comments on or before November 23, 1998, and reply comments on or before December 8, 1998. Comments may be filed using the д ‘Xvв2дCommission's Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS) or by filing paper copies.ж’>Ъvќд {OяД(дСДСУУSeeФФ Electronic Filing of Documents in Rulemaking Proceedings, 63 Fed. Reg. 24,121 (1998). ’ж УУФФ д ‘XHЊ2дСДСи27.иС` ` №СComments filed through the ECFS can be sent as an electronic file via the д ‘X1Њ2дInternet to . УУФФGenerally, only one copy of an electronic submission must be filed. If multiple docket or rulemaking numbers appear in the caption of this proceeding, however, commenters must transmit one electronic copy of the comments to each docket or rulemaking number referenced in the caption. In completing the transmittal screen, commenters should include their full name, Postal Service mailing address, and the applicable docket or rulemaking number. Parties may also submit an electronic comment by Internet eЉmail. To get filing instructions for eЉmail comments, commenters should send an eЊmail to ecfs@fcc.gov, and should include the following words in the body of the message, "get form 0*,&,&$$к м"дŒд ‘XЊ2д™СДСи30.иС` ` №СWritten comments by the public on the proposed and/or modified information д ‘XщЊ2дcollections are due on or before November 23, 1998У УФ Ф. Written comments must be submitted by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) on the proposed and/or modified information collections on or before 60 days after date of publication in the Federal Register. In addition to filing comments with the Secretary, a copy of any comments on the information collections contained herein should be submitted to Judy Boley, Federal Communications„ Commission, Room 234, 1919 M Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20554, or via the Internet to jboley@fcc.gov and to Timothy Fain, OMB Desk Officer, 10236 NEOB, 725 Љ 17th Street,„ N.W., Washington, DC 20503 or via the Internet to fain_t@al.eop.gov. СДС д ‘X Д2дСраьwСУ УV. ORDERING CLAUSESФ Фƒ СДСС` ` №ССИ И ,С д ‘Xь Њ2дСДСи31.иС` ` №СAccordingly, IT IS ORDERED that, pursuant to Sections 1, 4, 11, 201Љ205, 215, 218, 220 and 403 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. РРРР 151, 154, 161, 201Љ205, 215, 218, 220 and 403 that NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of proposed amendments to Parts 32 and 43 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. Parts 32 and 43, as described in this NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULEMAKING. СДСС` ` №ССИ И ,С д ‘XbЊ2дСДСи32.иС` ` №СIT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Commission's Office of Public Affairs, Reference Operations Division, SHALL SEND a copy of this NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULEMAKING, including the Initial Regulatory Flexibility Certification, to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business Administration. СДС ТXДТТX` ` №ТТXИ И ,ТТXhТТXhhЄТFEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSIONЦ(#hЦ СДСС` ` №ССИ И ,ССhССhhЄСMagalie Roman Salas СДСС` ` №ССИ И ,ССhССhhЄСSecretary д"e>0*,&,&$$ім"д д ‘XД2даадЮЯдУ УSeparate Statement of Commissioner Harold W. Furchtgott-Roth дўьдаадxАд аадJM дIn re: Notice of Proposed RulemakingдўьдаадxАд 1998 Biennial Regulatory Review -- NPRM to Propose Ways to Eliminate Unnecessary д ‘XvД2дRegulations and Functions Associated with Our Depreciation Prescription Process.Ф Ф ааСДСI support adoption of this NPRM. In my view, any reduction of unnecessary regulatory burdens is beneficial. To that extent, this item is good and I am all for it. As I have pointed out in statements on other biennial review items, this item should not, however, be mistaken for complete compliance with Section 11 of the Communications Act. СДСThere is another issue at hand for this NPRM, however, concerning the costs and benefits of our regulations. In an earlier biennial review NPRM, 1998 Biennial Regulatory Review ЉЉ Elimination of Part 41 Telegraph and Telephone Franks, CC Docket No. 98Љ119, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (released July 21, 1998) ("Franks NPRM"), the Commission included the following paragraph: аа д ШдТXДТIn this Notice, we tentatively conclude that no Part 41 regulation is necessary and д Шдwe accordingly propose to eliminate Part 41, in toto. If any commenters consider д ШЖдthat some form of regulation is required to govern the provision of franks and д Шьдcertain section 201(b) reports, we encourage them to suggest alternatives that are д “XяЊ2 Шідless burdensome than those currently set out in Part 41. УУSuch