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CommissionƒС`y(#oСFCC 98Љ164ƒве д …TиУ-дСрOьfСУ УBefore theƒ д …SБУ-дСр ььСФ ФУ УFEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSIONƒ д …S‰У-дСрьLСWashington, D.C.Ф Фƒ д „T9У-д СССhhCССРРqС)У УФ Ф д „TУ-дIn the Matter of СhhCССРРqС) д „TщУ-да Ши а СŠСС` ` ИС СhhCССРРqС) д „TСУ-д1998 Biennial Regulatory Review ЉЉ СhhCССРРqС) д „T™У-дPart 61 of the Commission's Rules СРРqС)СŸССppЭСCC Docket No. 98Љ131 У УФ Ф д „TqУ-дand Related Tariffing RequirementsСhhCССРРqС) ŠСŠСС` ` ИССИ И цССССhhCССРРqС) д …Tљ У-дУУУ УФ ФФФ УУУ УСр ьСФФФ Ф УУУ УNOTICE OF PROPOSED RULEMAKINGƒ д …Sв У-дФФ Ф Ф д „TЊ У-д СŠСС` ` ИС Adopted: July 15, 1998; Released: July 24д ј$тE д, 1998 д „T‚ У-дУ УФ Ф д …SZУ-дСŠСУ УComment Date:СС30 days after publication in the Federal RegisterФ Ф д …T У-дУ УСŠСReply Date: СИ И цССС60 daysФ Ф У Уafter publication in the Federal RegisterФ Ф By the Commission: Commissioner FurchtgottЉRoth issuing a separate statement. д …TkУ-дСря ьћСУ УI. INTRODUCTIONФ Ф У УAND BACKGROUNDФ Фƒ СŠСи‚1.и Section 11 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (Act), requires that the Commission, in every evenЉnumbered year beginning in 1998, review all regulations that apply to the operations and activities of any provider of telecommunications service and determine whether any of these regulations are no longer necessary in the public interest as the result of meaningful economic competition between providers of the service. Section 11 further instructs the Commission to "repeal or modify any regulation it determines to be no longer necessary in the public interest." 47 U.S.C. РР 161. Accordingly, the Commission has initiated a comprehensive review of telecommunications and other regulations to promote meaningful deregulation and streamlining where competition and other consideration warrant such action. СŠСи‚2.и Over the years, we have taken action to relax price cap rules and other Part 61 tariffing д „Tdв-дrequirements when conditions warranted.жy№dЭд zPЬ У-дСŠСУУSeeФФ УУCompetition in the Interstate, Interexchange MarketplaceФФ, CC Docket No. 90Љ132, Report and д zP–!–-дOrder, 6 FCC Rcd 5880 (1991); УУPolicy and Rules Concerning the Interstate, Interexchange MarketplaceФФ, CC д zP`"–-дDocket No. 96Љ61, Second Report and Order, 11 FCC Rcd 20730 (1996) (УУMandatory Detariffing Second Report д zP*#–-дand OrderФФ); УУrecon.ФФУУФФ, 12 FCC Rcd 15014 (1997) (УУMandatory Detariffing Reconsideration OrderФФ); УУstayed sub nom.ФФ MCI Telecommunications Corp. v. FCC, No. 96Љ1459 (D.C. Cir. 1997).yж As part of the 1998 biennial regulatory review, we again reviewed our price cap rules, as well as other rules in Part 61, and we have found a number of rules that no longer seem to serve any useful purpose. We have also found several cases in which our rules were organized in a confusing manner. Accordingly, we propose to eliminate several rules in д „TФ!У-дPart 61 and to move some rules within Part 61 to clarify which rules apply to which carriers.У УФ ФУ УФ Ф Inд"Ф!€0*((PP%№"д addition, we have discovered a number of duplicative rules in Part 61, and we propose eliminating that duplication in a manner that does not affect any of the substantive requirements currently placed on carriers. Finally, the Commission waives a number of rules on a regular basis, and we propose revising our rules to eliminate the need for granting such waivers on a carrierЉbyЉcarrier basis. СŠСи‚3.и All of our proposed rule revisions are set forth in Appendix A to this Order. We invite interested parties to comment on these proposed rule revisions. Most of the proposed revisions in Appendix A are selfЉexplanatory. Below, we address the proposals that may warrant some explanation. д „T˜У-дУУФФ д …TpУ-дСрEьСУ УII. PROPOSED RULE REVISIONSФ Фƒ д …S! У-дУ УХ†ХA. Electronic FilingФ Ф д †Tб У-дСŠСи‚4.и In the УУФФУУTariff Streamlining Report and OrderФФ, the Commission adopted regulations д „TЋ в-дimplementing the tariff streamlining provisions of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (1996 Act).ж”Ћ 9eд zPУ-дСŠСУУImplementation of Section 402(b)(1)(A) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996ФФ, CC Docket No. 96Љ187, д zPн–-дReport and Order, 12 FCC 2170 (1997) (УУФФУУTariff Streamlining Report and OrderФФ). ж Х†Х д „Tƒ У-дThe Commission УУФФУУФФdecided to establish a program of mandatory electronic filing of tariffs and associated documents by incumbent local exchange carriers (LECs), and delegated authority to the д „T3в-дBureau to establish this program.жт”3$9eд zPїУ-дСŠСУУSeeФФ Section 61.52(c) of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. РР 61.52(c); УУTariff Streamlining Report and д zPС–-дOrderФФ, 12 FCC Rcd at 2195 (paras. 47Љ48).тж On November 17, 1997, the Bureau made the Electronic Tariff д „T в-дFiling System (ETFS) available for voluntary filing by incumbent LECs.жр” €9eд zP+У-дСŠСУУSeeФФ УУPublic Notice, Common Carrier Bureau Implements Electronic Tariff Filing SystemФФ, 12 FCC Rcd д zPѕ–-д19714 (1997) (УУETFS Public NoticeФФ). У УФ Фрж The Bureau also announced д „Tув-дthat the use of ETFS would become mandatory for incumbent LECs in early 1998.жkЪум9eд zP_У-дСŠСУУФФУУETFS Public NoticeФФ, 12 FCC Rcd at 19714.У УФ Фkж Subsequently, in д †TЛУ-дthe УУETFS OrderФФ, the Bureau established procedures for mandatory electronic tariff filing applicable to д „T•в-дincumbent LECs.жР”•n 9eд zPЃУ-дСŠСУУElectronic Tariff Filing System (ETFS)ФФ, Order, DA 98Љ914 (Com. Car. Bur., released May 28, 1998) д zPm–-д(УУETFS OrderФФ). Рж In this Notice, we therefore propose to amend Part 61 to codify rules to be applicable to carriers submitting tariff filing fees electronically. д"EЪ 0*№&№&PPЫ№"дŒд …SУ-дУ УФ ФХдХУ УФ Ф™У УФ ФУ УB. Ф ФУ УPostingФ Ф д †TАУ-дСŠСи‚5.и Section 61.72 requires issuing carriers to post their tariffs, УУi.e.ФФ, keep them accessible to the public during normal business hours. In any state or territory of the United States in which the carrier has chosen to maintain a business office or offices open to the public, the carrier must post its д „T:в-дtariffs in at least one of those business offices.ж{Ш:9eд xPЂУ-дСŠСSection 61.72(a)(1) of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. РР 61.72(a)(1).{ж In addition, a carrier must provide a telephone number for public inquiries about information contained its tariffs. This telephone number should be д „Tъв-дmade readily available to all interested parties.ж{ШъX9eд xPт У-дСŠСSection 61.72(a)(2) of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. РР 61.72(a)(2).{ж д „TšУ-дСŠСи‚6.и In light of alternatives now available to customers with questions about their service, it may no longer be necessary to require carriers to keep business offices open to the public for the purpose of posting tariffs. First, ETFS makes all interstate tariffs of the incumbent LECs available to д „T" в-дthe public at the Commission's Internet web site.жM Ъ" ш9eд zPЊУ-дСŠСУУETFS OrderФФ at para. 3.Mж Furthermore, customers can obtain copies of any carrier's tariff from the Commission's copying contractor through mail or fax, without traveling to a carrier's business office in person. In addition, customers can often get satisfactory answers to their questions by contacting carriers by telephone or eЉmail. Therefore, for many customers, it is at least possible that ХдХtraveling to the carrier's business office would not be the most efficient or convenient method of examining a carrier's tariffs. д „T У-дСŠСи‚7.и Accordingly, we seek comment on whether we should revise Section 61.72 to require that carriers only provide a telephone number for public inquiries about information contained in their д „TКв-дtariffs.жё Кz9eд xPдУ-дСŠСWe will keep tariffs available for public inspection in the Commission's Public Reference Room, regardless of any revisions to our tariff posting requirements we may adopt in this proceeding. ёж We also seek comment on requiring carriers not subject to mandatory electronic tariff filing requirements to post their tariffs on their Internet web sites. Alternatively, we invite parties to comment on whether some particular class of carrier should be subject to either more or less stringent posting requirements than those we are considering here. Any party making such an argument should explain in detail its reasons for its position. Finally, we invite interested parties to suggest д „Tђв-дalternative requirements for responding to public inquiries about tariffs.жа Шђв9eд zPdУ-дСŠСIn 1996, the Commission imposed mandatory detariffing requirements on nondominant IXCs. УУSeeФФ д zP. –-дУУMandatory Detariffing Second Report and OrderФФ, 11 FCC Rcd 20730; УУMandatory Detariffing Reconsideration д zPј –-дOrderФФ, УУФФУУФФУУФФ12 FCC Rcd 15014. Those requirements have been stayed by the Court of Appeals for the District of д xPТ!–-дColumbia Circuit pending judicial review. УУФФУУФФMCI Telecommunications Corp. v. FCC, No. 96Љ1459 (D.C. Cir. 1997). In 1997, the Commission adopted a notice of proposed rulemaking seeking comment on complete mandatory detariffing for nonЉincumbent LEC providers of interstate exchange access services. Complete Detariffing for Competitive Access Providers and Competitive Local Exchange Carriers, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, CC Docket No. 97Љ146, 12 FCC Rcd 8596, 8613 (paras. 33Љ34) (1997). That proceeding is still pending. Depending on the results of those proceedings, issues raised by the posting requirements applicable toд"Њ% 0*№&№&ААЉ%У"д nondominant IXCs or nonЉincumbent LEC providers of interstate exchange access services may become moot.ажд"ђX 0*№&№&PPœџ"дŒд „TУ-д У У д …SиУ-дC. Effective Period Required Before Ф ФУ УChangesФ Ф д „TˆУ-дСŠСи‚8.и Currently, a tariff must be in effect for at least 30 days before the issuing carrier is д „T`в-дpermitted to revise it.жz Ъ`X9eд zPXУ-дСŠСУУSeeФФ Section 61.59 of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. РР 61.59. zж This rule was originally intended to limit rate churn, rapid rate increases and decreases in a short period. Rate churn can be disruptive or confusing for consumers, and makes it д „Tв-дdifficult to determine what rates are applicable at any given time.жS №ъ9eд zPš У-дСŠСУУFederal-State Joint Board on Universal ServiceФФ, CC Docket No. 96-45, Fifth Order on Reconsideration д zPd –-дand Fourth Report and Order, FCC 98-120 (released June 22, 1998);УУ AT&T Corporation's Petition for Waiver д zP. –-дof Section 61.47(f)(2) of the Commission's RulesФФ, Order, 10 FCC Rcd 12440, 12447 (para. 16) (Com. Car. д zPј –-дBur., 1995); УУAmendment of Parts 1 and 61 of the Commission's RulesФФ, CC Docket No. 83Љ992, Report and Order, 98 FCC 2d 855, 873 (paras. 64Љ65) and n.37 (1984). Sж Retaining a 30Љday minimum effective period, however, now may also delay nondominant carriers' responses to market pressures. Therefore, we propose adopting a new rule, Section 61.24 in the Appendix, to reduce the minimum effective period for nondominant carriers' tariffs to 15 days. We seek comment on this proposal. д „TH У-дСŠСи‚9.и We do not propose revising the minimum effective period for dominant carriers' tariffs, however. By definition, dominant carriers retain market power, and so face market pressure, if at all, to a much lesser degree than nondominant carriers. Therefore, we expect that the need to protect dominant carriers' customers from the disruption and confusion of unnecessary rate churn will continue to outweigh dominant carriers' desire to react more quickly to any market pressure they may face. Accordingly, we propose amending Section 61.59 only to limit the applicability of the 30Љday д „TXв-дminimum effective period to dominant carriers' tariffs.жиXЂ9eд xPšУ-дСŠСThe proposed new Sections 61.59(b) and (c) in the Appendix are intended to clarify existing requirements, not to modify any requirement or to create new requirements. иж We invite comment on this proposal, and on our proposed balance between customer and carrier interests. д …SрУ-дУ УD. Reorganization of Part 61Ф Ф д …SУ-дСŠСУ У1. GenerallyФ Ф д „T@У-дСŠСи‚ 10.