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Release of the full text of a Commission order constitutes official action. See MCI v. FCC. 515 F. 2d 385 (D.C. Cir. 1974).  y: 5 dddhy  L9i U 1  1  Figure 1  Figure 1 y!HH,,@Uddfcclogo.wpgHHy! X dd8u H#S2pPG;# NEWS L  Report No. CC 9848 COMMON CARRIER ACTION`(#December 17, 1998  X-K Common Carrier Bureau Releases Statistics on TelephoneRelated Complaints and  X-Consumer Tips to Avoid Scams TP  X-   xThe Common Carrier Bureau (CCB) today released two publications that provide statistics on telephonerelated complaints and consumer protection information.  XH-xThe FCC Telephone Consumer Complaint Scorecard is a new publication that provides the most uptodate compilation of consumer complaint statistics. The first issue details the total number of complaints handled by CCB's Enforcement Division during the first half of 1998 as well as companyspecific complaint figures for the largest area of complaint  X -(slamming) and the fastestgrowing area of complaint (cramming). Future editions of The  X -FCC Telephone Consumer Complaint Scorecard will be published on a quarterly basis.  X -xIn addition, CCB released the fourth edition of the Common Carrier Scorecard. The  X-Scorecard provides comprehensive complaint statistics for 1997, including information on consumer complaint trends and an overview of how companies performed individually and as  Xl-a group. The Common Carrier Scorecard also provides valuable consumer tips on how to avoid scams and what to do if problems occur. xHighlights of CCB's findings are as follows: Xxo Slamming, the unauthorized switching of a customer's telephone company, remains the top area of telephonerelated complaint. Last year, CCB handled 20,475 slamming complaints, which comprises 46% of all complaints processed. In addition, CCB handled 9,597 slamming complaints during the first half of this year, for a total of 19,797 slamming complaints processed in 1998 to date.(# Xxo The fastestgrowing telephonerelated complaint is cramming, the placement of unauthorized service charges on telephone bills. CCB began tracking cramming complaints at the end of last year. During the first half of 1998, CCB handled 2,302 cramming complaints, for a total of 4,480 cramming complaints handled in 1998 to date.(# "0*F"F" "Ԍ %T " %T Xxo In 1997, CCB handled a total of 44,035 telephonerelated complaints. During the first half of 1998, CCB handled 20,429 complaints, for a total of 47,214 complaints processed in 1998 to date.(# Xxo In 1998, the FCC has issued more than $13 million in forfeitures and consent decrees against companies for slamming. (#  X_-  XH-xThe Common Carrier Scorecard also offers tips on how companies can significantly reduce consumer complaints filed against them by consumers. Some suggestions include:  X -x` ` dealing with valid consumer complaints quickly without "passing the buck;"  X -x` ` providing more information about their services to consumers;  X -x` ` improving their customer service programs; and  X -x` ` maintaining better billing and service records. xBoth publications are available on the FCC's web site at  X{- http://www.fcc.gov/ccb/consumer_news/ . Copies of the report are also available by calling the FCC's faxondemand at (202) 4182830 [document number: 6736] or by calling International Transcription Services, Inc. at (202) 8573800 to purchase a copy. T Aԩ FCC TP News media contacts: Rochelle Cohen at (202) 4180253 or Kathie A. Kneff (202) 4180700. Industry Analysis Division contact: Craig Stroup (202) 4180940 Consumer Protection Branch contact: Brian J. Benison (202) 4182800#Xj\  P6G;XP#