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for Basic hhCq)  S -Service, Cable ProgramminghhCq)  S -Services and EquipmenthhCq)  S-p ORDER ă  S- Adopted: July 20, 1998 Released: July 21, 1998 Đ\ By the Chief, Cable Services Bureau: Responses Due: September 1, 1998.  S- 1.` ` On October 5, 1992, Congress enacted the Cable Television Consumer Protection and  S- d(#Competition Act of 1992 ("1992 Cable Act").Xzv yO- d(##C\  P6QP#э Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act of 1992, Pub. L. No. 102385, 106 Stat. 1460  d(#(1992), 47 U.S.C.  534 (1992) ("1992 Cable Act"). The 1992 Cable Act amends Title 6 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C.  521 et seq. ("Communications Act").  Section 623(k) of the Communications Act of 1934, as  d(#amended, requires the Commission to publish annually statistical reports on the average rates for basic  d(#cable service, cable programming service, and equipment for systems that are subject to effective  S8-competition and for systems not subject to effective competition.8zv yO-#C\  P6QP#э Communications Act,  623(k), 47 U.S.C.  543(k).  S- 2.` ` In Section 623(k) of the Communications Act, Congress directed the Commission to  d(#prepare annual statistical reports on average prices "for basic cable service and other programming, and  d(#for converter boxes, remote control units, and other equipment" of systems subject to competition and  d(#ysystems not subject to competition. Under this provision, the report must compare rates of competitive  SH- d(#systems with rates of noncompetitive systems.Hxzv yO`$- d(##C\  P6QP#э Section 623(k) provides: "The Commission shall annually publish statistical reports on the average rates for  d(#basic cable service and other cable programming, and for converter boxes, remote control units, and other equipment of  v (1) cable systems that the Commission has found are subject to effective competition under subsection (a)(2) [of Section 623 of the Communications Act], compared with (2) cable systems that the Commission has found are not subject to such effective competition. This information will be used to monitor cable prices and  d(#\determine whether Congress's goal that the rates charged for basic and cable programming services by"  ,**88w"  d(#<cable systems not subject to effective competition are reasonable compared to the rates charged by systems  S-subject to effective competition.S yO@-#C\  P6QP#э Communications Act,  623(b)(1) and 623(c)(2)(B). 47 U.S.C.  543(b)(1) and 543(c)(2)(B).  S- 3.` ` To implement the requirements of Section 623(k), the Commission is directing certain  d(#cable operators to respond to a price survey questionnaire designed to solicit information concerning rates  d(#for basic and cable programming services, and equipment used to receive such services. A copy of this form is attached to this Order as Appendix A.  S- 4.` ` We are mindful of the need to limit administrative burdens associated with this price  d(#/survey. We anticipate that the burdens faced by responding operators should be quite limited as the  d(#Linformation requested is the type of data that should be readily available to operators without additional calculation.  S - 5.` ` The survey asks questions about operator's regulatory status and seeks information  d(#Nregarding the monthly charge for the basic service tier (BST) and cable programming services tiers  d(#L(CPSTs), the monthly charge for equipment, installation fees, disconnect and reconnect fees, tier change  d(#charges, and charges for additional outlets. The survey asks for the number of subscribers taking each  d(#type of equipment and each tier of service, and also seeks information concerning revenues from  d(#advertising and other sources, the availability of "lifeline" and digital services, and leased access  d(#programming. The survey requires cable operators to provide each of these pieces of information as of  d(#July 1, 1997 and July 1, 1998. The survey also seeks information that would explain the causes of any changes in subscriber charges during the 12 month periods ending July 1, 1997 and July 1, 1998.  Sh-  6.` ` This survey form will be sent to a selected group of cable community units to obtain the  d(#necessary information on a franchise basis. To effectuate comparisons between competitive and  d(#ynoncompetitive systems, the data will be collected from all cable community facing effective competition  d(#as well as from their competitors in those communities, and a randomly selected group of cable  d(#community units not subject to effective competition. The group facing effective competition includes  d(#386 franchise areas. The group not facing effective competition includes approximately 460 franchise areas.  S(- 7.` ` The systems selected in our sampling of community units must complete and return the  d(#questionnaire no later than September 1, 1998, in accordance with the associated instructions. All data  d(#submitted in response to this survey will be considered part of the public record and will be provided upon request without identifying information.  S`- 8.` ` In order to expedite the processing of survey submissions, the Commission strongly  d(#/encourages operators to file their survey responses on diskettes. Filing on diskettes should ease the  d(#.burden on both the Commission and respondents. A diskette which contains the complete price survey  d(#kand instructions may be purchased from ITS (International Transcription Service) at (202) 8573800.  d(#0Minimum computer requirements are: an IBM P.C. compatible with a 386 or higher processor; 8  d(#megabytes memory; and Windows 3.1 or greater. Instructions for the survey and the survey questionnaire  d(#.are also available and may be downloaded from the Commission's internet site. We note that an internet connection is necessary in order to obtain the necessary information via internet. " %X,p(p(88&"Ԍ  S-  `9.