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We required Operator to "refund to subscribers. . . that portion of the amounts paid . . . which  S-exceeded that maximum price."t {OT-  ԍ Refund Order at 11. See also 47 C.F.R. 76.961(a) (". . . the Commission may order the cable operator to refund to subscribers that portion of previously paid rates which is deemed unreasonable.")  Sz-  3.In its refund plan, Operator first calculates a total "FCC permitted" revenue amount by   .multiplying the maximum permitted rate ("MPR") from the Refund Order by the number of subscribers   within a time period and then comparing that to the "total revenue earned" for that period. We find   Operator's methodology flawed and not an acceptable response to the Refund Order. Although the   [overcharge per subscriber per month for each community ranged from $0.21 to $0.66, Operator managed to calculate no refund liability in two of the abovereferenced communities.  Sb-  4.Because Operator has been ordered to file a refund plan to account for CPST overcharges   calculated in the Refund Order, and has failed to do so, we have calculated the total refund amount due   =from Operator to the CPST subscribers in the communities referenced above. Our calculations take into   account Operator's overcharges to subscribers for the period beginning with the date the first valid   complaints were filed with the Federal Communications Commission ("Commission") (as listed in the   Appendix to the Refund Order) through May 14, 1994, with interest calculated through December 31,""D,**88'$"  S-  1998. Our calculations result in a total refund liability of $31,052.67.vW yOh-ԍ See the attached Appendix for the total refund liability for each community.v We order Operator to refund this amount plus franchise fees to its CPST subscribers within 60 days of the release of this order.  S-  5.ACCORDINGLY, IT IS ORDERED, pursuant to Section 76.962 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. 76.962, that Operator's Refund Plan IS NOT ACCEPTED.  S-  6.IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, pursuant to Section 76.961 of the Commission's rules, 47   yC.F.R. 76.961, that Operator shall refund to subscribers in the franchise areas referenced above the total amount of $31,052.67 within 60 days of the release of this Order.  Sp-  7.IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, pursuant to Section 76.962 of the Commission's rules, 47   C.F.R. 76.962, that Operator file a certificate of compliance with the Chief, Cable Services Bureau,  S -within 90 days of the release of this Order certifying its compliance with this Order.  S -8.This action is taken pursuant to Section 0.321 of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. 0.321.  hh,FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION  hh,Margaret M. Egler  hh,Acting Chief, Financial Analysis and Compliance Division  S- hh,Cable Services Bureau"X,`(`(88e"  X-#XP\  P6QW XP#  X-MAPPENDIXă  X-lă  Xe-CUID NO.  COMMUNITYVPRINCIPAL ppINTEREST  TOTAL  X7-WI0043  Janesvillehh,V$9,293.62pp$2,933.43  $13,227.05  X -WI0066  Hartfordhh,V$2,199.88pp$ 937.60  $ 3,137.48  X -X hp2 x (#%'0*,.8135@8: