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Release of the full text of a Commission order constitutes official action. See MCI v. FCC. 515 F 2d 385 (D.C. Circ 1974).  gy:  dddhy  K:[  U 1  1  Figure 1  Figure 1 y!HH,,@Uddfcclogo.wpgHHy! XO ddp8H #S2pPG; # NEWS L X   #Xw PE37{XP##Xj\  P6G;WXP# Report No. CC 9849 $COMMON CARRIER ACTION %H ԃ`(#ADecember 22, 1998 xuCOMPREHENSIVE MONITORING REPORT ON UNIVERSAL SERVICE RELEASED g3(CC DOCKET NO. 98202)   nZv'#X\  P6G; 6aP#The staff of the FederalState Joint Board on universal service has released its most recent Monitoring Report on Universal Service. The Commission has, at the same time, issued a Public Notice describing the universal service monitoring program and changes made in that program following the Telecommunciations Act of 1996.  A monitoring program was established in the mid-1980's, at the recommendation of the separations Joint Board, to track trends related to universal service and related matters. Since then the Joint Board Staff has prepared Monitoring Reports at least once a year--a compendium of hundreds of pages of statistical data on subscribership and penetration, loop costs, separations factors, universal service fund payments, etc. The latest report incorporates a few new sections related to the universal service support mechanisms, reflecting the change in the publication of this report from the separations Joint Board staff to the universal service Joint Board staff. The Monitoring Report is unique in several ways. First, it is the only document that includes information on every local telephone company in the nation. Second, the FCC has not imposed any new reporting burdens on any company to generate the information. Instead it uses data which the National Exchange Carrier Association collects for its own needs, data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and other organizations, and publicly available ARMIS submissions. A third characteristic of the monitoring reports is that they are staff reports. They are not intended to be policy documents and contain only enough text to describe the tables. The Report released today presents current data in each of the eleven subject categories selected for monitoring: 1) industry revenues and contributions; 2) low income support; 3) high cost support; 4) schools and libraries support; 5) rural health care support; 6) subscribership and penetration; 7) rates and price indices; 8) network usage and growth; 9) quality of service; 10) infrastructure; and 11) revenues, expenses and investment. A copy of the Report is available for inspection in the Common Carrier Bureau reference room, 2000 M Street,  nZ'NW, Room 575. The Report can be downloaded from the FCCState Link internet site, which can be reached at http://www.fcc.gov/ccb/stats on the World Wide Web. Names for print image files: mr98all.pdf for the whole report, mr98pn.pdf for the public notice, and mr980/pdf, mr981.pdf, ..., mr9811.pdf for the introduction and each section separately. Names for condensed files in WordPerfect 5.1 and Lotus 123 .wk4 format: mr98pn.zip, mr980.zip, mr981.zip, ..., mr9811.zip. The report and public notice can also be downloaded from the  nZ' FCCState Link computer bulletin board system by calling (202) 4180241 with a computer modem. Copies of the Report are available for purchase from the Commission's duplicating contractor, International Transcription Service, Inc. (ITS) at (202) 8573800. For further information contact Alexander Belinfante at (202) 4180944. xFCC