` ` Operators obtaining the survey either via internet or on diskettes are required to file on  S- d(#diskette. Completed diskettes must be mailed to the Cable Services Bureau, Attn. Price Survey,  S- d(#"Federal Communications Commission, 1919 M Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20554 . Operators  d(#filing on diskettes are also required to send a paper copy of their filings to the Commission. For those  d(#yoperators who cannot file on diskettes, a paper filing only will be accepted. If filing on paper, an original  d(#yand two copies of the questionnaire must be filed with the Cable Services Bureau at the address indicated  d(#above. Regardless of the method selected for filing, responses must be received no later than September1, 1998.  Sp- 10.` ` Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED, pursuant to Section 3 of the 1992 Cable Act (Section  d(#^623(k) of the Communications Act of 1934, 47 U.S.C. Section 543(k)), and Section 4(i) of the  d(#Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. Section 154(i), that cable systems subject to the  d(#price survey requirements described herein shall complete and return the questionnaire set forth in the attached Appendix A no later than September 1, 1998. ` `  hhCFEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION ` `  hhCDeborah Lathen ` `  hhCChief, Cable Services Bureau #&J\  P6Q&P#"@,p(p(88"  S- $a xS X-#5\  P6Q P## XP\  P6Q9XP#x#&J\  P6Q&P#Lٻ aE#5\  P6Q P#Federal Communications CommissionhhCqpp Approved by OMB 30600647  aE# 5\  P6Q P#Washington, DC 20554 # P{2 PQ P#hhCqpp  )# 5\  P6Q P## XP\  P6Q9XP#wL aE#O PE37 P#` `  hhCqpp# 5\  P6Q P#FCC Annual Cable Industry Price Survey  aE` `  hhCqppJuly 16, 1998# Xx{2 PQ XP#w   X    \INSTRUCTIONS FOR FCC ANNUAL CABLE INDUSTRY PRICE SURVEY  S-  S-\ General Information  :   S- The Cable Television Competition and Consumer Protection Act of 1992 (the 1992 Cable Act) requires the Commission to publish an annual statistical report on average rates for basic cable service, cable programming service, and equipment. The report must compare the prices charged by cable systems subject to effective competition with those that are not subject to effective competition. This survey is intended to collect the data needed to fulfill that statutory requirement.  S- The survey form has been sent to cable operators serving selected community units to obtain the necessary information on a franchise basis. The questionnaire asks whether the operator is subject to effective competition and includes questions about the operator's regulatory status. The survey seeks information regarding the monthly charge for the basic service tier (BST) and cable programming services tiers (CPSTs), the monthly charge for equipment, installation fees, disconnect and reconnect fees, tier change charges, charges for additional outlets, and revenues from advertising. The survey asks for the number of subscribers taking each type of equipment and each tier of service, and also seeks information concerning lifeline basic tiers, digital tiers, and leased access programming. The survey requests that cable operators provide each of these pieces of information as of July 1, 1997 and July 1, 1998. The survey also seeks information that would explain the causes of any changes in subscriber charges during the 12 month periods ending July 1, 1997 and July 1, 1998.  S- Basic Service Tier (BST) is the package of channels (or tier) that includes signals from local television broadcast stations (such as affiliates of ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, WB and UPN, independent stations, and noncommercial stations) and public, educational and governmental (PEG) channels.  S- Cable Programming Services Tier (CPST) is any package or tier of channels other than BST or programming offered separately as payperchannel programming or payperprogram services. For the purpose of this form, CPSTs do not include new product tiers (NPTs). An NPT is a type of CPST made up of channels that generally were not offered by the cable system prior to October 1, 1994. To be considered an NPT, a CPST must meet the conditions set forth in Section 76.987 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  76.987. An NPT is not subject to general rate regulation rules.  S-Responding Official: This survey should be completed by a company official familiar with the services offered by the cable system and the rates charged.  S`-  S8-When, Where, and How to File: In order to expedite the processing of survey submissions, the  S -Commission strongly encourages operators to file their survey responses on diskettes. Filing on diskettes should ease the burden on both the Commission and respondents. A diskette which contains the complete price survey and instructions may be purchased from ITS (International Transcript Service) at (202) 8573800. Minimum computer requirements are: an IBM P.C. compatible with a 386 or higher processor; 8 megabytes memory; and Windows 3.1 or greater. Instructions for the survey and the survey questionnaire are also available and may be downloaded from the Commission's Internet site. We note that an Internet connection is necessary in order to obtain the necessary" %0*&&&" information via Internet. Operators obtaining the survey either via Internet or on diskettes are required to file on diskette.  S-Completed diskettes must be mailed to the Cable Services Bureau, Attn. Price Survey, Federal  S`-Communications Commission, 1919 M Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20554 . Operators filing on diskettes are also required to send a paper copy of their filings to the Commission. For those operators who cannot file on diskettes, a paper filing will be accepted. If filing on paper, an original and two copies of the questionnaire must be filed with the Cable Services Bureau at the address indicated above. Filing date is established pursuant to an implementing order.  Sp- Confidentiality: All data submitted in response to this survey will be considered part of the public record and will be provided upon request without identifying information.  S -  If You Need Help: If you have any questions regarding either the content of the questionnaire or the method of filing, please call the FCC's Cable Services Bureau at (202) 4187096, Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, for assistance.  SX- Please read all of the following instructions before completing the survey form. This is important to ensure that all operators use the same definitions for each question. Unless otherwise instructed, you are to provide data limited only to the franchise area indicated, even if the system which serves that franchise area also serves other areas. For question C3, however, provide the number of subscribers for the entire system, even if the system serves more than the  S-franchise area covered by the survey.  