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(1) (a) (i) 1) a)D )DDDFrfRq "5@^.=M\\'==\|.=.3\\\\\\\\\\==|||\ppzpp=Rzfzpp\fppffG3GM\=\\R\R3\\33R3\\\\GG3\RzRRGI3Ic.====IK=\\p\p\p\p\p\zzRpRpRpRpR=3=3=3=3z\\\\\\\\\fRp\\\\fR\p\p\p\p\zRzRzRpRpRpR\\\\\\I\=\===\RzRf3fKz\z\\zpGpK\G\GN@.`\G\\\\\\39\7\7==ff\==\\=f=7t=dddd|do.Ii|3[\\xdCpi_w[dfdmoPpP~j_d~~tqo.=M\\'==\|.=.3\\\\\\\\\\==|||\ppzpp=Rzfzpp\fppffG3GM\=\\R\R3\\33R3\\\\GG3\RzRRGI3Ic=\f\\=\===ff@\=G=zf.G\\\\3\=3\|=\Id77=i`.=79\\ppppppzpppp====z|fp\\\\\\\zRRRRR3333\\\\\\\d\\\\\R\ S- X   (U S- Federal Communications Commission`~(#DA 982641  yxdddy  S- (ЊX01Í ÍX81Í ÍO3 #&a\  P6G;/&P#Before the Federal Communications Commission  S-& Washington, D.C. 20554 ă TIME WARNER CABLE,R) xComplainantR) R) xv.R) R) RCN TELECOM SERVICESR) OF NEW YORK, INC.,R)  SH - xDefendantR) x R) Open Video System ComplaintR) R  S -  MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER TP  S0-X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8:operator's Notice of Intent to establish an open video system.,`k {O- x#X\  P6G;gP#эSee supra n.9, discussing the information an open video system operator must provide to prospective programming providers. The Commission recognized that "a  xprospective video programming provider can reasonably be expected to need additional information  S- xconcerning the system to assess whether to seek carriage on the system."-"k yO -#X\  P6G;gP#эSecond Report and Order, 11 FCC Rcd. at 18255. Only information that the  x]Commission believes is necessary to make an "informed" enrollment decision need be provided to   prospective programming providers.      Sp- ` Dx16.` ` Time Warner's request for information in this case is identical to the request for  SH - xyinformation discussed in Time Warner Cable.U."H k yO- xK#X\  P6G;gP#эTime Warner Complaint, Exhibit D (Apr. 16, 1997 Letter from Carol A. Hevey, Division President, Time  xWarner to Scott Burnside, RCN), Exhibit F. Time Warner's Counsel's request dated May 30, 1997, apparently  xmistakenly refers to Exhibit D as a letter dated April 21, 1997, instead of April 16, 1997. Time Warner Complaint,  {O-Exhibit F at 1; see Time Warner Complaint at 45, 8, 12; RCN Answer at 18 n.38; Time Warner Reply at 11.U Our determinations in that case are also dispositive here.  xjAs part of its request for information, Time Warner requested that RCN provide it with: (1) a route map  x.showing the exact location of any current RCN open video system facilities; (2) the number of potential  S - xysubscribers passed by existing RCN open video system facilities; (3) a route map showing all anticipated  x.construction, with projected dates for activation of each phase of construction; (4) potential subscribers  xLto be passed in each phase of construction; and (5) a list of programming which RCN intends to offer on  SZ- xthe 110 channels it has reserved for itself.p/Zk yO-#X\  P6G;gP#эTime Warner Complaint, Exhibit D.p RCN contends that Time Warner did not comply with its  xprocedures for completing its OVS Information Request Form and challenges the scope of Time Warner's  S - x[request.c0 , k S-#&a\  P6G;/&P#эRCN Answer at 1721.c For example, RCN asserts that Time Warner did not file its information request during RCN's  xpreliminary enrollment period, which commenced on February 28, 1997, and concluded on April 30, 1997,  S- x/and did not satisfy RCN's nondisclosure requirement.1@ k {O&- x#X\  P6G;gP#эRCN Answer at 1921. RCN's enrollment period concluded on May 31, 1997. See RCN Notice of Intent to Establish an Open Video System, Attachment 1. RCN's certification and nondisclosure statement reads as follows.  yO!