и Many of our tariff rules apply only to nondominant carriers, or only to dominant carriers. Other tariff rules apply to all carriers. Our current rules, however, may not in all instances be sufficiently clear as to the class or classes of carriers to which the specific rules apply. Therefore, we propose separating our Part 61 rules into subparts, as shown in Appendix A, and moving certain, specific rules to different subparts in order for carriers to more easily identify the rules applicable to their situations. For example, we propose redesignating Sections 61.53, 61.55, 61.56, and 61.57 as Sections 61.83, 61.85, 61.86, and 61.87, respectively, so that these rules continue to apply to all carriers. We have tried to define our proposed subparts to minimize the number of sections that would need to be moved. We seek comment on our proposed reorganization, as shown in Appendix A.д"њ 0*№&№&PP-№"дŒд …SУ-д™ХХСŠСУ У2. Reorganization of Nondominant Carrier RulesФ Ф д „TАв-дСŠСи‚ 11.и In 1996, pursuant to Section 10 of the Communications Act,жjША9eд xPУ-дСŠСSection 10 of the Communications Act, 47 U.S.C. РР 160.jж the Commission decided to forbear from enforcing Section 203 of the Act with respect to nondominant interexchange carriers (IXCs). Accordingly, ХХnondominant IXCs were neither required nor permitted to file tariffs for their д „T8в-дprovision of interstate interexchange services.ж‹Ъ8X9eд zP0У-дСŠСУУMandatory Detariffing Second Report and OrderФФ, 11 FCC Rcd at 20732Љ33 (paras. 3Љ5). ‹ж On February 13, 1997, the United States Court of д †TУ-дAppeals for the District of Columbia Circuit stayed the rules adopted in the УУMandatory Detariffing д †Tъв-дSecond Report and OrderФФ pending judicial review.жѕ(ъъ9eд zPt У-дСŠСУУSeeФФ УУPolicy and Rules Concerning the Interstate, Interexchange Marketplace, Guidance Concerning д zP> –-дImplementation as a Result of the Stay Order of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. CircuitФФ, Public Notice, д zP –-дCC Docket No. 96Љ61, DA 97-493, 5 Com. Reg. (P&F) 505 (released Mar. 6, 1997). УУSee also Mandatory д zPв –-дDetariffing Reconsideration OrderФФ, 12 FCC Rcd at 15017Љ18 (para. 4). ѕж As a result of the court's ruling, nondominant IXCs remain obligated to file tariffs pursuant to the tariffing rules we sought to eliminate in the д †TœУ-дУУMandatory Detariffing Second Report and Order. ФФIn addition, because the УУMandatory Detariffing д †TvУ-дSecond Report and OrderФФ redesignated Sections 61.20 through 61.23 of our rules as Sections 61.21 through 61.24, each of these section numbers will refer to a different rule, depending on the outcome of the pending judicial review. This is potentially confusing. Accordingly, we propose to redesignate д †T У-дthe Section 61.20 adopted in the УУMandatory Detariffing Second Report and OrderФФ, imposing mandatory detariffing on nondominant IXCs, as Section 61.19, as shown in Appendix A. We also propose to keep the currently effective Sections 61.20Љ23 designated as Sections 61.20Љ23, regardless of the outcome of the pending judicial review. д …S:У-дУ УE. Notice RequirementsФ Ф д „TъУ-дСŠСи‚ 12.и Pursuant to Section 204(a)(3) of the Act, adopted in the 1996 Act, LECs are now д „TТв-дpermitted to file rate decreases on seven days' notice, and rate increases on 15 days' notice.ж~ЪТк9eд zP<У-дСŠСУУSeeФФ УУTariff StreamliningФФ УУReport and OrderФФ, 12 FCC Rcd 2170. ~ж These notice requirements are codified in two places, Sections 61.58(a)(2) and 61.58(d). These notice requirements appear inconsistent with other notice requirements in Section 61.58. For example, Section 61.58(c) establishes notice periods for price cap LECs ranging from 14 days to 90 days for various kinds of price cap tariff filings. This inconsistency can be resolved only if Section 61.58 is read in conjunction with Section 61.51(b), which explains that Section 61.58 also establishes notice periods for LECs choosing not to take advantage of the shorter notice periods permitted by Section д „TЊв-д204(a)(3) of the Act.жyЪЊl 9eд zPЖ"У-дСŠСУУSeeФФ Section 61.51 of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. РР 61.51.yж We tentatively conclude that it would simplify Part 61 to codify all notice requirements for dominant carriers in Section 61.58. Accordingly, we propose to move the notice requirements in Section 61.51 to Section 61.58(a)(2), and to eliminate Sections 61.51 and 61.58(d). We also propose to move the notice requirements for the first price cap tariff filing of a LEC electing price cap regulation from Section 61.48 to Section 61.58. This reorganization is not intended toд" ў 0*№&№&PPK№"д change any notice requirements. Under Section 61.58, dominant carriers would still have a choice between the notice periods mandated by Section 204(a)(3) of the Act and the notice periods required by our rules prior to the adoption of the 1996 Act. Alternatively, we invite comment on eliminating all the notice requirements for dominant carriers in our rules other than those mandated by Section 204(a)(3) of the Act. Under this alternative proposal, a carrier would no longer require a waiver in order to file a tariff on a notice period longer than mandated by the 1996 Act, but shorter than those д „Tв-дpreviously required by our rules.ж”9eд zPxУ-дСŠСУУSeeФФ УУSupport Material for Carriers to File to Implement Access Charge Reform Effective January 1, д zPB–-д1998ФФ, Order, 12 FCC Rcd 18306, 18307Љ08 (para. 5) (Com. Car. Bur., Comp. Pricing Div., 1997).ж д „TРУ-дСŠСи‚ 13.и Finally, we propose a new rule to be codified as Section 61.58(e)(3). Currently, Alascom is required to file tariffs for its common carrier services on 90 days' notice under Section 69.3(a) of the Commission's Rules, and the 1995 Commission Order implementing the FederalЉState д †TH в-дAlaska Joint Board decision.жšИH $9eд zP У-дСŠСSection 69.3(a) of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. РР 69.3(a); УУIntegration of Rates and Services for the Provision of Communications by Authorized Common Carriers between the Contiguous States and Alaska, д zPž–-дHawaii, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin IslandsФФ, CC Docket No. 83Љ1376, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 9 д zPh–-дFCC Rcd 3023, 3027 (para. 23) (1994). УУSee alsoФФ УУInvestigation of Alascom, Inc., Interstate Transport and д zP2–-дSwitching ServicesФФ, CC Docket No. 95Љ182, Order, 12 FCC Rcd 3646, 3649 (para. 7) (Com. Car. Bur., Comp. Pricing Div., 1997). šж Section 61.58(e)(3) would maintain the УУstatus quoФФ, by continuing to require Alascom to file its annual tariff on 90 days' notice. Alternatively, we invite comment on permitting Alascom to file its tariff under a shorter notice period. Any party advocating a shorter notice period for Alascom should address whether the Commission could revise Alascom's notice requirements without initiating a new joint board proceeding. д …SZУ-дУ УХ\ХF. Rules for Nondominant Carrier Tariff FilingsФ Ф д „T У-дСŠСи‚ 14.и We also propose amendments to the mandatory detariffing rule that we propose to д „Tтв-дredesignate as Section 61.19, as shown in Appendix A.жt\тЄ9eд zP&У-дСŠСAs we explained above, this rule was originally adopted as Section 61.20 in the УУMandatory Detariffing д zP№–-дSecond Report and OrderФФ, and has been stayed pending judicial review. This should not be confused with the Section 61.20 currently in effect, governing the method for filing tariff publications.tж In particular, we propose to eliminate the last sentence of SectionХ\Х 61.19(b), which reads as follows: "A carrier access code is a five or seven digit access code that enables callers to reach any carrier, presubscribed or otherwise, from any telephone." This definition is not necessarily accurate. First, a caller can reach any carrier via an access code only in cases where the telephone is served by a central office that has been converted to equal access. While the overwhelming majority of central offices have been converted to equal access, there remain exceptions. In addition, some IXCs do not want to offer service to casual callers using the access code, and have instructed the LEC not to forward any calls made via use of the access code. We propose simply eliminating this definition. Alternatively, we invite parties to recommend definitions of "access code" for the rule we plan to redesignate as Section 61.19(b). This proposed revision, and all the other proposed revisions to this Section listed in Appendix A, are subject to the pending court proceeding. д"*Ш 0*№&№&PP=№"дŒд …SУ-д™У УG. International TariffsФ Ф д „TАУ-дСŠСи‚15.и In this Notice, we propose two revisions to the international tariff filing rules. First, we propose a new rule, Section 61.77, requiring carriers to maintain separate tariffs for domestic and international services. Because different rules apply to domestic and international tariff filings, requiring separate domestic and international tariffs would facilitate review of those tariffs. On the other hand, it is possible that it would be administratively burdensome for a carrier to separate its domestic services from its international services to create separate tariffs. We invite comment on this proposal. Our second proposal is to adopt specific rules in Part 61 for international tariffs of carriers regulated as dominant on particular routes. We do not intend to make any substantive change to the dominant international tariff requirements in this proceeding. д …S У-дУ УХ| ХH. Revisions to Price Cap RulesФ Ф д „Tа У-дСŠСи‚16.и Under price cap regulation, a carrier's prices are limited by a price cap index (PCI), д „TЈ в-дwhich in pertinent part is adjusted annually by a measure of inflation minus an "XЉFactor."жуДЈ 9eд xPУ-дСŠСPrior to the adoption of price cap regulation, the Commission relied on rateЉofЉreturn regulation, which adjusts prices to give carriers the opportunity to earn a preЉdetermined return on interstate investment. The Commission adopted price cap regulation because it found that rateЉofЉreturn regulation did not create adequate efficiency incentives for regulated carriers, and required administratively burdensome cost allocation rules to д zP0–-дenforce. УУ SeeФФ УУPolicy and Rules Concerning Rates for Dominant CarriersФФ, CC Docket No. 87Љ313, Second Report д zPњ–-дand Order, УУФФ5 FCC Rcd 6786, 6789Љ91 (paras. 21Љ37) (1991) (УУLEC Price Cap OrderФФ).уж When Х| Хthe Commission adopted price cap regulation in 1989, the price cap rules were applicable only to dominant IXCs. When the Commission later adopted price cap rules for incumbent LECs, it crossЊд „T0в-дreferenced the IXC price cap rules in many places.жlЪ0D9eд zPУ-дСŠСУУSeeФФ УУLEC Price Cap OrderФФ, 5 FCC Rcd at 6867Љ75. lж Subsequently, the Commission determined that д „Tв-дall IXCs should be treated as nondominant.ж#\ж9eд zP~У-дСŠСУУMotion of AT & T Corp. to be Reclassified as a Non-dominant CarrierФФ, Order, 11 FCC Rcd 3271 д zPH–-д(1995); УУMotion of AT & T Corp. to be Declared Non-dominant for International ServiceФФ, Order, 12 FCC Rcd 17963 (1996). #ж As a result, the IXC price cap rules no longer appear to serve any purpose, and we propose removing them from Part 61. Removing the IXC price cap rules, however, requires revising the incumbent LEC price cap rules that crossЉreference the IXC price cap rules. Accordingly, we invite comment on proposed revisions to Sections 61.41 through 61.49, as set forth in Appendix A. д „TУ-дСŠСи‚17.и We also propose to eliminate Section 61.50 or our rules, governing optional incentive д „T№в-дregulation.жoШ№њ 9eд xPŠ"У-дСŠСSection 61.50 of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. РР 61.50.oж The Commission adopted optional incentive regulation in 1993 to give small and midsized incumbent LECs an incentive to improve their productivity without forcing those carriers toд"ШŠ 0*№&№&PPŒ№"д д „Tв-дelect a form of price cap regulation designed for large incumbent LECs.жЩH9eд zPhУ-дСŠСУУRegulatory Reform for Local Exchange Carriers Subject to Rate of Return RegulationФФ, Report and д zP2–-дOrder, CC Docket No. 92Љ135, 8 FCC Rcd 4545 (1993) (УУOptional Incentive Regulation OrderФФ). LECs electing the optional incentive plan are required to recalculate their rates every two years based on historical costs and demand. LECs have incentive to reduce their costs during this twoЉyear period because cost decreases permit д zPŒ–-дgreater earnings. УУOptional Incentive Regulation OrderФФ, 8 FCC Rcd at 4547 (paras. 16Љ17). These LECs are required to establish the same baskets and service categories as are required by price cap LECs, and aggregate prices in each basket or service category are permitted to increase no more than 10 percent during the twoЉyear д zPц–-дperiod. УУOptional Incentive Regulation OrderФФ, 8 FCC Rcd at 4550Љ51 (paras. 