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Nielsen has recently informed the  xfCommission that there are 7, not 5, television stations that are physically located in one DMA but are  xassigned for reporting purposes as local to another DMA. This error will be corrected prior to publication  S(of the Order in the FCC Record.  Sl(2.` ` The footnote should read as follows:   S( ` ` ` Nielsen has indicated that, for the purposes of the 19971998 assignment list, there were  xseven stations located in one DMA but currently assigned as "local" to another DMA: (1) WOGXlocated  xin the Orlando DMA but assigned to the Gainesville DMA; (2) WGRBlocated in the Louisville DMA  xbut assigned to the Bowling Green DMA; (3) WGVPlocated in the Tallahassee DMA but assigned to  x*the Albany, GA DMA; (4) WNTZlocated in the Baton Rouge DMA but assigned to the Alexandria  x*DMA; (5) WNPAlocated in the Johnstown/Altoona DMA but assigned to the Pittsburgh DMA; (6)  xKADYlocated in the Los Angeles DMA but assigned to the Santa BarbaraSanta MariaSan Luis Obispo DMA; and (7) KNTVlocated in the San Francisco DMA but assigned to the MontereySalinas DMA. ` `  ,hhhFEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION ` `  ,hhh ` `  ,hhhDeborah Lathen ` `  ,hhhChief, Cable Services Bureau