commenters, to the д Шдextent that they wish to retain Part 41 regulation, should present a cost-benefit д ШFдanalysis addressing the costs of compliance, including direct costs and burdens„ д Швдon companies, regulators, customers and taxpayers, as well as any indirect costs. д ШFдThe statute affords the Commission wide discretion in determining the contours„ д Шдof the public interest. We also note that many costs and benefits of regulation may д ШFдbe difficult, if not impossible to quantify. As a general matter, however, we will д ШJдnot maintain a regulation pursuant to the section 11 public interest analysis where д Шzдwe determine that the costs of the regulation exceed the benefits. We seek д “X"Њ2 ШVдcomment on this approach.ФФ Overall, we seek comment on any and all analysis д “X Њ2дand conclusions contained in this Notice. УУIdФФ. Para. 19 (emphasis added).Ца Ц а ААмм аааWith simple modifications to reflect the different rule section at issue, I proposed to include the same language in this NPRM. Yet my colleagues would not support my proposal. Instead, they agreed to include the following sentence: "In addition to our more specific requests for comment below, we invite commenters to submit information on the costs and benefits of the rules at issue in this proceeding and of our proposed modifications."д"n$>0*,&,&$$І"м"дŒ™С44вСAlthough I generally support the new language and appreciate my colleagues' willingness to include it, I do not understand what has changed in the two months since the Franks NPRM, cited above, that would cause my colleagues to support -- after considerable discussion -- the prior language in July but not now. С44вСMore fundamentally and importantly, I do not understand why my colleagues oppose the statement that, "as a general matter," the Commission "will not maintain a regulation pursuant to the section 11 public interest analysis where we determine that д “XHЊ2дthe costs of the regulation exceed the benefits." УУ Id.ФФ Opposing this language gives the impression, hopefully false, that the Commission would be willing to maintain a rule for which the benefits fall short of the costs. С44вСOf course, I recognize that some costs and benefits are difficult to quantify. I was willing, therefore, to support the statement in the Franks NPRM, quoted above, that "[w]e also note that many costs and benefits of regulation may be difficult, if not д “XЉ Њ2дimpossible to quantify." УУId. ФФWith this caveat, we unanimously adopted the cost-benefit language in the Franks NPRM. С44вСWhat has changed since July? I do not know. Nor do I understand, especially having acknowledged the empirical challenges of cost-benefit analyses, why the FCC would consider keeping rules that confer fewer benefits than burdens on industry and consumers. С44вСAs for the scope of the Commission's Section 11 review, I have explained previously that the FCC is not planning to "review all regulations issued under this„ Act . . . that apply to the operations or activities of any provider of„ telecommunications service," as required under Subsection 11(a) in 1998 (emphasis„ д “X—Њ2дadded). УУSee generallyФФ 1998 Biennial Regulatory Review -- Review of Computer III„ and ONA Safeguards and Requirements, 13 FCC Rcd 6040 (released Jan. 30, 1998). „ Nor has the Commission issued general principles to guide our public interest analysis and decision-making process across the wide range of FCC regulations. С44вСIn one important respect, however, the FCC's current efforts are more ambitious and difficult than I believe are required by the Communications Act. Subsection 11(a) --"Biennial Review" -- requires only that the Commission "determine whether any such regulation is no longer necessary in the public interest" (emphasis added). It is„ pursuant to Subsection 11(b) --"Effect of Determination" -- that regulations determined to be no longer in the public interest must be repealed or modified. Thus, the repeal„ or modification of our rules, which requires notice and comment rule making„ proceedings, need not be accomplished during the year of the biennial review. Yet the Commission plans to complete roughly thirty such proceedings this year.д"n$>0*,&,&$$`"м"дŒ™С44вСI encourage parties to participate in these thirty rule making proceedings. I also suggest that parties submit to the Commission -- either informally or as a formal filing -- specific suggestions of rules we might determine this year to be no longer necessary in the public interest as well as ideas for a thorough review of all our rules pursuant to Subsection 11(a).д ‘XШ(дааб#XnR  Pф вQ ЬФXP#б