35Љ39). Щж Cincinnati Bell was the only LEC that ever availed itself of this optional incentive regulation, and it elected to become subject д „TАв-дto price cap regulation beginning July 1, 1997.жKXАи9eд xP( У-дСŠСCincinnati Bell Telephone Co., Tariff F.C.C. No. 35, Transmittal No. 706 (effective July 1, 1997). Carriers electing price cap regulation are ordinarily not permitted to revert back to rateЉofЉreturn regulation. Section 61.41(d) of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. РР 61.41(d).Kж Accordingly, the optional incentive regulation rule is not currently being applied to any incumbent LEC. Absent any other incumbent LEC expressing any interest in optional incentive regulation, it does not appear that this rule currently serves the public interest. We seek comment on this proposal to eliminate Section 61.50 of our rules. д „TшУ-дСŠСи‚18.и In addition, the United States Telephone Association (USTA) filed a waiver petition in October 1997, claiming that Section 61.47 of our rules precludes "targeting" of exogenous cost changes to particular service categories within a basket, as is required by the Commission in the д †Tpв-дУУAccess Reform First Report and OrderФФ.жŸЖpј 9eд zPУ-дСŠСУУSeeФФ УУAccess Charge ReformФФ, First Report and Order, CC Docket No. 96Љ262, 12 FCC Rcd 15982, д zPв–-д16081Љ85 (paras. 229Љ40) (УУAccess Reform First Report and OrderФФ). The УУAccess Reform First Report and OrderФФ requires price cap LECs to apply, or "target," any rate reductions otherwise required by the "GDPЉPI minus X" part of the price cap index (PCI) for other baskets to the trunking basket PCI, and the service band index (SBI) д zP,–-дfor the transport interconnection charge (TIC). УУSeeФФ УУAccess Reform First Report and OrderФФ, 12 FCC Rcd at 16084 (para. 236). Ÿж Currently, the Commission's Rules explain how incumbent д „TJ в-дLECs should allocate exogenous cost changes between price cap baskets,ж…ЪJ v9eд zP`У-дСŠСУУSeeФФ Section 61.45(d)(4) of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. РР 61.45(d)(4).…ж but do not address the allocation of exogenous cost changes within a basket. USTA also claimed that basing the calculation of presubscribed interexchange carrier charges (PICCs) on projected revenue and demand data, as required by our rules, would be administratively burdensome, and so sought a waiver of Section д „TЊ в-д69.153 to base PICCs on base period data. The Common Carrier Bureau granted these waivers.ж”Њ 9eд zPR У-дСŠСУУSeeФФ УУУ УФ ФUnited States Telephone Association, Petition for Waiver of Sections 61.47, 69.153(c)(1), д zP!–-д69.153(d)(1)(i), and 69.153(d)(2)(i) of the Commission's RulesФФ, 12 FCC Rcd 18133 (Com. Car. Bur. 1997).ж We invite comment on whether we should revise Sections 61.47 and 69.153 of our rules to reflect the rate development procedures developed by USTA in its waiver petition. д „T У-дСŠСи‚19.и Finally, we seek comment on the proposed Section 61.45(b)(2) in Appendix A. Currently, Section 61.45(b) requires LECs subject to price cap regulation to calculate their PCIsд"тd0*№&№&PP №"д pursuant to the formula for IXC PCIs spelled out in Section 61.44(b), "as further explained in РР 61.44(e), (f), (g), and (h)." Section 61.44(e) requires price cap carriers calculating "w" to apportion д „TАв-д"access costs" among price cap baskets using the methodology specified in Section 61.44(d).жу &А9eд xPУ-дСŠСThe "w" term in the IXC PCI formula was intended as a weighting factor to ensure that the (GDPЉPI Љ д zPр–-дX) adjustment is not applied to exogenous cost adjustments. УУSeeФФ УУPolicy and Rules Concerning Rates for д zPЊ–-дDominant CarriersФФ, Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, CC Docket No. 87Љ313, 3 FCC Rcd 3195, 3437 д zPt–-д(para. 449) (1988) (УУAT&T Price Cap Further NoticeФФ). уж Proposed Section 61.45(b)(2) is intended to incorporate the requirements of current Section 61.44(d) into Section 61.45. Section 61.44(d), however, explains how IXCs subject to price cap regulation were required to allocate the access costs they incurred in their provision of interexchange services. Thus, it appears that the requirements in current Section 61.44(d) and proposed Section 61.45(b)(2) are not relevant to LECs subject to price cap regulation, except, perhaps, for their calculation of the PCI for the interexchange basket. We invite parties to discuss whether proposed Section 61.45(b)(2) is necessary at all, and if so, whether it should be expressly limited to the interexchange basket. We also invite parties to suggest clearer language for Section 61.45(b)(2). Finally, we invite parties to propose alternative methods for calculating "w" and explain why their alternatives would produce more desirable results. Х Х д …TЈ У-д СрПь!СУ УIII. PROCEDURAL MATTERSФ Фƒ д ˆSYУ-дУ УA. УУEx ParteФФ PresentationsФ Ф д „T У-дСŠСи‚20.и This matter shall be treated as a "permitЉbutЉdisclose" proceeding in accordance with the д †Tфв-дCommission's УУex parteФФ rules.ж!ZфЖ9eд zP:У-дСŠСУУSee ФФAmendment of 47 C.F.R. РР 1.1200 УУet seq.ФФ Concerning УУEx ParteФФ Presentations in Commission Proceedings, GC Docket No. 95Љ21, Report and Order, 12 FCC Rcd 7348 (para. 27) (1997) (citing 47 C.F.R. РР 1.1204(b)(1)).ж Persons making oralУУ ex parteФФ presentations are reminded thatХ Х memoranda summarizing the presentations must contain summaries of the substance of the presentations and not merely a listing of the subjects discussed. More that a one or two sentence д „Tnв-дdescription of the views and arguments presented is generally required.жi"Ъnи9eд zPцУ-дСŠСУУУУФФSee ФФ47 C.F.R. РР 1.1206(b)(2), as revised.iж Other rules pertaining to oral and written presentations are set forth in Section 1.1206(b) as well. д …SіУ-дУ УB. Ф ФУ УPaperwork Reduction ActФ Ф д „TІУ-дСŠСи‚21.и Pursuant to Section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA), we are required to solicit comment through this notice of proposed rulemaking to: д „T.У-дСŠС(i)ТА` ` ИТevaluate whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information shall have practical utility;Ц(#` Цд"о j "0*№&№&PP№"дŒд „TУ-дСŠС(ii)ТА` ` ИТevaluate the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information;Ц(#` Ц д „TАУ-дСŠС(iii)ТА` ` ИТenhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; andЦ(#` Ц д „TˆУ-дСŠС(iv)ТА` ` ИТminimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond, including through the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology.Ц(#` Ц СŠС д „TшУ-дСŠСи‚22.и Accordingly, we seek comment on these issues. д …S˜У-дУ УC. Initial Regulatory Flexibility Act AnalysisФ Ф д „TpУ-дУ УФ Ф д „TH У-дСŠСи‚23.и Pursuant to Section 603 of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, the Commission has prepared the following initial regulatory flexibility analysis (IRFA) of the expected impact of these proposed policies and rules on small entities. Written public comments are requested on the IRFA. These comments must be filed in accordance with the same filing deadlines as comments on the rest of the Notice, but they must have a separate and distinct heading designating them as responses to the regulatory flexibility analysis. The Secretary shall cause a copy of the Notice, including the initial regulatory flexibility analysis, to be sent to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business Administration in accordance with Section 603(a) of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, Pub. L. No. д †TУ-д96-354, 94 Stat. 1164, 5 U.S.C. Section 601 УУet seqФФ. (1981). д „TКУ-дСŠСи‚24.и УУReason for actionФФ. The Telecommunications Act of 1996 requires the Commission in every evenЉnumbered year beginning in 1998 to review all regulations that apply to the operations or activities of any provider of telecommunications service and to determine whether any such regulation is no longer necessary in the public interest due to meaningful economic competition. д „TђУ-дСŠСи‚25.и УУObjectivesФФ. To repeal or modify any rules in Part 61 that are no longer necessary in the public interest, as required by Section 11 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. д „TzУ-дСŠСи‚26.и УУLegal BasisФФ. The proposed action is supported by Section 11 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. РР 161. д „TУ-дСŠСи‚27.и УУDescription, potential impact and number of small entities affectedФФ. For purposes of this Notice, the Regulatory Flexibility Act defines a "small business" to be the same as a "small business concern" under the Small Business Act (SBA), 15 U.S.C. РР 632, unless the Commission has д „TŠв-дdeveloped one or more definitions that are appropriate to its activities.жЎ#’Š9eд zPђУ-дСŠСУУSeeФФ 5 U.S.C. РР 601(3) (incorporating by reference the definition of "small business concern" in 15 U.S.C. РР 632).Ўж Under the SBA, a "small business concern" is one that: (1) is independently owned and operated; (2) is not dominant in its field д „T:в-дof operation; and (3) meets any additional criteria established by the SBA.жЎ$’:"9eд zPќ#У-дСŠС15 U.S.C. РР 632. УУSee, e.g., ФФBrown Transport Truckload, Inc., v. Southern Wipers, Inc., 176 B.R. 82 (N.D. Ga. 1994).Ўж The Small Business Administration has defined a small business for Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) category 4813д" |$0*№&№&PPО#№"д (Telephone Communications, Except Radiotelephone) to be small entities when they have fewer than д „Tив-д1500 employees.жH%Ши9eд xP@У-дСŠС13 C.F.R. РР 121.201.Hж д †TˆУ-дСŠСи‚28.и УУTotal Number of Telephone Companies Affected.ФФ The proposals under consideration in this Notice, if adopted, would affect all telecommunications carriers regulated by the Commission. The United States Bureau of the Census (Census Bureau) reports that, at the end of 1992, there were д „Tв-д3497 firms engaged in providing telephone service, as defined therein, for at least one year.ж&”X9eд zP У-дСŠСUnited States Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, УУ1992 Census of Transportation, д zPд –-дCommunications, and Utilities, Establishment and Firm SizeФФ, at Firm Size 1Љ123 (1995) (УУ1992 CensusФФ). ж This number contains a variety of different categories of carriers, including LECs, interexchange carriers, competitive access providers, cellular carriers, mobile service carriers, operator service providers, pay telephone operators, PCS providers, covered SMR providers, and resellers. It seems certain that some of those 3497 telephone service firms may not qualify as small entities or small incumbent д „TJ в-дLECs because they are not independently owned or operated.жJ'ШJ Д9eд xPžУ-дСŠС15 U.S.C. РР 632(a)(1).Jж д „Tњ У- v †дааСŠСи‚29.и We believe that dominant carriers are not small businesses for IRFA purposes because they д d(#G"дare dominant in their field of operation. We have found incumbent LECs to be "dominant in their field д d(#)"дof operation" since the early 1980s, and we consistently have certified under the Regulatory Flexibility д „T‚ в- d(#А"дActжP(Ъ‚ D9eд zPfУ-дСŠСУУSeeФФ 5 U.S.C. РР 605(b).Pж that incumbent LECs are not subject to regulatory flexibility analysis requirements because they are д „TZв- d(# "дnot small businesses.ж‡)$Zж9eд zPаУ-дСŠСУУSeeФФ, УУe.g.ФФ, Expanded Interconnection with Local Telephone Companies, Supplemental Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 6 FCC Rcd 5809 (1991); MTS and WATS Market Structure, Report and Order, 2 FCC д zPb–-дRcd 2953, 2959 (1987), УУcitingФФ MTS and WATS Market Structure, Third Report and Order, 93 FCC 2d 241, 338Љ39 (1983).‡ж In order to remove any possible issue of Regulatory Flexibility Act compliance, д d(#Я!дwe nevertheless tentatively conclude that dominant carriers should be included in this IRFA. We seek comment on this tentative conclusion. д „TКУ- v •дСŠСи‚30.и УУReporting, record keeping and other compliance requirementsФФ. None of the proposed rules д d(#э!дin this notice are intended to increase the reporting, record keeping and other compliance requirements of any telecommunications carrier. д „TУ-дСŠСи‚31.и УУFederal rules which overlap, duplicate or conflict with this ruleФФ. None. д „TЪУ- v ;дСŠСи‚32.и УУAny significant alternatives minimizing impact on small entities and consistent with stated д „TЂУ- d(#G"дobjectivesФФ. As explained above, it is not clear at this stage of the proceeding whether any of the parties д d(#о!дthat will be affected by these proposed rules, if adopted, can be considered "small entities" within the д d(#П"дmeaning of Section 603(c). At this time, we have not eliminated any alternatives from our consideration. д"* Т )0*№&№&PP[№"дŒд …SУ-д™У УD.