- Section III:` ` Certification and NonDisclosure Statement  xThe undersigned video programming provider ( VPP) represents that it has the right under the copyright laws to  xselect and contract for carriage of specific video programming on the RCNNY open video system, and that it has  xno formal or informal affiliation (as defined by 47 C.F.R.  76.1500(g) of the FCCs rules) or agreement with any  xhother VPP requesting capacity or with any cable operator providing cable television services within RCNNYs open  xvideo system service area, and that the capacity requested will only be used for the commercial operation of an"0&0,x'x'%"  xinformation service. The VPP and its affiliates agree not to disclose to any other party the information provided  xby RCNNY in response to this request, except for information that is in the public domain and except as provided  xJin 47 C.F.R.  76.1513(j) of the FCCs rules, and that they will not use the information for any purpose whatsoever  xother than making an informed decision as to whether to enroll in the RCNNY open video system and the subsequent activation of such enrollment, if any.  yO@-___________________________` ____________________h____________________   _____________________(#  yO-Signature` `  hhName@XhXppTitle  xxDate(#p Time Warner responds that its information" 1,x'x'  "  x{request complied with Commission requirements, tracks Section 76.1503(b)(2), and is of the type  S- xycontemplated by the Commission.2Zk yOH - xw#X\  P6G;gP#эTime Warner Reply at 812. Time Warner's argument that it needs the information to attempt a showing that  xit qualifies for the facilitiesbased competition exception is moot in light of our conclusion that it is not a competing,  {O -inregion cable operator in the Bronx and portions of Brooklyn. See 47 C.F.R.  76.1503(c)(2)(v)(B). Time Warner dismisses RCN's arguments pertaining to its failure to  S- x=submit its information request on RCN's OVS Information Request Form.j3 k yOB-#X\  P6G;gP#эTime Warner Reply at 1012.j According to Time Warner,  xwithin the time frame RCN set for enrollment requests, it made a request for information pertaining to  xRCN's New York City open video system by referring to the request that it had made for the same  S8- x[information with respect to RCN's Bostonarea open video system._48 k {OZ-#X\  P6G;gP#эId. at 10._ Time Warner further states that it  S-will abide by any reasonable, Commissionsanctioned confidentially requirements._5k {O-#X\  P6G;gP#эId. at 12._  S-  S- ` x17.` ` Section 76.1503(b) attempts to strike a balance between an open video system operator's  xneed to protect arguably proprietary information and a prospective programming provider's need to obtain  x>information necessary to make a carriage request. The Commission recognized that "the competitive  x?position of an open video system operator should not be compromised by the required release of  S - xinformation unnecessary to make an informed enrollment decision,"6 k yOf-#X\  P6G;gP#эSecond Report and Order, 11 FCC Rcd. at 18255. and expressly rejected a proposal  S -that open video system operators disclose their construction plans.s7Z 6k {O- x#X\  P6G;gP#эId. at 18255 n.130 ("We believe this [disclosure of construction plans] could unnecessarily risk the disclosure  xof confidential business plans and that the projected activation date should be sufficient for the purposes of video programming providers.").s  S - ` 3x18.` ` As a prospective programming provider, Time Warner is entitled to know which areas  S - xwithin a community RCN is serving and is projected to serve, if it is activating its open video system in  SX- x{stages, and when it anticipates offering service to areas that fall under different activation stages.l8XXk yOP$-#X\  P6G;gP#э47 C.F.R.  76.1503(b)(2).l  xInformation regarding actual and projected service areas and activation dates comports with Section  S- x76.1503(b)(2), is not commercially sensitive, and is necessary for a programming provider to decide" 8,x'x'  "  xwhether to pursue carriage on an open video system. The record reveals that Time Warner timely made  xan information request regarding RCN's New York City open video system, albeit not on RCN's OVS  S- x?Information Request Form.u9k yO-#X\  P6G;gP#эTime Warner Complaint, Exhibits DF. u In this regard, we find that RCN's preliminary enrollment period is  S- xinconsistent with the Commission's open video system rules. We reiterate that an enrollment period may  xnot expire less than ninety days after the Commission releases a Public Notice of an open video system  S8- x=operator's Notice of Intent.