NEWS January 28, 1998 FCC RELEASES NEW TELEPHONE PENETRATION REPORT The FCC today released a report presenting data on telephone penetration levels by state for various income categories. It is designed to help evaluate the degree of success of making telephone service available to low-income households in each state. To help evaluate the effectiveness of the Commission's lifeline program on telephone penetration, the report compares penetration rates for states with and without lifeline programs. Penetration increases have been greater on average in states with lifeline programs than in states without lifeline programs, both for all households and for low-income households. Between March 1984 and March 1997, the overall average penetration rate for states with lifeline programs increased by 2.4%, which was statistically significant. The increase for states without programs was only 1.0%, which was not statistically significant. For households with incomes under $10,000 (expressed in 1984 dollars), which would be the households primarily affected by the lifeline programs, the average increase was 6.5%, again statistically significant, for states with programs versus 3.3%, also statistically significant, for states without programs. This report is part of a series of supplemental reports on telephone penetration that are designed to complement the information available in "Telephone Subscribership in the United States," which is published three times a year. Like the subscribership report, this report is based on data from the Current Population Survey, which is conducted by the Bureau of the Census. This report is available in the Common Carrier Bureau's public reference room, 2000 M Street, NW, Room 575, Washington, DC. Copies may be purchased by calling International Transcription Service at (202) 857-3800. This report can be downloaded [file name: PNTRIS97.ZIP or PNTRIS97.PDF] from the FCC-State Link internet site, which can be reached at on the World Wide Web. The report can also be downloaded from the FCC-State Link computer bulletin board system at (202) 418-0241. For further information, contact Alexander Belinfante at (202) 418-0944. - FCC -NEWS