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S- X   C S- Federal Communications Commission`~(#<DA 981281 ă  yxdddy vK #X\  P6G;gP#Before the Federal Communications Commission  yO|"Washington, D.C. 20554 #&a\  P6G;/&P#у l  S@-l ă In the Matter ofj) j)  S-Benchmark Acquisition Fund I Limitedj)ppCSR 4636D Partnership d/b/a/ Cablevision of Loudounj) j) Petition for Special Reliefj) l  S -  MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER l lU  S` - Adopted: June 25, 1998hh,V ppReleased: June 30, 1998 By the Acting Chief, Cable Services Bureau:  S- I.INTRODUCTION Đ Sp-lU  SH-  21.` ` Here we address a petition for special relief ("Petition"), in which Benchmark Acquisition   Fund I Limited Partnership d/b/a Cablevision of Loudoun ("Benchmark") seeks a waiver of the   MCommission's rules to the extent necessary to permit Benchmark to establish regulated cable rates on   Mbehalf of its system in Leesburg, Virginia and Loudoun County, Virginia in accordance with the small  S-  system costofservice methodology adopted in the Sixth Report and Order and Eleventh Order on  S-  Reconsideration in MM Docket Nos. 92266 and 93215 ("Small System Order").|% yO-ԍ#X\  P6G;gP#FCC 95196, 10 FCC Rcd 7393 (1995). | The Town of Leesburg,   Virginia ("Leesburg") and Loudoun County, Virginia ("Loudoun County") filed letters opposing the   Petition, and Benchmark filed a reply to the Leesburg opposition letter ("Reply"). Benchmark recently filed a supplemental filing ("Supplemental Filing") providing additional pertinent information.  S-  22.` ` Section 623(i) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended ("Communications Act"),   requires that the Commission design rate regulations that reduce the administrative burdens and the cost  Sl-  Lof regulatory compliance for cable systems with 1,000 or fewer subscribers.nlX% yOd!-#X\  P6G;gP#э47 U.S.C.  543(i).n Accordingly, in the course   of establishing the standard benchmark and costofservice ratemaking methodologies generally available   >to cable operators, the Commission adopted various measures aimed specifically at easing regulatory  S-  burdens for these smaller systems.7% {O|%- #X\  P6G;gP#эSee, e.g., Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in MM Docket No. 92266, FCC  {OF&-  Z93177, 8 FCC Rcd 5631 (1993); Second Order on Reconsideration, Fourth Report and Order, and Fifth Notice  {O'-  of Proposed Rulemaking in MM Docket No. 92266, FCC 9438, 9 FCC Rcd 4119 (1994); Fifth Order on  {O'-  Reconsideration and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in MM Docket Nos. 93215 & 93266, 9 FCC Rcd  {O(-  i5327 (1994); Eighth Order on Reconsideration in MM Docket Nos. 92266 & 93215, FCC 9542, 10 FCC Rcd"(,**(" 5179 (1995).7 In the Small System Order, the Commission further extended small"X,**88H!"  S-  zsystem rate relief to certain systems that exceed the 1,000subscriber standard.X[ {O-#X\  P6G;gP#эSmall System Order, 10 FCC Rcd at 7406. These systems were   ldeemed eligible for small system rate relief because they were found to face higher costs and other  S-burdens disproportionate to their size. [ {O:- >#X\  P6G;gP#эId. at 7407. More recently, Congress amended Section 623 of the Communications Act to allow greater   ideregulation for "small cable operators," defined as operators that "directly or through an affiliate, [serve] in the   aggregate fewer than 1 percent of all subscribers in the United States and [are] not affiliated with any entity or   Kentities whose gross annual revenues in the aggregate exceed $250,000,000." Telecommunications Act of 1996   -("1996 Act"), Pub. L. No. 104104,  301(c), 110 Stat. 56, approved February 8, 1996; Communications Act    623(m), 47 U.S.C.  543(m). Pursuant to this amendment, the rate regulation requirements of Sections 623(a), (b)   and (c) do not apply to a small cable operator with respect to "(A) cable programming services, or (B) a basic   service tier that was the only service tier subject to regulation as of December 31, 1994," in areas where the operator  {O| -serves 50,000 or fewer subscribers. Id.   S`-  }3.