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We note that a station's local service to cable communities can be measured, among other  d(#ways, by the coverage of its contour as well as the proximity of the station to the subject communities.  d(#The Commission has also taken Grade B or stronger (Grade A or City Grade) service into consideration  SP- d(#in determining whether a station serves a community.,P6( {O"- d(#ԍSee Gulf & Pacific Communications L.P., 12 FCC Rcd 21986 (1997) and Time Warner Entertainment {O#-Advanced/Newhouse Partnership d/b/a Time Warner Cable, 13 FCC Rcd 1874 (1998). This is particularly true in instances where market  d(#deletions are requested but is also of some relevance in addition cases like this where evidence regarding  d(#Nhistoric carriage and audience share provide little guidance in making a determination of a market's" 4 ,,`(`(88k"  S- d(#structure.I-\6( {Oh- d(#ԍSee Petition of Channel 39, Inc., 13 FCC Rcd 3108 (1998), Cablevision Systems Corporation, Framingham,  {O2- d(#hNorwood, and Westwood, Massachusetts, 12 FCC Rcd 2485 (1997), and Horizon Broadcasting Corporation, 12 FCC Rcd 11634 (1997).I In these circumstances, Grade B coverage can play a role in guiding our determination. 1.6( {O-ԍId.1 In  S- d(#\the instant case, however, we have a countervailing factor to consider. On its eastern border, KVTJ's  d(#Grade B contour encroaches into the core or hub of the Memphis ADI. In granting the Commission  d(#authority to modify market areas to better effectuate the purpose of Section 614, Congress manifested no  d(#[intent for us to alter the basic structure of ADI markets. Just as the Station's Grade B contour weighs in  d(#our decision, the importance of maintaining the integrity of the basic structure of an ADI market is also  S- d(#a prime concern.q/~6( {O. -ԍSee Gulf & Pacific Communications L.P., 12 FCC Rcd at 21992 (1997).q We believe that based upon the record in this proceeding, the goal of protecting the  d(#yintegrity of a market is best served by denying KVTJ mustcarry status for those communities located in  S- d(#KVTJ's Grade B contour in the counties of Crittenden, Shelby, and Tipton, which form the core of the  S- d(#[Memphis ADI. Absent more persuasive evidence, we believe that inclusion of the communities at issue  d(#would modify the basic nature and competitive relationships within the core area of the Memphis ADI and  d(#conflict with Congress' objective of carriage of television stations in the economic market areas they serve. Consequently, we will grant KVTJ's petition in part as indicated below.  S -1C ORDERING CLAUSES ă  S - 31.` ` Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED , pursuant to  614(h) of the Communications Act of  SX- d(#z1934, as amended;0X6( yO-ԍ47 U.S.C.  534.; and  76.59 of the Commission's Rules=1X6( yO-ԍ47 C.F.R.  7659.= that the petition for special relief , CSR S0- d(#j5310A, filed September 11, 1998, on behalf of Agape Church, Inc. IS GRANTED with respect to the  d(#communities of Cherry Valley, Hickory Ridge, Parkin, Wynne, and Cross County (the areas served by  d(#Friendship Cable of Arkansas, Inc.'s Cherry Valley System), located in Cross County, Arkansas; Caldwell,  d(#Forrest City, Hughes, Madison, Colt, Counton, St. Francis County (the areas served by Independence  d(#County Cable TV, Inc./Curtis Cable TV's Caldwell system), and Widener County (the areas served by  d(#Friendship Cable of Arkansas, Inc.'s Madison System), located in St. Francis County, Arkansas; McCrory  d(#located in Woodruff County, Arkansas; Crawfordsville, Crittenden, Turrell, West Memphis (the areas  d(#served by TWC), West Memphis (the areas served by West Memphis Cablevision Corp.) Sunset,  d(#=Crittenden County (the areas served by TWC's Parkin system), Crittenden County (the areas served by  d(#KTWC's West Memphis system), Earle, Gilmore, and Marion, located in Crittenden County, Arkansas; Lake  d(#jPoinsett, Lepanto, Poinsett County (the areas served by Friendship Cable of Arkansas, Inc.'s Harrisburg  d(#System), Weiner, Fisher, Waldenburg, Harrisburg, Truman, Tyronza, and Marked Tree, in Poinsett  d(#-County, Arkansas; Basset, Keiser, Leachville, Luxora, Mississippi County (the areas served by Blytheville  d(#Cable Co.'s Blytheville System, the areas served by Friendship Cable of Arkansas Inc.'s Manila and  d(#jOsceola Systems), Blytheville, Dell, Dyess, Gosnell, Joiner, Manila, Osceola, Eaker AFB, and Wilson in  d(#Mississippi county, Arkansas; and Cardwell, Arbyrd, Hornersville, Pemiscot County the areas served by  S- d(#the Cardwell System) and Senath, located in Dunklin County, Missouri, and IS DENIED in all other" 0 1,`(`(88"  d(#\respects. KVTJ shall notify the relevant cable systems in writing of its carriage and channel position  S- d(#elections ( 76.56, 76.57, and 76.64(f) of the Commission's Rulesn26( yO@-ԍ47 C.F.R.  76.56, 47 C.F.R.  76.57, and 47 C.F.R.  76.64. n), within thirty (30) days of the  S- d(#release date of this Order. The affected cable systems shall come into compliance with the applicable rules within sixty (60) days of such notification.  S:- 32.` ` This action is taken pursuant to authority delegated by  0.321 of the Commission's  S-Rules.=3X6( yO -ԍ47 C.F.R.  0.321.= ` `  hhCFEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION ` `  hhCWilliam H. Johnson ` `  hhCDeputy Chief, Cable Services Bureau