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2a=5,r&a\  P6G;&P  2e=5,"d[&e4  pG;& {,W80,J~UW*f9 xr G;X P:% ,J:\  P6G;JP 0_=5,J]&_*f9 xr G;&X 5hC:,JXh*f9 xr G;XX>>>\g0>03\\\\\\\\\\>>ggg\yyrF\yrgyy>3>j\>\gQgQ>\g3>g3g\ggQF>g\I(I_>0_j>>>0>>>>>>\>g3\\\\\QyQyQyQyQD3D3D3D3g\\\\gggg\ S' X } S'X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8:' x # X\  P6G;QwP#  C\  P6QQw э C\  P6QQw See Implementation of Sections of the Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act of 1992: Rate  {O' x Regulation, Thirteenth Order on Reconsideration, 11 FCC Rcd 3888, 425428 (1995) ( Thirteenth Reconsideration  {O'Order). See also  47 C.F.R.  76.922(e) and 76.933(g).  These annual rate adjustment procedures, under certain conditions that  xapply here, allowed the LFAs additional time not to exceed one year from the date MediaOne filed each  S0' x&set of Forms 1240 in which to issue a rate order adjusting the rates proposed in each of those filing. 0 h~ {O'# X\  P6G;QwP#э Thirteenth Reconsideration Order at 425428.  xtThe rules also provided Media with a 90 day window following the filing of each set of Forms 1240 in  S' xwhich to submit amended Forms 1240 if there is a material change in the operators circumstances.]  h~ {OV'# X\  P6G;QwP# Id. ] The  xMCommission has stated that the oneyear period should provide ample time for LFA review and should  xprovide operators with certainty with respect to refund liability and filed rates remaining in effect. The  xCommission has also indicated that the procedural periods established in connection with the annual rate  xadjustment system strike a good balance among the interest of subscribers, franchising authorities and  S'cable operators.d 0h~ {O $'# X\  P6G;QwP# Id at 426. d  S'" ,&&''"Ԍ S' III.DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS  S' e 5. ` ` The issue for consideration in these local rate order appeals concerns the LFAs refusal  x}to accept two sets of amended FCC Forms 1240 MediaOne filed with the LFAs in August of 1998.  xMediaOne filed the first set of amended forms in place of its initial Forms 1240 submitted in October of  x1996 in connection with its January 1, 1997 rate adjustments ( 1997 Forms 1240). The LFAs had  xaccepted MediaOne's rates submitted with the 1997 Forms 1240 without making any rate adjustments or issuing any rate orders.  S' e 6. ` ` The second set of amended Forms 1240 amended initial Forms 1240 submitted in August  xof 1997 in connection with its January 1, 1998 rate adjustments ( 1998 Forms 1240). Upon review of  xthe 1998 Forms 1240, the LFA found that certain data on the 1998 Forms 1240 was not consistent with  x7data on the 1997 Forms 1240 and in November of 1997 requested MediaOne to clarify the discrepancies.  xgIn December of 1997, MediaOne informed the LFAs that the questioned data on the 1998 Forms 1240  x^were taken from the 1997 Forms 1240 and submitted Forms 1240 which it represented as being the 1997  xDForms 1240. In January of 1998, the LFAs requested MediaOne to verify whether the 1997 Forms 1240  xsubmitted in December had ever been filed, noting that data on those forms were inconsistent with data  x@on the 1997 Forms 1240. MediaOne did not provide any verification or clarification of the questioned  xt1997 Forms 1240 until it submitted the amended 1997 and 1998 Forms 1240 to the LFAs in August of  xQ1998. At that time MediaOne stated that it could not confirm that the amended 1997 Forms had been filed  S'in December of 1997 and assumed that the initial 1997 Forms 1240 were the only ones filed.{ h~ {OH'# X\  P6G;QwP# See LFA Opposition, Attachment D. {  S' e 7. ` ` MediaOne argues that the LFAs refusal to accept and use the most accurate information  x/available on the amended Forms 1240 is error that should be overturned. MediaOne contends that  x@acceptance of the amended Forms 1240, which it claims accurately reflect applicable trueup periods,  xwould not unduly burden the LFAs. MediaOne also argues that the LFAs had ample time after submission  xkof the amended forms in August of 1998 to consider them in the rate orders issued in September of 1998.  