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In particular, we found that Operator had failed to use the most current FCC Inflation Factors  S ' |$available at the time Operator signed its FCC Form 1240.  [ Sf' |$ԍ  See FCC Form 1240 Instructions at pp. 14, 24. Operator's 1998 FCC Form 1240 w as signed on July 29, 1998. We revised Line C5 (Current FCC Inflation  |$Factor) to 1.0114. Our revision reduced Operator's MPR to $23.66 for the projected period January 1,  |$1998 to December 31, 1998. Because Operator was actually charging a CPST rate of $25.03, we found Operator's actual CPST rate to be unreasonable, effective January 1, 1998.  S'  |6.In its Petition, Operator argues that Operator's failure to use the most currently published  |$Zinflation figures available at the time it prepared its filing is not a defect and the inflation factors should  |$Dnot have been refreshed. However, because Operator was filing revised forms, Operator was required to  Sh' |$guse the most currently available information. This issue was addressed by the Commission in Cencom  SB' |$Cable Income Partners II, L.P. ("Cencom").B[ Sz$'ԍ In the Matter of Cencom Cable Income Partners II, L.P., FCC 97205 (Released June 13, 1997). In Cencom, the Commission explained its policy regarding refreshing inflation: ":,_(_(II"Ԍ GxԊXThe Commission is charged with protecting subscribers from paying unreasonable CPST  Gxrates, while also providing system operators with a fair return. Accurate information,  Gxincluding accurate inflation information, is central to setting an initial regulated rate that  Gxmeets the standard. Thus, the Commission requires that data used in setting a rate be  Gxrefreshed with the most current data available when an operator's rates become regulated  S8' GxKand are justified."8 S' |$ԍ See Third Order on Reconsideration, 9 FCC Rcd at 434950; FCC Form 393 at 11 Instruction for  |$Line 122GNPPI (Current) (Aug. 1993). The Bureau has explained the requirement to use current data  |$in Cable Operators' Rate Justification Filings, Sections 76.945, 76.946 of the Commissions rules, 9 FCC  S* ' |$^Rcd 7752, 775455  3(8) (Cab. Serv. Bur. 1994) ("Rate Filings"); Nov. 10, 1993 Public Notice, Answer  |$to Question No. 6 (in filing rate justifications, operators must refresh data used in initial rates with most  |$current information as of the date of initial regulation); July 30, 1993 Public Notice, Answer to Question 10." Because final inflation data for the period addressed in rate  Gxjustifications may not be available when a justification is filed, the Commission directs  Gxoperators to estimate inflation by using the most recently available inflation data published  S' Gxon an interim basis in the Commerce "Survey of Current Business" at Table 7.3, Line 5.~| S'ԍ See FCC Form 393 at 11 Instruction for Line 122GNPPI (Current) (Aug. 1993).~  Gx The Bureau practice when reviewing rate justifications is to verify that the operator has  Gx~used this inflation data. The Bureau also determines whether the other information in the  Gxrate justification is correct, and on the basis of the inflation and other information in the  Gxform, including any corrections, whether the operator's rate meets the statutory  Gxrequirement that the rate not be unreasonable. The Bureau does not find a rate  Gxunreasonable solely because more accurate inflation data has become available by the time  Gxdit makes its review. This would churn rates, causing significant administrative expenses  Gxto operators and confusion to subscribers. However, if a rate is unreasonable on its face  Gxor has to be adjusted for reasons other than the availability of a more accurate inflation  Gxfigure, e.g., because the operator failed to provide correct information in its rate  Gxjustification or failed to complete its rate justification form correctly, the Bureau  Gxrecalculates the maximum permitted rate using the most accurate inflation information  S' GxFavailable, rather than earlier estimates.%  Sv' |$ԍ See Public Notice, Cable Services Bureau Announces Policy Regarding Inflation Adjustment on  |$FCC Form 393, DA 95999 at 2 (Cab. Serv. Bur. May 2, 1995). The Bureau gave operators the  |$opportunity to review and correct errors in their benchmark rate filings. Operators who had not previously  |$^correctly calculated the inflation adjustment factor were directed to use the accurate factors through June  |$x30, 1994. Public Notice, Cable Services Bureau Announces Optional Procedures with Respect to Pending  |$kPreMay 15 Benchmark Cases, DA 941556 at 34 (Dec. 29, 1994). The Public Notice listed the inflation adjustment factors through June 30, 1994.% This practice is consistent with 47 C.F.R.  76.922(b)(9)(iii), which provides:    Xw[I]f the rates charged by a cable operator are not justified by an analysis based   1on the data available at the time it initially adjusted its rates, the cable operator   must adjust its rates in accordance with the most accurate data available at the time of the analysis.Y ",_(_(II"ԌX[footnotes in original]   S'  |7.Because we find that our action in our Prior Order is consistent with the Commission's  S'holding in Cencom, we reject Operator's argument and deny Operator's Petition.  S:'  |8.Upon review of Operator's Refund Plan filed pursuant to our Prior Order, we find that the  |$Refund Plan fulfills the requirements of our Prior Order, provided Operator calculates its refund liability plus franchise fees through December 31, 1998 and accrues refund interest up to the date of the refund.  S'  |9.Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED, pursuant to Section 1.106 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. 1.106, that Operator's Petition for Reconsideration IS DENIED.  S" '  |10.IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, pursuant to Section 0.321 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  |$+0.321, that In the Matter of Time Warner Cable, DA 981826, 13 FCC Rcd 19534 (1998), IS AFFIRMED.  S '  |11.IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, pursuant to Sections 0.321 and 76.962 of the Commission's  |$@rules, 47 C.F.R. 0.321 and 76.962, that Operator's Refund Plan IS APPROVED, provided Operator  |$modifies its refund plan to the extent indicated herein, and that Operator implement its refund plan within 60 days of the date of this Order.  S'  |12.IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, pursuant to Sections 0.321 and 76.962 of the Commission's  |$rules, 47 C.F.R. 0.321 and 76.962, that Operator file a certificate of compliance with the Chief, Cable Services Bureau, within 90 days of the release of this Order certifying its compliance with this Order.  Ghh}FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION  Ghh}William H. Johnson  S*' Ghh}Deputy Chief, Cable Services Bureau#o\  PCXP#