Ф ФУ У Comment Filing DatesФ Ф д †TАУ- v LдСŠСи‚ 33.и Pursuant to applicable procedures set forth in Section 1.399 and 1.411 УУet seqФФ. of the д †TŠУ- d(#8"дCommission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. Sections 1.399, 1.411 УУet seqФФ., interested parties may file comments with д …TdУ- d(#ћ"дthe Secretary, Federal Communications Commission, Washington D.C. 20554 no later than У У30 daysФ Ф after д „T=У- d(#V"дa summary of this notice is published in the Federal Register. У УФ ФУ УФ ФInterested parties may file replies У УФ Фno later д …TУ- d(#Ю"дthan У У60 daysФ Ф after a summary of this notice is published in the Federal Register. To file formally in this д d(#п дproceeding, participants must file an original and four copies of all comments, reply comments, and д d(#: дsupporting comments. If participants want each Commissioner to receive a personal copy of their д d(#"дcomments, an original plus nine copies must be filed. In addition, parties should file two copies of any д d(#а дsuch pleading with the Competitive Pricing Division, Common Carrier Bureau, Room 518, 1919 M д d(#А"дStreet, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20554, and one copy of any pleadings should be submitted on computer д d(#” дdisk to the Industry Analysis Division, Common Carrier Bureau, Room 534, 1919 M Street, N.W., д d(#t"дWashington, D.C. 20554. Comments and reply comments will be available for public inspection during д d(#П"дregular business hours in the FCC Reference Center, Room 239, 1919 M Street, N.W., Washington D.C. 20554. д …T^У-дХ ХСрЂь2СУ УIV. ORDERING CLAUSEФ Фƒ д „TУ- v дСŠСи‚!34.и Accordingly, pursuant to Section 11 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 д d(#Я!дU.S.C. РР 161, IT IS ORDERED that NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN OF the rulemaking described above and that COMMENT IS SOUGHT on these issues. СŠСС` ` ИССИ И цССССhhCССРРqСFEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION СŠСС` ` ИССИ И цССССhhCССРРqС СŠСС` ` ИССИ И цССССhhCССРРqСMagalie Roman Salas СŠСС` ` ИССИ И цССССhhCССРРqСSecretary Х Хд" )0*№&№&PP№"д д …TАУ-двŒ I. A. 1. a.(1)(a) i) a)" I. A 1. a.(1)(a) i) a)ŒвСрЕьZСУ УAPPENDIX иAиФ Фƒ д …TaУ-дСрБ ь СУ УPROPOSED REVISIONS TO PART 61Ф Фƒ д „T:У-дУ УФ Ф д …TъУ-ди‚1.иТXŠТInsert before Section 61.1, "У УSubpart A Љ PrefaceФ Ф".Ц(#Ц д „T›У- v Тди‚2.иТXŠТRedesignate Section 61.2 as Section 61.2(a), Section 61.35 as Section 61.2(b), and Section 61.36 as Section 61.2(c), and revise the heading for Section 61.2 as follows:Ц(#Ц д …S# У-дУ УРР 61.2 General Tariff Requirements. Ф Ф д „Tг У-ди‚3.иТXŠТRevise Section 61.3 as follows:Ц(#Ц д …Sƒ У-дУ УРР 61.3 Definitions.Ф Ф д …S3У-дУ У* * * Ф Ф д v ГдСŠС (e) Base period. For carriers subject to РРРР 61.41-61.49, the 12Љmonth period ending six months д d(#Б!дprior to the effective date of annual price cap tariffs. Base year or base period earnings shall exclude д d(#G"дamounts associated with exogenous adjustments to the PCI for the lower formula adjustment mechanism permitted by РР 61.45(d)(1)(vii) of this chapter. д …SУ-дУ У* * * Ф Ф д „TЫУ- v + д СŠС(w) Price Cap Index (PCI). An index of prices applying to each basket of services of each carrier subject to price cap regulation, and calculated pursuant to РР 61.45. * * * д v †дСŠС(y) Price cap tariff. Any tariff filing involving a service subject to price cap regulation, or that requires calculations pursuant to РРРР 61.45, 61.46, or 61.47. * * * д …T;У-ди‚4.иТXŠТInsert before Section 61.18, "У УSubpart C Љ General Rules for Nondominant CarriersФ Ф"У УФ Ф. У УФ ФЦ(#Ц д „Tь У-ди‚5.иТXŠТInsert new Section 61.18.Ц(#Ц д …Sœ"У-дУ УФ ФУ УРР 61.18 Scope.Ф Ф СŠСThe rules in this subpart apply to all nondominant carriers. д"ќ% )0*№&№&PP0*№"дŒд „TУ- v ,ди‚6.иТXŠТRedesignate Sections 61.20 through 61.24 as Sections 61.19 through 61.23, and revise Section 61.19 as follows:Ц(#Ц д …SˆУ-дУ УРР 61.19 Detariffing of domestic, interstate, interexchange servicesФ ФУ У.Ф Ф д …T8У-дСрnьgСУ У* * * * * Ф Фƒ д v ТдСŠС(b) Carriers that are nondominant in the provision of domestic, interstate, interexchange services д d(#8"дare permitted to file tariffs for dial-around 1+services. For the purposes of this paragraph, dial-around д d(#а д1+calls are those calls made by accessing the interexchange carrier through the use of that carrier's carrier access code. д v ГдСŠС(c) Carriers that are nondominant in the provision of domestic, interstate, interexchange services д d(#ь"дare permitted to file a tariff for such interstate service applicable to those customers who contact the local д d(#ћ"дexchange carrier to designate an interexchange carrier or to initiate a change with respect to their primary д d(#ћ"дinterexchange carrier. Such tariff will enable the interexchange carrier to provide service to the customer д d(#ќ!дuntil the interexchange carrier and the customer consummate a written agreement, but in no event shall the interexchange carrier provide service to its customer pursuant to such tariff for more than 45 days. д „TсУ-ди‚7.иТXŠТRevise redesignated Sections 61.20(b)(1) and 61.20(c) to read as follows: Ц(#Ц д …SAУ-дУ УРР 61.20 Method of Filing Publications. Ф Ф д …TёУ-дСрnьgСУ У* * * * * Ф Фƒ д v ‡дСŠС(b)(1) In addition, except for issuing carriers filing tariffing fees electronically, for all tariff д d(#ќ!дpublications requiring fees as set forth in part 1, subpart G of this chapter, issuing carriers must submit д d(#ю дthe original of the cover letter (without attachments), FCC Form 159, and the appropriate fee to the д d(#ўдMellon Bank, Pittsburgh, PA at the address set forth in РР 1.1105 of this chapter. Issuing carriers д d(#Ѓ дsubmitting tariff fees electronically should submit the Form 159 and the original cover letter to the д d(#“!дSecretary of the Commission in lieu of the Mellon Bank. The Form 159 should display the Electronic д d(#э!дAudit Code in the box in the upper left hand corner marked "reserved." Issuing carriers should submit these fee materials on the same date as the submission in paragraph (a) of this section. д …S:У-дУ У* * * Ф Ф д v †дСŠС(c) In addition to the requirements set forth in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, the issuing д d(#Ё"дcarrier must send a copy of the cover letter with one 3 1/2 inch diskette or CDЉROM containing both the д d(#дcomplete tariff and any attachments, as appropriate, to the Secretary, Federal Communications д d(#о!дCommission. In addition, the issuing carrier must send one diskette or CDЉROM of the complete tariff д d(# "дand a copy of the cover letter to the commercial contractor (at its office on Commission premises), and д d(# !дto the Chief, Tariff and Pricing Analysis Branch. The latter should be clearly labeled as the "Public д d(#о!дReference Copy." The issuing carrier should file the copies required by this paragraph so they will beд"њ%)0*№&№&PP0*№"д д d(#В дreceived on the same date as the filings in paragraph (a) of this section. In cases where the a single д d(#V"дdiskette or CDЉROM does not provide sufficient capacity for the carrier's entire tariff filing, the issuing carrier may submit two or more diskettes, or two or more CDЉROMs, as necessary. д „T8У-ди‚8.иТXŠТRevise redesignated Section 61.21(a)(1) to read as follows:Ц(#Ц д …SРУ-дУ УРР 61.21 Cover letters.Ф Ф д v ёдСŠС(a)(1) Except as specified in РР 61.32(b), all publications filed with the Commission must be д d(#t"дaccompanied by a cover letter, 8.5 by 11 inches (21.6 cm x 27.9 cm) in size, and must be plainly printed д d(#F#дin black ink. All transmittal letters should briefly explain the nature and purpose of the filing and indicate the date and method of filing of the original cover letter, as required by Section 61.20(b)(1) of this Part. д „TЈ У-ди‚9.иТXŠТRevise redesignated Section 61.22(a) to read as follows:Ц(#Ц д …S0У-дУ УРР 61.22 Composition of tariffs.Ф Ф д v —дСŠС(a) The tariff must be submitted on a 3 1/2 inch (8.89 cm) diskette, or a 5 inch CDЉROM, д d(#С дformatted in an IBMЉcompatible form using either WordPerfect 5.1 or Microsoft Word 6 software. д d(#“!дNeither diskettes nor CDЉROMs shall contain more than one tariff. The diskette or CDЉROM must be д d(# !дsubmitted in "read only" mode. The diskette or CDЉROM must be clearly labelled with the carrier's д d(#ƒ"дname, Tariff Number, software used, and the date of submission. When multiple diskettes or CDЉROMs д d(#э!дare submitted, the issuing carrier shall clearly label each diskette in the following format: "1 of ____", д †T№У-д"2 of ____", УУetc.ФФ. д „TRУ- v Дди‚ 10.иТXŠТAmend redesignated Section 61.22(c) by redesignating it as Section 61.22(c)(1), and inserting new Section 61.22(c)(2) to read as follows: Ц(#Ц д …SВУ-дУ УРР 61.22 Composition of tariffs.Ф Ф д …TbУ-дСрnьgСУ У* * * * * Ф Фƒ д …T У-дСŠС(c)(1) У У* * * Ф Ф д v hдСŠС(2) Any issuing carrier submitting tariffs on ten or more diskettes that wishes to revise its tariff д d(#А"дis permitted to do so by refiling only those diskettes on which the changed material is located. Any such д d(#G"дcarrier shall file a current effective version of their entire tariff on the first business day of each month. For purposes of this paragraph, "business day" is defined in Section 1.4(e)(2) of this Chapter. д"ќ%)0*№&№&PP0*№"дŒд „TУ-ди‚ 11.иТXŠТAmend redesignated Section 61.22 by adding new Section 61.22(e), to read as follows: Ц(#Ц д …SАУ-дУ УРР 61.22 Composition of tariffs.Ф Ф д …T`У-дСрnьgСУ У* * * * * Ф Фƒ д v : дСŠС(e) For contractЉbased tariffs defined in РР 61.3(m), a separate letter of transmittal must accompany д d(#g дeach tariff filed. The transmittals must be numbered in a series separate from transmittals for nonЊд d(#u!дcontract tariff filing. Numbers must appear on the face of the transmittal and be in the form of "CTT д „T™У- d(#u!дNo.УУ ФФ", using CTT as an abbreviation for contractЉbased tariff transmittals. ContractЉbased tariffs д d(#Ё"дmust also be numbered in a series separate from nonЉcontractЉbased tariffs. Numbers must be in the form д „TI У- d(#*!дof "CT No.УУ ФФ", using CT as an abbreviation for contractЉbased tariffs. Each contractЉbased tariff д d(#а дmust be assigned a separate number. Transmittals and tariffs subject to this paragraph shall be filed beginning with the number "1" and shall be numbered consecutively. д „TЉ У-ди‚ 12.иТXŠТAmend redesignated Section 61.23(c) to read as follows: Ц(#Ц д …SYУ-дУ УРР 61.23 Notice Requirements.Ф Ф д …T У-дСрnьgСУ У* * * * * Ф Фƒ д v ядСŠС(c) All tariff filings of domestic and international non-dominant carriers must be made on at least one day's notice. д „TђУ-ди‚ 13.иТXŠТInsert new Section 61.24 as follows:Ц(#Ц д …SЂУ-дУ УРР 61.24 Effective period required before changes.Ф Ф д v ѓдСŠС(a) Except as provided in Section 61.23(c)(3) or except as otherwise provided by the д d(#ƒ"дCommission, new rates or regulations must be in effect for at least 15 days before a nondominant carrier will be permitted to make any change. д †TВУ- v ;дСŠС(b) Changes to rates and regulations that have not yet become effective, УУi.e.ФФ, are pending, may д d(#а дnot be made unless the effective date of the proposed changes is at least 15 days after the scheduled effective date of the pending revisions. д „T У-ди‚ 14.и Insert new Section 61.25 to read as follows:У УФ Ф д …SФ!У-дУ УРР 61.25 References to other instruments.Ф Ф д v ,дСŠСA nonЉdominant carrier may crossЉreference in its tariff publication only the rate provisions of another carrier's F.C.C. tariff publication, provided that the following conditions are met: СŠС(a) The tariff being crossЉreferenced must be on file with the Commission and in effect;д"ќ%)0*№&№&PP0*№"дŒд v : д™СŠС(b) The issuing carrier must specifically identify in its tariff the crossЉreferenced tariff by Carrier Name and F.C.C. Tariff Number; д v YдСŠС(c) The issuing carrier must specifically identify in its tariff the rates being crossЉreferenced so д d(#ю дas to leave no doubt as to the exact rates that will apply, including but not limited to any applicable credits, discounts, promotions; and д „TшУ-дСŠС(d) The issuing carrier must keep its crossЉreferences current. С  )С д …TpУ- v !ди‚15.иТXŠТInsert before Section 61.28, "У УSubpart D Љ General Tariff Rules for International Dominant д …TI У-дCarriersФ Ф".Ц(#Ц д „Tњ У-ди‚16.