S@- General Instructions: Please complete the attached questionnaire to the best of your ability using the following instructions: X© This questionnaire requests information for the franchise area that includes the community unit to which this survey is addressed and whose community code or identification number (CUID) is identified on the address label.(# X© This survey assumes that there is only one CUID for each franchise area. Occasionally, this assumption is incorrect and the franchise area contains more than one CUID. If the CUID for which you are being asked to complete this survey is in such a franchise area, complete the survey for the entire franchise area and not just the CUID area.(#  S - `Line Instructions:  S"-  MODULE A: OPERATOR INFORMATION Đ\`  SH$- Line A1:` ` Enter the local business name of your system.x` " %0*&&&"Ԍ S- Line A2:` ` If your system is owned by another entity, enter the name of your system's ultimate parent entity.x`  S- Lines A3A5: ` ` Enter the mailing address of your system. x`  S`-  S8- Line A6: ` ` Enter the community name for which you are completing this survey. If you are using the paper version of the survey, the community name will appear in the space provided.x`  S- Line A7: ` ` Enter the Zip Code(s) of the community for which you are completing this survey.x`  S - Line A8 :` ` Enter CUID of the community for which you are completing this survey. If you are using the paper version of the survey, this number will already be entered in the space provided.x`  SX- ( MODULE B: CERTIFICATION Đ S0-\  S-Lines B1B5: ` ` Enter the specific identification information requested for the person completing this questionnaire. The Commission may seek clarification through followup questions directed to this contact officer. The contact officer should keep a copy of the completed questionnaire in a convenient location. If you are filing electronically, a signed copy of  S@-this page must be filed with the Cable Services Bureau, Attn. Price Survey, Federal Communications Commission, 1919 M Street,  S-N.W., Washington, D.C. 20554 .x`  Sx-1  MODULE C: PENETRATION INFORMATION    S-\Answer questions C1 through C3 for July 1, 1997 and July 1, 1998 for both the franchise area and  S-the cable system for which you are completing this survey. If the system serving the franchise area for which you are completing this survey serves more than one franchise area, please provide both system and franchise level information. If the cable system serves only one franchise area then enter your answer in the space provided for franchise.  S - Line C1:` ` Enter the best available estimate of the total number of households in your franchise and system areas. x`  S"- Line C2:` ` Enter the best available estimate of the number of households passed by your cable system in this franchise area and in all areas (including this franchise area) served by this system.x` " %0*&&&"Ԍ S- Line C3: ` ` Enter the number of subscribers in this franchise area and in all areas (including this franchise area) served by this system.x`  S- Line C4 : ` ` Is the system part of a multiple system operator (MSO) of two or more systems. Answer "1" for yes or "2" for no.x`  S- Line C5 : ` ` Enter system capacity in Mhz as of July 1, 1998.x`  S- Line C6:` ` Enter the date when this system was upgraded to the capacity shown in line C5.x`  SH - Line C7: ` ` Does the system have twoway interactive capability? Answer "1" for yes or "2" for no.x`  S - Line C8: ` ` Do you offer Internet access service? Answer "1" for yes or "2" for no.x`  SX- Line C9 : ` ` Enter number of Internet access subscribers as of July 1, 1998.x`  S- Line C10: ` ` Do you offer cable telephony service? Answer "1" for yes or "2" for no.x`  S- Line C11 : ` ` Enter number of cable telephony subscribers as of July 1, 1998. x`  S@-  S-  MODULE D: REGULATORY AND COMPETITIVE STATUS S-\ Under the 1992 Cable Act, BSTs and CPSTs are subject to regulation in the absence of effective competition. Please respond "1" for yes or "2" for no.  S(- Line D1a: ` ` Was the franchise area's BST regulated on July 1, 1997?x`  S- Line D1b: ` ` Was the franchise area's CPST regulated on July 1, 1997?x`  S- Line D1c: ` ` If BST and/or CPST were regulated on July 1, 1997, please identify the methodology that was used to set rates. Answer "1" for benchmark, "2" for cost of service, or "3" for other.x`  S - Line D1d: ` ` Did the Commission find effective competition in your franchise area prior to July 1, 1997?x`  Sp#- Line D2a: ` ` Was the franchise area's BST regulated on July 1, 1998?x`  S %- Line D2b: ` ` Was the franchise area's CPST regulated on July 1, 1998?x` " %0*&&&"Ԍ S-ԙ Line D2c: ` ` If BST and/or CPST were regulated on July 1, 1998, please identify the methodology that was used to set rates. Answer "1" for benchmark, "2" for cost of service, or "3" for other.x`  S`- Line D2d: ` ` Did the Commission find effective competition in your franchise area prior to July 1, 1998?x`  S-  S- MODULE E: NONUNIFORM RATES Đ\ Section 623(d) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, exempts cable operators facing effective competition from uniform rate rules. If you are not subject to the uniform rules, please complete this module. If you are subject to the uniform rules, please skip this module and go to Module 'F.' Please respond "1" for yes or "2" for no.  