` ` The Small System Order defines a small system as any system that serves 15,000 or fewer  S:-  subscribers.: [ {O-#X\  P6G;gP#эSmall System Order, 10 FCC Rcd at 7406. The Commission recognized that systems with no more than 15,000 subscribers were   /qualitatively different from larger systems with respect to a number of characteristics, including: (1)   kaverage monthly regulated revenues per channel per subscriber; (2) average number of subscribers per  S-  0mile; and (3) average annual premium revenues per subscriber.rP [ {O-#X\  P6G;gP#эXId. at 7408.(#r The magnitude of the differences   between the two classes of systems as to these characteristics indicated that the 15,000 subscriber   threshold was the appropriate point of demarcation for purposes of providing for substantive and  SJ -procedural regulatory relief.bJ [ {O-#X\  P6G;gP#эId. b  S -  4.` ` Rate relief provided under the Small System Order and the Commission's rules is also  S -  available only to those small systems that are affiliated with a small cable company, which is defined as  S -  a cable operator that serves a total of 400,000 or fewer subscribers over all of its systems. ^ t[ {O- !#X\  P6G;gP#эId. A small system is deemed affiliated with a cable company if the company "holds more than a 20  {O-  percent equity USESESUSinterest (active or passive) in the system or exercises de jure control (such as through a general  {OT -partnership or majority voting shareholder interest)." Id. at 741213, n.88. The  S -  Commission adopted this threshold because it roughly corresponds to $100 million in annual regulated   revenues, a standard the Commission has used in other contexts to identify smaller entities deserving of  S4-  Mrelaxed regulatory treatment.m 4[ {On$-#X\  P6G;gP#эId. at 740911.m The Commission found that cable companies exceeding this threshold   [would find it easier than smaller companies to attract the financing and investment necessary to maintain" , ,`(`(88"  S-  and improve service.j [ {Oh-#X\  P6G;gP#эId. at 7411.j In addition, the Commission determined that cable companies that exceeded the   Lsmall cable company definition "are better able to absorb the costs and burdens of regulation due to their  S-expanded administrative and technical resources."j Z[ {O-#X\  P6G;gP#эId. at 7409.j ` `  S`-  o5.` ` In addition to adopting the new categories of small systems and small cable companies,  S8-  the Small System Order introduced a form of rate regulation known as the small system costofservice  S-  methodology.m [ {O -#X\  P6G;gP#эId. at 741828.m This approach, which is available only to small systems owned by small cable companies,   [is more streamlined than the standard costofservice methodology available to cable operators generally.   yIn addition, the small system rules include substantive differences from the standard costofservice rules   [to take account of the proportionately higher costs of providing service faced by small systems. Eligible   [systems establish their rates under this methodology by completing and filing FCC Form 1230. In order   jto qualify for the small system costofservice methodology, systems and companies must meet the new  S" -  size standards as of either the effective date of the Small System Order, or on the date thereafter when  S -they file the documents necessary to elect the relief they seek. ~[ {O-#X\  P6G;gP#эId. at 7413. The effective date of the Small System Order was August 21, 1995.  S -  6.` ` Cable systems that fail to meet the numerical definition of a small system, or whose   joperators do not qualify as small cable companies, may submit petitions for special relief requesting that   the Commission grant a waiver of its rules to enable the petitioning systems to utilize the various forms  S4-  .of rate relief available to small systems owned by small cable companies.4[ {O-#V\  PAP##X\  P6G;gP#эId. at 741213. The Commission stated that  S -  petitioners should demonstrate that they "share relevant characteristics with qualifying systems."a [ {ON-#X\  P6G;gP#эId.a Other   lpotentially pertinent factors include the degree by which the system fails to satisfy