NEWS NEWSDecember 10, 1996 COMMON CARRIER SCORECARD REPORT GOES ON-LINE The Common Carrier Bureau released today the second edition of the Common Carrier Scorecard. The Scorecard, now available on the Common Carrier Bureau's home page, includes a compilation of comparative complaint statistics that the public can use to make informed decisions about telephone-related services. The Scorecard follows trends in telephone-related complaints and inquiries filed by consumers at the Federal Communications Commission, highlights the highest categories of consumer complaints processed by the Common Carrier Bureau's Enforcement Division during the most recent reporting period, and includes an overview of how companies performed. Additionally, the Scorecard provides valuable consumer tips on how to avoid pitfalls when choosing a telecommunications provider and what to do if problems occur. In 1995, 63% of the consumer complaints involved slamming, operator service providers (OSPs) and information services. "Slamming," which generated 34% of the complaints, is the unauthorized change of a consumer's chosen long distance company without that consumer's knowledge or consent. This edition of the Scorecard provides an in- depth look into the actions taken by the Commission to protect consumers against slamming. Eighteen percent of the consumer complaints processed bythe Commission involved the services and rates of OSPs, which are companies that provide interstate long distance service from payphones and phones in other public locations. In response to a large number of consumer complaints about high rates charged by some OSPs, the Commission has proposed additional rules to protect consumers against excessive OSP rates and charges. Complaints about information services -- such as sports scores, psychic readings, and chat lines -- comprised 11% of the complaints. Consumers are protected from deceptive information service call practices by federal law and Commission and Federal Trade Commission rules. - over - - 2 - The Scorecard shows that although the largest companies generally received the most complaints, the ratio of complaints filed against the largest companies was far below some of their smaller competitors after adjusting for company size. Additionally, the Scorecard points out that consumers tend to first appeal to at least one of the companies involved with their complaint before seeking assistance from the Commission. The Scorecard offers some tips on how companies can significantly reduce consumer complaints filed against them by consumers. Some suggestions include: þ provide consumers more information about their services; þ improve their overall customer service programs, and; þ maintain better billing and service records. As competition intensifies, consumers will be using their telephones more to access a wide variety of telecommunication services. The Scorecard will serve as a useful consumer tool and can be accessed and downloaded from the World Wide Web at: Copies of the report are also available by calling the FCC's fax-on-demand at (202)418-2830 [document number: 6720] or by calling International Transcription Services, Inc. at (202)857-3800 to purchase a copy. - FCC - Common Carrier Bureau News Media Contact: Jodie Buenning (202) 418-1500 Enforcement Division Contact: Kathie A. Kneff (202) 418-0700 Industry Analysis Division Contact: Katie Rangos (202) 418-0954 Consumer Protection Branch Contact: Brian J. Benison (202) 418-2800