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Based on additional programming information submitted with  S- xMidMaine's petition for reconsideration of the First Bureau Order, the Second Bureau Order found that  xWFYWLP's programming was locally oriented and addressed needs not shown to be addressed by  x.programming of full power stations serving WFYWLP's community of license and qualified for carriage  xon State Cable's cable system serving Fairfield, Maine. Although the record disclosed that WFYWLP  xhad ceased operating, State Cable was ordered to commence carriage of WFYWLP within 60 days from the release date of the order or from the return of WFYWLP to operation, whichever was later.  S - DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS ă  S6- ` x4.` ` State Cable contends the Second Bureau Order improperly considered programming  S- xinformation submitted with MidMaine's petition for reconsideration of the First Bureau Order, reversed  xthe evidentiary burdens normally followed in must carry complaint proceedings, and ignored record  xevidence regarding local service of full power stations licensed to Bangor, Maine. State Cable contends  xLfurther that MidMaine's additional programming information was not only untimely submitted but was  xalso insufficient, reiterates its argument that MidMaine improperly manipulated its community of license  xto qualify LPTV station WFYWLP for must carry rights, and that WFYWLP fails to meet the minimum operating schedule necessary for an LPTV station to qualify for carriage.  S- ` x5.` ` In response, MidMaine states that WFYWLP resumed broadcasting on December 9, 1997  S- x"utilizing a satellite feed."XZ yO- x-ԍMidMaine Opposition to Petition, p. 2, n. 3. We consider this representation presented in this opposition  xdespite it's being filed one day late, only because it is critical to a resolution of the fundamental issue of this proceeding, namely WFYWLP's qualification for must carry rights on State Cable's cable system. MidMaine contends State Cable is attempting to silence a competing medium  x1by means of Commission processes, and claims that State Cable does not offer adequate local  xprogramming. MidMaine asserts on the other hand that WFYWLP offers local programming, contending  xthat the station "will provide the local origination programming including the local news, sports, business,  x.children's and informational shows dealing with local issues and individuals it provided" before going off  S-the air previously.1z {O"-ԍId.1  S- ` x6.` ` The statement that WFYWLP is utilizing a satellite feed provides no descriptive  xLinformation relevant to our inquiry into the station's programming content, an inquiry made necessary in  xorder to determine whether WFYWLP satisfies the qualification criteria set forth in Section 614(h)(2)(B).  x?The further statement that the station at some unspecified date "will provide the local origination"  ,p(p(88!"  xprogramming including the local news, sports, business, children's and informational shows dealing with  x>local issues and individuals it provided" before going off the air previously is insufficient to establish  xsatisfaction of Section 614(h)(2)(B). That statement suffers from the same lack of evidentiary specificity  S- xkof the allegations of the original complaint, which resulted in the First Bureau Order's initial denial of  xLthe complaint. The only difference between the current description of WFYWLP's future programming  S:- xand that found insufficient in the First Bureau Order is the litany of "local news, sports, business,  xchildren's and informational shows." However, this litany, although longer, provides no descriptive  x information of programming content, and it is not saved by the general reference to programming the  S-station provided before going off the air.mX yO, - xԍWe note, too, that the representations regarding WFYWLP's programming are provided by MidMaine's  xcounsel in the opposition and are supported only by a general declaration under penalty of perjury of MidMaine's president, who offered no further evidence of the station's current programming.m  St- ` x7.` ` We conclude that MidMaine has provided insufficient specific evidence to support a  xfinding that WFYWLP is now providing programming that addresses "local news and informational needs  xwhich are not being adequately served by full power television broadcast stations because of the  x/geographic distance of such full power stations from" WFYWLP, under Section 614(h)(2)(B) of the  xzCommunications Act. MidMaine bears the burden of demonstrating that WFYWLP's programming  xlmeets the requirements of Section 614(h)(2)(B), which is at issue here. Moreover, after accepting  xadditional programming information submitted with MidMaine' petition for reconsideration, we cautioned  xMidMaine that LPTV stations are expected to provide specific evidence sufficient to establish  S4- xqualification for must carry status under Section 614(h)(2).M 4 {O-ԍSee Second Bureau Order, n. 10.M The vague reference provided by MidMaine  x[to programming that WFYWLP provided before going off air fails to satisfy that burden with respect to  xthis LPTV station's must carry qualifications under Section 614(h)(2)(B) upon its subsequent resumption  xof operations. The record shows only that WFYWLP is now carrying programming provided by a  x.satellite feed, but no information about the content of that programming is provided. We find that Mid xMaine failed to establish that WFYWLP satisfies the criteria set forth in Section 614(h)(2)(B) for qualification as a must carry station on State Cable's cable system.  S-< ORDER ă  S- ` 3x8.` ` Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED that the Petition for Reconsideration of MidMaine  S~- x@Community Broadcasting v. State Cable TV Corporation, DA 2310 (Cable Serv. Bur. released  SX- xNovember4, 1997) ("Second Bureau Order") filed by State Cable TV Corporation in File No. CSR 4854 S2- xJM IS GRANTED , the Second Bureau Order IS SET ASIDE , and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that  S -the complaint filed October 21, 1996 by MidMaine Community Broadcasting IS DENIED.   @x9. This action is taken pursuant to authority delegated by Section 0.321 of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. Section 0.321 N%5R& . N%5R&  x` `  hh@FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION x` `  hh@William H. Johnson x` `  hh@Deputy Chief, Cable Services Bureau