}:8Xk yO0-#X\  P6G;gP#эSecond Report and Order, 11 FCC Rcd. at 18256.} An open video system operator should provide prospective programming  xproviders with a full ninety days to make enrollment requests. We note that ninety days is the minimum  xenrollment period. Should it so desire, following a ninety day preliminary enrollment period, RCN is free  S- xto choose an additional period for prospective video programming providers to complete the enrollment  S- xprocess. As in our previous Time Warner Cable decision, we think that a map showing RCN's current  x?and projected fiber paths, specific construction schedules (beyond mere open video system stage  xactivation), and lists of RCN open video programming fall outside of the purview of the categories set  S" - xforth in Section 76.1503(b)(2).|;" k {O-#X\  P6G;gP#эTime Warner Cable, 13 FCC Rcd. at 8622.| RCN is not obligated to provide this information to Time Warner or any other prospective programming provider.  S - ` ~x19. ` ` We direct RCN to provide the information discussed above to Time Warner as required  x0by the Commission's rules within five days of release of this order. Release of the information is  xcontingent upon Time Warner agreeing to maintain the confidentiality of RCN's information. We note  xthat RCN's existing nondisclosure statement requires an entity seeking open video system information  xto represent that it has "no formal or informal affiliation . . . with any cable operator providing cable  S- xtelevision services within RCNNY's open video system service area."d<zk {O-#X\  P6G;gP#эSee supra n.49.d This provision is inconsistent  xwith our open video system rules because it would automatically disqualify eligible entities, such as Time  x-Warner, from satisfying RCN's otherwise valid nondisclosure requirements necessary to obtain open video  xsystem information applicable to those open video system service areas in which the eligible entity is not  x=a cable franchisee. RCN is instructed to delete, or amend, this provision in conformance with this order.  S- ` Qx20.` ` Time Warner also seeks the number of potential subscribers within RCN's existing and  x.projected service area. The number of potential subscribers that an open video system seeks to serve in  xthe future is commercially sensitive. RCN is not obligated to provide information relating to potential  Sz- xsubscribers in existing and currently unserved areas. Providing Time Warner with the actual and projected  xzservice areas should suffice. Time Warner, and other potential programming providers, are as capable  xas RCN of calculating the number of potential subscribers in those areas. To the extent that RCN has  x<provided information to any other prospective programming provider beyond that ordered herein, we direct RCN to provide such information to Time Warner.  S-  S-" <,x'x'  "  S-IV.xORDERING CLAUSES  S- ` x21.` ` Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED that Time Warner Cable's Open Video System Complaint  S- xagainst RCN Telecom Services of New York, Inc. IS GRANTED as described in this Memorandum Opinion and Order, and in all other respects denied.  S8-  S- ` 2x22.` ` IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that RCN Telecom Services of New York, Inc. furnish  x>to Time Warner Cable the Section 76.1503(b)(2) open video system information as further described  S- xzherein within five days of the release of this Memorandum Opinion and Order. Should it contest any  S- xaspect of this order, RCN Telecom Services of New York, Inc. must, within the same fiveday period,  Sp-notify Time Warner and the Commission that it intends to seek review of this order.r=pk yO -#X\  P6G;gP#э 47 C.F.R.  76.1503(b)(2).r x  S - ` ox23.` ` This action is taken pursuant to authority delegated under  0.321 of the Commission's  S -rules, as amended.d> Xk yO-#X\  P6G;gP#э47 C.F.R.  0.321.d  S - x` `  hhFEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION   x` `  hhDeborah A. Lathen  S-x` `  hhChief, Cable Services Bureau#Xj\  P6G;W XP#