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If you need the complete document, download the WordPerfect version or Adobe Acrobat version, if available. ***************************************************************** Before the Federal Communications Commission Washington, D.C. 20554 In re: ) ) Complaint of McLaughlin Broadcasting,) CSR-5181-M Inc. against Winnsboro/Ridgeway ) Cablevision, Inc. ) ) Request for Carriage ) MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER Adopted: April 8, 1998 Released: April 13, 1998 By the Chief, Consumer Protection and Competition Division, Cable Services Bureau: INTRODUCTION 1. McLaughlin Broadcasting, Inc., licensee of Television Broadcast Station WQHB (Channel 63), Sumter, South Carolina, has filed a must carry complaint against Winnsboro/Ridgeway Cablevision, Inc. ("WRC"), for that system's failure to carry WQHB on its system serving Ridgeway and Winnsboro, South Carolina. No opposition has been filed to this complaint. BACKGROUND 2. Pursuant to Section 614 of the Communications Act and implementing rules adopted by the Commission in its Report and Order in MM Docket 92-259, commercial television broadcast stations are entitled to assert mandatory carriage rights on cable systems located within the station's market. A station's market for this purpose is its "area of dominant influence," or ADI, as defined by the Arbitron audience research organization. SUMMARY OF ARGUMENTS 3. In support of its complaint, WQHB states that, pursuant to 76.64(f)(4) of the Commission's Rules, it advised WRC by letter dated September 12, 1997 that it was conducting on-air program tests of its signal and would be commencing operations shortly. At the same time, WQHB indicates that it informed WRC that it was electing must carry status relative to WRC's cable system. WQHB states that WRC has not responded either to the initial notice or a follow-up letter sent by the station's counsel on October 17, 1997 in which it advised WRC that it had failed to respond to WQHB's formal request for carriage. WQHB states that despite its diligent effort to obtain carriage, WRC's failure to either provide a written commitment to carry the station or a denial with justification, as required by 76.61(a)(2) of the rules, prompts immediate action on the part of the Commission. WQHB therefore requests that the Commission order WRC to commence carriage of its signal. DISCUSSION 4. Section 76.61(a)(1) of the Commission's Rules requires that a local commercial station which believes that a cable operator has failed to meet its carriage obligations complain in writing to the operator. Section 76.61(a)(2) of the Rules requires that the cable operator must then respond in writing to the station's complaint within 30 days of receipt. The operator must either commence carriage of the signal, or explain its reasons for failing to do so. In this instance, we find that WQHB's September 12, 1997 notification to WRC was an election of must carry status in lieu of retransmission consent, pursuant to 76.64(f)(4) and not a formal request for carriage pursuant to 76.61(a)(1). However, the October 17, 1997 letter from WQHB's counsel can be construed as a formal request for carriage pursuant to 76.61(a)(1) of the rules and we will accept it as such. According to 76.55(e) of the Commission's Rules, commercial television broadcast stations, such as WQHB, are entitled to carriage on cable systems located in the same Area of Dominant Influence (or "ADI"). WQHB is located in the Columbia, South Carolina ADI, which is also where the communities served by WRC are located. As a result, because WRC has not filed a response in this proceeding, we are persuaded by the arguments set forth in the petitioner's complaint that, as a local full-power commercial television station, WQHB is entitled to must carry status on WRC's Ridgeway and Winnsboro, South Carolina cable system. ORDERING CLAUSES 5. Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED that the petition filed December 5, 1997, on behalf of McLaughlin Broadcasting, Inc. IS GRANTED pursuant to 614 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (47 U.S.C. 534). Winnsboro/Ridgeway Cablevision, Inc. IS ORDERED to commence carriage of Station WQHB on its cable system serving Winnsboro and Ridgeway, South Carolina sixty (60) days from the release date of this Order. 6. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that WQHB shall notify WRC in writing of its carriage and channel position elections (76.56, 76.57 and 76.64(f) of the Commission's Rules) within thirty (30 days of the released date of this Order. 7. This action is taken pursuant to authority delegated by 0.321 of the Commission's Rules. FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Gary M. Laden, Chief Consumer Protection and Competition Division Cable Services Bureau