xMediaOne asserts that the corrected trueup information in the amended 1997 Forms 1240 supports the  x7amended 1998 Forms 1240, and that acceptance of both sets of amended forms would permit correction  xof errors in the trueup periods in the 1998 Forms 1240 which the LFAss consultant noticed but  xessentially ignored. MediaOne also argues that the procedural periods established by the Commission in  x3connection with LFA consideration of annual rate adjustments submitted on Forms 1240 were for the  xZprotection of cable operators, not regulators. MediaOne contends that the established one year review  S'period should not have precluded consideration of the amended 1997 Forms 1240."h~ {O'# X\  P6G;QwP# See Thirteenth Reconsideration Order, 11 FCC Rcd 388, 425428 (1995). See also 47 C.F.R.  76.933(g).  S' e 8. ` ` The LFAs contend that the Commissions rules do no permit operators to amend their  S`' xForms 1240 more than ninety (90) days after they are filed.`h~ yO#'# X\  P6G;QwP#  C\  P6QQw э47 C.F.R.  76.933(g)(1). Accordingly, the LFAs assert that the last  x<date for filing amendments to the 1997 Forms 1240 filed in September of 1996 was approximately"8D,&&''D"  xJanuary1, 1997, and the last date for amendments of the 1998 Forms 1240 filed in August of 1997 was  xapproximately January 1, 1998. The LFAs take the position that MediaOne in essence is requesting  xwaivers of the established filing deadlines for Form 1240 amendments, but failed to provide good cause  xZfor doing so. The LFAs point out that MediaOne did not file the amended Forms 1240 until August of  x1998, only shortly before the oneyear period for review of the 1998 Forms 1240 was due to expire. They  xnote further that almost one year had expired after expiration of the oneyear period for decision on the  x1998 Forms 1240. The LFAs contend it would be unfair to them and subscribers to require them to  xdiscard their reviews of the 1998 Forms 1240 and then require them to conduct new reviews within the  xZremainder of the oneyear review period available to them under in the Commissions rules for making  S'their decision.  SH ' e 9. ` ` As noted earlier, the Commission established a oneyear review period to provide LFAs  xwith ample time to review annual rate adjustments and to provide operators with certainty with respect  x"to refund liability and that filed rates will remain in effect. The Commission also indicated that the  xprocedural periods established in connection with the annual rate adjustment system strike a good balance  S ' xtamong the interest of subscribers, franchising authorities and cable operators. h~ {O'# X\  P6G;QwP#  C\  P6QQw See Thirteenth Reconsideration Order at 426. Given the procedural  xbalance the Commission set out to achieve, we find reasonable the LFAs refusal to accept MediaOnes  xamended 1997 Forms 1240 that were filed in August of 1998, nearly two years after the initial 1997  xForms 1240 were filed in September of 1996. We note in this connection that MediaOne admitted that  xQamended 1997 Forms 1240 had not previously been filed, and further that the Forms 1240 accompanying  xits December 1997 submission to the LFAs were unsigned. Accordingly, we deny MediaOnes petitions to the extent they seek to reverse the LFAs refusal to accept the amended 1997 Forms 1240.  Sh' e  10. ` ` We also deny the petitions to the extent they seek reversal of the LFAs rejection of the  xamended 1998 Forms 1240. First, the Commissions rules permitted MediaOne to submit any amended  xI1998 Forms 1240 within 90 days of the filing of the initial 1998 Forms 1240, which it failed to do.  xMoreover, in January of 1998 the LFAs requested MediaOne to clarify the inconsistencies found in the  xdata on the initially filed 1998 Forms 1240. When the inconsistencies remained unresolved, the LFAs  S' xrepeated the request in March of 1998 and again in July of 1998."h~ yO'# X\  P6G;QwP#  C\  P6QQw эLFA opposition at 23. We find reasonable the LFAs refusal  xto accept amended 1998 Forms 1240 that were dependent upon data contained in the amended 1997 Forms  x1240 that we already have found the City reasonable in rejecting. Moreover, the amended 1998 Forms  x&were not submitted until August of 1998, despite the Citys several earlier requests for clarification of discrepancies.  S'  S' 0'niP ",&&''"  S' 0'niP IV.ORDERING CLAUSES  S' e  11.` ` For the foregoing reasons, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the captioned Petitions for  xReview of the local rate orders of Douglas County and the Cities of Austell and Tyrone, Georgia, (CSB S`'A0592), filed by MediaOne, ARE DENIED.  S' e 12.` ` This action is taken pursuant to authority delegated by Section 0.321 of the Commissions rules. ` `  hhCqFEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION ` `  hhCqWilliam H. Johnson  S '` `  hhCqDeputy Chief, Cable Services Bureau# XY PpXP#