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It found that Falcon's proposed BST rate of $15.84  S:- xyexceeded the maximum permitted rate of $14.25.>:ZC {O4-ԍId. at 2. > Consequently, the RCC ordered Falcon to reduced its  xyBST rate to $14.25. It also ordered Falcon to reduce certain equipment charges to amounts that the RCC  S- x-deemed appropriate.C yOv -ԍ T ddx !ddx>   T  8  I   {M -Charged Item w  {M -Proposed  {M -ChargevI  {M -Permitted  {M -Charge8 P >  IY  Leased Remote Control Type 1Y $0.15Y $0.10P P v YY  Leased Converter Box Type 1: NonaddressableY $1.23Y $0.54P    Y  Video Control Center $0.89 $0.00    {O^-Id. In the rate order, the RCC stated that Falcon transmitted to it copies of FCC Forms  S- x1205 and 1210 on February 27, 1996.Lf C {O-ԍNovember 1996 Rate Order at 2.L On March 27, 1996, the RCC issued a tolling order,1C {OZ-ԍId.1 which it  S- xNfollowed on July 1, 1996 with an accounting order.9C {O-ԍId. at 23.9 The RCC ordered Falcon to refund "all fees  Sr-collected in excess of the appropriate rate levels specified herein."7rC {O.-ԍId. at 4.7  S" - ` `x6.` ` Falcon disputes the RCC's chronology of events, contending that it submitted an FCC  xkForm 1210 to the RCC on June 12, 1995, in which it justified a $0.46 increase to its BST rate, and an  S - xFCC Form 1205, in which it justified increases to certain equipment charges.6 C yO !-ԍPetition at 1.6 Falcon alleges that it did  S - x not increase its BST rate in 1996 and did not file an FCC Form 1210 with the RCC in 1996.7 >C {O#-ԍId. at 2.7 Thus,  xFalcon argues, the RCC did not initiate its review nor issue tolling or accounting orders within the periods  S\- xset forth in the Commission's regulationsP\C {O&-ԍSee 47 C.F.R.  76.933(b), (c).P and, consequently, cannot order Falcon to refund to subscribers"\b,`(`(88i"  S- xamounts derived from its FCC Form 1210 filing of June 12, 1995.` C {Oh-ԍPetition at 23. See 47 C.F.R.  76.942.` Assuming that Falcon filed when  xthe RCC states that it did, Falcon argues that the accounting order was several days too late. Additionally,  x[Falcon contends that the RCC failed to provide a reasonable basis for its rejection of either the proposed  xBST rate increase or the equipment charges in that it did not explain why Falcon's charges were  S`-unreasonable and why its prescribed charges were reasonable.6!`ZC yOZ-ԍPetition at 2.6  S- ` Px7.` ` The November 1996 Rate Order states that the RCC gathered information with respect to  xFalcon's charges and evaluated the same, but offers only the conclusion that Falcon's proposed rates  S- xexceeded the permitted rates set forth in the November 1996 Rate Order. It provides no explanation as  xto why Falcon's charges were unreasonable and why the RCC's prescribed charges were reasonable and,  St- xtherefore, fails to provide a reasonable basis for the RCC's decision."tC {O - xԍSee Valley Cable TV, Inc., DA 98539 (Cab. Servs. Bur. released March 23, 1998), and cases cited therein at nn.6, 8. A written order protects the due  xjprocess rights of the cable operator by explaining why the rate was disapproved and providing a basis to  S$ - xrefile the rates or appeal the decision to the Commission.L#$ DC {O-ԍRate Order, 8 FCC Rcd at 5715.L Accordingly, we remand this case to the RCC for further proceedings consistent with this Memorandum Opinion and Order.  S - ` _x8.` ` On remand the RCC may issue a written decision prospectively disapproving any portion  xof Falcon's rates if the decision explains why the amount disapproved is unreasonable. The RCC may not  xjorder retroactive refunds, however, unless it timely issued both tolling and accounting orders pursuant to  S4- xthe Commission's rules governing the quarterly rate adjustment system elected by Falcon in this case.O$4C {O-ԍSee 47 C.F.R. 76.933(a)(c).O  xAs part of the remand process, the RCC should resolve the factual question as to when Falcon submitted  xzthe rate forms at issue here and explain what the RCC relied on to make that determination. If Falcon  xsubmitted its proposed rates for franchising authority review on February 27, 1996, as the RCC's rate  xorder states, or earlier as Falcon contends, an accounting order adopted on July 1, 1996 would be more  x.than 120 days after Falcon's submission and, therefore, would be too late to establish the RCC's right to order refunds under the Commission's rules.  S-  S-IV.xOrdering Clauses  S- ` Px9.` ` Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED that Falcon Cable Systems Petition for Review of Rate  S|-Order IS GRANTED to the extent noted herein and otherwise IS DENIED .  S,- ` "x 10.` ` IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this matter IS REMANDED to the Regional Cable  xCommission, acting on behalf of the City of Drain, Oregon, to conduct proceedings consistent with this Memorandum Opinion and Order and appropriate authority. "h $,`(`(88-"Ԍ S- ` x 11.` ` IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Falcon Cable Systems Emergency Petition for a Stay  S- xMof Enforcement Pending Review of the Regional Cable Commission's November 1996 Rate Order  IS  S- DISMISSED as moot.  Sb- ` x 12.` ` This action is undertaken by the Acting Chief, Cable Services Bureau, pursuant to authority delegated under 47 C.F.R.  0.321(a)(3). x` `  hh@FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION   x` `  hh@John E. Logan x` `  hh@Acting Chief, Cable Services Bureau