иСŠСInsert new Section 61.28 to read as follows: д …SЊ У-дУ УРР 61.28 International Dominant Carrier Tariff Filing Requirements. Ф Ф д v дСŠС(a) Any carrier classified as dominant for the provision of particular international д d(#П"дcommunications services on a particular route due only to a foreign carrier affiliation pursuant to Section 63.10 of this Chapter shall file tariffs for those services on at least one day's notice without cost support. д v !дСŠС(b) Any carrier classified as dominant for the provision of particular international д d(#С дcommunications services on a particular route for any reason other than a foreign carrier affiliation д d(#Б!дpursuant to Section 63.10 of this Chapter shall file tariffs for those services pursuant to the notice and д d(#П"дcost support requirements for tariff filings of dominant domestic carriers, as set forth in Subpart E of this Part. д v рдСŠС(c) For all tariff filing requirements other than notice and cost support requirements, any carrier д d(##дclassified as dominant for the provision of particular international communications services on a particular д d(# "дroute shall file tariffs for those services pursuant to the general rules for nondominant carriers set forth in Subpart C of this Part. д …TкУ-ди‚17.иТXŠТInsert before Section 61.31, "У УSubpart E Љ General Rules for Dominant CarriersФ Ф".У У Ф ФЦ(#Ц д „T‹У-ди‚18.иТXŠТInsert new Section 61.31.Ц(#Ц д …S;У-дУ УРР 61.31 Scope.Ф Ф СŠСThe rules in this subpart apply to all dominant carriers. д „Ts#У- v Гди‚19.иТXŠТRevise Section 61.32 by replacing the phrase "Chief, Tariff Review Branch" in Section 61.32(c) д v дwith the phrase "Chief, Tariff and Pricing Analysis Branch", and by revising Section 61.32(b) to read as follows: Ц(#Ц д"ћ%)0*№&№&PP0*№"дŒд …SУ-д™У УРР 61.32 Method of Filing Publications. Ф Ф д …TАУ-дСрnьgСУ У* * * * * Ф Фƒ д v jдСŠС(b) In addition, except for issuing carriers filing tariffing fees electronically, for all tariff д d(#)"дpublications requiring fees as set forth in Part 1, Subpart G of this chapter, issuing carriers must submit д d(#’"дthe original of the transmittal letter (without attachments), FCC Form 159, and the appropriate fee to the д d(#: дMellon Bank, Pittsburgh, PA, at the address set forth in РР 1.1105 of this chapter. Issuing carriers д d(#Ѓ дsubmitting tariff fees electronically should submit the Form 159 and the original cover letter to the д d(#“!дSecretary of the Commission in lieu of the Mellon Bank. The Form 159 should display the Electronic д d(#э!дAudit Code in the box in the upper left hand corner marked "reserved." Issuing carriers should submit these fee materials on the same date as the submission in paragraph (a). д …Sб У-дУ У* * * Ф Ф д „T У-дУ УФ Фи‚20.иТXŠТRevise the first sentence of Section 61.33(a) to read as follows: Ц(#Ц д …S1У-дУ УРР 61.33 Letters of Transmittal.Ф Ф д v дСŠС(a) Except as specified in РР 61.32(b), all publications filed with the Commission must be д d(#Я!дnumbered consecutively by the issuing carrier beginning with Number 1, and must be accompanied by a letter of transmittal, (21 cm x 29.7 cm) or 8РР by 11 inches (21.6 cm x 27.9 cm) in size. д „TAУ- v I дУ УФ Фи‚21.иТXŠТRevise Section 61.33(a)(3) by replacing the phrase "Chief, Tariff Review Branch" with the phrase "Chief, Tariff and Pricing Analysis Branch".Ц(#Ц д „TЩУ-ди‚22.иТXŠТRevise the first sentence of Section 61.33(h)(2) as follows:Ц(#Ц д d(#А"дFor contractЉbased tariffs defined in Section 61.3(m), a separate letter of transmittal may accompany each д d(#V"дtariff filed, or the above format may be modified for filing as many publications as may be desired with one transmittal letter. д „TБУ-ди‚23.иТXŠТRevise Section 61.38(a) to read as follows:Ц(#Ц д …S9У-дУ УРР зз61.38ТА` ` ИТSupporting information to be submitted with letters of transmittalзз.Ф ФЦ(#` Ц д †Tщ У- v —дСŠС(a) УУScopeФФ. This Section applies to dominant carriers whose gross annual revenues exceed д d(#Р!д$500,000 for the most recent 12 month period of operations or are estimated to exceed $500,000 for a д d(#ƒ"дrepresentative 12 month period. Local exchange carriers serving 50,000 or fewer access lines in a given д d(#u!дstudy area that are described as subset 3 carriers in РР 69.602 of this chapter may submit Access Tariff д d(# !дfilings for that study area pursuant to either this section or РР 61.39. However, the Commission may д d(#ќ!дrequire any carrier to submit such information as may be necessary for a review of a tariff filing. Thisд"#%)0*№&№&PP@)№"д д d(#Ђ!дsection (other than the preceding sentence of this paragraph) shall not apply to tariff filings proposing rates for services identified in РР 61.42(d), (e), and (g). д „TˆУ-ди‚24.иТXŠТRevise Section 61.38(b) to remove and reserve Section 61.38(b)(3).Ц(#Ц д „T8У- v I ди‚25.иТXŠТRevise Section 61.38(c)(1) by replacing the phrase "Chief, Tariff Review Branch" with the phrase "Chief, Tariff and Pricing Analysis Branch".Ц(#Ц д „TpУ-ди‚26.иТXŠТAmend Section 61.38 by adding paragraph (g) as follows:Ц(#Ц д …S У-дУ У* * * Ф Ф д d(#Б!д(g) Above the bottom margin of each page of cost support material submitted pursuant to this section, д „TЈ У-дthe carrier shall indicate the УУФФУ УФ Фtransmittal number under which that page was submitted. д „TXУ-ди‚27.иТXŠТRevise Section 61.39(a), and amend Section 61.39 by adding paragraph (f) as follows:Ц(#Ц д …SрУ- Ш ФxдУ УРР 61.39ТА` ` ИТOptional supporting information to be submitted with letters of transmittal for д Ш Фg дAccess Tariff filings effective on or after April 1, 1989, by local exchange carriers д Ш ФДдserving 50,000 or fewer access lines in a given study area that are described as д …ShУ-дsubset 3 carriers in РР 69.602. Ф ФЦ(#` Ц д †TУ- v ГдСŠС(a) УУScopeФФ. This Section provides for an optional method of filing for any local exchange carrier д d(#G"дthat is described as subset 3 carrier in РР 69.602, which elects to issue its own Access Tariff for a period д d(#G"дcommencing on or after April 1, 1989, and which serves 50,000 or fewer access lines in a study area as д d(# "дdetermined under РР 36.611(a)(8) of this Chapter. However, the Commission may require any carrier to д d(#Б!дsubmit such information as may be necessary for review of a tariff filing. This section (other than the д d(#Я!дpreceding sentence of this paragraph) shall not apply to tariff filings of local exchange carriers subject to price cap regulation. д …SкУ-дУ У* * * Ф Ф д d(#“!д(f) Above the bottom margin of each page of cost support material submitted pursuant to this section, д „TbУ-дthe carrier shall indicate the УУФФУ УФ Фtransmittal number under which that page was submitted. д „T У-ди‚28.иТXŠТRevise Section 61.41 by removing and reserving paragraph (a)(1). Ц(#Ц д „TТ!У-ди‚29.иТXŠТRevise Section 61.42 by removing and reserving paragraphs (a), (b) and (c). Ц(#Ц д „Tr#У-ди‚30.иТXŠТRevise Section 61.42(d)(1) by inserting the following language at the end:Ц(#Ц д …S"%У-дУ УРР 61.42 Price cap baskets and service categories.Ф Ф д"њ%)0*№&№&PP0*№"дŒд …SУ-дУ УСрŒьjС* * * * *Ф Фƒ д …TАУ-дСŠС(d) У У* * * Ф Ф д …T‰У-дСŠС(1) У У* * * Ф Ф д d(#G"дFor purposes of Sections 41 through 49 of this part, this basket shall be referred to as the "common line basket." д „TТУ-ди‚31.иТXŠТAmend Section 61.42(d)(2) by inserting the following language at the end:Ц(#Ц д …SrУ-дУ УРР 61.42 Price cap baskets and service categories.Ф Ф д …S" У-дУ УСрŒьjС* * * * *Ф Фƒ д …Tв У-дСŠС(d) У У* * * Ф Ф д …TЋ У-дСŠС(2) У У* * * Ф Ф д d(#X дFor purposes of Sections 41 through 49 of this part, this basket shall be referred to as the "trafficЊsensitive basket." д „TфУ-ди‚32.иТXŠТAmend Section 61.42(d)(3) by inserting the following language at the end:Ц(#Ц д …S”У-дУ УРР 61.42 Price cap baskets and service categories.Ф Ф д …SDУ-дУ УСрŒьjС* * * * *Ф Фƒ д …TєУ-дСŠС(d) У У* * * Ф Ф д …TЭУ-дСŠС(3) У У* * * Ф Ф д d(#п дFor purposes of Sections 41 through 49 of this part, this basket shall be referred to as the "trunking basket." д „TУ-ди‚ 33.иТXŠТAmend Section 61.42(d)(4) by inserting the following language at the end:Ц(#Ц д d(#Ё"дFor purposes of Sections 41 through 49 of this part, this basket shall be referred to as the "interexchange basket." д „T>У-ди‚!34.иТXŠТAmend Section 61.42(d)(6) by inserting the following language at the end:Ц(#Ц д „Tю У-дУ УФ Ф д d(#W!дFor purposes of Sections 41 through 49 of this part, this basket shall be referred to as the "marketing expense basket." д „TN$У-ди‚"35.иТXŠТRevise the first sentence of Section 61.42(g) to read as follows: Ц(#Ц д …Sў%У-дУ УРР 61.42 Price cap baskets and service categories.Ф Фд"ў%)0*№&№&PP0*№"дŒ™* * * СŠС(g) New services, other than those within the scope of paragraph (f) of this section, * * * д „T8У-ди‚#36.иТXŠТRevise Section 61.43 to remove the references to Section 61.44, to read as follows:ТШа а †ТЦ(#а Ц д …SРУ-дУ УРР 61.43 Annual price cap filings required. Ф Ф д v ,дСŠСCarriers subject to price cap regulation shall submit annual price cap tariff filings that propose д d(#рдrates for the upcoming year, that make appropriate adjustments to their PCI, API, and SBI values д d(#о!дpursuant to Sections 61.45 through 61.47, and that incorporate the costs and rates of new services into д d(#wдthe PCI, API, or SBI calculations pursuant to Sections 61.45(g), 61.46(b), and 61.47 (b) and (c). д d(#JдCarriers may propose rate or other tariff changes more often than annually, consistent with the requirements of Section 61.59. д „TXУ-ди‚$37.иТXŠТRemove and reserve Section 61.44.Ц(#Ц д „TУ- v тди‚%38.иСŠСRedesignate Section 61.45(b) as Section 61.45(b)(1), revise it, and add Sections 61.45(b)(2) through (6), to read as follows: д …SУ-дУ УРР 61.45 Adjustments to the PCI for local exchange carriers.Ф Ф д …S@У-дУ У* * * Ф Ф д v ДдСŠС (b)(1) Adjustments to local exchange carrier PCIs for the trafficЉsensitive basket described in Section 61.42(d)(2) shall be made pursuant to the following formula: д „TxУiдPCIУУtФФ = PCIУУtЉ1ФФ[1 + w(GDP-PI - X) + РˆР Z/R] where д d(#ю дGDP-PI = the percentage change in the GDP-PI between the quarter ending six months prior to the effective date of the new annual tariff and the corresponding quarter of the previous year, X = 6.5%, д d(#о!дРˆРZ = the dollar effect of current regulatory changes when compared to the regulations in effect at the д „Tш Уiдtime the PCI was updated to PCIУУtЉ1ФФ , measured at base period level of operations, д d(#Б!дR = an amount calculated by multiplying base period quantities for each rate element in the basket by д „Tp#Уi d(#ƒ"дthe price for that rate element at the time the PCI was updated to PCIУУtЉ1ФФ, summing the results, and adding д d(#Б!дthe products of base period quantities for each PICC established in Section 69.153 of this Chapter and the portion of that PICC that is associated with the basket, д"ј%)0*№&№&PPф*№"дŒд „TУiдw = R - (access rate in effect at the time the PCI was updated to PCIУУtЉ1ФФ , multiplied by base period demand) + РˆРZ, all divided by R, д „TˆУiдPCIУУtФФ = the new PCI value, and д „T8УiдPCIУУtЉ1ФФ = the immediately preceding PCI value. д v iдСŠС(2) The "w(GDP-PI - X)" component of the PCI formula specified in paragraph (b)(1) of this д d(#„!дsection shall be employed only in the adjustment made in connection with the annual price cap filing. д d(#Ё"дIn calculating the "w" variable in the formula detailed in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the access costs д d(# дthat must be subtracted from the "R" variable shall be apportioned among the baskets specified in Sections 61.42(d)(2), (3), (4), and (6) as follows: д Ш ФдТXŠТС` ` ИС(i) The net change in total non-traffic sensitive access costs for all capped services (in all д v сдbaskets), calculated at base period demand, shall be allocated among the baskets in proportion д v : дto each basket's share of total base period non-traffic sensitive minutes of access (both originating and terminating); Ц(#Ц д Ш ФфдТXŠТС` ` ИС(ii) The net change in total traffic sensitive access costs for all capped services (in all д v сдbaskets), calculated at base period demand, shall be allocated among the baskets in proportion to each basket's share of total base period traffic sensitive minutes of access; Ц(#Ц д Ш ФддТXŠТС` ` ИС(iii) Changes in special access costs, calculated at base period demand, shall be assigned directly to the trunking basket specified in Section 61.42(d)(3).