NEWSReport No. CC 98-6 COMMON CARRIER ACTION March 18, 1998 COMMISSION RELEASES FEDERAL/STATE JOINT AUDIT REPORT OF GTE The Commission today released information obtained by FCC and state regulatory commission auditors during a joint audit of the GTE Telephone Operating Companies' property records. The audit report concludes that certain GTE records do not comply with the FCC rules either because the property described in the records could not be physically located or the property was not described in enough detail to permit verification of its existence. The Commission found release of the audit report to be in the public interest and also noted that the disclosure of the audit report is a matter of mutual federal-state concern that could be the subject of other investigations by the Commission or its state counterparts. Since 1990, the FCC has participated in audits with state commissions in selected areas of mutual concern. In 1995, the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) called for a federal-state joint audit of GTE. The FCC auditors subsequently joined with auditors from the Arkansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, and Pennsylvania commissions to perform such an audit. The property records examined provide the supporting documentation for the investment recorded in GTE's plant accounts, which are used by the FCC and the state commissions in their decision-making. Auditors examined GTE's records in eight states -- Arkansas, California, Hawaii, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Texas -- and focused on records relating to GTE's three largest plant accounts. After examining 2,286 records with a recorded value of $33 million, the auditors concluded that 693 of these records, with a recorded value of $12 million, did not comply with the FCC rules. Specifically, assets with a value of $7 million, described in 347 records, could not be found. Assets with a value of $5 million, described in 346 records, were not described in enough detail to permit verification of their existence. Thus, for all the items audited, 36% of the recorded value of GTE's plant was either missing or could not be verified. The Commission voted to authorize release of the joint audit report. After reviewing the findings of the audit report, the Commission will determine what actions, if any, are necessary to resolve these discrepancies. Action by the Commission, March 11, 1998, by Memorandum Opinion and Order (FCC 98-34). Chairman Kennard, Commissioners Ness, Furchtgott-Roth, Powell, and Tristani, with Commissioner Furchtgott-Roth issuing a separate statement. -FCC- News Media contact: Rochelle Cohen at (202) 418-0253. Common Carrier Bureau contact: Kenneth P. Moran at (202) 418-0800.