either or both   definitions and evidence of increased costs (e.g., lack of programming or equipment discounts) faced by  S-  the operator.a4 [ {Oh-#X\  P6G;gP#эId.a If the system fails to qualify for relief based on its affiliation with a larger cable company,   the Commission will consider "the degree to which that affiliation exceeds our affiliation standards, and   whether other attributes of the system warrant that it be treated as a small system notwithstanding the  S-  percentage ownership of the affiliate."b [ {O"-#X\  P6G;gP#эId. b The Commission also stated that "a qualifying system that seeks   jto obtain programming from a neighboring system by way of a fiber optic link, but that is concerned that   interconnection of the two systems will jeopardize its status as a standalone small system, may file a  S-  petition for special relief to ask the Commission to find that it is eligible for small system relief."CX [ {O&-ԍId. at 7413.C The",`(`(88"   =Commission specifically stated that this list of relevant factors was not exclusive and invited petitioners  S-to support their petitions with any other information and arguments they deemed relevant.a[ {O@-#X\  P6G;gP#эId.a  S- II.ARGUMENTS OF THE PARTIES ĐlU  S8-  7.` ` Benchmark states that it served a total of approximately 71,300 subscribers as of  S-  December31, 1994, and therefore qualifies as a small cable company."Z[ yO - #X\  P6G;gP#эPetition at 1. In its Reply, Benchmark indicates that, due to the sale of certain cable systems, Benchmark and its affiliates served approximately 46,000 subscribers as of January 22, 1997." As of the same date,   Benchmark's Leesburg/Loudoun County system served a total of approximately 21,900 subscribers,   Lcomprised of 5,940 subscribers formerly served by a Leesburg, Virginia headend, and 15,990 subscribers  S-  ]from the Loudoun County, Virginia headend. [ yO - #X\  P6G;gP#эPetition at 2. In its Opposition, Loudoun County states that as of December 31, 1995, the   KLeesburg/Loudoun system subscribership had increased by 3,427 subscribers, for a total of 25,357 subscribers. As   ;of that same date, Loudoun County states that the Loudoun portion of that system had grown to 18,919 subscribers (Loudoun Opposition at 1). The Leesburg and Loudoun County facilities now  Sp-constitute a single system because they are connected via a fiber optic link.p[ {O-#X\  P6G;gP##Xj\  P6G; W XP## X\  P6G;gP#эId.  See also Small System Order, 10 FCC Rcd at 741213.  S -  8.` ` Benchmark concedes that the Leesburg/Loudoun County system exceeds the 15,000  S -  ?subscriber cap, but argues that the system is precisely the sort for which the Small System Order  S -  established a special relief mechanism.? , [ yO-ԍPetition at 1.? Benchmark asserts that the degree to which a system fails to   meet the numerical subscriber caps is the principal consideration in determining whether a waiver is   appropriate, and notes that absent the fiber link, the portion of the system serving Leesburg would clearly  SZ-  yfall under the 15,000 subscriber threshold.kZ [ {O-#X\  P6G;gP#эId. at 23. k Benchmark states that while it was not specifically required   by a franchising authority to combine the former Leesburg and Loudoun systems, it chose to combine the  S -systems as part of an overall upgrade required by the Loudoun County franchise.@ N [ {O-ԍId. at 2.@  S-  9.` ` In addition, Benchmark asserts that its system faces many of the higher costs identified  S-  in the Small System Order that are associated with small systems.g[ {O#-#X\  P6G;gP#эId. at 5.g In this respect, Benchmark states that   Lwhile it does not enjoy the same economies of scale available to larger systems in the areas of equipment   =purchasing, system maintenance or program acquisition, it has nonetheless made expenditures necessary  S-  to provide very high quality service.kr[ {O.'