S - Line E1 :` ` As of July 1, 1998, were any subscribers in your franchise area subject to different rate structures for BST and/or CPSTs based on geographic location? Please do not include bulk discounts provided to multiple dwelling units. x`  S- Line E2: ` ` Enter the number of subscriber groups for which different rates are charged in your franchise area as of July 1, 1998.x`  S@- Line E3:` ` For the two largest susbscriber groups in your franchise area, enter the amount each subscriber group pays per month for programming services (i.e., for BST and/or CPSTs) and equipment on July 1, 1998. x`  S- Line E4: ` ` Enter the number of subscribers in each subscriber group.x`  SP- Line E5: ` ` Enter the total number of BST and/or CPST channels for each subscriber group.x`  S- Line E6: ` ` Describe the basis for this grouping.x`  S`-  MODULE F: MONTHLY CHARGES FOR PROGRAMMING AND EQUIPMENT \ This module collects information on monthly charges for equipment, programming services,  S -installation, disconnects, reconnects, tier changes, and additional outlets on a franchise basis . Remember to limit your answers to the franchise area for which you are completing this survey, even if the system which serves that franchise area serves other areas. If you are charging different rates""0*&& $" `for different subscriber groups, please answer the questions in this module for the group having the largest number of subscribers. If equipment charges are bundled with programming charges, please  S-enter the letter "B" (for bundled) for questions F1 and F2 . `  S`- Line F1a: ` ` Enter the monthly charge for addressable analog converters on July 1, 1997 and 1998. x`  S- Line F1ai: ` ` Enter the number of subscribers taking addressable analog converters on July 1, 1997 and 1998. x`  Sp- Line F1b: ` ` Enter the monthly charge for nonaddressable converters on July 1, 1997 and 1998.x` .  S - Line F1bi: ` ` Enter the number of subscribers taking nonaddressable converters on July 1, 1997 and 1998.x`  S - Line F1c: ` ` Enter the monthly charge for digital converters on July 1, 1997 and 1998.x` .  S- Line F1ci: ` ` Enter the number of subscribers taking digital converters on July 1, 1997 and 1998.x`  S- Line F1d: ` ` Enter the monthly charge for remotes on July 1, 1997 and 1998.x`  S@- Line F1di: ` ` Enter the number of subscribers taking remotes on July 1, 1997 and 1998.x`  S- Line F1e: ` ` Enter the monthly charge for additional outlets.x`  Sx- Line F1ei: ` ` Enter the number of subscribers taking additional outlets.(#`  SP- \  S(- Line F1f:` ` Please indicate whether or not your monthly equipment rates for July 1, 1998 were aggregated pursuant to section 623(a)(7)(A) of the Communications Act, as amended. Please enter "1" for yes or "2" for no. x`  S`- Line F2a ` ` Enter the monthly programming charge for BST only on July 1, 1997 and 1998.(#`  S - Line F2ai: ` ` Enter the number of BST subscribers on July 1, 1997 and 1998.x`  S!- Line F2b ` ` Enter the monthly programming charge for CPST1 on July 1, 1997 and 1998.x`  SH$- Line F2bi: ` ` Enter the number of CPST1 subscribers on July 1, 1997 and 1998.x` " % 0*&&&"Ԍ S- Line F2c ` ` Enter the monthly programming charge for CPST2 on July 1, 1997 and 1998.x`  S- Line F2ci: ` ` Enter the number of CPST2 subscribers on July 1, 1997 and 1998.x`  S8- Line F2d ` ` Enter the monthly programming charge for CPST3 on July 1, 1997 and 1998.x`  S- Line F2di: ` ` Enter the number of CPST3 subscribers on July 1, 1997 and 1998.x`  Sp- Line F3 :` ` Enter the total amount a typical subscriber pays per month if that subscriber received the BST, the most highly penetrated CPST, a converter, and a remote on July 1, 1996, 1997 and 1998. x`  S - Line F3a: ` ` Enter the number of subscribers taking the services described on line F3 on July 1, 1996, 1997 and 1998.x`  SX- Line F3b: ` ` Enter the number of channels the subscribers taking the services described on Line F3 received on July 1, 1995, 1996 and 1997.x`  S-  MODULE G: LIFELINE BASIC TIER INFORMATION Đ\ If you offer a tier of service that has fewer channels than the tier you designated as BST in Module D and F (this tier may be called "lifeline basic" or may have some other designation), complete this module, otherwise skip Module G and go to Module H.  S- Line G1: ` ` Enter the number of lifeline basic subscribers on July 1, 1997 and 1998.x`  SP- Line G2:` ` Enter the monthly charge for basic lifeline service on July 1, 1997 and 1998.x`  S- Line G3ai: ` ` Enter the number of channels devoted to local broadcast stations (those eligible for mustcarry/retransmission consent status) in this franchise area on July 1, 1997 and 1998.x`  S8- Line G3aii: ` ` Enter the number of other broadcast stations (include superstations unless they are local and entitled to mustcarry/retransmission consent status) in this franchise area on July 1, 1997 and 1998. x`  S"- Line G3bi:` ` Enter the number of public access channels on July 1, 1997 and 1998.x`  SH$- Line G3bii: ` ` Enter the number of educational access channels on July 1, 1997 and 1998.x` " % 0*&&&"Ԍ S-ԙ Line G3biii: ` ` Enter the number of governmental access channels on July 1, 1997 and 1998.x`  S- Line G3biv: ` ` Enter the number of other local channels (e.g., local sports, news, and special events) produced and broadcast locally on July 1, 1997 and 1998.x`  S- Line G3bv:` ` Enter the number of other programming channels on July 1, 1997 and 1998.x`  SH -`  MODULE H: DIGITAL TIER INFORMATION Đ\ If you offer digital service, complete this module, otherwise skip Module H and go to Module I.  S - Line H1: ` ` Did you offer digital service on July 1, 1997 and 1998? Answer "1" for yes or "2" for no.x`  S0- Line H2: ` ` Enter the number of analog channels devoted to digital tier(s) on July 1, 1997 and 1998.x`  S- Line H3: ` ` Enter the number of digital channels on your digital tier(s) on July 1, 1997 and 1998.x`  S@- Line H4: ` ` Enter the number of digital tiers offered on July 1, 1997 and 1998.x`  S- Line H5: ` ` Enter the monthly charge for digital tier 1 on July 1, 1997 and 1998.x`  S- Line H5a: ` ` Enter the number of digital tier 1 subscribers on July 1, 1997 and 1998.x`  S(- Line H5b: ` ` Enter the number of digital tier channels on digital tier 1 on July 1, 1997 and 1998.x`  S- Line H6: ` ` Enter the monthly charge for digital tier 2 on July 1, 1997 and 1998.x`  S`- Line H6a: ` ` Enter the number of digital tier 2 subscribers on July 1, 1997 and 1998.x`  S - Line H6b: ` ` Enter the number of digital tier channels on digital tier 2 on July 1, 1997 and 1998.x` "p# 0*&&$"  S- MODULE I: REVENUES FROM ADVERTISING AND OTHER SERVICES  \  S`- Line I1a:` ` Enter the average amount paid by your subscribers for installation during the 12 months ending July 1, 1997 and 1998.x`  S- Line I1b: ` ` Enter the average amount paid by your subscribers for disconnect during the 12 months ending July 1, 1997 and 1998.x`  Sp- Line I1c: ` ` Enter the average amount paid by your subscribers for reconnect during the 12 months ending July 1, 1997 and 1998.x`  S - Line I1d: ` ` Enter the