NEWS January 30, 1998 COMMON CARRIER BUREAU RELEASES REPORT ON UNIVERSAL SERVICE SUPPORT AND TELEPHONE REVENUE BY STATE The FCC has released a new staff report entitled Universal Service Support and Telephone Revenue by State. This report contains estimates of intrastate and interstate telephone revenue by state for 1996. Estimates of local exchange, wireless, access and toll revenue by state are also included. Telephone revenue by state for 1996 is estimated primarily using data from Telecommunications Industry Revenue: TRS Fund Worksheet Data and from the Statistics of Communications Common Carriers. This report also summarizes by state the latest data on the previously existing universal service support mechanisms, as provided by the National Exchange Carrier Association. In January of 1998, the universal service support mechanisms began being funded by contributions based on interstate retail revenue, rather than by per-minute or per-line access charges. The impact of changing the funding mechanism is summarized by state. This report does not include information on the new programs for schools, libraries, and rural health care providers. The report is available for reference in the Common Carrier Bureau Public Reference Room, 2000 M Street N.W., Room 575. Copies may be purchased by calling International Transcription Services, Inc. (ITS) at (202) 857-3800. The report can be downloaded [file name: STREV-96.ZIP or STREV-96.PDF] from the FCC-State Link internet site at on the World Wide Web. The report can also be downloaded from the FCC-State Link computer bulletin board system at (202) 418-0241. For additional information, contact Alexander Belinfante or James Eisner of the Common Carrier Bureau's Industry Analysis Division, (202) 418-0940. -FCC-