-#X\  P6G;gP#эId. at 34. k For example, it has expanded the system's channel capacity,",`(`(88q"   installed addressable converters, added 45 miles of optical fiber, added standby power supplies at the  S-  headend and distribution plant, and increased its customer service functions.:[ {O@-ԍId.: Finally, Benchmark states   that its financial situation has forced it to rely on costofservice rate justifications, which have high  S-administrative costs for small cable operators on a persubscriber basis.BZ[ {O-ԍId. at 45.B  S`-  S8-   10.` ` In its Opposition, Loudoun County concedes that Benchmark is a small cable company,   but argues that the system in question nonetheless substantially exceeds the small system ceiling of 15,000  S-  Osubscribers.w[ yOt -#X\  P6G;gP#эLoudoun County Opposition at 2.w Leesburg observes that Benchmark failed to demonstrate that its system shares  S-  characteristics identified with small systems in the Small System Order, such as a higher average monthly   regulated revenue per channel per subscriber, a lower subscriber density and a lower average annual  Sr-  premium revenue per subscriber.y r|[ yO-#X\  P6G;gP#эLeesburg Opposition at 23.y Leesburg also notes that neither its franchise agreement nor that of   Loudoun County required an upgrade in Leesburg, and that Benchmark's decision to merge the two  S" -systems resulted in economic efficiencies for Benchmark, not increased costs.i!" [ {O-#X\  P6G;gP#эId. at 45.i  S -  S -   11.` ` In its Reply, Benchmark reiterates that but for the fiber optic link, the portion of the   system in Leesburg would clearly qualify for small systems relief and the portion serving Loudoun County  S -  would exceed the threshold by about 900 subscribers.d" [ yO-#X\  P6G;gP#эReply at 2. d Benchmark argues that where the Small System  S\-  Order invited petitions for special relief, it expressly recognized systems that would otherwise qualify as  S6-small systems, but for a fiber optic link.#6. [ {O-#X\  P6G;gP#эId. at 23, citing Small System Order, at 741213.  S-   12.` ` As Leesburg noted, Benchmark's pleadings failed to include information pertaining to the  S-  jthree primary characteristics of small systems identified in the Small System Order. On August 1, 1997,  S-  \the Cable Services Bureau offered Benchmark the opportunity to supplement its filings by providing   figures for the system's: (1) average monthly regulated revenue per channel per subscriber; (2) average  SH-  subscriber density; and (3) average annual premium revenue per subscriber.$H [ yO!- {ԍLetter to John C. Dodge, counsel for Benchmark, from Julie Buchanan, Cable Services Bureau, Federal Communications Commission (August 1, 1997). Benchmark responded on  S -  September 15, 1997 with a Supplemental Filing showing that as of December 31, 1993, its average   [monthly regulated revenue per channel per subscriber was $0.49 and its average annual premium revenue"$,`(`(88R"  S-  per subscriber was $71.94, and that as of December 31, 1994, its average subscriber density was 64  S-subscribers per mile.%[ yO@- LԍSupplemental Filing at 24. We believe that it would have been more appropriate for Benchmark to provide   Zinformation that was closer in time to the filing of its petition on December 4, 1995. Nevertheless, we will base   our analysis on the figures provided since it is unlikely that later information would affect the outcome of our   decision. The Supplemental Filing also included a summary amendment to Benchmark's Form 1220 demonstrating   that Benchmark's 1993 rates were justified under a costofservice analysis. We do not consider this additional information relevant to the question of whether Benchmark qualifies as a small system.  S- III.DISCUSSION  S`-lU  S8-  A 13.` ` The Commission adopted the 15,000 subscriber threshold for small systems "on the basis  S-  of shared economic, physical, and financial characteristics" for any systems at or below that size.&@[ {O -ԍ#X\  P6G;gP#Small System Order, 10 FCC Rcd at 7408. Based   on the available data, the Commission found that systems with fewer than 15,000 subscribers differ from systems with more than 15,000 subscribers with respect to the following characteristics:  Sp-Xa)X` ` the average monthly regulated revenue per channel per subscriber `  SH - ` ` is $0.86 for systems with fewer than 15,000 subscribers and $0.44(#`  S - ` ` for systems with more than 15,000 subscribers;(#`   S -b)` ` the average number of subscribers per mile is 35.3 for systems with(#`  S - ` ` fewer than 15,000 subscribers and 68.7 for systems with more than(#`  S - ` ` 15,000 subscribers; and(#`  S0-c)` ` the average annual premium revenue per subscriber is $41.00 for(#`  S- ` ` systems with fewer than 15,000 subscribers and $73.13 for systems(#`  S- ` ` with more than 15,000 subscribers.b'[ {OR-ԍ#X\  P6G;gP#Id. b(#`  S-   14.` ` The magnitude of these differences between the two classes of systems indicated that the   15,000 subscriber threshold was the appropriate point of demarcation for purposes of providing for  S@-  substantive and procedural regulatory relief.b(@d [ {OD-ԍ#X\  P6G;gP#Id. b The Commission also stated its willingness to "entertain   [petitions for special relief from systems who fail to meet the new definitions but are able to demonstrate   -that they share relevant characteristics with qualifying systems and therefore should be entitled to the same  S-  regulatory treatment."m) [ {O^#-ԍ#X\  P6G;gP#Id. at 741213.m In addition, while the Commission retained its rule that determines small system   .size based on the number of subscribers served from a system's principal headend, the Commission also   \noted that a qualifying system that is concerned that a fiber link could jeopardize its status as a small  SP-system may file a petition for special relief.e*P [ {Ox'-ԍSee Small System Order, 10 FCC Rcd at 741213.e "P*,`(`(88"Ԍ S-  ԙ15.` ` We note that we have granted special relief for systems that were composed of linked   kfacilities and that exceeded the 15,000 subscriber threshold. Our decisions, however, were based on a  S-  demonstration that the systems shared relevant characteristics with other small cable systems.+[ {O- ԍSee, e.g., In the Matter of Inter Mountain Cable, Inc., Memorandum Opinion and Order, DA 96940, 11  {O-  + FCC Rcd 7081 (1996); In the Matter of Community TV Corporation, Memorandum Opinion and Order, DA 971617  {O-  (rel. July 30, 1997); In the Matter of Booth American Company, Memorandum Opinion and Order, DA 971619  {Ov-  (rel. July 30, 1997). But see In the Matter of MidHudson Cablevision, Inc./Catskill Mountain Cablevision,  {O@-  Memorandum Opinion and Order, DA 971618 (rel. July 30, 1997) (awarding small system relief to an   yinterconnected system, even though revenue figures were not provided, because of the strength of the overall showing and the lack of any opposition).   LBenchmark's Supplemental Filing shows that the relevant characteristics of its system are comparable to   those of larger systems. Its annual average monthly regulated revenue per channel per subscriber of $0.49   closely resembles the average of $0.44 for larger systems. Its average subscriber density of 64 subscribers   per mile is similar to the larger system average of 68.7. Finally, its average annual premium revenue per   subscriber of $71.94 is just shy of the larger system average of $73.13. Although Benchmark asserts that  S-  0it is ineligible for significant bulk discounts,G,[ yOr-ԍPetition at 3. G we previously have found that ineligibility for bulk   =discounts, in the absence of evidence of other characteristics shared with small systems, is not sufficient  Sp-  to warrant the requested waiver of our rules.)-p[ {O- /ԍSee In the Matter of Greater Chicopee Cablevision, Inc., Greater New England Cablevision, Inc., Greater  {O|-East Longmeadow Cablevision Inc., Memorandum Opinion and Order, DA 962024, 11 FCC Rcd 21117 (1996).) Therefore, because Benchmark's system does not share the  SH -  relevant small system characteristics identified in the Small System Order, we find that it is not eligible  S" -  for small system relief. Although we invited petitions for special relief from qualifying systems that were  S -  concerned a fiber optic link would jeopardize their small system status,e. [ {O-ԍSee Small System Order, 10 FCC Rcd at 741213.e we did not state that relief should   be granted for an interconnected system, simply because one portion of the system could have qualified   jas a small system without the fiber optic link, without a demonstration of the relevant characteristics the system shares with other small systems.  