average amount paid by your subscribers for tier changes during the 12 months ending July 1, 1997 and 1998.x`  S - Line I2a:` ` Enter the number of installations provided during the 12 months ending July 1, 1997 and 1998.x`  S- Line I2b:` ` Enter the number of disconnects during the 12 months ending July 1, 1997 and 1998.x`  S- Line I2c:` ` Enter the number of reconnects during the 12 months ending July 1, 1997 and 1998.x`  S- Line I2d: ` ` Enter the number of tier changes charged for during the 12 months ending July 1, 1997 and 1998.x`  S- Line I3a: ` ` Enter the amount of advertising revenue from BST during the 12 months ending July 1, 1997 and 1998.x`  S(- Line I3b : ` ` Enter the amount of advertising revenue from CPST(s) during the 12 months ending July 1, 1997 and 1998.x`  S- Line I3ci: ` ` Allocate the amount of revenue shown on line I3b to sports programming (use Attachment A to identify sports programming) during the 12 months ending July 1, 1997 and 1998.x`  S - Line I3cii:` ` Allocate the amount of revenue shown on line I3b to news programming (use Attachment A to identify news programming) during the 12 months ending July 1, 1997 and 1998.(#`  Sp#- Line I3ciii: ` ` Allocate the amount of revenue shown on line I3b to children's programming (use Attachment A to identify children's programming) during the 12 months ending July 1, 1997 and 1998.(#` " % 0*&&&"Ԍ S-ԙ Line I3civ: ` ` Allocate the amount of revenue shown on line I3b to other programming (use Attachment A to identify other programming) during the 12 months ending July 1, 1997 and 1998.(#`  S`- Line I4: ` ` Enter the amount of revenue received from other sources such as commissions, launch fees, or leased access charges (provide amount and identify source) during the 12 months ending July 1, 1997 and 1998.(#`  S-  MODULE J: LEASED ACCESS PROGRAMMING    S - \This module requests information on the number of channels devoted to leased access programming and the rates charged for leased access programming for the franchise area for which you are completing this survey.  S - J1:X Enter the number of channels required under the FCC's leased access programming rules on July 1, 1998.   S0-  S-J2: XEnter the number of channels on which eight hours per day or more of leased access programming was offered on July 1, 1998.   S- J2a:X Enter the average monthly charge paid by programmers on a persubscriber, perhour basis for leasing channel capacity on which eight hours per day or more of leased access programming was offered on July 1, 1998.   S-  S-J3: XEnter the number of channels on which less than eight hours per day of leased access programming was offered on July 1, 1998.   S-  Sx- J3a:X Enter the average monthly charge paid by programmers on a persubscriber, perhour basis for leasing channel capacity on which less than eight hours per day of leased access programming was carried on July 1, 1998.   S-  S- (#\  S- }jMODULE K: EXPLANATION OF CHANGES IN RATES DURING 12 MONTHS ENDING ?JULY 1, 1997 AND 1998  S8- (# (#\This module collects information on the causes of changes in your monthly rates. If your rates as  S -shown in line F3 changed between July 1, 1996 and July 1, 1997, or between July 1, 1997 and July 1, 1998, please provide an explanation of the changes according to the categories shown. Please use the list of programming services (Attachment A) to identify sports, news, children's, and other programming in order to answer questions K1a through K1c.  SH$- "H$ 0*&&%"  S- Line K1a :` ` Enter the amount of any change in monthly subscriber charges attributable to changes in the cost of sports programming. Sports programming services are identified in pages 3 5 of the Attachment.x`  S8- Line K1b: ` ` Enter the amount of any change in monthly subscriber charges attributable to changes in the cost of news programming. News programming services are identified in pages 2 3 of the Attachment.x`  S- Line K1c: ` ` Enter the amount of any change in monthly subscriber charges attributable to changes in the cost of children's programming. Children's programming services are identified in page 1 of the Attachment.x`  S - Line K1d: ` ` Enter the amount of any change in monthly subscriber charges attributable to changes in the cost of all other programming. All other programming services are identified in pages 5 14 of the Attachment.x`  S- Line K2 : ` ` Enter the amount of any change in monthly subscriber charges during the 12 months ending July 1, 1997 and 1998 attributable to changes in the cost of copyright fees.x`  Sh- Line K3:` ` If a portion of the change in monthly subscriber charges was  S@-attributable to channel additions, please complete lines K3a and K3b. x`  S-Line K3a:` ` Enter the amount of any change in monthly subscriber charges during the 12 months ending July 1, 1997 and 1998 attributable to changes in programming costs when new channels were added.(#`  SP- Line K3b: ` ` Enter the amount of any change in monthly subscriber charges during the 12 months ending July 1, 1997 and 1998 attributable to channel addition costs excluding programming and system upgrade costs.x`  S- Line K4:` ` If a portion of the change in monthly subscriber charges was  S-attributable to system upgrades, please complete lines K3a though K3c. x`  S8-Line K4a: ` ` Enter the amount of any change in monthly subscriber charges during the 12 months ending July 1, 1997 and 1998 attributable to the cost of head end and distributional plant upgrades.x`  S!