Ц(#Ц д v KдСŠС(3) Adjustments to local exchange carrier PCIs for the trunking basket designated in Section 61.42(d)(3) shall be made pursuant to the formula set forth in paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) of this Section. д v дСŠС(4) Adjustments to local exchange carrier PCIs for the interexchange basket designated in Section д d(#э!д61.42(d)(4) shall be made pursuant to the formula set forth in paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) of this Section. Notwithstanding that formula, the value of X for this basket shall be 3.0 percent. д …TиУ-дСŠС(5) У У[reserved] Ф Ф д v №дСŠС(6) Adjustments to local exchange carrier PCIs for the marketing expense basket designated in д d(#Б!дSection 61.42(d)(6) shall be made pursuant to the formula set forth in paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) of this Section. д „T™"У-ди‚&39.иСŠСRevise the language in Section 61.45(c)(1) that appears prior to the formula, to read as follows: д v ,дСŠС(c)(1) In the event that local exchange carrier imposes a perЉminute carrier common line charge д d(# !дpursuant to Section 69.154 of this chapter, and subject to paragraphs (c)(2) and (c)(3) of this section,д"!%)0*№&№&PPє)№"д д d(#8"дadjustments to local exchange carrier PCIs for the common line basket designated in Section 61.42(d)(1) shall be made pursuant to the following formula: д „T`У-ди‚'40.иСŠСRevise the definition of "R" in the formula in Section 61.45(c)(1), to read as follows: д d(#Б!дR = an amount calculated by multiplying base period quantities for each rate element in the basket by д „TшУi d(#ƒ"дthe price for that rate element at the time the PCI was updated to PCIУУtЉ1ФФ, summing the results, and adding д d(#Б!дthe products of base period quantities for each PICC established in Section 69.153 of this Chapter and the portion of that PICC that is associated with the common line basket, д „TH У-ди‚(41.иТXŠТInsert new Section 61.45(c)(2) to read as follows:Ц(#Ц д d(#"д(c)(2) The "w[ (GDP-PI - X - (g/2))/(1 + (g/2)) ]" component of the PCI formula contained in paragraph д d(#)"д(c)(1) of this section shall be employed only in the adjustment made in connection with the annual price cap filing. д „TУ-ди‚)42.и Insert new Section 61.45(c)(3) to read as follows: д …SИУ-дУ У* * * Ф Ф д v •дСŠС(c)(3) The formula set forth in paragraph (c)(1) of this section shall be used by a local exchange д d(#Ё"дcarrier only if that carrier is imposing a carrier common line charge pursuant to РР 69.154 of this chapter. д d(#: дOtherwise, adjustments to local exchange carrier PCIs for the common line basket designated in РР 61.42(d)(1) shall be made pursuant to the formula set forth in РР 61.45(b). д „TxУ-ди‚*43.и Amend Section 61.45(d)(4) by adding the following language at the end: д …S(У-дУ УРР 61.45 Adjustments to the PCI for local exchange carriers.Ф Ф д …SиУ-дУ У* * * Ф Ф д …TˆУ-дСŠС(d) У У* * * Ф Ф д …T9У-дТXŠТС` ` ИС(4) У У* * * Ф ФЦ(#Ц д Ш ФХдТXŠТТX` ` ИТFor purposes of this Chapter, exogenous cost changes that are not targeted to a specific д Ш Фkдprice cap service category or subcategory pursuant to Commission Rule or Order shall be referred to as "untargeted exogenous cost changes." Ц(#` Ц д „TJ$У-ди‚+44.иТXŠТRevise Section 61.45(f) to replace the phrase "paragraph (c)" with "paragraphs (b) and (c)". Ц(#Ц д „Tњ%У-ди‚,45.иТXŠТRevise Section 61.45(i) as follows:Ц(#Цд"њ%)0*№&№&PPl*№"дŒд v Єд™СŠС(i)(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, and subject to the д d(#’"дlimitations of paragraph (j) of this section, any price cap local exchange carrier that charges a perЉminute д d(#’"дinterconnection charge pursuant to Section 69.124 or Section 69.155 of this chapter during the base year д d(#V"дshall not make any reductions to its PCIs associated with its common line and trafficЉsensitive baskets in д d(#v дits annual access filing for that year. The PCI reductions for the common line and traffic sensitive д d(#e"дbaskets that otherwise would be required by paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section shall be applied to the д d(#э!дtrunking basket. These PCI reductions shall be made after the PCI for the trunking basket described in Section 61.42(d)(3) using the PCI formula in Section 61.45(b). д v рдСŠС(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (b) of this section, and subject to the limitations д d(#сдof paragraph (j) of this section, any price cap local exchange carrier that charges a perЉminute д d(#н"дinterconnection charge pursuant to Section 69.155 of this chapter during the base year shall not make any д d(#’"дreductions to its PCI associated with its marketing expense basket in its annual access filing for the tariff д d(#W!дyear. That carrier shall apply the PCI reductions that otherwise would be required for the marketing д d(#Я!дexpense basket pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section to the trunking basket. This reduction is to be made after any adjustment made pursuant to paragraph (i)(1) of this section. д …TXУ-дСŠС(3) У У[reserved] Ф Ф д v ZдСŠС(4) Effective January 1, 1998, the reduction in the PCI for the trunking basket designated in д d(#H!дSection 61.42(d)(3) that results from paragraphs (i)(1) and (i)(2) of this section shall be determined by д d(#ўдmultiplying the PCI for the trunking basket by one minus the ratio of the dollar effect of the PCI д d(#8"дreductions otherwise applicable to the common line, trafficЉsensitive, and marketing expense baskets, to the dollar effect of the PCI reduction for the trunking basket. д „TёУ-ди‚-46.иТXŠТRevise Section 61.45(j)(2) as follows:Ц(#Ц * * * д v ТдСŠС(2) exclude the amount of any exogenous adjustments permitted or required for the common line д d(#э!дand traffic sensitive baskets, defined in Sections 61.42(d)(1) and (d)(2), from the retargeting adjustment to the PCI for the trunking basket defined in Section 61.42(d)(3). д „T‰У-ди‚.47.и СŠСRevise Section 61.47(e) to read as follows: д …S9У-дУ УРР 61.47 Adjustments to the SBI; pricing bands.Ф Ф д „T У-дУ УФ Ф д …Sщ У-дУ У* * * Ф Ф д v wдСŠС(e) Pricing bands shall be established each tariff year for each service category and subcategory д d(#Б!дwithin a basket. Except as provided in paragraphs (g) and (h) of this section, each band shall limit the д d(#Р!дpricing flexibility of the service category or subcategory, as reflected in the SBI, to an annual increase д d(#G"дof five percent, relative to the percentage change in the PCI for that basket, measured from the levels in д d(#g дeffect on the last day of the preceding tariff year. For local exchange carriers subject to price capд"љ%)0*№&№&PP0*№"д д d(#v дregulation as that term is defined in s 61.3(x), there shall be no lower pricing band for any service category or subcategory. д „TˆУ-ди‚/48.и Delete Section 61.47(f). д „T8У-ди‚049.и Revise Section 61.47(i)(1) to read as follows: д …SРУ-дУ УРР 61.47 Adjustments to the SBI; pricing bands.Ф Ф д …SpУ-дУ У* * * Ф Ф д „T У- Ш ФдТXŠТ(i)С` ` ИС(1) In the event that a price cap local exchange carrier is imposing an interconnection д v •дcharge on its access customers pursuant to Sections 69.124 and/or 69.155, and to the extent that д v jдSections 61.45(b) and 61.45(i) require that local exchange carrier to reduce its PCI for its д v џдtrunking basket, as defined in Section 61.42(d)(3), that carrier is required to reduce its SBI for д v дits interconnection charge service band, as defined in Section 61.42(e)(2)(vi), by an amount д v –дproportional to its trunking basket PCI reduction. This SBI reduction shall be determined by д v Єдdividing the sum of the dollar amount of any PCI reduction required by Section 61.45(i), by the д v ˜дdollar amount associated with the SBI for the interconnection charge service band, and multiplying the SBI for the interconnection charge service band by one minus the resulting ratio. Ц(#Ц д Ш ФlдТXŠТС` ` ИС(2) Any exogenous cost reduction that is untargeted within the meaning of Section д v •д61.45(d)(4) of this Chapter shall be reflected in other service band indices for service categories in the traffic sensitive and trunking baskets as follows:Ц(#Ц д")0*№&№&PPp№"дŒд z "дХhХСŠСТА` ` ИТСИ И цС(i) For all service band indices other than those listed in subparagraphs (ii) and д Ш Фд(iii) of this paragraph, untargeted exogenous cost adjustments shall be reflected pursuant to the following formula:Ц(#` Ц д 8 дкl!#xХАА dddddр§ddЭwequation.1 xиџџџџпяsSBI_ul = SBI SUB ul SUB {t-1} * (1 + {T + {Rsvc SUB {t-1} OVER Rbskt SUB {t-1}} * U SUB bskt} OVER Rsvc SUB {t-1})єxў6X@Щ“8Ч;X@єxў6X@Щ“8Ч;X@єxў6X@Щ“8Ч;X@ШШ!пSBI……ŽЋulШШІпSBI……ЋulddГ‰tШШ‚уTШШщgRsvc……Щ 3tШШ­cRbskt…… /tШШŠ уU…… ЏbsktШШ| _Rsvc……\ +tШШ.пфddя‰уШШgпхШШЯптШШњут…… 3у……U /уШШ ух……Ќ +уdd+‰1ШШпп(ШШWп1……i 31……Ѕ /1……ќ +1ШШdп)d ШeШ япlкд$АА(#(#`АА(#(#8!!А'#$д д „TH УiдwhereСŠСSBIУУulФФ С` ` ИССИ И цС=ССthe new SBI upper limit; д „T УiдСŠСSBIУУul(tЉ1)ФФСИ И цС=ССthe immediately preceding SBI upper limit; д „Tј У-дСŠСTС` ` ИССИ И цС=ССthe targeted exogenous cost adjustment; д „Tа Уi ,`кдСŠСRsvcУУtЉ1ФФС` ` ИССИ И цС=Т` ТR for the service category, where R is calculated by multiplying base д ,`žдperiod quantities for each rate element in the service category by the д „T€ Уi ,`дprice for that rate element at the time the PCI was updated to PCIУУtЉ1ФФ, and summing the results,Ц(#Ц д „T0Уi ,`ъд СŠСRbsktУУtЉ1ФФСИ И цС=Т` ТR for the basket, where R is calculated by multiplying base period д ,`дquantities for each rate element in the basket by the base period price for д „TрУi ,`шдthat rate element at the time the PCI was updated to PCIУУtЉ1ФФ, and summing the results,Ц(#Ц д „TУiдСŠС UУУbsktФФС` ` ИССИ И цС=Т` Тthe untargeted exogenous cost reduction to be associated with the basket.ХhХЦ(#Ц д z дХИХСŠСТА` ` ИТСИ И цС(ii) For the service band subindices for DS1 and DS3 services defined in д Ш ФдSections 61.42(e)(2)(iii)(A) and (B), the 800 data base vertical features subindex required д Ш Фхдby Section 61.47(g)(4), and the density pricing zones for voice grade services and д Ш ФЗдtandemЉswitched transport permitted by Sections 61.47(h)(1)(iii) and (iv), untargeted exogenous cost adjustments shall be reflected pursuant to the following formula:Ц(#` Ц д 8 дкєA#xХАx dddddt§ddЭwequation.2h xиџџџџпwЕSBI SUB ul = SBI SUB {ul(t-1)} * (1 + {{T + ({Rsubsvc SUB {t-1} OVER Rbskt SUB {t-1} * U SUB bskt}) + ({Rsubsvc SUB {t-1} OVER Rsvc SUB {t-1} * U SUB svc}})} OVER Rsubsvc SUB {t-1})єxў6X@Щ“8Ч;X@єxў6X@Щ“8Ч;X@єxў6X@Щ“8Ч;X@ШШ!пSBI……ŽЋulШШІпSBI……Ћul……ўЋtШШYуTШШќ gRsubsvc……D 3tШШt cRbskt……Ь /tШШЩуU……FЏbsktШШ)gRsubsvc……q3tШШнcRsvc……Н/tШШіуU……sЏsvcШШ~_Rsubsvc……Ц+tШШ.пф……NЋуШШ>пхШШІптШШбут……” 3у…… /уШШQухШШўут……С3у…… /уШШ~ух……+у……ЎЋ(……žЋ1……юЋ)ШШЖп(ШШ.п1ШШI у(……ф 31……l /1ШШ†у)ШШvу(……31……]/1ШШcу)……f+1ШШјп)№Ш<ЬШп ЬШ  wпєкд$АА(#(#(АА(#(#8!AА'#$д д „T Уi ,`їдwhereСŠСRsubsvcУУtЉ1ФФСИ И цС=Т` ТR for the service subcategory, where R is calculated by multiplying base д ,`Лдperiod quantities for each rate element in the service subcategory by the д ,`Cдbase period price for that rate element at the time the PCI was updated д „T˜"Уiдto PCIУУtЉ1ФФ, and summing the results, andЦ(#Ц д „Tp#Уi ,`$дСŠС UУУsvcФФС` ` ИССИ И цС=Т` Тthe untargeted exogenous cost reduction to be associated with the service category.Ц(#Ц ХИХдŠ %)0*№&№&PPЈ*№eАА '#и ! АА Аx '# $AАx h ŠдŒд z `дХ0ХСŠСТА` ` ИТСИ И цС(iii) For the density pricing zones for DS1 and DS3 services permitted by д Ш ФудSections 61.47(h)(1)(i) and (ii), untargeted exogenous cost adjustments shall be reflected pursuant to the following formula:Ц(#` Ц д 8 дкa#x;Аˆ ddddd˜sddЭwequation.3а xиџџџџп›єлSBI SUB ul = SBI SUB {ul(t-1)}*(1+{{T+({Rsubsvc SUB {t-1} OVER Rbskt SUB {t-1}*U SUB bskt})+({Rsubsvc SUB {t-1} OVER Rsvc SUB {t-1}*U SUB svc})+({Rdz SUB {t-1} OVER Rsubsvc SUB {t-1}*U SUB subsvc}})} OVER Rdz SUB {t-1})єxў6X@Щ“8Ч;X@єxў6X@Щ“8Ч;X@єxў6X@Щ“8Ч;X@ІІЖSBIooKŒulІІ5ЖSBIooaŒuloo*ŒtІІїŠTІІTіRsubsvcoo ЬtІІИ"RbsktooЌ јtІІV ŠUooО `bsktІІ'іRsubsvcooуЬtІІН"RsvcooMјtІІ)ŠUoo‘`svcІІіRdzooЋЬtІІЗ"RsubsvcoosјtІІЙŠUoo!`subsvcІІNRdzooЙ$tІІбЖфoomŒуІІ6ЖхІІbЖтІІ[ŠтooS Ьуooя јуІІђ ŠхІІ.Šтoo&ЬуooјуІІХŠхІІОŠтooюЬуooЖјуІІUŠхooќ$уooчŒ(ooАŒ1ooѓŒ)ІІšЖ(ІІўЖ1ІІПŠ(oo– Ь1oo2 ј1ІІЪ Š)ІІ’Š(ooiЬ1ooгј1ІІZŠ)ІІ"Š(oo1Ь1ooљј1ІІГŠ)oo?$1ІІ0Ж)I&Іпи…І<Ќ…ІЌ…ІŸЌ›пкд$АА(#(#8АА(#(#8!aА'#$д д „T Уi z ‹дwhereСŠСRdzУУtЉ1ФФС` ` ИС=ТИ И цТR for the density pricing zone, where R is calculated by multiplying base period д z |дquantities for each rate element in the zone by the base period price for that rate д „Tа Уiдelement at the time the PCI was updated to PCIУУtЉ1ФФ, and summing the results, and Ц(#И Ц д „TЈ Уi z $дСŠС UУУsubsvcФФС` ` ИС=ТИ И цТthe untargeted exogenous cost reduction to be associated with the service subcategory.