S2-  ~16.` ` Benchmark states that it faces high operating costs due to its expansion of the system's   Lchannel capacity, installation of addressable converters, addition of 45 miles of optical fiber and addition  S-  [of standby power supplies at the headend and distribution plant.A/ [ yO-ԍPetition at 34.A While we support Benchmark in its   efforts to configure its system as it sees fit, we do not believe that granting Benchmark's system small   system status is necessarily relevant to the accomplishment of these goals. Our rules provide avenues for   kan operator to fund an upgrade of its systems. For example, an operator that undertakes a significant   network upgrade requiring added capital investment may justify a rate increase via an abbreviated costof S-  service showing.q0 [ yO$-ԍ#X\  P6G;gP#47 C.F.R.  76.923(h).q Alternatively, an operator can utilize our standard costofservice rules that permit an  S-operator to set regulated rates based on the specific costs it incurs in providing regulated service.q1[ yOB'-ԍ#X\  P6G;gP#47 C.F.R.  76.923(g).q"@1,`(`(884"Ԍ S-  ԙ17.` ` We also support Benchmark's commitment to quality customer service, including its   |expanded office hours and its adoption of an "on time guarantee" program. Benchmark fails to  S-  Kdemonstrate, however, that its local efforts are somehow disproportionate to its size, and therefore generate higher than average costs per subscriber than larger cable systems.  S8-  318.` ` Finally, Benchmark asserts that administrative costs associated with standard costof  service rate regulation are high for small cable operators, but it does not offer any specific evidence  S-  regarding the costs of regulation for its systems.A2[ yOP-ԍPetition at 45.A The Commission has previously determined that the   @costs associated with regulation have a greater impact on small cable companies than on larger  S-  companies.73X[ {O - kԍ#X\  P6G;gP#Small System Order, 10 FCC Rcd at 7396, 7406; see also In the Matter of Marcus Cable Properties, Inc.,  {OZ -Memorandum Opinion and Order, DA 96935, 11 FCC Rcd 7063, 7068 (1996).7 However, Benchmark's general assertion does not justify our granting small system relief   based on Benchmark's particular circumstances. In addition, we note that the 1996 Act may already   provide Benchmark, and other MSOs its size, with a measure of relief from the burdens of standard cost S -ofservice rate regulation.\4x [ yOt- {ԍPursuant to the 1996 Act, "small cable operators" that "directly or through an affiliate, [serve] in the   aggregate fewer than 1 percent of all subscribers in the United States and [are] not affiliated with any entity or   entities whose gross annual revenues in the aggregate exceed $250,000,000" are not, in areas where they serve   y50,000 or fewer subscribers, subject to rate regulation of their cable programming service tier(s) or their basic   service tier if it was the only service tier subject to regulation as of December 31, 1994. Telecommunications Act   of 1996, Pub. L. No. 104104,  301(c), 110 Stat. 56, approved February 8, 1996; Communications Act  623(m), 47 U.S.C.  543(m). \  S -  19.` ` We find that Benchmark has failed to meet its burden under Section 76.7(c)(1) of establishing a need for special relief. Therefore, Benchmark's petition for special relief must be denied.  SX- IV.ORDERING CLAUSES ĐlU  S-  #20.` ` Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED that the Petition for Special Relief filed by Benchmark   ?Acquisitions Fund I Limited Partnership d/b/a Cablevision of Loudoun requesting a waiver of the  S-Commission rules defining systems subject to small system rate relief IS DENIED . ` `  Sh-  21.` ` This action is taken pursuant to delegated authority under Section 0.321 of the  S@-Commission's rules.m5@ [ yO -#X\  P6G;gP#э47 C.F.R.  0.321.m ` `  hh,VFEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION  ` `  hh,VJohn E. Logan ` `  hh,VActing Chief, Cable Services Bureau