-  S"- Line K4b: ` ` If you or your parent entity has entered into a Social Contract with the FCC, enter the amount of any change in monthly subscriber charges during the 12 months ending July 1, 1997 and 1998 attributable to charges permitted under the Social Contract to cover upgrade costs.x` " %0*&&&"Ԍ S-ԙ Line K4c: ` ` Enter the amount of any change in monthly subscriber charges during the 12 months ending July 1, 1997 and 1998 attributable to upgrades made pursuant to local franchise authority requirements.x`  S`- Line K5: ` ` Enter the amount of any change in monthly subscriber charges during the 12 months ending July 1, 1997 and 1998 attributable to inflation adjustments. If unregulated, please estimate to the best of your knowledge, but do not doublecount inflation that may be included in other categories of Module K.x`  Sp- Line K6:` ` Enter the amount of any change in monthly subscriber charges during the 12 months ending July 1, 1997 and 1998 attributable to franchise fees.x`  S - Line K7: ` ` Enter the amount of any change in monthly subscriber charges during the 12 months ending July 1, 1997 and 1998 attributable to franchise related costs (other than franchise fee increases and local franchise authority required upgrades).x`  S- Line K8: ` ` Enter the amount of any change in monthly subscriber charges during the 12 months ending July 1, 1997 and 1998 attributable to changes in equipment charges.x`  Sh- Line K9: ` ` Enter the amount of any change in monthly subscriber charges during the 12 months ending July 1, 1997 and 1998 attributable to other factors not specified above. Please provide a brief explanation of these factors in the space provided. x`  S- Line K10: ` ` Add the amounts shown on lines K1a, K1b, K1c, K1d, K2, K3a, K3b, K4a, K4b, K4c, K5, K6, K7, K8, and K9 and enter the totals on line K10. These amounts should equal the differences between the amounts shown on line F3 (i.e., the differences between July 1, 1996 and July 1, 1997, and between July 1, 1997 and July 1, 1998).x`  S-  S-   MODULE L: 1997 CABLE CHANNEL CAPACITY AND LINEUP Đ\ This module requests July 1, 1997 information for each BST and CPST. The requested information includes the total channel capacity; number of activated channels in three major categories including local broadcast, satellite and PEG; and the channel lineup. If you are offering different channel lineups to different subscriber groups, please answer the questions in this module for the group having the largest number of subscribers. "p#0*&&$"  S- Line L1: ` ` Enter the total channel capacity (on analog basis) on July 1, 1997 on the system serving the franchise area for which you are completing this survey.x`  S8- Line L2 :` ` Enter the total number of activated channels on July 1, 1997 on the system serving the franchise area for which you are completing this survey.x`  S- Line L2a: ` ` Enter the number of activated channels carrying more than one programming service (shared channels) on July 1, 1997.x`  S - Line L3: ` ` Enter the number of channels devoted to premium and/or payperview services on July 1, 1997.x`  S - Line L4ai :` ` Enter the number of local broadcast channels (those eligible for mustcarry/retransmission consent status) offered on the BST on July 1, 1997.x`  S- Line Laii: ` ` Enter the number of other broadcast channels (include superstations unless they are local and entitled to mustcarry/retransmission status in this franchise area) offered on the BST on July 1, 1997.x`  S-  Sh-Line L4bi: ` ` Enter the number of public access channels offered on the BST on July 1, 1997.x`  S- Line L4bii: ` ` Enter the number of educational access channels offered on the BST on July 1, 1997.x`  S-  Sx-Line L4biii : ` ` Enter the number of governmental access channels offered on the BST on July 1, 1997.x`  S- Line L4c: ` ` Enter the number of local origination programming channels on the BST and each CPST on July 1, 1997. x`  S- Line L4d: ` ` Enter the number of satellite channels offered on the BST and each CPST on July 1, 1997.x`  S - Line L5:` ` Enter the number of channels on the BST and each CPST on July 1, 1997.x`  S"- Line L6: ` ` Enter the individual programming services included on each tier on July 1, 1997. Attached is a list of current cable and broadcast programming services, along with corresponding service codes. For each tier of service, indicate the programming services offered using" %0*&&&" these codes. If channels are shared by more than one programming service, list each service and indicate that the service is carried on a shared basis by placing an asterisk (*) next to the code. For purpose  S-of this survey, superstations (e.g., WTBS and WGN) should not be considered broadcast television stations, unless they are local and entitled to mustcarry status in this franchise area. Codes for these stations, when carried as superstations, are listed under the National Video Services category on the attached list.x`  S-  MODULE M: 1998 CABLE CHANNEL CAPACITY AND LINEUP   S - \This module requests July 1, 1998 information comparable to the data described in Module L. To complete Module M follow the instructions provided for Module L, substituting the July 1, 1998 date where July 1, 1997 is specified.  S - FCC NOTICE TO INDIVIDUALS REQUIRED BY THE PRIVACY ACT AND THE #bPAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT  S- \The solicitation of personal information in this form is authorized by the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. The Commission will use the information provided in this form to compare the prices charged for basic cable service, cable programming services, and equipment by cable operators subject to effective competition with those not subject to effective competition. Your response is required to prepare an annual report of cable industry prices as required by Section 623(k) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. Individuals are not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.  Public reporting burden for this information is estimated to average 8 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and entering the data needed, and completing and reviewing the questionnaire. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing the burden, to the Federal Communications Commission, Records Management Division, Washington,  S-D.C. 20554. Do not send completed forms to this address.  S- THE FOREGOING NOTICE IS REQUIRED BY THE PRIVACY ACT OF 1974, P.L. 93579, DECEMBER 31, 1975, 5 U.S.C. 522a(e)(3) AND THE PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF  S8-1995, 10413, May 22, 1995, 47 U.S.C. 3507. #&S\  P@Q&P#  ap#<@LwQ H=i#,(\  P6Qi,P#Federal Communications Commission, Washington, DC 20554 Approved by OMB 30600647#XP\  P6Q9XP#@  2L zQ H=i#,5\  P6G;i,P#` `  hhCqpp  )FCC Annual Cable Price Survey ` `  hhCqpp  )July 16, 1998 2X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8: Do you offer digital service? Please enter "1" for yes or "2" for no     ii   yOd H2 ,  If yes, how many analog channels are devoted to digital service?       ii   yOR  H3   How many digital channels are in your digital tier(s)?     &   ,ii   yO@  H4   How many digital tiers do you offer? ,  , & &   ,,ii   yOf  H5 . Monthly charge for digital tier 1., ., & &   ,,ii  H5aT, Number of digital tier 1 subscribersT, T, & & . ,,ii  H5bz, Number of digital channels on digital tier 1z, z, & & T ,,ii   yO H6  Monthly charge for digital tier 2, , & & z ,,ii  H6a, Number of digital tier 2 subscribers, , & V   ,Yii  H6bY Number of digital channels on digital tier 2Y Y V   Y#K\  P@QP# "t0*''"  ^ AdN W{ TR a<  ^ V  4 ,ii  #C\  P6QP#MODULE I: REVENUES FROM ADVERTISING AND OTHER SERVICES 4 ,ii  H H  4 ii  L L  yOnv During 12 months ending  yO\_ July 1,1997 ĐC   yOd During 12 months ending  yO\ July 1,1998 Đ7c H ii   yO8 I1  Average charge for:  @:x   :  ii  I1a Installation     ii  I1b( Disconnect( (    ii  I1c<  Reconnect<  <    ( ii  I1dP  Tier changeP  P   <  ii   yO  I2  Provide number of:  P  ii  I2ax  Installationsx  x    d  ii  I2b  Disconnects      x  ii  I2c Reconnects      ii  I2d Tier changes    ii   yO I3 A dvertising Revenues:   ii  I3a  yO- Advertising revenue from  yO-BST      ii  I3b Advertising revenue from CPST(s)    ii   yO-I3cAllocate the revenue shown on line I3b according to the following types of programming:  ii  I3ci Sports     ii  I3cii News     ii  I3ciii Children's      ii  I3civ All other   ,   dii   yO0 I4 (; Revenue received from other sources such as commissions, launch fees, or leased access charges (provide amount and identify source) d d ,  d#K\  P@QP# "0*'' m" [[H  H  H  H  H  H  H  H  H  H  H  Y a<  dx v Y , p hii "B #C\  P6QP#MODULE J: LEASED ACCESS PROGRAMMINGp  hii  Y  yO July 1, 1998 Đ   8 ii   yO J1 ĐzDh Number of leased access channels required under the FCC's leased access rulesh   P ii   yO J2 ĐzD Number of channels with 8 hrs/day or more of leased access programming   h +ii   yO  J2a ĐzD  Average monthly charge to programmer on a per subscriber, per hour basis for carriage of 8hrs/day or more of leased access programming  +    +ii   yO  J3 ĐzD  Number of channels with less than 8 hrs/day of leased access programming   H    Xii   yO8  J3a ĐzDI Average monthly charge to programmer on a per subscriber, per hour basis for carriage of less than 8 hrs/day of leased access programmingX H   X #K\  P@QP#"0*'' " Y dx v   W Y H     ii   yO<@ #C\  P6QP#MODULE K: EXPLANATION OF CHANGES IN RATES DURING 12 MONTH PERIODS ENDING  yO-- JULY 1, 1997 AND 1998 #K\  P@QP# <  Xii   aE$#G\  P6G; P#If your rates changed during the 12 month periods ending July 1, 1997 and/or July 1, 1998, please provide an explanation of the changes  aEaccording to the following categories. If this CUID is unregulated , please provide this information to the best of your knowledge. Please  yOp-use the list of programming services (Attached) to identify the types of programming shown on lines K1a through K1d.# X\  P6G;P# <  Xii  $ $  yO` #C\  P6QP#Change During 12 Months  yO(Ending July 1, 1997   yO`kT Change During 12 Months  yO(FEnding July 1, 1998  D ii   yO K1 Programming license fees (allocate programming cost increases according to the following  yO- types of programming):   ii  K1a  Sports      ii  K1b  News      ii  K1c  Children's      ii  K1dt  All othert t     ii   yO  K2 d  Copyright feesd d  t  ii   yO  K3  Channel additions (Break down below):  d  ii  K3aD  Programming costs attributable to new channels      T  ii   yO(- K3b   Channel addition costs excluding programming and system upgrade costs      ii   yO K4System upgrades (Break down below):   ii  K4al  Head end and distribution plant upgrades4 4   | ii  K4b$  Upgrades under social contract     4 ii  K4c  Upgrades made pursuant to local franchise authority requirementsl l    ii   yO K5 \  yO- Inflation adjustments * \ \   l ii   yOx K6 L  Franchise fee increasesL L  H \ uii   yOh K7 <  Franchise related cost increases (excluding franchise fee increases and LFA required upgrades)u u H  L uii   yO K8   Equipment     ii   yO K9 t  Other t t  @   tii   yO K10    Total change (the totals of lines K1 through K9 should equal the differences between the amounts shown on line F3)#t #t @  tt#G\  P6G; P# O  W  #x O @t i   aE# * If unregulated, please estimate to the best of your knowledge, but do not doublecount inflation that may be included in other categories of Module K.# aEl%.H[[ H  H  H  H  H  H  H  H  H  H  H  "l%0*'''S%"Ԍ # X\  P6G;P#љ Y  #x W[: Y    #  "ii"   yO"  #C\  P6QP#MODULE L: 1997 CABLE CHANNEL CAPACITY AND LINEUP Đs ( ",ii" " yO  July 1, 1997 "( " ",ii"   yO L1  Total channel capacity (on analog basis) &  & "ii"   yO L2  Total number of activated channels &  & "ii"  L2a Number of activated channels carrying more than one programming service (shared channels) &  & "ii"  L3 Number of channels devoted to premium and/or payperview services  "  " "ii"   L4  Number of activated channels devoted to each of the following categories: `   yO  k BST Đ`   yO Si CPST1 Đgg@`   yO  CPST2 ĐK`   yO W  CPST3 ĐU!   "ii"   yO -L4aBroadcast stations (Break down below):"  @ P` " "ii"  L4aip  Local broadcast stationsp  p  p  p  &  @ P  @ Ph & "ii"  L4aiix Other broadcast stations x x x x "  @ Pp " "ii"   yO-L4bPEG (break down below):zz   "  @ Px" "ii"  L4bi  Public access channels    &  @ P  @ P& "ii"  L4bii  Educational access channels    &  @ P  @ P& "ii"  L4biii  Governmental access channels    "  @ P " "ii"  L4c Local origination programming       "ii"  L4d Satellite programming      "ii"      "ii"    yO k BST Đ  yOSi CPST1   yO CPST2   yOW  CPST3      "ii"  L5 Number of channels in each tier       "ii"  L6 Channel lineup*  yO-   yO-gg   yO-   yO-U!      "ii"    yO- *Please refer to attached list for current cable and broadcast programming services along with corresponding service codes. For each tier of service, indicate the programming services offered using these codes. G    "  " "i"  O    "  " "i"  W    "  " "i"  _    "  " "i"  g    "  " "i"  o    "  " "i"  w       " 8  " "Ji"  ! "J "J "J 8   J yO"-#K\  P@QP#""0*''E$""Ԍř rW[: W[: r  8    "i"   yO- #C\  P6QP#MODULE L: 1997 CABLE CHANNEL CAPACITY AND LINEUP (CONTINUED) Đq ( ",i"   yO July 1, 1997 (  ",i"  L6 Channel lineup*  yO k BST   yOSi CPST1   yO CPST2   yOW  CPST3      "i"    yO- *Please refer to attached list for current cable and broadcast programming services along with corresponding service codes. For each tier of service, indicate the programming services offered using these codes. %    "  " "=<i"  -x    "  " "=<i"  5x    "  " "=<i"  =x       "  " "=<i"  E x       "   " "=<i"  M x       "   " "=<i"  U x       "   " "=<i"  ] x (  (  (  "   " "=<i"  e x 0 0 0 "  ( " "=<i"  mx 8 8 8 "  0" "=<i"  ux @ @ @ "  8" "=<i"  }x H H H "  @" "=<i"  x P P P "  H" "=<i"  x X X X "  P" "=<i"  x ` ` ` "  X" "=<i"  x h h h "  `" "=<i"  x p p p "  h" "=<i"  x x x x "  p" "=<i"  x    "  x" "=<i"  x    "  " "=<i"  x    "  " "=<i"  x    "  " "=<i"  x    " 8  " "J=<i"   J J J 8  J#K\  P@QP#"0*'' "Ԍ[[H  H  H  H  H  H  H  H  H  H  H  r W[: !: r  8    "=<i" " yO  #C\  P6QP#MODULE M: 1998 CABLE CHANNEL CAPACITY AND LINEUP Đs ( ",=<i"   yO  July 1, 1998 "( " ",=<i"   yO M1  Total channel capacity (on analog basis) &  & "=<i"   yO M2  Total number of activated channels &  & "=<i"  M2a Number of activated channels carrying more than one programming service (shared channels) &  & "=<i"  M3 Number of channels devoted to premium and/or payperview services  "  " "=<i"  M4  Number of activated channels devoted to each of the following categories: `   yO  k BST Đ`   yO Si CPST1 Đgg@`   yO  CPST2 ĐK`   yO W  CPST3 ĐU!   "=<i"   yO -M4allBroadcast stations (Break down below):"  @ P` " "=<i"  M4aip  Local broadcast stationsp  p  p  p  &  @ P  @ Ph & "=<i"  M4aiix Other broadcast stations x x x x &  @ P  @ Pp & "=<i"   yO-M4bllPEG:    $  @ P x$ "=<i"  M4bi  Public access channels$   @ P$ "=<i"  M4bii  Educational access channels    &  @ P  @ P& "=<i"  M4biii  Governmental access channels     "  @ P " "=<i"  M4c Local origination programming       "=<i"  M4d Satellite programming      "=<i"      "=<i"    yO k BST   yOSi CPST1   yO CPST2   yOW  CPST3      "=<i"  M5 Number of channels in each tier       "=<i"  M6 Channel lineup*  gg  yO-   yO-U!      "=<i"    yO- *Please refer to attached list for current cable and broadcast programming services along with corresponding service codes. For each tier of service, indicate the programming services offered using these codes.     "  " "i"      "  " "i"      "  " "i"      "  " "i"      "  " "i"      "  " "i"         " 8  " "Ji"    8!J 8!J 8!J "( 0*''V"8   J r!: AW[: r  8    " i"   yOH- MODULE M: 1998 CABLE CHANNEL CAPACITY AND LINEUP (CONTINUED) Đ#K\  P@QP#( " ,i"   yO8  July 1, 1998 (  ",i"  #C\  P6QP#M6  Channel lineup*   yO@ k BST    yO@Si CPST1    yO@ CPST2    yO@W  CPST3      "i"    yO-  *Please refer to attached list for current cable and broadcast programming services along with corresponding service codes. For each tier of service, indicate the programming services offered using these codes. [ ( ( ( "   " ";<i"  cx 0 0 0 "  (" ";<i"  kx 8 8 8 "  0" ";<i"  sx @ @ @ "  8" ";<i"  {x H  H  H  "  @" ";<i"   x P  P  P  "  H " ";<i"   x X  X  X  "  P " ";<i"   x `  `  `  "  X " ";<i"   x h  h  h  "  ` " ";<i"   x p p p "  h " ";<i"  x x x x "  p" ";<i"  x    "  x" ";<i"  x    "  " ";<i"  x    "  " ";<i"  x    "  " ";<i"  x    "  " ";<i"  x    "  " ";<i"  x    "  " ";<i"  x    "  " ";<i"  x    "  " ";<i"  x    "  " ";<i"  x    "  " ";<i"   x    "  " ";<i"  x    " 8  " "J;<i"   J J J 8  J  yO#-H[[ H  H  H  H  H  H  H  H  H  H  H   yOX$-H[[ H  H  H  H  H  H  H  H  H  H  H   yO %-H[[ H  H  H  H  H  H  H  H  H  H  H   yO%-H[[ H  H  H  H  H  H  H  H  H  H  H  "%0*''("Ԍ yO-H[[ H  H  H  H  H  H  H  H  H  H  H   yO-H[[ H  H  H  H  H  H  H  H  H  [wLZ aE  #6\  P6Q P#Federal Communications Commission Approved by OMB 30600647  aE  Washington, D.C. 20554# Xx6X@DQiX@#[ z>[ aE ,9[[     #6\  P6Q P# FCC Annual Survey of Cable Industry Prices  aEL ,9# 6\  P6Q P#[[   aE *7vAttachment Page # 6\  P6Q P#[[ July 16, 1998 ^ AW[: addx  ^ 8 ;<i " a<x#XP\  P6Q9XP# #^\  P6Q 5P#ATTACHMENT A  a<E PROGRAMMING SERVICES LIST Đ a<   ;<i " a6<4  # XP\  P6Q9XP#ACCESS / LOCAL CHANNELS@   X6-w  Code  q  h;<i   X -[ 8%( L T\ d!#&l(*-t/1$4|68,;=?4BD #&J\  P6Q&P# Leased Access Channel  h  S -  A1q ` @  hh;<i   PEG Channel h  A2` `   hh;<i   Other Access Channels q h  A3` `   hh;<i   Other Local Channelsh  A4` q q  hh;<i   XY-@  #XP\  P6Q9XP#BROADCAST STATIONS ) )Bh  XY-w  Code q q  hh;<i   X- L T\ d!#&l(*-t/1$4|68,;=?4B L T\ d!#&l(*-t/1$4|68,;=?4BDD #&J\  P6Q&P#ABC Affiliate h  B1q ` B hh;<i   CBS Affiliate h  B2` `  hh;<i   FOX Affiliate sh  B3` `  hh;<i   Independent Stationh  B4` ` s hh;<i   NBC Affiliate 3h  B5` `  hh;<i   NonCommercial/PBS h  B6` ` 3 hh;<i   UPN Affiliate h  B7 ` `  hh;<i   WB Affiliate Sh  B8` `  hh;<i   Other Broadcast Stations h  B9` q S hh;<i   X;-  #XP\  P6Q9XP#CHILDRENS PROGRAMMING SERVICES C$h  X;-w  Code q q  hh;<i   X- #&J\  P6Q&P##&J\  P6Q&P# Cartoon Network h  C1q ` $ hh;<i   Children's Cable Network  h  L T\ d!#&l(*-t/1$4|68,;=?4B*Y!2$&(:+-/B246J9;=R@BEZGI LbNPSjUWZr\D C2 ` `  hh;<i   Discovery Kids U"h  C3` `   hh;<i   Nickelodeon / Nick at Nite#h  C4` ` U" hh;<i   Story Vision Network %h  C5`  # h;<i   Toon Disney &  C6"% 0*''a&%"  % ;<i  $a    $a   X<&  #x6X@`7iX@# #XP\  P6Q9XP#NEWS PROGRAMMING SERVICES r   X-w  #XP\  P6Q9XP#Code  q  h;<i   X- #XP\  P6Q9XP# All News Channel, The h  N1q q  hh;<i   Bloomberg Information Televisionsh  N2q q  hh;<i   CSpan (Cable Satellite Public Affairs Network) h  N3q q s hh;<i   CSpan 2 Uh  N4q q  hh;<i   CSPAN Audio 1 h  N5q q U hh;<i   CSPAN Audio 27 h  N6q q  hh;<i   California Channel, The  h  N7q q 7  hh;<i   CBS TeleNoticias  h  N8q q   hh;<i   CNBC h   N9q q   hh;<i   CNN (Cable News Network) h  N10q q  hh;<i  *Y!2$&(:+-/B246J9;=R@BEZGI LbNPSjUWZr\ L T\ d!#&l(*-t/1$4|68,;=?4BD CNNfn The Financial Networklh  N11q q  hh;<i   CNNI (CNN International) h  N12q q l hh;<i   County Television Network San Diego Nh  N13q q  hh;<i   ESPNEWSh  N14q q N hh;<i   CBS Eye on People 0h  N15q q  hh;<i   Fox News Channel (FNC)h  N16q q 0 hh;<i   Headline Newsh  N17q q  hh;<i   Ingeniush  N18q q  hh;<i   Interactive Channel, Theh  N19q q  hh;<i   MediaOne Newseh  N20q   h;<i   MSNBC   N21 ,e" !0*$$J" J addx  ddx" J   e ;<i   NET Political News Talk Network   N22 q  h;<i   New England Cable Newsh  N23q q  hh;<i   New York 1 Newssh  N24q q  hh;<i   News 12 Connecticuth  N25q q s hh;<i   News 12 Long IslandUh  N26q q  hh;<i   News 12 New Jerseyh  N27q q U hh;<i   News 12 Westchester 7 h  N28q q  hh;<i   Newschannel 8  h  N29q  7  hw;<i   L T\ d!#&l(*-t/1$4|68,;=?4B L T\ d!#&l(*-t/1$4|68,;=?4BDD NewsPlus ) w  N30Ҡ  w L T\ d!#&l(*-t/1$4|68,;=?4BX`  p x (#%'0*,.8135@8: