NEWSReport No. CC 98-8 COMMON CARRIER ACTION April 6, 1998 FCC REORGANIZES COMMON CARRIER BUREAU'S ACCOUNTING AND AUDITS DIVISION The FCC has reorganized the Common Carrier Bureau's Accounting and Audits Division for greater efficiency by dividing its responsibilities and replacing it with two new divisions with more discrete functions. Universal service and jurisdictional separations will be handled in the Accounting Policy Division. Universal service and jurisdictional separations, which are integrally related and require a consistent approach, are the focus of significant upcoming proceedings. The reorganization will enhance coordination between staff working on these issues and allow for more direct oversight of these areas. The Accounting Safeguards Division will be responsible for developing and administering the Commission's common carrier accounting, auditing, and reporting requirements necessary to implement the requirements of the Communications Act. These responsibilities include the Part 32 Uniform System of Accounts, Part 64 cost allocation rules, ARMIS Reports, audits, depreciation, and legal matters concerning these issues. -FCC- News Media contact: Rochelle Cohen at (202) 418-0253.