Ц(#И Ц Х0Х д „TУ- v Yди‚150.иТXŠТRevise Section 61.48 to remove and reserve paragraphs (a) through (h), and paragraph (i)(3)(ii). Ц(#Ц д „TУ-ди‚251.иСŠСRevise Section 61.49(a) to read as follows: д …SУ- d(#€%дУ УРР 61.49 Supporting information to be submitted with letters of transmittal for tariffs of carriers д …S№У-дsubject to price cap regulation.Ф Ф д v X дСŠС(a) Each price cap tariff filing must be accompanied by supporting materials sufficient to calculate д d(#*!дrequired adjustments to each PCI, API, and SBI pursuant to the methodologies provided in РРРР 61.45, 61.46, and 61.47, as applicable. д „TиУ-ди‚352.иСŠСRevise Section 61.49(c) to read as follows: д …S`У- d(#€%дУ УРР 61.49 Supporting information to be submitted with letters of transmittal for tariffs of carriers д …S8У-дsubject to price cap regulation.Ф Ф д …Sш У-дУ У* * * Ф Ф д v ГдСŠС(c) Each price cap tariff filing that proposes rates above the applicable band limits established in д d(#G"дРРРР 61.47 (e), (g) and (h) must be accompanied by supporting materials establishing substantial cause for the proposed rates. дXј%)0*№&№&PPl*№3Аˆ '#&a Аˆ аXдŒд „TУ-ди‚453.иСŠСRemove and reserve Sections 61.49(f)(1) and 61.49(i). д „TАУ- v Дди‚554.иТXŠТRevise Section 61.49(g)(2)(i) by replacing the phrase "Chief, Tariff Review Branch" with the phrase "Chief, Tariff and Pricing Analysis Branch".Ц(#Ц д „TУ-ди‚655.иТXŠТAmend Section 61.49 by adding paragraph (l) as follows:Ц(#Ц д …SРУ- d(#€%дУ УРР 61.49 Supporting information to be submitted with letters of transmittal for tariffs of carriers д …S˜У-дsubject to price cap regulation.Ф Ф д …SH У-дУ У* * * Ф Ф д d(#„!д(l) Above the bottom margin of each page of cost support material submitted pursuant to this section, the carrier shall indicate the transmittal number under which that page was submitted. д „TXУ-ди‚756.иТXŠТDelete Section 61.50.Ц(#Ц д „TУ-ди‚857.иТXŠТDelete Section 61.51. Ц(#Ц д „TИУ-ди‚958.иСŠСRedesignate Section 61.53 as Section 61.83. д „ThУ-ди‚:59.иТXŠТRevise Section 61.54(b)(3) to read as follows:Ц(#Ц д …S№У-дУ УРР 61.54 Composition of Tariffs.Ф Ф д …S У-дУ У* * * Ф Ф д …TPУ-дСŠС(b) У У* * *Ф Ф д †TУ- Ш ФдСŠСС` ` ИС(3) УУExpiration DateФФ. Subject to Section 61.59, when the entire tariff or supplement is to д d(#)"дexpire with a fixed date, the expiration date must be shown in connection with the effective date in the д d(#п дfollowing manner. Changes in expiration date must be made pursuant to the notice requirements of Section 61.58, unless otherwise authorized by the Commission. д z дСŠСТА` ` ИТСИ И цСExpires at the end of ______________________ (date) unless sooner canceled, changed, or extended.Ц(#` Ц д „TУ!У- v ди‚;60.иТXŠТRedesignate Section 61.54(c)(1) as Section 61.54(c)(1)(i), and adopt new Section 61.54(c)(1)(ii) as follows:Ц(#Ц д …SK$У-дУ УРР 61.54 Composition of Tariffs.Ф Ф д …Sћ%У-дУ У* * * Ф Фд"ћ%)0*№&№&PP0*№"дŒд d(#о!д™(c)(1)(ii) Alternatively, the carrier is permitted to number its tariff pages, other than the check sheet, to д d(#9!дreflect the section number of the tariff as well as the page. For example, under this system, pages in д †TАУ- d(#u!дsection 1 of the tariff would be numbered 1Љ1, 1Љ2, УУetc.ФФ, and pages in section 2 of the tariff would be д †TŠУ- d(# !дnumbered 2Љ1, 2Љ2, УУetc.ФФ Issuing carriers shall utilize only one page numbering system throughout its tariff. д „TьУ- v ди‚<61.иТXŠТRedesignate Section 61.54(c)(3) as Section 61.54(c)(3)(i), and adopt new Section 61.54(c)(3)(ii) as follows:Ц(#Ц д …StУ-дУ УРР 61.54 Composition of Tariffs.Ф Ф д …S$ У-дУ У* * * Ф Ф д …Tд У-д(c) У У* * * Ф Ф д „T… У- d(#"д(c)(3)(ii) Above the bottom margin of each page, the carrier shall indicate the УУФФУ УФ Фtransmittal number under which that page was submitted. д „T У-ди‚=62.иТXŠТRedesignate Section 61.55 as Section 61.85. Ц(#Ц д „TНУ- v wди‚>63.иТXŠТRedesignate Section 61.56 as Section 61.86, and revise by deleting last period and inserting the following language:Ц(#Ц , or to issue a supplement for purposes of deferring the effective date of pending tariff revisions. д „TЭУ-ди‚?64.иТXŠТRedesignate Section 61.57 as Section 61.87, and revise to read as follows:Ц(#Ц д …T}У-дУ УРРФ Ф У У61.87 Cancellation of Tariffs.Ф Ф д v : дСŠС(a) A carrier may cancel an entire tariff. Cancellation of a tariff automatically cancels every page and supplement to that tariff except for the canceling Title Page or first page. СŠСС` ` ИС(1) If the existing service(s) will be provided under another carrier's tariff, then д z єдСŠСТА` ` ИТСИ И цС(i) the carrier whose tariff is being canceled must revise the Title Page or the first page of its tariff indicating that the tariff is no longer effective, orЦ(#` Ц д z šдСŠСТА` ` ИТСИ И цС(ii) the carrier under whose tariff the service(s) will be provided must revise the д Ш Ф—дTitle Page or first page of the tariff to be canceled, using the name and numbering shown д Ш Ф—дin the heading of the tariff to be canceled, indicating that the tariff is no longer effective. д Ш ФЖдThis carrier must also file with the Commission the new tariff provisions reflecting the д Ш Ф>дservice(s) being canceled. Both filings must be effective on the same date and may be filed under the same transmittal.Ц(#` Ц д"ў%)0*№&№&PP0*№"дŒд Ш Ф—дТXŠТС` ` ИС(2) If a carrier canceling its tariff intends to cease to provide existing service, then it must revise the Title Page or first page of its tariff indicating that the tariff is no longer effective. Ц(#Ц д Ш ФдТXŠТС` ` ИС(3) A carrier canceling its tariff, as described above, must comply with Section 61.22 or Sections 61.54(b)(1) and 61.54(b)(5), as applicable.Ц(#Ц д v wдСŠС(b) When a carrier cancels a tariff as described above, the canceling Title Page or the first page д d(#Ё"дof the canceled tariff must show where all rates and regulations will be found except for (c) below. The д d(#ќ!дTitle Page or first page of the new tariff must indicate the name of the carrier and tariff number where the canceled material had been found. д v ФдСŠС(c) When a carrier ceases to provide service(s) without a successor, it must cancel its tariff д d(#ь"дpursuant to the notice requirements of Sections 61.23 or 61.58, as applicable, unless otherwise authorized by the Commission. д „T€ У- v Єди‚@65.иТXŠТRedesignate Section 61.58(a)(2) as Section 61.58(a)(2)(iii), and adopt new Sections 61.58(a)(2)(i) and (ii) to read as follows:Ц(#Ц д …SУ-дУ УРР 61.58 Notice Requirements.Ф Ф д …TИУ-дСŠС(a) У У* * * Ф Ф д …TiУ-дСŠС(2) У У* * * Ф Ф д v ГдСŠС(i) Local exchange carriers may file tariffs pursuant to Section 204(a)(3) of the Communications д d(#ь"дAct. Such a tariff may be filed on 7 days' notice if it proposes only rate decreases. Any other tariff filed д d(#u!дpursuant to Section 204(a)(3) of the Communications Act, including those that propose a rate increase д d(#Ё"дor any change in terms and conditions, shall be filed on 15 days' notice. Any tariff filing made pursuant д d(#сдto Section 204(a)(3) of the Communications Act must comply with the applicable cost support requirements specified in this Part. д v -дСŠС(ii) Local exchange carriers may elect not to file tariffs pursuant to Section 204(a)(3) of the д d(#ћ"дCommunications Act. Any such tariffs shall be filed in accordance with the notice requirements specified elsewhere in this section. д „T:У-ди‚A66.иТXŠТRevise Section 61.58(a)(3) as follows:Ц(#Ц д …Sъ У-дУ УРР 61.58 Notice Requirements.Ф Ф д …Tš"У-дСŠС(a) У У* * * д „Ts#У-дФ Ф д v hдСŠС(3) Tariff filings proposing corrections or voluntarily deferring the effective date of a pending д d(# "дtariff revision must be made on at least 3 days' notice, and may be filed notwithstanding the provisions д d(#V"дof Section 61.59. Corrections to tariff materials not yet effective cannot take effect before the effectiveд"ћ%)0*№&№&PP0*№"д д d(#f!дdate of the original material. Deferrals must take effect on or before the current effective date of the pending tariff revisions being deferred. д „TˆУ-ди‚B67.иТXŠТRemove and reserve Section 61.58(b).Ц(#Ц д „TУ-ди‚C68.иТXŠТRevise Section 61.58(c)(1) to remove the first sentence.Ц(#Ц д „TРУ-ди‚D69.иСŠСRemove and reserve Section 61.58(c)(4). д „TpУ-ди‚E70.иТXŠТRevise Section 61.58(c)(5) to read as follows:Ц(#Ц д …Sј У-дУ УРР 61.58 Notice Requirements.Ф Ф * * * д …TXУ-дСŠС(c) У У* * * Ф Ф д v JдСŠС(5) Tariff filings involving a change in rate structure of a service included in a basket listed in д d(#ƒ"дРР 61.42(d), or the introduction of a new service within the scope of РР 61.42(g), must be made on at least 45 days' notice. д „TAУ-ди‚F71.иСŠСRemove and reserve Section 61.58(c)(6). д „TЩУ-ди‚G72.иСŠСRevise Section 61.58(c)(7) to read as follows: д …SQУ-дУ УРР 61.58 Notice Requirements.Ф Ф д …TУ-дУ У* * *Ф Ф д …TВУ-дСŠС(c) У У* * * д „T‹У-дФ Ф д v бдСŠС(7) The required notice for tariff filings involving services included in Section 61.42(f), or tariff д d(#ќ!дfilings involving changes in tariff regulations, shall be that required in connection with such filings by dominant carriers that are not subject to price cap regulation. д „T›"У-ди‚H73.иТXŠТAmend Section 61.58(c) by adding new Section 61.58(c)(8) to read as follows: Ц(#Ц д …Sћ%У-дУ УРР 61.58 Notice Requirements.Ф Фд"ћ%)0*№&№&PP0*№"дŒ™* * * д …TАУ-дСŠС(c) У У* * * д „T‰У-дФ Ф д v I дСŠС(8) Carriers electing price cap regulation under РР 61.41(a)(3) of this part in a year after 1991 shall д d(#u!дfile cost support for its initial price cap tariffs pursuant to Section 61.49(k) of this Chapter at least 90 д d(#… дdays prior to July 1, and shall file its initial price cap tariff to be effective on July 1 of the year of д d(#дelection. Each PCI, API, and SBI shall be assigned an initial value prior to adjustment of 100, corresponding to the costs and rates in effect as of January 1 of the year of election. д „TqУ-ди‚I74.иСŠСRemove and reserve Section 61.58(d). д „T! У- v †ди‚J75.иСŠСRevise the caption for Section 61.58(e), redesignate Section 61.58(e)(3) and Section 61.58(e)(4), and add new Section 61.58(e)(3) to read as follows: д …SЉ У-дУ УРР 61.58 Notice Requirements.Ф Ф * * * д †T У-дСŠС(e) УУNonЉPrice Cap Carriers and/or Services. ФФУ У д …SЛУ-д* * * Ф Ф д Ш Ф\дТXŠТС` ` ИС(3) Alascom, Inc. shall file its annual tariff revisions for its Common Carrier Services (Alascom Tariff F.C.C No. 11) on at least 90 days' notice.Ц(#Ц д „TѓУ-ди‚K76.иСŠСRemove Section 61.58(f). д „TЃУ- v Yди‚L77.иТXŠТRedesignate Section 61.59 as 61.59(a), revise, and add new Sections 61.59(b) and (c) to read as follows:Ц(#Ц д …SУ-дУ УРР 61.59 Effective period required before changes. Ф Ф д „TГУ- v №дУ УФ ФСŠС(a) Except as provided in РР 61.58(a)(3) or except as otherwise authorized by the Commission, д d(#н"дnew rates or regulations must be effective for at least 30 days before a dominant carrier will be permitted to make any change. д †T У- v ;дСŠС(b) Changes to rates and regulations that have not yet become effective, УУi.e.ФФ, are pending, may д d(#а дnot be made unless the effective date of the proposed changes is at least 30 days after the scheduled effective date of the pending revisions. д v  дСŠС(c) Changes to rates and regulations that have taken effect but have not been in effect for at least д d(#)"д30 days may not be made unless the scheduled effective date of the proposed changes is at least 30 days after the effective date of the existing regulations. д"§% )0*№&№&PP0*№"дŒд …TУ- v u!д™и‚M78.иТXŠТInsert after Section 61.59, "У УSubpart F Љ Specific Rules for Tariff Publications of Dominant д …TйУ-дand Nondominant CarriersФ Ф".У У Ф ФЦ(#Ц д „TŠУ-ди‚N79.иТXŠТInsert new Section 61.66 as follows:Ц(#Ц д …S:У-дУ УРР 61.66 Scope.Ф Ф The rules in this subpart apply to all carriers, unless otherwise noted. д „TrУ-ди‚O80.иТXŠТRemove Section 61.67.Ц(#Ц д „T" У-ди‚P81.иТXŠТRevise Section 61.69 to read as follows:Ц(#Ц д …SЊ У-дУ УРР 61.69 Rejection.Ф Ф д v  дСŠСWhen a tariff publication is rejected by the Commission, its number may not be used again. This д d(#н"дincludes, but is not limited to, such publications as tariff numbers or specific page revision numbers. The д d(# #дrejected tariff publication may not be referred to as either cancelled or revised. Within five business days д d(#о!дof the release date of the Commission's Order rejecting such tariff publication, the issuing carrier shall д d(#t"дfile tariff revisions removing the rejected material, unless the Commission's Order establishes a different д d(#ќ!дdate for this filing. The publication that is subsequently issued in lieu of the rejected tariff publication must bear the notation ТXŠТС` ` ИСIn lieu of ЉЉЉ, rejected by the Federal Communications Commission. Ца Ц д „TЂУ-ди‚Q82.иТXŠТRevise Section 61.72 to read as follows:Ц(#Ц д …S*У-дУ УРР 61.72 Public Information RequirementsФ ФУ У.Ф Ф д v wдСŠС(a) Issuing carriers must make available accurate and timely information pertaining to rates and regulations subject to tariff filing requirements. д v YдСŠС(b) Issuing carriers must, at a minimum, provide a telephone number for public inquiries about д d(#… дinformation contained in its tariffs. This telephone number should be made readily available to all interested parties. д „Tr#У-ди‚R83.иТXŠТAmend Section 61.74 as follows:Ц(#Ц д …Sњ%У-дУ УРР 61.74 References to other instruments.Ф Фд"њ%!)0*№&№&PP0*№"дŒ™* * * д v ГдСŠС(e) Tariffs may reference other F.C.C. tariffs that are in effect and on file with the Commission д d(#“!дfor purposes of determining mileage, or specifying the operating centers at which a specific service is available. д v hдСŠС(f) Tariffs may reference technical publications which describe the engineering, specifications, or other technical aspects of a service offering, provided the following conditions are satisfied: д Ш ФЇдТXŠТС` ` ИС(i) The tariff must contain a general description of the service offering, including basic parameters and structural elements of the offering;Ц(#Ц д Ш ФjдТXŠТС` ` ИС(ii) The technical publication includes no rates, regulatory terms, or conditions which are д v ядrequired to be contained in the tariff, and any revisions to the technical publication do not affect д v ,дrates, regulatory terms, or conditions included in the tariff, and do not change the basic nature of the offering;Ц(#Ц СŠС СŠСС` ` ИС(iii) The tariff indicates where the technical publication can be obtained; д Ш ФИдТXŠТС` ` ИС(iv) The referenced technical publication is publicly available before the tariff is scheduled to take effect; and Ц(#Ц д Ш ФѓдТXŠТС` ` ИС(v) The issuing carrier regularly revises its tariff to refer to the current edition of the referenced technical publication. Ц(#Ц д „TУ-ди‚S84.иТXŠТInsert new Section 61.77.Ц(#Ц д …SШУ-дУ УРР 61.77 Combined domestic and international tariffs prohibited.Ф Ф д d(#н"дNo tariff publication filed with the Commission may include rates, terms, or conditions for both domestic and international services. д …TиУ-ди‚T85.иТXŠТRevise the heading before Section 61.131 to read as follows: "У УSubpart G Љ ConcurrencesФ Ф".Ц(#Ц д „T‰У-ди‚U86.иТXŠТAmend Section 61.132 by adding the following language at the end:Ц(#Ц д d(#9!дNondominant issuing carriers shall file revisions reflecting concurrences in their tariffs on the notice д d(#8"дperiod specified in Section 61.23 of this Part. Dominant issuing carriers shall file concurrences in their tariffs on the notice periods specified in Section 61.58(a)(2) or Section 61.58(e)(1)(iii) of this Part. д …T™"У- v ўди‚V87.иТXŠТRevise the heading before Section 61.151 to read as follows: "У УSubpart H Љ Applications for д …Tr#У-дSpecial PermissionФ Ф".Ц(#Ц д „Tћ%У-ди‚W88.иТXŠТRevise Section 61.153(b) to read as follows:Ц(#Цд"ћ%")0*№&№&PP0*№"дŒд …SУ-дУ У™РР 61.153 Method of filing applications. Ф Ф д …SАУ-дУ У* * * Ф Ф д v -дСŠС(b) In addition, except for issuing carriers filing tariffing fees electronically, for all special д d(#t"дpermission applications requiring fees as set forth in part 1, subpart G of this chapter, the issuing carrier д d(#•дmust submit the original of the application letter (without attachments), FCC Form 159, and the д d(#о!дappropriate fee to the Mellon Bank, Pittsburgh, PA at the address set forth in РР 1.1105 of this chapter. д d(#Я!дIssuing carriers submitting tariff fees electronically should submit the Form 159 and the original cover д d(# "дletter to the Secretary of the Commission in lieu of the Mellon Bank. The Form 159 should display the д d(#В дElectronic Audit Code in the box in the upper left hand corner marked "reserved." Issuing carriers д „TH У-дshould submit these fee materials on the same date as the submission in paragraph (a) of this section. У УФ Ф д „Tа У- v бди‚X89.и ТXŠТRevise Section 61.153(c) by replacing the phrase "Chief, Tariff Review Branch" with the phrase "Chief, Tariff and Pricing Analysis Branch".Ц(#Ц д …TXУ- v ю ди‚Y90.иТXŠТRevise the heading before Section 61.171 to read as follows: "У УSubpart I Љ Adoption of Tariffs д …T1У-дand Other Documents of Predecessor CarriersФ Ф".Ц(#Ц д …TтУ-ди‚Z91.иТXŠТRevise the heading before Section 61.191 to read as follows: "У УSubpart J Љ SuspensionsФ Ф".Ц(#Ц д „T“У-ди‚[92.иСŠСRevise Section 61.191 to read as follows: д …SУ-дУ УРР зз61.191ТА` ` ИТCarrier to file supplement when notified of suspensionзз.Ф ФЦ(#` Ц д v g дСŠСIf a carrier is notified by the Commission that its tariff publication has been suspended, the carrier д d(#+ дmust file, within five business days from the release date of the suspension order, a consecutively д d(#•дnumbered supplement without an effective date, which specifies the schedules which have been suspended. д …TУ-дСрБ ь СУ УPROPOSED REVISIONS TO PART 63Ф Фƒ д „TмУ-дУ УФ Ф д „TДУ-ди‚\93.иСŠСRevise Section 63.10(c)(1) to read as follows: д …SdУ-дУ УРР 63.10 Regulatory classification of U.S. international carriers.Ф Ф д …S У-дУ У* * * Ф Ф д …TФ!У-д(c) У У* * * Ф Ф СŠС(1) File international service tariffs pursuant to Section 61.28 of this Chapter. д"§%#)0*№&№&PP0*№"дŒд …TУ-дСрБ ь СУ УPROPOSED REVISIONS TO PART 69Ф Фƒ д „TйУ-дУ УФ Ф д „T‰У-ди‚]94.иТXŠТRevise Section 69.2 to remove and reserve paragraph (tt).Ц(#Ц д „T9У-ди‚^95.иСŠСRevise Section 69.3 to read as follows: д …SщУ-дУ УРР зз69.3СŠСFiling of access service tariffsзз.Ф Ф д v џдСŠС(a) Except as provided in paragraphs (g) and (h) of this section, a tariff for access service shall д d(#(#дbe filed with this Commission for a twoЉyear period. Such tariffs shall be filed with a scheduled effective д „TI У-дdate of July 1. Such tariff filings shall be limited to rate level changes. У УФ Ф * * * д v =дСŠС(e) A telephone company or group of telephone companies may file a tariff that is not an д d(#Я!дassociation tariff. Such a tariff may cross-reference the association tariff for some access elements and д d(#V"дinclude separately computed charges of such company or companies for other elements. Any such tariff must comply with the requirements hereinafter provided: д …S‘У-дУ У* * * Ф Ф д Ш ФѓдСŠСС` ` ИС(6) A telephone company or companies that elect to file such a tariff shall notify the д d(#e"дassociation not later than December 31 of the preceding year, if such company or companies did not file д d(#f!дsuch a tariff in the preceding biennial period or crossЉreference association charges in such preceding д d(#э!дperiod that will be crossЉreferenced in the new tariff. A telephone company or companies that elect to д d(#ќ!дfile such a tariff not in the biennial period shall file its tariff to become effective July 1 for a period of д d(#Р!дone year. Thereafter, such telephone company or companies must file its tariff pursuant to paragraphs (f)(1) or (f)(2) of this Section. д „TУ- Ш ФудСŠС(f)С` ` ИС (1) A tariff for access service provided by a telephone company that is required to file д d(# дan access tariff pursuant to РР 61.38 of this Chapter shall be filed for a biennial period and with a scheduled effective date of July 1 of any even numbered year. д Ш ФддСŠСС` ` ИС(2) A tariff for access service provided by a telephone company that may file an access д d(#I дtariff pursuant to РР 61.39 of this Chapter shall be filed for a biennial period and with a scheduled д d(#ќ!дeffective date of July 1 of any odd numbered year. Any such telephone company that does not elect to д d(#Ё"дfile an access tariff pursuant to the РР 61.39 procedures, and does not participate in the Association tariff, д d(#н"дand does not elect to become subject to price cap regulation, must file an access tariff pursuant to РР 61.38 for a biennial period and with a scheduled effective date of July 1 of any even numbered year. д Ш ФфдСŠСС` ` ИС(3) For purposes of computing charges for access elements other than Common Line д d(#e"дelements to be effective on July 1 of any even-numbered year, the association may compute rate changesд"!%$)0*№&№&PP@)№"д д d(#Р!дbased upon statistical methods which represent a reasonable equivalent to the cost support information д „TиУ-дotherwise required under Part 61 of this chapter. У УФ Ф а АААА а* * * д v №дСŠС(h) Local exchange carriers subject to price cap regulation as that term is defined in РР 61.3(x) д d(#e"дof this chapter, shall file with this Commission a price cap tariff for access service for an annual period. д d(#I дSuch tariffs shall be filed to meet the notice requirements of Section 61.58 of this Chapter, with a д d(#+ дscheduled effective date of July 1. Such tariff filings shall be limited to changes in the Price Cap д d(#*!дIndexes, rate level changes (with corresponding adjustments to the affected Actual Price Indexes and д d(# "дService Band Indexes), and the incorporation of new services into the affected indexes as required by РР д „TH У-д61.49 of this chapter. У УФ Ф д v ЄдСŠС(i) The following rules apply to the withdrawal from Association tariffs under the provision of д d(#)"дparagraph (e)(6) or (e)(9) of this section or both by telephone companies electing to file price cap tariffs pursuant to paragraph (h) of this section. * * * СŠС(j) [deleted] д „TИУ- v ;ди‚_96.иТXŠТRevise Section 69.111(g)(4) to replace the terms "РР 61.43(e)(2)(v)" and "РР 61.43(e)(2)(vi)" with "РР 61.42(e)(2)(v)" and "РР 61.42(e)(2)(vi)", respectively. Ц(#Ц д „T@У-ди‚`97.иТXŠТRevise Section 69.113(c) to replace the term "РР 61.3(v)" with "РР 61.3(x)".Ц(#Ц д „T№У-ди‚a98.иТXŠТRevise Section 69.114(a) to replace the term "РР 61.3(v)" with "РР 61.3(x)".Ц(#Ц д" %)0*№&№&PP@№"д д …SиУ-даадДИ дУ УSeparate Statement of Commissioner Harold W. FurchtgottЉRothФ Фдˆьдаад\Ад д …S`У-даадП дУ УIn re: Notice of Proposed RulemakingУУФФ Ф Фдˆьдаад\Ад д …SшУ-дд і$Ng даадT]дд і$Ng дУ УУ УФ ФУУФФ1998 Biennial Regulatory Review ЉЉ Part 61 of the Commission's Rules and Related Tariffing д …SРУ-дд\ЩдRequirementsУУФФ дˆьдд і$Ng даад\Адд і$Ng д д „TpУ-даааадˆьдФ Фаад\АдаадˆьдУ УФ Фаад\АдСŠСI support adoption of this Notice of Proposed RulemakingУ УУУФФФ Ф. In my view, any reduction of unnecessary regulatory burdens is beneficial. To that extent, this item is good and I am all for it. This item should not, however, be mistaken for complete compliance with Section 11 of the Communications Act. СŠС д †TЈ У-дСŠСAs I have explained previously, the FCC is not planning to "review УУУУallФФФФ regulations issued under this Act . . . that apply to the operations or activities of any provider of telecommunications д †TZУ-дservice," as required under Subsection 11(a) in 1998 (emphasis added). УУSee generally 1998 Biennial д †T4У-дRegulatory Review ЉЉ Review of Computer IIIФФУ У УУФ Фand ONA Safeguards and RequirementsУ УФФФ Ф, 13 FCC Rcd д „TУ-д6040 (released Jan. 30, 1998). УУУУУУФФФФФФУУУУФФФФ Nor has the Commission issued general principles to guide our Р Рpublic interestРР analysis and decisionЉmaking process across the wide range of FCC regulations. СŠСIn one important respect, however, the FCC's current efforts are more ambitious and difficult than I believe are required by the Communications Act. Subsection 11(a) ЉЉ "Biennial Review" ЉЉ д †TFУ-дrequires only that the Commission "УУУУdetermineФФФФ whether any such regulation is no longer necessary in the public interest" (emphasis added). It is pursuant to Subsection 11(b) ЉЉ "Effect of Determination" ЉЉ that regulations determined to be no longer in the public interest must be repealed or modified. Thus, the repeal or modification of our rules, which requires notice and comment rule making proceedings, need not be accomplished during the year of the biennial review. Yet the Commission plans to complete roughly thirty such proceedings this year. СŠСI encourage parties to participate in these thirty rule making proceedings. I also suggest that parties submit to the Commission ЉЉ either informally or as a formal filing ЉЉ specific suggestions of rules we might determine this year to be no longer necessary in the public interest as well as ideas for a thorough review of all our rules pursuant to Subsection 11(a). д „ThУ-даадcѓд* * * * * * *б#Xjє\  PŽ6G; [hXP#б